广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语下册《module 1 hobbies unit 2 hobbies can make you grow as》课件 外研版_第1页
广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语下册《module 1 hobbies unit 2 hobbies can make you grow as》课件 外研版_第2页
广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语下册《module 1 hobbies unit 2 hobbies can make you grow as》课件 外研版_第3页
广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语下册《module 1 hobbies unit 2 hobbies can make you grow as》课件 外研版_第4页
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Hobbies can make you grow as a person 第一课时,Unit 2,Module 1 Hobbies,学习目标,1、对话复习: 完成短文填空; 2、词汇学习:课内新词、看图造句 3、自主学习:朗读课文,完成题目; 4、达标测试。,Today Sally and Daming come to visit Lingling. When they enter Linglings room, they see her room is 1)_. Lingling feels sorry and she 2)_ it up at once. Sally is surprised to 3)_there are lots of 4)_ in the room. And they are beautiful. Then they begin to talk 5)_. Sally says that she has a 6)_ of 7)_ and her brother8)_ stamps. Daming has a collection, too. It is a collection of 9)_. Then Sally tells them that her 10)_ hobby is music. She tells them that next Friday she is going to Radio Beijing to give an 11)_. Do you think shell be famous?,untidy,tidies,see,fans,hobbies,collection,dolls,collects,tickets,real,interview,根据 Unit 1 完成短文,每空一词.,自主学习,如同 prep. 山地自行车运动 排球n. 驾驶帆船n. 有创造力的adj. 懒惰的adj. 有用的adj. 发展,发达v. 技能,技巧n. 营地,野营n.,as mountain biking volleyball sailing creative lazy useful develop skill camp,New words learning,New words learning,并且 ,还 活动,行动n. 比如 想象,设想v. 十几岁的青少年的n. 出版 结果 快乐,享受n. 成功,胜利n. 应该,将要aux. V.,as well as activity such as imagine teenager come out as a result enjoyment success should,Say out the words.,climbing dancing growing vegetables looking after animals mountain biking painting playing volleyball sailing singing writing,Speaking,climbing,playing volleyball,writing,sailing,looking after animals,mountain biking,growing vegetables,Choose a word to describe the hobbies,creative; wonderful; interesting; lazy; funny; relaxing; useful; enjoyable; boring;,e.g. Mountain biking is relaxing.,Painting is creative.,Read the text then tick “T” or “F”,1. Hobbies can develop the interests and help people learn new skills. 2. David Smith has a hobby of riding. 3. It took David 4 weeks on a summer camp in 2000. 4. He finished writing a book about teenage life in 2003. 5. David is a football player on his school team.,T,F,T,T,F,自主学习,Read the passage and answer the questions: 1. Why do people usually have hobbies? Because hobbies can make them grow as a person, develop their interests and help them learn new skills. 2. Is writing a usual activity for a summer camp? No, it isnt. 3. When did David become a successful writer? In 2003. 4. How many hobbies does David have? Many. 5. Which hobby is he interested in most? Hes interested in writing most.,Reading,自主学习,Happy Test,完成句子 1. 我们已经收拾了房间。 We _ the room. 2. 他对拉小提琴感兴趣吗? _ he _ violin? 3. 在这个学期末她将接受采访。 She will _ this term. 4. 那个故事使我们开心。 The story _. 5. 我搜集玩具娃娃。 I have a _ dolls.,have tidied up,Is interested in playing the,give an interview at the end of,made us happy,collection of,达标检测,Hobbies can make you grow as a person 第二课时,Unit 2,Module 1 Hobbies,学习目标,1、课文复习: 语句复习训练; 2、要点学习:完成句子; 3、题型训练:集中单元训练; 4、达标测试:小写作。,1.我们已经收拾了房间。 We _ the room. 2、他对拉小提琴感兴趣吗? _ he _ violin? 3、在这个学期末她将接受采访。 She will _ _ this term. 4、那个故事使我们开心。 The story _. 5、我搜集娃娃。 I have a _ dolls. 6、他占用了我们的地方。 He _ our place.,have tidied up,Is interested in playing the,give an interview at the end of,made us happy,collection of,took up,Language points:,1. such as =for example 比如, 例如,我喜欢许多球类运动,例如篮球,足球和排球。 I like lots of ball games_ basketball, football and volleyball.,such as,2.look after = take care of 照顾,3. Hobbies can make you grow as a person.,爱好能使你成长。,4. develop your interests and help you learn new skills. 发展你的兴趣,并帮助你学习新的技能。,help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事,help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人,5. During the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. 2000年的夏天,他在一个夏令营待了4个星期。,We shouldnt spend all our time on our favourite hobby. 我们不应该将所有的时间都花在自己最喜欢的爱好上。,spend+时间/金钱 on sth. 某人在某方面花多少时间或金钱。,spendspent -spent,(1)他每天在他的作业上花了许多时间。 He _ much time _ his homework.,spends on,(2)他在那辆新车上花了许多钱。 He _much money _ the new car.,spent on,spend+ 时间/金钱+ (in)doing sth. 某人做某事花了多少时间或金钱。,(3)他买那辆新车花了许多钱. He _ much money _ the new car.,I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. 我用一些空闲时间为学校队打排球。,spent (in) buying,(4)每天早晨我们用两个小时学习英语. We _ two hours _ English every morning.,spend (in) learning,6. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer. 他参加了一些平常的活动,例如航海,攀登和山地自行车 运动,另外,他还参加了一个写作班,里面有一位专业的作 家.,as well as 并且,还, 除了以外,(1)我除了学习英语以外还学习法语. I am learning French _ English.,as well as,(2)他除了给我建议外,还给了我钱. He gave me money _ advice.,as well as,7. We should try to do something new or different. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 something new or different 新的或不同的东西 something + 形容词,8. She asked us to imagine that we were in the story.他叫我们想象我们就在一个故事里.,ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事.,9. come out 出版,发行,(花)开放 (太阳,月亮)出来,你的新书出版了. Your new book _,came out,10. as a result 结果,(1)他努力学习,结果通过了考试. He studied hard, _ he passed the exam.,as a result,(2)他起床迟了,结果迟到了. He got up late, _ he was late for school.,as a result,11. David has become a successful young writer. David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. successful (形容词) 成功的 success (名词) 成功,Complete the sentences according to the passage.,1. 爱好可以使你长大成人。 Hobbies can _ you _ _ a person. 2. 一些爱好是放松的,另一些是有创造力的 Some hobbies are _ and _ are _. 3. 结果,David 成为一名成功的年轻作家。 _ _ _, David has become a _ young writer. 4. David 在高中写了一篇关于青少年生活的故事,并在 2003年做成图书出版了。 In _ _ _ David wrote a story_ teenage life, and it _ _ as a book in 2003.,make grow as,relaxing others creative,As a result,successful,senior high school,about,came out,Multiple choice.,( ) 1. I am going to this weekend with my parents. A. spending B. take C. do D. spend,+ 动词原形,D,度过,做,( ) 2. English is also used a foreign language in many countries. A. of B. as C. for D. by,被用做,B,( ) 3. Why do you become so in such a film? I dont think it is . A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interesting C. interesting; interested D. interested; interested,固定词组,B,( ) 4. There is going a football match this Friday. A. to have B. have C. to be D. be,有,将要,C,( ) 5. Its my first time to spend the weekend like this. A. a B. the C. / D. an,序数词前用the,前面有定语时不用the,C,( ) 6. Tom likes cars. He enjoys model cars of all kinds. A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected,doing sth.,B,( ) 7. Please give me to eat. A. anything delicious B. delicious nothing C. delicious anything D. something delicious,不定代词的修饰语要后置,否定,肯定,D,( ) 8. - What a nice MP3! Is it yours? - Of course. I 300 yuan on it. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. take,it 做主语,人做主语,人做主语,it 做主语,for,B,( ) 9. Our teacher makes us in class. A. discuss B. discussing C. discusses D. to discuss,sb. do sth.,A,( ) 10. Jack likes playing football while Tom likes playing violin. A. a;a B. the; the C. a; the D. / the,球类词不前加the,乐器类词前加the,D,( ) 11. When did the plane ? - At 2 oclock. A. take off B. take up C. take away D. take place,起飞,开始从事,拿走,发生,A,Complete the sentences.,1.很抱歉,有点不整洁,我将收拾一下桌子和椅子.,Sorry, its a bit untidy, Ill the table and chairs.,tidy,up,2.本学期末,在人民大会堂将有一个音乐会。,this term, theres a concert at Peoples Hall.,At,the,end,of,3. 在高中,大卫写了一个有关青少年的故事,于2003年 作为一本书出版。,In senior high school, David wrote a story about teenage life, and it as a book in 2003.,came,out,4.


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