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单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.Looking 2.as 3.which 4.a 5.(to) settle 6.had 7.being elected 8.suited 9.done 10.It,I have received my high school diploma.1. (look) back at my senior year,I am just so excited. One of the best things about this year has been working 2. an arts editor for this newspaper,3. has been a real success for me.Another thing that I enjoy is working as 4. peer mediator, helping students 5. (settle) problems that they have with other students.During the Easter vacation,we 6. (have) fun skiing on the Rocky Mountains.And of course,I will never forget 7. (elect) to the student council. The highlight of the year was the senior prom,and to prepare for it,I spent two hours finding a dress that 8. (suit)me and having my hair specially 9. (do).The big surprise of the evening was when I was elected prom queen!10. is a pity that its probably the last time this will happen.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.In other words 2.looked back at/on 3.have fun 4.As far as Im concerned 5.is considered as,1.Averagely people live longer and longer. . . (换句话说),their living conditions become better and better. 2.Her speech (回顾) the partnership between the two countries. 3.My parents want me to take extra maths lessons at the weekend, but I want to play and (玩得高兴). 4. (就我而言), education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are. 5.An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures,which (被看作) a memory-link method.,答案:1.High school life is considered as the most important period in our lives. 2.High school life is competitive,which can help us develop the ability to solve problems. 3.We should settle down to our studies at school and only in this way are we likely to go to college.,.微写作,1.高中生活被认为是我们人生中最重要的一段时间。 2.高中生活竞争激烈,它有助于培养我们解决问题的能力。 3.在学校我们应该专心于学习,只有这样我们才有可能考上大学。,答案:4.As far as I am concerned,it is important to have fun taking part in after-school activities. 5.In a word,we should live/lead a meaningful life so that we will never regret when we look back at our past.,4.就我而言,开心地参加课外活动很重要。 5.总之,我们应该过有意义的生活,这样当我们回忆过去时才不会后悔。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.Considering 2.competition 3.cheerful 4.attractive 5.development,语境活用,1. (consider) his age,he should retire. 2.Our class won the match in the football (competitive). 3.She looked (cheer),so she must have passed the driving test. 4.It is known that Hangzhou is an (attract) place in China. 5.With the (develop) of industry,more and more waste has been produced.,6.I found a (suit) place for the party. 7.Married women have (tradition) been treated as dependent on their husbands. 8.Tom found very difficult to learn Chinese. 9.As as I know,he has gone to town. 10.As I look back that day now,it surely lacks any sense of reality.,答案:6.suitable 7.traditionally 8.it 9.far 10.at/on,1.They had a fun at Sarahs party last night. 2.As far as I concerned,students should respect their teachers. 3.There are many tourist attraction in our city. 4.Everything taking into consideration,they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. 5.Look back at it,I still cant figure out what was wrong.,答案:1.去掉a 2.I后加am 3.将attraction改为attractions 4.将taking改为taken 5.将look改为looking,.单句语法改错,6.They settled down in work again after a short break. 7.I found myself surrounding by a group of children full of curiosity. 8.Its a pity what you should miss the end of the film. 9.The style of the coat doesnt fit


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