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,Unit 7 At weekends,(Story time),南通开发区实验小学 陆立俊,Saturdays and Sundays =weekends周末,看到图片,同学们大声说,Quick response,watch TV,play basketball,dance,fly a kite,have a picnic,play table tennis,go fishing,watch films,visit my grandparents,chat on the Internet,Two minutes no- stopping interview.两分钟不间断接龙采访,游戏规则: 6人一组,轮流采访,活动不要重复,两分钟不间断!,Who?,Where?,What?,Mike,Su Hai,What are they talking about?,Guess,They are talking about_ .,A. their weekends,B. their sisters weekends,C. Both A&B,Watch and choose,They are talking about .,A. their weekends,B. their sisters weekends,C. Both A and B,watch and choose,C,Listen and choose,Mike: What do you do at weekends ,Su Hai ? Su Hai: I usually _. Su Yang and I like _their cat Kitty very much. We often _ with our grandparents at weekends .,have dinner,playing with,A.,B.,C.,visit my grandparents,经常,How to ask ?,Su Hai 想询问Helen在周末做什么,她该怎么问Mike 呢?,What does Helen do at weekends?,Listen and match.听并连线,always,sometimes,go to the cinema,have dancing lessons,Helen always has dancing lessons. She sometimes goes to the cinema .,小技巧: 你可以用单词的首字母或符号代替单词哦!,Listen and write.速记你所听到关于Mike所做事情的短语,Check the answer.,Su Hai : What do you do at weekends , Mike?,My grandparents live in the UK. I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends .,I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. I sometimes go to the park with my family. We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there.,Mike:,_,_,_,_,快速从课文中找出板书所缺少的频率副词!,Find and stick.,often,usually,sometimes,always,Discuss and order,小组讨论将四个频率副词usually, sometimes, often, always 按频率由高到低排列。,always总是,usually通常,often经常,sometimes有时,What do you do at weekends, Su Hai?,I usually visit my grandparents.,Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much.,We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.,My grandparents live in the UK.,I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends.,Mike:,Su Hai:,What do you do at weekends, Su Hai?,I usually visit my grandparents.,Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much.,We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.,My grandparents live in the UK.,I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends.,Mike:,Lets repeat .,What does Helen do at weekends?,She always has dancing lessons.,She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.,Su Hai:,Mike:,What about you, Mike?,I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends.,I sometimes go to the park with my family.,Su Hai:,Mike:,We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there.,What does Helen do at weekends?,She always has dancing lessons.,She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.,What about you, Mike?,I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends.,I sometimes go to the park with my family.,We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there.,Read the text by yourself again,Read in roles:,同桌扮演Mike和Su Hai,分角色朗读。,看着老师的板书我们一齐说一说,Lets retell,Tips:三人小组,每人选一个角色复述课文。,注意第三人称哦,Talk show,Topic: Weekends,Rules:三人一组,一个扮演主持人,其他两位扮演Mike and Su Hai。,Talk sho


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