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,南京市板桥小学 于佳,1,Unit,Cinderella,Rules(游戏规则),看到图片或单词,请大声读出来。 看到 ,请说fairy。,fairy 仙女,cap,gloves,clothes,sweater,Director 导演,clothes (总称)衣服,clothes 衣服,Cinderella,I want you!,招聘演员,1. a good understanding,2. a good pronunciation,3. a good memory,Task1 Listen, watch and answer,Question 1 Where is the party? A At Cinderellas house B At the princes house,Question 2 Why(为什么) is Cinderella so sad?,Tips: 认真听录音。 注意观察图片,它能帮助你理解文章的大意。 抓住关键信息。,Tips: 认真听录音。 注意观察图片,它能帮助你理解文章的大意。 抓住关键信息。,王子,Task1 Listen, watch and answer,Question 1 Where is the party? A At Cinderellas house B At the princes house,Question 2 Why(为什么) is Cinderella so sad?,Because(因为) she cant go to the party.,Because(因为) she doesnt have any nice clothes or shoes.,Task2 Read and order,c Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock.,a Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.,b Cinderella has a good time at the party.,d Many girls try on the shoe.,e Cinderella tries on the shoe.,5,put on 穿上,have a good time 玩得很愉快,try on 试穿,Task2 Read and order,c Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock.,a Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.,b Cinderella has a good time at the party.,d Many girls try on the shoe.,e Cinderella tries on the shoe.,5,c,e,b,d,a,Task3 Fill in the blanks,Theres a party at the _ , but Cinderella cannot go. Because she doesnt have any _. So she is so sad. Fortunately(幸运地), _helps her. So Cinderella _ the new clothes and shoes. She _at the party. But she must come back _ 12 oclock. The prince _ every house. Finally(最后), Cinderella tries it on. The shoe _ .,Group work,A nice clothes or shoes B puts on C princes house D has a good time E a fairy F before G visits H fits,Task3 Fill in the blanks,Theres a party at the _ , but Cinderella cannot go. Because she doesnt have any _. So she is so sad. Fortunately(幸运地), _helps her. So Cinderella _ the new clothes and shoes. She _at the party. But she must come back _ 12 oclock. The prince _ every house. Finally(最后), Cinderella tries it on. The shoe _ .,A nice clothes or shoes B puts on C princes house D has a good time E a fairy F before G visits H fits,E,A,D,B,C,F,G,H,before 在之前,visit 拜访,fit 适合的,招聘演员,1. a good understanding,2. a good pronunciation,3. a good memory,Tips: 要读出感情哦 注意语音语调 朗读符号,重读,连读,升调,降调,There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.,:Cinderella, come and help me!,:Cinderella, where are my gloves?,A fairy comes.,:Why are you so sad, dear?,: Because I cant go to the party.,: Why?,:Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.,: Let me help you.,Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.,: Come back before 12 oclock.,Cinderella has a good time at the party.,: Sorry, I have to go now.,: Hey, your shoe!,have to 不得不,The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on.,: It fits!,以四人小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read it one by one.轮流读,Read after one. (跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),Happy reading,招聘演员,1. a good understanding,2. a good pronunciation,3. a good memory,Retell the story,a party at the but cannot go,come and help,put on come back before,have a good time have to,visit try on fit finally,Learning tips: 四人一组,根据图片和单词提示,完成复述。,招聘演员,1. a good understanding,2. a good pronunciation,3. a good memory,Tips:比比看谁最棒! 六人一小组,有感情、动作的表演对话,可以一人分饰多个角色,增加一些对话,能让你的表演更丰满哦!,Show time,Useful expressions: Cinderella, you cannot go to the party. Why? Because your clothes are so poor(差的). Nice to meet you. You dance beautifully. Wait a minute(等一下). I want to try on the shoe. Oh, its too small. Lady, can you have a try? Oh, its you!,当别人表演时,请你做个合格 的聆听者。,I can understand this story.,I can read this story.,I can act this story.,How many stars can you get?,能熟练表演故事内容,可得三颗星。 ,The kings new clothes,There is a king. He likes new clothes. Two men visit the king. They can make new clothes for the king. The king is happy.,The two men show the king his new clothes. Clever(聪明的) people can see them. Foolish(愚蠢的) people cant see them.,The king walk through(走过) the city in(穿着) his new clothes. All the people like the new clothes.,But the little boy says the king isnt wearing(穿) any clothes!,Although patience


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