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单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.Suddenly 2.by 3.paddled 4.hoping 5.To 6.panicked 7.curious 8.lying 9.to help 10.tied,After midnight it began to pour down and we had to stay inside the shelter.1. (sudden) we saw a steamboat in the middle of the river 2. the light of the lightning.We 3. (paddle) over and climbed on to the sinking steamboat,4. (hope) to get something useful.5. our astonishment,we saw a light and heard one man threatened to kill the other man.Jim 6. (panic) and ran to the raft.I remained,feeling 7. (curiosity) about what was happening.Learning that the two men wanted to shoot the one 8. (lie) on the floor,I decided to save the man,so I persuaded Jim 9. (help) me paddle away the mens boat 10. (tie) to the steamboat.When we were a safe distance away,I began to regret doing it.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.in the mood to 2.in a panic 3.determined on 4.account for 5.warned of,1.I dont think Im (有 做的心情) go window-shopping right now. 2.Im (惊慌) about getting everything done in time. 3.I (决心) going abroad for further study in biology. 4.Can you (解释) your movements that night? 5.She has been (警告) the danger of eating that kind of fish.,答案: 1.Yesterday I watched a film,which is set in America.A terrible accident happened to a very rich businessman in the film. 2.A detective with high reputation looked into it.,.微写作,1.昨天我看了一部以美国为背景的电影。电影中一位富商发生了一场可 怕的事故。 2.一个非常有名望的侦探调查这次事故。,答案: 3.He was very busy,but he arrived at the spot in time,which set off panic in the criminals. 4.Many ran away but their companions were caught. 5.He warned them to give an account of what had happened and not to make up anything.,3.他非常忙,但他还是及时赶到事故现场,引起了罪犯们的恐慌。 4.许多人逃跑了,但是抓住了几个同伙。 5.他警告他们要如实描述事情经过,不要编造。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.had been murdered 2.solution 3.exception 4.were panicked 5.terrified,语境活用,1.The public were shocked when they heard the president (murderer). 2.As we all know,this can contribute little to the (solve) of the problem. 3.Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an (except). 4.The protests became more violent and many people (panic) into leaving the country. 5.The teacher was very (terrify) that she jumped up onto her desk and screamed.,6.We must take every possibility account before climbing the high mountain. 7.The cat felt curious she saw her own reflection in the mirror. 8.The Chinese people are determined (fight) all the difficulties to realize the Chinese dream. 9.Recent studies warn people drinking too much coffee. 10.She (lay) the baby gently down on the bed a moment ago.,答案:6.into 7.when 8.to fight 9.against 10.laid,1.We arrange the work so theres as little disturb as possible. 2.Mary was heard to singing beautifully next door yesterday afternoon. 3.The committee is made of representatives from every state. 4.Determining to try his fortune abroad,he left for America. 5.I was frightening of being left by myself in the house.,答案:1.将disturb改为disturbance 2.将singing改为sing 3.made后加up 4.将Determining改为Determined 5.将frightening改为frightened,.单句语法改错,6.The snow lasted a week,resulted in a serious traffic confusion in the whole area. 7.She resembles like her mother in character,but not in appearance. 8.He set about to do his homework as soon as he got home. 9.Its not a good idea to play trick on our teacher. 10.The sto


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