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Lesson 5 language teaching and learningP117 1. 他的病是由于吸引过度引起的.His illness was brought into being as the result of heavy smoking.2. 现已收集到的钱还远远满足不了救灾的需要.The money collected so far will not suffice at all to provide disaster relief.3. 你做衣服时,必须考虑到这些布料的缩水性.When making clothes, you must allow for the shrinkage of these materials. 4. 他不断用那些愚蠢的话插入我们的对话中.He interposed silly words in our conversation from time to time.5. 新的系主任昨天接任.The new dean took over yesterday.6. 他的评论虽然文学流畅,但并不太切题.His review seems not much to the point though it has been written with great fluency.7. 在现代世界里,科学家们走在一切工业发展的前列.In the modern world, scientists are in the vanguard of all industrial development.8. 在工作中试用一个人是检验他能力的最好方法.The best way to test ones ability is to try him out in practical work.P1181. 我要学生描述这些画面中表现的动作。I asked the students to represent in words the actions described by those pictures.2. 很少有人能给听众解释清楚阐述相对论。Few people can represent relativity to the audience.3. 这位政治家把核扩散描述成对世界和平的最大成就。The politician represented nuclear proliferation as the greatest threat to world peace.4. 我们从具有代表性的被调查的人群中获得了意见。We gathered opinions from a representative sample of people under survey.5. 中华民族以许多重要的发明对世界文明作出了贡献。The Chinese nation has contributed many important inventions to world civilization.6. 空气污染造成了呼吸系统的疾病。Air pollution contributes to diseases in the breathing system.7. 我们都应该对我国的现代化作出贡献。We should all make contributions to the modernization of our country.8. 这些钢铁企业第一季度的开工率不到百分之八十。In the first quarter of the year, the steel firms operated at less than 80 percent of capacity.9. 有好几个原因起了作用,从而引起了这场战争。 Several causes operated to bring on the war.10. 他们很快就挫败了敌人的扫荡。Soon they frustrated the enemys “mopping-up” operations.11. 对于那些住在乡下的人来说,到城里看戏是一件需要周密计划的大事。For those who live in the country, going to the theatre in town is a major operation which involves considerable planning.12. 河水涨到与河岸相平的高度。The river rose to the level of its banks.13. 一场龙卷风把那一整户商业区夷为平地。A tornado leveled the entire business district.14. 这两名儿童在语言能力上不上相下。The two children are level with each other in their language ability。Lesson Six Apology to the futureP143 1.对于上海这样一个大城市来说,清除所有的垃圾不是一件容易的事情。For such a big city as Shanghai, (For a big city such as Shanghai) its no easy job to dispose of all its garbage. 2.他很不受人欢迎,因为他总是嘲笑别人的错误。He is never popular, because (for) he always scoffs at the mistakes of others.3.他一意孤行,这只能进一步加深我们的困境。His perverse behavior can only deepen our trouble (out us in greater trouble)4.不管事态如何发展,最终她将被证明是无罪的。No matter how things would develop, she will be proved innocent in the final analysis.5.别去干预他的事。Dont meddle in his affairs.6.尽管她已经35岁了,但乍一看她像是才二十岁。Though she is already 35, she can easily pass for a girl of twenty at first sight.7.我太忙了,还没有着手做老师的作业。Im so busy that I havent got round to my teachers assignment. (I havent been able to get round to)8.我建议学生们把那篇文章从头到尾看一遍。I suggested to the students that they read the article in its entirety.9.我已经尽可能清楚的解释了这个计划,但他仍然抓不住要领。I have explained the plan as clearly as I can, but he still hasnt got the hang of it.10.那个商标已在专利局注册。The trade mark is registered on the books of the patent officeP144 1.薪水高,干活时间短,使他倾向于干这件新的工作。Good (High) pay and short working hours disposed him to take the new job.2.这项声明旨在排除一切可能的疑虑。The statement is meant to (intended to) dispose of all possible doubts.3.那天余下来的时间完全由他自己支配,用作消遣性的阅读。The rest of the day was entirely at his disposal for reading recreation (recreational reading)4.委员会不愿意再举行一次会议。The committee was not disposed to hold another meeting.5.他虽然出了名,但仍然很谦虚。. Although he became famous, he retained his modesty.6.怀特先生聘请州内最好的律师来为他的案件辩护。Mr. White retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case. 7.建造这道堤岸是为了防止水从河里泛滥出来。The wall (bank, dyke) was built to retain the river water to prevent flooding.8.我们大家都承认他是棒球队中最好的投手。We acknowledge him as (to be) the best pitcher on the baseball team. (that he is)9.为了感谢他对公司多年的忠心效劳,经理奖给他一枚奖章。The manager awarded him a medal in acknowledgement of his many years of faithful (dutiful) service to the company.10.体育比赛开始之前,先奏国歌。The playing of national anthem preceded all sports events.11. 最高法院的裁决常常成为判案的惯例。The rulings of the Supreme Court often establish legal precedents.12.这项任务必须给予优先于所有其他事情的地位。This task must be given precedence over all others.Lesson Seven Paper MoonsP165 1.中国需要现代化的技术和设备。China is in need of modern technology and equipment.2.这位地质学家受雇于一家大石油公司。The geologist is in the employ of a large oil company.3.她生性性情开朗。She is blessed with a (bright and) cheerful disposition / temperament / with a gay spirit.4.为了阻挡敌人过河,保卫者炸掉了桥。In order to prevent / keep / stop the enemy from crossing the river, the defenders blew up the bridge.5.昨天我偶然遇见我以前中学里的一位老同学,我们已经多年没见面了。Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine in the middle school / a former middle school classmate, whom I hadnt seen for (many) years.6.要是你真的喜欢艺术的话,你得不在乎付出艰巨的劳动。If you are r饿ally in love with art / are in true love with art, you mustnt mind hard work / shouldnt mind working hard.7.他世间一切的财产不过就是他身上穿的那点衣服。All he owns / has in the world amounts to no / little more than the clothes he has on his back / the clothes he stand up in.8.医生接到我们的电话后马上就来了。The doctor came at once in answer to our phone call.P166 1.汤姆买不起那些价格昂贵的衣服。Tom couldnt afford (to buy) those expensive clothes.2.我想我可不能失去这个职位。I dont think I can afford to lose my position / post.3.这些活动给他的晚年带来了很大的乐趣。These activities afforded him great / enormous pleasure in his old age / in his later years / afforded great fun to his later years.4.这是送给他的生日礼物。This is a birthday present for him. / This was presented to him as a gift for his birthday.5尽管他也有烦恼,但他总是露出一副平静的笑容。Although he may be troubled / may have worries, he always presents a calm smiling face / presents a peaceful smile on his face.6.他努力对实际情况进行不偏不移的描述。He tried to give a balanced description of the actual situation.7.我们以十分紧张的心情看着那位走钢丝的演员极力保持平衡。We watched with horror as the tight rope walker / the high wire walker struggled to keep his balance. We held our breath as we watched the acrobat try to balance herself on the tight rope.8.六月的贸易入超高达三千万英镑。Junes unfavorable balance of trade reached as high as / amounted to as high as thirty million pounds.9.我们必须权衡问题的正反两方面。We must balance / consider the pros and cons / the good side and the bad side of the situation / matter.10.我要提出一个郑重的建议,希望你们能仔细地考虑一下。Id like to put forward a serious suggestion for your careful consideration.11.出于几方面的考虑,我拒绝了他的请求。I refused his request out of several considerations. / A number of considerations have led me to reject his request.12.他对老人总是非常体谅。He is always considerate of / to / towards elderly people / old people / the elderly / the aged.Lesson Eight The case for Greater clarity in writingP193 C. Translate1.这些政客们企图把他们自己的罪行推到法兰克身上。These politicians are trying to lay the blame for their own evil deeds on Frank.2.懦夫才津津乐道当年之勇。Only cowards will relish talking about their past glory.3.导演安排了一位默默无闻的演员扮演维多利亚女皇。The director presented an obscure / a nameless / an unheard-of actress to the public as Queen Victoria. 4.该俱乐部会员有义务每月交纳50美元的会费。Members of the club are under an obligation to pay $50 a month for their membership.5.主讲人说他将开门见山,立即开始讲述他的主题:金融市场。The key-note speaker said that he would cut the cackle and go straight to the topic: Financial market.6.任何被发现拥有该种毒品的人将受惩罚。Anyone (who is) found in possession of the drug will be punished.7.他花了整整一个下午想要找出发动机的毛病所在。He spent the whole afternoon trying to puzzle out what had been wrong with the engine. 8.大量的申请书不断涌向招生办公室。A flood of application forms poured into the enrollment / admissions office.9.他志大才疏。His ambition outruns his talent.10.“骄者必败”,他的失败便是个恰如其分的例证。Pride goes before a fall. His failure is a case in point.11.“披头士”在五、六十年代风行一时。所谓的“披头士热”实际是青年叛逆的一种表现。The Beatles were in vogue in the 50s and 60s. The so-called Beatles mania was in fact an expression of youth revolt. 12.我不反对给来访的外国代表团回赠些礼品。I dont object to giving the visiting foreign delegation some gifts in return.13.对那位象征派画家的作品我感到莫名其妙。因此,无可奉告。I dont see what impressionistic painting is getting at. So I have no comments to make.14.那位数学家为解开那道难题辛勤研究二十载之久。可惜他的努力并无结果。The mathematician worked away at the difficult problem for as long as 20 years. Unfortunately his efforts were in vain.P194 1.在床上读书,使他的视力受到影响。Reading in bed has affected his eye-sight.2.她是芝加哥人,却装出一副英国口音。 She is from Chicago, but affects a British accent.3.富裕和声望使他自命不凡,别人便再也不喜欢他了。Wealth and fame have made him so affected (- pretentious; conceited) that people dont like him anymore / that nobody likes him anymore.4.她说话那种娇柔做作的样子是我很不高兴。 Her affected manner of talking annoys / irritates me.5.他参加过二万五千里长征,因此我推测这一定是他亲眼目睹的事。 As he was on the 25 000-1i Long March, I presume this must be what he saw with his own eyes.6.据推测这幅画是毕加索画的。The picture is presumed to have been painted by Picasso.7.这位年轻的参议员很大胆,这么快就向领导提出了异议。It was presumptuous of the young senator to challenge his leader so soon.8.我揣想她缺席一定有原因,因为她通常是不擅离职守的。I presume there is a good reason for her absence, for / she doesnt usually leave her post without permission.9.警察正在搜查这个地方,揣想罪犯仍躲在那里。The police are searching the place on the presumption that the criminal is still (hiding) there.10.她毕生致力于帮助无家可归的孩子。She devoted her life to helping homeless children.11.他们的其他在校时间就用来学习乐理、乐器和进行练习。The remainder of their school time is devoted to music, instrument lessons and practices. 12.夫妇俩感情很好。 The couple was mutually devoted.13.她对祖国的忠诚不是语言所能表达的。 Her devotion to her country was beyond words.14.人们应该把他看作忠于职守的光辉榜样。 People should look up to him as a shining example of devotion to duty.15.他们要求援助的请求没有得到回答。Their plea for aid went unanswered.16.他借口生病而不去上班。He stayed away from work on the plea of illness.17.她请求警官不要给她传票。She pleaded with the officer not to give her a summons.18.这个男孩声称自己无罪,说他并没有偷这个钱包。The boy pleaded innocence / pleaded his innocence and said that he had not stolen the purse.19.房租到期了,这个穷人请求再宽限一些时间。The rent was due and the poor man pleaded for more time.20.那个被我们抓住的小偷,以贫穷为理由请求原谅。The thief we caught pleaded poverty / pleaded for mercy on the ground that he had been driven by poverty.Lesson Nine Money MadnessP221 1.教师规劝学生们把烟戒掉。The teacher exhorted the students to quit / give up / get rid of smoking.2.那个民间故事说明,把金钱与幸福等量齐观是极其错误的。The folk tale shows that it is wrong to equate money with happiness.3.女诗人所写的每一行诗似乎都充满着忧国忧民之心。Every line the woman poet writes seems to be pervaded with concern for her country and her people.4.他们还很年轻,我们有责任帮助他们戒掉赌博恶习,走上正道。They are still young, and we have the duty / it is our duty to help them get out of the bad habit of gambling and return to the straight and narrow.5.他如果不悬崖勒马,终将锒铛入狱。 If he does not change his course before it is too late, he will end up in prison /jail.6.教务长得举棋不定反映了校方在扩大招生问题上的矛盾心情。 The deans indecision reflected the university administrations ambivalence about expanding the enrollment.7.汉语成语“丢卒保车”的含义就是人们牺牲次要利益以保住主要的利益。 The Chinese idiom diu zu bao ju means to safeguard / secure major interests at the expense of minor ones.8.艾滋病是一种性传染病,目前暂无特效药可以治愈。AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, for which there is yet no effective cure / no wonder drug at the moment.9.虽然我对你的意见很尊重,但在这点上我不得不表示异议。With all the esteem I hold for your opinion, Im afraid I cannot but raise objection on this point.10.中国和外国的文化体育交流有助于相互了解和增进友谊。 Cultural and sports exchanges between China and foreign countries will make for mutual understanding and the promotion of friendship. Word StudyP222 1.课堂中,教师倾向于让男生得到多于他们应得的一份时间发言。In the classroom teachers tend to allow boys more than their fair share of speaking time.2.你必须对公司的失败承担你的一部分责任。 You must accept / shoulder your share of responsibility for the failure of the firm / for the bankruptcy of the company.3.所花的费用将由好几个企业共同承担。 The expenses / expenditures involved will be shared by a number of enterprises.4.他们是久经考验,患难与共的亲密战友。They are long-tested, cl
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