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MSI旋塞阀拆卸程序1、拆除旋塞阀上的马达,共4条内六方螺栓;2、旋出调整螺帽;3、拿出阀芯,取出旋塞阀体上的密封(刚外圈);4、卸掉底部螺栓;5、拆除所有零部件;6、清洁旋塞阀本体内部和各个零件;7、检查所有的面面接触面,如有磨损请及时更换,拆除的橡胶密封件一定更换掉;8、检查本体内部情况,同时检查内部的销子是否完好,如有问题及时维修;9、检查结束,更换完密封,做好安装准备;10、首先将旋塞阀体上的密封安装上;11、用底部螺栓将阀芯及配合阀芯安装好,接触面一定要涂满密封脂,调整螺帽凹槽内注满密封脂;12、将阀芯安装到阀的本体上(注意:阀芯上的槽要与销子配好),将调整螺栓旋进本体;13、在快要旋紧的时候,用套筒扳手试着感受旋塞阀旋紧的程度,感觉稍有点紧的程度,不要再紧调整螺栓了;(注意:由于室外温度的原因,旋紧程度要适当调整)14、调整旋塞阀的阀芯,使阀芯螺栓上的箭头方向与现在的马达螺栓上的刻线一致;15、将马达安装到旋塞阀的本体上,上好螺栓。LT Valve Manual - 1.0 Assembly ProceduresNOTE: It is imperative that the workstation being used to assemble the valve be clean and free of anything that could possibly contaminate the grease such as metal shavings, dirt, rust, old paint, etc. Do not sand or deburr near the workstation. Check surfaces around the valve bore inside the valve pocket for sharp edges that could cause cutting of the insert o-rings.step 1 & step 2Screw the clean adjusting nut (13) all the way into the valve body to make sure the threads are not damaged. After inspection, remove the adjusting nut (13) and install adjusting nut o-ring (12). step 3Check the roll pins (8) in the valve body by gently sliding a set of inserts (10) into the valve. The inserts should move freely up and down the length of the roll pin slots without interference. step 4 & step 5Install the plug seals (7) into the recess in the valve body and adjusting nut with the metal back up towards the recess and facing away from the pressure. Always apply a film of lubricant before pressing the plug seals into place. step 6 & step 7 & step 8Check the plug (11) outside diameter for surface defects such as nicks, dings, scratches, etc. that could possibly affect the sealing area. Pack adjusting nut(13) plug seal(7) with valve grease. Install the lower end of the plug (11)(opposite the hex/keyway) in the adjusting nut (13) and push down until the plug shoulders on the adjusting nut. NOTE: For the 0.38 and 1” valves, insert the plug seal (7) first and then the plug (11) into the recess of the adjusting-nut (13) but do not push the plug (11) all the way down. Lightly grease the O.D. of the plug (11) and the I.D. of the inserts (10). Place the inserts (10) around the plug (11) and align the plug bore with the insert bore. Push the plug (11) down until it shoulders at the bottom of the recess on the inserts (10). step 9Apply a thin film of grease to the entire O.D. of the plug (11). step 10 & step 11 & step 12 & step 13Check the surface finish of the inserts (10) making sure it does not have any scratches, dings, nicks, or sharp edges that could also affect the sealing area. Inspect the o-rings for any possible non-conformities. Place the inserts (10) around the plug and insert the o-rings into the grooves and pack with grease to thoroughly grease the sealing surface. step 14Secure the plug to the adjusting nut with a cap screw (1) and two washers (2 & 14). step 15Lubricate the valve pocket. step 16Apply thread compound (Never-sez) to the adjusting threads and adjusting nut sealing surfaces. step 17 & step 18Install the plug (11), inserts (10) and adjusting nut (13) assembly into the valve body. Support the valve so that the plug (11) hex can pass through unobstructed. step 19Screw in the adjusting nut until proper alignment is obtained between the valve bore and the insert and plug. Do not tighten beyond proper alignment as actuating an over tightened valve could damage internal parts. If sight through the bore is not possible, then screw in the adjusting nut until 1/2 or no threads are visible. step 20Install grease fitting (6). step 21 & step 22 & step 23Place spiral ring on male end connection and place wing nut and nut retainers and secure with spiral ring (for certain end connections only). step 24 & step 25 & step 26Install stop bolt (5) and stop collar (4) (if required), and handle adapter (3) on top of the valve and secure with a cap screw (1) and two washers (2 & 14). step 27 & step 28Remove excess grease from valve bore and inspect plug alignment. Adjust as necessary with adjusting nut (13). step 29Open the valve with the handle adapter (3) and pump grease through the grease fitting (6) to approximately 3000 p.s.i. Actuate the valve to release grease pressure. LT Valve Manual - 2.0 Disassembly ProceduresNote: If handle adapter (3) or adjusting nut (13) appears to be stuck or locked, pressure may be trapped in the valve. This is also known as 損ressure locking.?Do not attempt to disassemble a 損ressure locked?valve. Never attempt to remove the grease fitting of a 損ressure locked?valve. Remove the handle adapter (3) and stop collar (4). Turn valve over so that adjusting nut (13) is facing up. Leaving the bottom cap screw (1) in place, screw out (turning counter-clockwise) the adjusting nut (13). This will allow the entire internal assembly (adjusting nut (13), plug (11)& inserts (10) to be removed from the valve pocket at once. Remove the cap screw (1) attaching the plug to the adjusting nut. Remove the plug (11) and inserts (10). Remove the insert o-rings (9), adjusting nut o-rings (12) and plug seals (7). Clean all of the old lubricant and debris from the parts and valve body internal profile.LT Valve Manual - 3.0 MaintenanceValves should be greased as part of a regular maintenance program. Regular greasing will increase the service life of the internal valve parts. Routine disassembly and cleaning as part of a maintenance program can prevent unnecessary damage to the valve body. Dixie Iron Works, Ltd. recommends that valves be greased after every job or every 5 actuations, whichever one comes first. Valves should be greased according to the severity of use. Each operating company should establish guidelines for a greasing and/or disassembly program. These guidelines should be based on the operating conditions. Special consideration should be given for conditions in which the following would be involved: Abrasives in the fluid stream High flow rates Caustic or Acidic fluid streams High Temperature Fluid Streams that would act as solvents such as condensate High number of valve actuations Valves should not be greased while under pressure. In addition, valves should not be disassembled for repair while part of an operating arrangement such as a manifold. This should not be attempted even though the valve may be isolated from the fluid stream by other valves. Never attempt to remove the grease fitting from a valve to relieve a pressure-locking situation. LT Valve Manual - 4.0 DisassemblyWhen repairing a MSI plug valve, the following basic guidelines can help you ensure a good hydrostatic test of the reassembled valve.Disassemble the valve completely and detach the internal parts from the adjusting nut. See Section 2.0 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES for detailed instructions on valve disassembly. Remove old grease and debris from valve pocket with a solvent and inspect for wear or damage such as: In the adjusting nut seal bore of the pocket: Scratches could be caused by previous installation of a damaged adjusting nut. Dings can also occur during assembly. Pitting is usually caused by failure to disassemble and clean valves after they are in service. Use your fingers to feel for any surface defects which may either fail to seal against the o-ring or may even damage the o-ring during assembly. On the adjusting nut o-ring groove area: Check for scratches, dings, or pitting. Dings and scratches here are usually caused by careless use of sharp metal objects when trying to remove old o-rings. Feel for any raised edges that might scratch the internal seal bore of the valve body and sand or file as necessary. On the adjusting nut threads: Check for damaged threads, especially the lead thread. Use your fingers to check for any raised edges and carefully sand as needed. Severely damaged threads must be repaired at the factory. On the pocket walls: Scratches, dings, or pitting, especially in the area immediately surrounding the valve bore. Use your fingers to feel for any surface defects which may either fail to seal against the o-ring or may even damage the o-ring during assembly. Check for any sharp edges around the valve bore that can cut the insert o-rings. These can be caused by using a bar when swabbing excess grease or using a bar to carry the valve. On the internal threads: Check for damaged threads, especially the lead thread. Use your fingers to check for any raised edges and carefully sand as needed. Severely damaged threads must be repaired at the factory. On the plug seal area: Check for scratches, dings, or pitting. Dings and scratches here are usually caused by careless use of sharp metal objects when trying to remove old seals. On the plug outside diameter: Check plug for washout, which will render the part unusable. Hold part in a well illuminated area and inspect for slight scratches in plug. If scratches are visible use 600 grit sandpaper to remove. On the insert inside diameter: Check inserts for washout, which will render the parts unusable. Hold parts up to a well illuminated area and inspect for slight scratches in outer and inner diameters of inserts. If scratches are visible use 600 grit sandpaper to remove.SAFETAP GREASE FITTINGSafeTap grease fittings are designed to provide maximum safe operation in thefield. These fittings are standard in all TE valves. Key features include: The unique metal-tometal seal eliminateswetted threads and pipetaps. Since the threadsdo no


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