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新概念课标 四会: 音、义、形、用三会:音、义、形L148要求模仿背诵 L1-2一 单词 21个 四会:excuse, me, yes, is , this, your, pardon, it, 三会: handbag, pen, pencil, book, watch, coat, dress, skirt, shirt, car, house二 短语 2个 thank you, very much 三 句型 1. Is this your ? 肯定回答: Yes, it is. 否定回答: No, it isnt. 四 交际功能项目:找到物品的失主五 重点:单词、短语、句型六 难点:excuse的读音 L3-4一 单词 15个四会:please, here, my, 三会: umbrella, ticket, number, five, sorry, sir, cloakroom, suit, school, teacher, son, daughter二 句型:Is this your ? 肯定回答: Yes, it is. 否定回答: No, it isnt. 三 语法:肯定句变否定句 This is my umbrella. This is not my umbrella. 四 重点:单词、句型、语法的内容五 难点:suit,的读音. cloakroom的重音。 L5-6一 单词:27个 四会:French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Swedish, English, American, Italian, too, nice, meet 两会:Volvo, Peugeot, Mercedes, Toyota, Daewoo, Mini, Ford, Fiat 三会: Mr. Good, morning, Miss, new, student,make 二短语: 2个 good morning, a new student 三句型1. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 2. She is French. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. What make is it? Its a 5. Is it a French car or a Japanese car? Its not a Japanese car. Its a French car. 四语法:选择疑问句及其回答。 Is it a French car or a Japanese car? Its not a Japanese car. Its a French car. 五 交际功能项目: 向别人简单的介绍一个人This is He is Nice to meet you.六重点:单词、短语、句型、语法的内容七难点:1.车标词的读音 Peugeot , Mercedes, Toyota , Daewoo, Fiat 2.Italian的重音 L7-8一 单词四会:nationality, job, I, am , are , name, what, 三会: keyboard, operator, engineer, policeman, policewoman, taxi driver, air hostess, postman, nurse, mechanic, hairdresser, housewife, milkman二句型 1. Are you French, too? 2. What nationality are you? 3. Whats your job? 三语法:特殊疑问句, 由特殊疑问词引导 What nationality are you? Whats your job? 四交际功能项目:谈论某人的职业五重点:单词、句型、语法的内容六难点:nationality, engineer, air hostess, mechanic 重音 L9-10一 单词:22个四会单词:how, well, fine, fat, thin, tall, short, dirty, clean, hot, cold, old, young, busy, lazy ,see, hello, hi, today, goodbye, thank二短语:1个 very well三单词辨析:fine/well/good 四句型1. How are you today? Im fine, thank you./ Im very well, thanks. 2. Look at 3. Is that man fat or thin? 4. Nice to see you.五语法:形容词的用法,形容人或物的状态,特质。She is fat.六交际功能项目:用形容词描述他人 She is fat.七重点:单词、短语、单词辨析、句型、语法的内容八难点:选择疑问句(回答时先否后肯)学生没有养成先回答否定后肯定的习惯。 L11-12一 单词:13个四会:whose, blue, white, catch, perhaps, his, her三会: father, mother, blouse, sister, tie, brother三句型1. Whose shirt is that? 2. Tims shirts white. 3. This is my/your/his/her4. Here you are.四语法:1.名词所有格 Tims 2. 形容词性物主代词; my, your, his, her, their, our, 五交际功能项目:谈论物品的所有者六重点:单词、句型、语法的内容七难点:形容词性物主代词 our, their的词形和词义 (Lesson13-14)1. 单词四会:come, upstairs(downstairs), same, lovely , smart三会:colour, hat, ,case, carpet, dog, green2. 短语:come upstairs, the same colour a lovely hat 3. 句型:1)What colour is? Its . 2)Come upstairs and see it.(初步接触祈使句,and连接一句话中的两个动词) 3)Its the same colour.4.功能话题:是学生能够自由谈论并询问颜色5.重点:单词、短语、句型的内容6.难点:upstairs 重音(Lesson15-16)1. 单词:四会: these, 三会:customs, officer, girl, Danish, friend, Norwegian, passport, brown, tourist, Russian, Dutch, red, grey, yellow, black, orange2. 句型:What colour are your? They are.Are you Swedish? Yes ,we are/No, we arent. Are these? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Your passports, please.(省略句)(Please show me your passports的省略形式)3. 语法: 名词变复数(直接变化及以s,x, sh, ch结尾的名词后加-es及读音)4. 功能话题:学生能够将主要句型运用到实际场景中5. 重点: 四会单词、句型和语法。 6. 难点:以s结尾名词如何变复数及读音card- cards catcats 规则。 (Lesson17-18)1. 单词:四会:hard-working三会:employee, sales rep, man, office, assistant短语:keyboard operators, taxi drivers, air hostess, office assistant 2. 句型:This is +姓名(介绍某人) How do you do? What are their jobs? They are. Who is this young man?(初次接触特殊疑问who)3. 语法:名词变复数的特殊变化(以f, fe结尾的名词及man, woman构成的复合 名词) 4. 功能话题:能够谈论多数人的职业 What are their/ your jobs? 重点:四会单词、短语、句型和语法。7. 难点:1)assistant, employee的读音及重音 2)名词变复数的特殊变化 (Lesson19-20)1. 单词:四会:matter, right, tired, thirsty, big, small, open, shut, light, heavy, long 三会:boy, Mum, ice cream, shoe, grandfather, grandmother , children,2. 短语:sit down, all right3. 句型:Whats the matter (with)? Theres an ice cream man.(初步接触There be) They are (形容词)4. 功能话题:学生就发生了什么事进行自由问答重点:单词、短语、句型。6. 难点:children, tired, thirsty的读音(Lesson21-22)1.单词:四会:give, which, one(扩展one, the other )empty, full, large, little, sharp, small, big, blunt三会:box, glass, cup, bottle, tin, knife, fork, spoon2.句型:give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.3.语法:which,one用法 Which是特殊疑问词。表示“哪个” One:是不定代词,代替前面出现过的名词。 4.功能话题:学生能够正确运用which,one 选择物品。5.重点:四会单词、句型6.难点:1)单词one的使用 2)one, the other的用法 3)宾格 us, them的意思 (Lesson23-24)1. 单词:四会:on, 三会:shelf, desk, table, plate, cupboard, cigarette, television, floor, dressing table, magazine, bed, newspaper, stereo2. 短语:on the shelf/desk/chair.3. 句型:give sb.sth.4. 语法:1)宾格的用法总结 me, you, him, her, it, us, them 放在动词和介词后。 2)祈使句:直接以动词开头的句子。 Give me three pens. 5. 话题功能:学生能够熟练运用give的祈使句,并能够使用多种人称代词的宾 格及复数名词做替换6. 重点:单词、短语、句型和语法,宾格的用法总结 7. 难点:宾格 us, them 意思L25-261. 单词:四会:right, left, middle, of, where, in , Mrs. in, of, 三会:, kitchen, refrigerator , electric,cooker, room , cup2. 短语 : on the right, on the left, in the middle of , on the table , in the kitchen3. 句型:There be 4. 交际项目: 学生用There be 句型谈论周围环境5. 重点:四会单词、短语、单词辨析、句型。6. 难点:1)refrigerator 的重音和词形L27-281. 单词四会:near三会:window, living room, armchair, picture, wall, trousers2. 短语: on the plate, on the floor, near the door, on the wall, on the bed, in the refrigerator, in the room3. 单词辨析:some,any 的区别 some 用于肯定句中,any用于否定句中和一般疑问句中。4. 短语辨析:in the wall/ on the wall There is a window in the wall. 墙上有个窗户。 There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一副画5. 句型:There be There be 句型的否定形式:There isnt /arent 疑问形式:Is/Are there ?5. 交际项目: 学生用There be 句型描述教室6. 重点:单词、短语、单词辨析、句型。7. 难点:1. There be 句型的就近原则,2. some,any 的区别L29-301. 单词 四会:shut , open, must , air, put, dust, sweep, empty , read, sharpen , untidy三会:bedroom, clothes, wardrobe2. 短语: come in , open/shut (the window/door), air the room, make the bed, dust the dressing table, turn on , turn off, put on, take off3. 句型:祈使句 肯定形式: V原+其它 否定形式:Dont +V原+其它 如: Shut the door. Dont shut the door. 4. 交际项目:学生用祈使句谈论班规 sit up straight Dont be late 6. 重点:四会单词、短语、句型。7. 难点:1)bedroom ,wardrobe的发音 2)it和them放在put on, take off, turn off, turn on中间L31-321. 单词 四会:under, who, run, across ,clean , cook三会:garden, tree, climb, grass, after, cat , type, letter, basket, eat, bone, milk, meal, drink, tap , tooth(teeth)2. 短语: run after, in the garden, under the tree, climb the tree3. 句型:Whats he/she/it doing? He/She/Its doing4. 语法:现在进行时 1. 结构:be+现在分词。 2.现在分词的变化规则:现在分词的变化1)直接+ing 2)去e +ing 3)双写+ing5. 交际项目:谈论某人此时此刻的活动6. 重点:四会单词、短语、句型和语法。7. 难点:现在分词双写+ing需要满足的3个条件应考虑全: 1. 辅+元+辅结构 2. 重读闭音节 3. 以一个辅音字母结尾。 L33-341. 单词四会:walk ,fly ,over, wait ,jump, sleep, shave, cry , wash, with三会:day, cloud, sky, sun , shine, family, bridge, boat, river , ship, aeroplane 2. 短语: look at , in the sky, fly over, 3. 单词辨析: over ,on ,above4. 句型:1) What are they doing? They are 2) Are they .? No, they arent doing They are doing5. 交际项目: 学生用现在进行时谈论他人此时此刻的活动6. 重点:单词、短语、单词辨析和句型 7. 难点:1)aeroplane的发音L35-361. 单词四会:between , another, along, swim, into, beside, off三会:photograph, village, valley , hill, wife, bank, water, building, park, 2. 短语: out of , in a valley , a photograph of , wait for , jump off, go into, 3. 句型:Where is sb. doing? He/She/It is +doing +介词短语 Where are sb. doing? They are +doing +介词短语4. 交际项目: 学生可以描述照片并用Where对现在发生的事进行提问5. 重点:1)单词、短语和句型6. 难点:1)photograph的发音2) village, valley弄混L37-38 1. 单词:11个。 四会:work hard make paint favorite listen 三会: bookcase, hammer, pink, homework, dish2. 短语:work hard ; paint it pink ;give sb sth = give sth to sb; do ones homework ; wash the dishes, wait for, listen to3. 句型:Be going to do : What are you going to do ? Im going to paint it .Pinks my favourite colour .=My favourite colour is pink .4. 交际功能: 谈论计划做的事情。5. 语法:一般将来时:表示最近要做某事 结构:主+be going to do What are you going to do?6. 重点:a) 单词、短语、句型和语法。b) 交际功能话题。7. 难点:be going to do与进行时的意思和结构上的区分L39-40 1. 单词:9个。四会:show, take, send,drop三会: front, in front of, careful, vase, flower2. 短语:do with; be careful; on the shelf ; drop sth ; listen to sb; in front of, 扩展:in the front of3. 句型:1)be going to:What are you going to do with it ? 2) There we are. 3) give sb sth =give sth to sb Show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. Send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb4. 语法:1)一般将来时: be going to do What are you going to do? 2)否定祈使句;结构:由dont加上动词原形组成。 5. 重点:单词、短语、句型和语法。6.难点:句型give sb sth =give sth to sb中的某物为代词时只能是give sth to sb结构。例如:give it/them to sb.L 41-42 1.单词:11个。四会: some any三会; cheese, bread, soap, chocolate, sugar, coffee, tea, tobacco, bird2. 短语: piece of ; bar of ; bottle of ; pound of ; half pound of quarter of pound of; tin of3. 句型:Is therein/on ?4. 语法:1)不可数名词的数量表示法:能以上所列短语来表示。 2)some 和any的区别5. 话题功能:描述不可数名词的物品6. 重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。7.难点:不可数名词的数量表示法:three bars of soap; five loaves of breadL43-44 1.单词:7个。四会: find boil behind now三会: , kettle, teapot2. 短语: make the tea ; over there ; hurry up;of course3. 句型:I can find it. I cant see it .Can you make the tea ? Yes, I can . / No, I cant . Are there any? Is there any? 4. 语法:can(为情态动词,本身不表示具体动作,只表示能力或可能性等。后接动词原形,本身无性和数的变化。)5. 功能:用can 来谈论能力6. 重点:四会单词、短语、句型和语法。7. 难点: can的否定形式。 L 45-46 1.单词:9个。四会: ask can terrible lift三会: boss, minute, handwriting, biscuit, cake, 2.短语: minute ; next door ; type sth for sb. 3.句型:Whats the matter ? What can you do ? I can type this letter for you . I cant put my coat on. Can Penny wait for the bus ? Yes, he can. / No, he cant .4.功能:谈论能力5.重点:四会单词、短语、句型和语法。can 的否定句和一般疑问句6. 难点:L46 ExA 中 进行时结构变为can句型。L47-48 1. 单词:18个。四会: want, like三会: fresh, egg, butter, pure, honey, ripe, banana, jam, sweet, orange, Scotch whisky, choice, apple, wine, beer, blackboard2. 短语: black coffee 3. 句型:Do you like? Do you want?-Yes, please. /No, thank you;thanks.4. 语法:want和like的一般现在时。5. 难点:Do you like apples? 复数特指6. 重点:do(助动词的用法)7. 话题功能:喜欢、饮食新概念第一册 L4998语言知识、课程标准说明: Lesson 49-50 :一、单词 四会:tell, either, 三会: butcher, meat, beef, lamb, husband, steak, mince, chicken, truth, tomato, potato, cabbage, lettuce, pea, bean, pear, grape, peach. 二、短语 What about ? a pound of to tell sb. the truth.三、词汇辨析1)good / nice 2) either / too / also四、句型 Do you want .?Do you like ?He likes , but he doesnt like .Does he/she like? Yes, he doesWhat about .?五、语法一般现在时: 第三人称单数的一般现在时。六、交际功能项目:谈论他人喜好七、重点:单词、短语、词汇辨析、句型、语法八、难点:Lesson 51-52 :一、 单词四会:pleasant, windy, warm, rain, sometimes, snow三会:其它单词。 扩展: windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy 二、短语1) come from(扩展be from)2)in the north/south/west/east3) In+月份/季节 三、词汇辨析 1) climate / weather的意思区分 2) 副词 always / /often / some times 四、句型 Whats the climate / weather like in your country?Is it cold or warm in autumn?Its often /always/sometimes (hot)It rain /snows/ sometimes. Where do you come from? I come from What nationality are you? Im 五、语法一般现在时:定义、结构、标志词:always / /often / some times 六、交际功能项目能谈论地图上不同国家的不同天气和气候变化。 七、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。 八、难点:1. January, February 的读音。 2. January, February, September, October, November, December的书写 3. come from, be from, 答语涉及到这两个短语时,学生容易叠加使用。 4. Its always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes. 升调 降调 降升九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 53-54 :一、 单词 四会:always, best, 三会:其它的 二、短语:in the north/south/west/east 三、词汇辨析 likebest, favorite 四、句型Whats the climate / weather like in your country?Where do you come from? I come from What nationality are you? Im Which seasons do you like best? I like ? 五、语法:无 六、交际功能项目:学生用一般现在时谈论不同国家的气候与风俗。 七、重点:单词、短语、句型。 八、难点:1. interesting的重音 Australia, subject Thai Nigeria , conversation的拼写。 2. Its our favorite subject of conversation. 连读。九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 55-56 :一、单词四会: live, stay, usually, arrive, 三会: 其它的 二、短语 1) go to school 2) go to work 3) at noon / night 4) stay at home 5) do the housework 6) eat lunch 7) drink tea 8) come home from 9) arrive home 10) do ones homewok 11) read newspaper 12) watch television 13) go to bed 14) the Sawyer family / the Sawyers 15) live at / in 16) take to 17) see friends 18 arrive in /at 19) in the morning / afternoon / evening 三、词汇辨析: arrive in/at 的区别 read/see/look/watch 的区分。 Alwaysusually often sometimes 四、句型 What do they usually do? They usually 五、语法 一般现在时;描述习惯性动作或经常发生的事情。 六、交际功能项目:谈论他人日常行为。 七、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。 八、难点: 1. usually的发音 2. 第三人称都包括什么? 九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 57-58 : 一、单词:三会:oclock, moment, shop 二、短语 1) by car / on foot 2) at the moment 3) go to the shop 4) cook a meal 5) at +时间点 三、词汇辨析时间表达法上 past 和 to的区分。 四、句型 Whats the time? Its. They usually go to school by car every day. / in the morning. But today/ this morning they are going on foot. What does sb. usually do atevery day? What is sb. doing at. today? 五、语法1.时间表达法. 整点、一刻钟、半点(正读法、逆读法past, to )2. 总结现在进行时和一般现在时的标志词。 六、交际功能项目无七、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。 八、难点:1. unusual的发音 2. It is ten/nine oclock 3. Hes reading an interesting book. 重读九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 59-60 :一、单词 三会:所有的单词 二、短语 large/small size a box of chalk a pad of writing paper. 三、句型 Do you want the large size or the small size? Do you/we/they have any ? Yes, i/we/they have.I dont have any. I have some Is that all?Thats all.What else do you want? I want Whats the time? Its 扩展;What time is it? 四、语法:1. have 的用法:1) 用于所有人称(第三人称单数除外)2) 与可数名词和不可数名词连用2. 可数名词和不可数名词 五、交际功能项目:无 六、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法 七、难点:1. envelope 的发音。 2. Do you want the large size or the small size? 前升后降 3. 可数名词和不可数名词的区别。 4. some, any 用法。 八、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 61-62 :一、单词 四会:feel, look, must, 三会: 其它的 二、短语:1) be in bed /stay in bed 2) call the doctor 3) open ones mouth 4) telephone number 5) show sb sth 6) have a bad cold 7) good news 8) take some medicine/ an aspirin 9) have a temperature 10) have flu / measles / mumps 11)have + a /an +病痛 三、词汇辨析 1) feel ill / look ill:前者指自我感觉,后者指外表形象。 2) take / have在表示服药时,两者可通用。在表示患病时,只能用have 如:take an aspirin = have an aspirin Have a headache take a headache. 四、句型 Whats the matter with ? 扩展:Whats the matter= Whats wrong? Sb +have +a/an +病痛What must we do? We must Why.?Because. 五、语法 1. has 用法:用于第三人称单数,表示拥有。2. must情态动词用法: must+动词原形 六、交际功能项目能谈论疾病以及得了各种疾病如何处理。看医生。 七、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。 八、难点:1. tongue、medcine, temperature(两个音)的读音 2. 短语中,哪些病加a , 哪些不加a . 3. Wheres Jimmy? 降升调 4. Can you remember the doctors telephone number? 重音 九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 63-64 :一、单词四会:better, certainly, yet, remain, so, quickly, 三会:其它的 二、短语1) come upstairs 2) keep warm 3)each day 4) get up5) play with matches 6) make a noise 7) learn out of 8) break the vase9). drive so quickly 三、词汇辨析 1)keep / remain remain为不及物动词。Keep 为及物动词。2) dont / mustnt 前者为;“不要” 后者:不应该。 四、句型 He mustHe mustntMust he?You look very well.KeepwarmDont 五、语法must 情态动词用法: 陈述句(肯定句、否定句)、一般疑问句、及回答 六、交际功能项目七、重点:单词、短语、句型、语法。 八、难点:1. library, remain, noise 2. Can I 连读see him please, Mrs williams/ Compe upstairs. 重读 3. but you musnt get up 连读yet重读. He has a bad cold, too. 重读 九、模仿背诵:能根据关键词模仿背诵。Lesson 65 -66:一、单词 四会:hear, enjoy, 三会:其它的 二、短语 1)the key to the front door 2)a quarter past ten 3) half past eight 4) enjoy oneself 5) Thats all right . 三、词汇辨析介词 on / in / at / from hear/listen all right / thats all right 四、句型 When is your birthday? Its When must he come home? He must enjoy onself.How old are you? Im 五、语法 1. 基数词和序数词用法. 口诀法 2. 反身代词用法:反身代词与他、她、它有关。宾格形式加self. 其它物主代词加self. 六、交际功能项目: 用How old . Whens .s birthday?这两个句型去询问他人的年龄和生日。 七、重点:单词、短语、词汇辨析、句型、时间、日期表达法。 八、难点:语音语调 You mustnt be home at half past 失爆ten.Can I have a key 重读to the front door, please? But you mustnt come home after a quarter past eleven. 连读。 Lesson 67-68 :一、单词四会:absent, keep, spend, lucky.三会:greengrocer, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, country 二、短语at the butchers (at+行业s) be absent from be lucky at the weekend at school, at church, at


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