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单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.arrived 2.off 3.trading 4.was shining 5.hilly 6.narrows 7.legends 8.with 9.construction 10.distant,In August 1996, Peter Hessler, a young American teacher of English, 1. (arrive) in the town of Fuling on the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were to teach English at a teacher training college. At the end of January they had four weeks 2. for the Spring Festival. They decided to take a boat downstream. They, together with the local people 3. (trade) along the river, got on the deck of the Jiangyou boat. The sun 4. (shine) brightly as they sailed downstream through a 5. (hill) region. They slept through the Qutang Gorge. The gorge 6. (narrow) to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains. The next day they went through the Wu Gorge. Along the Yangtze River, every stream that joined the great river carried its 7. (legend), every hill was heavy 8. the past. As they came out of the third gorge, the Xiling Gorge, they sailed into the 9. (construct) site of the dam. On a 10. (distance) mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters. “Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it said.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.got a kick out of 2.at least 3.in the distance 4.heavy with 5.ripped off,1.Jack (从得到 乐趣) going for a walk after dinner when he was young. 2.The new machine, if used properly, will work for . (至少) ten years. 3.I watched her until she disappeared from sight . (在远处). 4.Its long branches, so (有大量的) flowers, almost touched the ground. 5.I just dont like seeing young kids like you get . (敲诈).,.微写作,答案:1.Wang Weis father is a merchant and often trades with foreigners. 2.He is very strict with Wang Wei and he requests that Wang Wei make the best use of every minute to study. 3.Whenever he finds mistakes in Wang Weis homework, he is sure to ask Wang Wei to correct them without delay.,1.王伟的爸爸是位商人,他经常与外国人做生意。,2.他对王伟要求很严,要求他在学习上充分利用时间。,3.每次他发现王伟作业中有错误,就要求他立即改正。,答案:4.He forbids Wang Wei to watch TV from Monday to Friday. Instead, he requires Wang Wei to study at least two hours in the evening. 5.In his view, it is the most important thing that Wang Wei goes through the College Entrance Examination and is admitted to a key university.,4.从周一到周五,他禁止王伟看电视,要求王伟每晚至少学习两个小时。,5.在他看来,王伟通过高考并被名牌大学录取才是最重要的事。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.surrounded 2.forbade 3.them 4.least 5.distant,语境活用,1.At dusk,they arrived at a small village (surround) by green trees. 2.He did not like his daughters boyfriend, and . (forbid) him to enter his house. 3.Mr. Smith has two sons, one of working as a bus driver now. 4.The young people are the most eager to learn and the . (little) conservative in their thinking. 5.The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to (distance) planets.,6.More importantly, the answers will help you adapt to your new (surrounding) quickly. 7.When things go wrong, all of us (natural) feel disappointed and frustrated. 8.Measures should be taken to prevent employers from . (exploit) young people. 9.There is a (say) in China that a good neighbour is better than a brother far off. 10.Legend has it the lake was formed by the tears of a god.,答案:6.surroundings 7.naturally 8.exploiting 9.saying 10.that,1.In the long run, the scientific research does not have the absolute forbidding area. 2.If we sit near the front of the bus, well have the better view. 3.We make a detour to avoid the heavy traffic, but unfortunately our car broke down. 4.The tunnel narrow at this point, so the cars cant go through side by side. 5.He lay at full length upon his stomach,his head rested upon his left forearm.,答案:1.将forbidding改为forbidden 2.将第三个the改为a 3.将make改为made 4.将narrow改为narrows 5.将rested改为resting,.单句语法改错,6.I took advantages of this chance, knowing that I would eventually go back to work. 7.Sometimes the boy is a bad-tempered child, but he must be quite lovely when he wishes. 8.I would be very happy if they were decide to come and live in China. 9.At least 3,000 people were injured, and about 20 villagers in


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