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Unit 17-18, SB重点词语:1.in high position 地位很高 2.the South Pole南极3.the North Pole北极4.polar bear北极熊 5.at the opposite end of 在对面 6.pull ones sled 拉雪橇7.be about do (do ) 正要(做) 8. be just around the corner 就在附近,即将来临 9.fall into 掉人 10.in good health 健康状况良好 11.stand on ones left leg 用左腿独立站好12.solo travel独自旅行 13.blow away 吹跑;刮走14.knock sb. over. 把某人撞倒 15.refer to 所指;参考 16.rise to fame 名声大振 17.the host of a talk show脱口秀主持人18.so far 到目前为止 19.in history 在历史上20.fight for chances 设法寻找机会 21.best of luck to you 祝你好运 22.without a strong plan 没有详细的计划23.always be the very best 总是做到最好 24.share with与分享 25.lie to 位于26.be made up of 由组成27.be surrounded by 被环绕 28.be famous for 因闻名29.such as 例如 30.take possession of 拥有 31.refer to 参考;所指 32.in relation to与有关33.be marked with 标有记号 34.compareto把比作 35.stand for 代表36.make up 占据空间 37.plenty of 大量;许多38.be native to 原产于39.be careful in (在某方面)仔细 40.prepare for 为作准备难点讲解:1.inspire【用法】vt. 激励;鼓励例如: His deeds greatly inspired his schoolmates.他的行为极大地激励了他的同学。【相关链接】1)inspiring adj. 激励人心的例如:The speakers words were inspiring.演讲者的话很具有感召力。2)inspired. adj. 受到鼓舞的例如:The inspired soldiers threw their caps into the air,shouting,“Long live the Public!”受到鼓舞的士兵将帽子抛向空中,大声喊着:“共和国万岁!”3)inspiration n. 激励的人的人或事物例1:My father is always an inspiration to me父亲对我来说总是一个鼓励者例2:The motto is an inspiration to many of us. 这个“座右铭”对于我们许多人来说是一种激励。2. mean【用法一】adj. 地位卑下的;出身微贱的例如:All the maids were mean in Dreams of the Red Chamber红楼梦中所有的丫环都是地位卑微的人【用法二】adj. 吝啬的例如:Her husband is rather mean over money.她的丈夫对钱相当吝啬。【用法三】adj. 破烂不堪的例如:They used to live in mean house in a mean street.他们以前住在一条鄙陋街道上的一幢破烂不堪的房子里。3. tense【用法】adj.紧张的例1:Her legs felt tense after running.跑步后,她感到双腿肌肉紧张。例2:He looks tense with anxiety.他因焦虑而显得紧张。例3:The situation became tense suddenly.形势一下子变得紧张起来了。【相关链接】nervous adj.紧张的(只指人的精神状态)例如:She felt nervous when asked about that.当被问到那件事时,她紧张起来了。4. increase【用法一】vt. & vi.增长例1:Her absence increased our difficulty in doing the experiment.她的缺席增加了我们做这次试验的难度。例2:The number of the students in my class has increased to 58.我班学生人数已经增长到了58位。【用法二】n./inkri:s /增多;增加例1:The population increase makes the government feel hard.人口的增长让政府甚感棘手。例2:We have got a steady increase in production.我们的生产在稳步增长。【相关链接】increasing adj. 不断增长的例1:The increasing traffic problems are troubling the city people.不断增长的交通问题一直在困扰着市民。例2:The shopkeeper feels happy at the increasing income.对于日益增多的收益,店老板乐开了花。5.threaten【用法一】vt.威胁;恐吓例1:The boss threatened to dismiss Lucy if she didnt obey him.老板威胁露西,如果她不服从,就要开除她。例2:The secretary received a letter threatening to murder the manager.秘书收到一封信,信中扬言要谋杀经理。【用法二】vt.& vi.预示;将要发生例1:The gathering black clouds are threatening a storm.天空中乌云密布,这预示着风暴要来了。例2:Knowing that a folld threatens, all the villagers are trying hard to get everything ready.知道一场洪水将要来临,所有的村民都在努力做好一切准备。【相关链接】1)threat n. 恐吓;威胁例如:Im not afraid of their threat.我不惧怕他们的恐吓。2)threat n.恶兆例如:There was a threat of rain in the dark sky.乌云密布的天空有下雨之兆。6.support【用法一】vt.支持例如:We firmly support their struggle for human rights.我们坚决支持他们为人权而进行的斗争。【用法二】vt.支撑例1:Whales have no strong bones to suport their heavy bodies on land.鲸没有结实的骨骼在陆地上支撑其沉重的身体。例2:The hall is supported by six large columns.这个大厅由六根大圆柱支撑着。【用法三】vt.养活例如:He has a large family to support.他要养活一家子人。【用法四】n.支持例如:I hope to have your support in the election.我希望在这次选举中得到你的支持。7.affect【用法一】vt.影响例1:Parents words and deeds affect their children a lot.父母亲的言行对小孩的影响极大。例2:Some plants are quickly affected by cold.有些植物很快就受到了寒冷气候的影响。【用法二】vt.感动;打动例如:The students were much affected by her story.同学们被她的事迹深深地感动了。【用法三】vt.(疾病)感染例如:His wound was affected badly.他的伤口受到严重的感染。8.lie【用法一】vi. 平躺(不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词为lay,lain)例如:lie on ones back/side仰/侧卧【用法二】v. 展现,伸展例如:A bright future lies ahead.前途是光明的。【用法三】v. 位于例1:London lies on the River Thames.伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。例2:There lies a temple at the foot of the mountain.山脚下有一座庙。【用法四】v. & n. 说谎(规则动词)例1:You are lying to him!你在对他说谎!例2:They said she told lies to everyone.他们说她对任何人都说谎。【相关链接】1)lie down 躺下例如:Go and lie down for a while.去躺一会儿。2)lie in 在于例如:The answer lies in two facts.答案在于两个事实。3)lie on 依赖,压迫,取决于例如:It lies on us to accomplish the task.完成这项任务是我们的责任。4)lie up 卧床休息例如:Youd better lie up for a few more days.你最好再多休息几天。5)lie有时后面跟形容词,表示所处状态。例如:The book lay open on the table.那本书打开着,放在桌子上。【相关链接2】1)lay v. (laid,laid)放、搁;产卵、下蛋 例1:He laid the book on the table and left.他把书放在桌上就走了。 例2:The hens lay ten eggs every day.这些母鸡每天下十个蛋。2)liar n. 撒谎者 例如:A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.说惯假话的人说真话时也没有人会相信。9.run【用法一】v. 跑,奔,逃跑例1:I ran as quickly as I could.我拼命地跑。例2:The enemy ran away. 敌人逃走了。例3:We ran to his aid. 我们跑去帮他。【用法二】v. 竞赛,竞选例1:run for Congress 参加国会议员竞选例2:run for mayor 竞选市长【用法三】v. (机器)运转例如:The engine runs perfectly well.这台发动机运转十分良好。【用法四】v. 流淌,滴例1:The river runs thick.水流浑浊。例2:The childs nose is running.孩子在流鼻涕。【用法五】v. 变得例如:The little pond has run dry.那个小池塘已经干涸。【用法六】v. (车辆)行驶例1:The buses run until twelve.公共汽车12点收班。例2:Are there any trains running to Sichuan from here从这里到四川有火车吗?【用法七】v. (道路)延伸,延续例如:The street runs from south to north.这条街是南北向的。【用法八】v. 经营,管理例如:They run most of the stores here.他们管理着这里的大部分商店。【用法九】v. (颜色)褪色例如:When I washed the blouse, the color ran. 我洗这件衬衫,褪了色。【相关链接1】1)run after 追逐,追求 例如:If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.不能脚踏两只船。2)run away from 从跑掉;逃避 例如:He ran away from school. 他逃学了。3)run out (某物)被用完 例如:We decided it would be best to go home before our money ran out.我们认为最好在把钱用完之前回家。4)run out of 用完(某物) 例如:We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood.我们用完了煤,只好烧木柴。5)run into 无意间碰到,和相撞 例如:I ran into him now and then.我不时碰见他。【相关链接2】runner 赛跑的人 runway跑道10.some【用法一】adj. 一些,若干,几个(可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词)例1:Please bring some coffee without sugar.请来点儿不加糖的咖啡。例2:Ask some boys to help you.叫几个男孩帮帮你。【用法二】adj. (修饰单数名词)某个(人或物)= a certain 例1:There must be some mistake.准是出了什么差错。例2:I suggested to Red that we should go to some hotel.我向瑞得建议我们该去找个旅店。【用法三】pron. 一些例如:Some of the trees can be cut each year for firewood.一些树每年可以被砍作柴火。【用法四】adv. 大约,与about同义例如:It happened some thirty years ago.这件事大约发生在三十年前。【相关链接1】some more 再来一点,更多【相关链接2】somebody/someone 某人,有人something 某事,某物sometimes 有时somewhere 在某处11.surprising【用法】adj. 令人惊奇的例1:What you have just told me is very surprising.你刚才告诉我的事真让人吃惊。例2:Is there anything surprising about it? I dont think so.有关这事有什么让人吃惊的?我认为没有。【相关链接】surprising和surprised的区别:surprising和surprised都是由surprise派生来的形容词,但surprised是“吃惊的”,“感到惊奇的”。例如:He didnt notice the surprised look on her face.他没有注意到她脸上吃惊的表情。12.shock【用法一】v. 使震惊例如:He was shocked at her smoking. = Her smoking shocked him.她抽烟使他震惊。【用法二】v. 使触电例如:He got shocked when he touched the wire.他一摸电线就触电了。【用法三】n. C震动,冲击例1:Three shocks of the earthquakes were felt last night. 昨晚感觉到三次地震。例2:The news was a great shock to Marie.那个消息给了玛丽很大的震撼。【相关链接】shocking adj. 令人震惊的13.majority【用法】n. 大多数(常和the连用)例如:The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the areA.城里的大多数人想在该地区鼓励新工业的发展。注意:majority 作主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数,其反义词是minority。14.share【用法一】v. 合用,分享例1:We share a small room between us.我们俩共用一个小房间。例2:She never shared any of her husbands worries.她从不分担丈夫的任何忧愁。【用法二】v. 分配,均分例3:Mother is sharing the cakes to make sure that every boy gets some.母亲正在分蛋糕,确保每个男孩都吃到一些。【用法二】n. 分得的一份,应承受的一份例1:You have had more than your share of this apple-pie. 你吃的苹果派比你应得的分量多。例2:You must take your share of the blame.你必须接受批评。【相关链接】take ones share 尽自己的一份责任15.ship【用法一】n. 大船例如:They are making a ship.他们在造一艘大船。【用法二】n. 全船的人例如:The whole ship was given liberty.全船的人都自由了。【用法三】v. 用轮船运送例如:Im flying to America but my car is being shipped.我正乘飞机去美国,而我的汽车用船运到美国。【相关链接1】by ship 坐船例如:They went by ship to New York.他们乘船去了纽约。【相关链接2】warship 战船spaceship宇宙飞船 steamship轮船shipbuilding造船业 shipyard造船厂16.lie down lie down躺下例如:Having done all the housework, she lay down in bed.做完所有的家务后,她躺在床上休息了。注意:课文中的On November 12 the storm lay down.(十一月十二日风暴停下来了。)这个句子中的lay down是引申意义。17.make a decisionmake a decision 做出决定例1:Finally he made a decision that he would give up the plan.他终于做出决定要放弃计划。例2:Children should be encouraged to make their own decisions.应当鼓励孩子自己去做出决定。18.go downgo down(太阳)落山例如:When the sun is going down, the whole farm looks more beautiful.当太阳落山时,整个农场看起来更美了。【相关链接】1)go down(价格)跌落例如:The price of beef has gone down finally.牛肉的价格终于下降了。2)go down(指海洋、风暴)平衡;平息例如:The rough sea finally went down.波涛汹涌的海面总算平静下来了。3)go down 受欢迎例如:The film HERO went down well.英雄这部影片很受观众欢迎。19.refer torefer to所指;谈及;提及例1:I was not referring to her when I said so.当我那么说时,我并不是指她。例2:The boy you referred to is my seatmate.你刚才谈到的那个男生是我的同桌。【相关链接】1)refer to 参考;咨询例如:While he was writing the essay, he referred to some other books.在写那篇论文时,他参考了其他一些书籍。2)refer to 把归于例如:He referred his success to his trainer.他认为自己的成功应归功于自己的教练。3)refer to 将提交例如:The dispute was referred to the United Nations.该项争议已提交联合国处理。20.make upmake up 创造,编造;和解;弥补;化装;构成例1:The teacher asked the children to make up a poem about Christmas.老师让孩子们创作一首关于圣诞节的诗歌。例2:Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while. 玛丽和琼吵架,但过了一会儿就和好了。例3:John must make up the lessons he missed.约翰必须补上他落下的功课。例4:The actors were making up when we arrived.我们到的时候,演员们正在化装。例5:Nine players make up a team.九个运动员组成一个队。注意:用于被动结构时,和of连用。例如:This is made up of three different parts.这是由三个不同的部分组成的。【相关链接】1)be made of 由制成(从成品中可看得出原料)例如:The bridge is made of steel.这座桥是钢材造的。2)be made from 由制成(从成品中看不出原料)例如:Steel is made from iron.钢材是由铁炼成的。3)make up ones mind 打定主意,决定例如:I made up my mind to go to him.我决定到他那里去。4)make up for 弥补例如:Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.勤奋能补拙。5)make up from 由制作例如:She wore a necklace made up from silver coins.她戴了一串银币做的项链。6)be made up of 由组成/构成例如:The mobile medical team was made up of ten doctors.这支流动医疗队由十位医生组成。7)be made into 被制成例如:Glass were made into bottles.玻璃制成瓶子。8)be made in 在地方制造例如:Is your car made in Shanghai?你的车是上海产的吗?21.be surrounded by be surrounded by/with 为所包围例如:Britain is surrounded by sea.英国四周是都是海。【相关链接】surround with 用把围住例如:He surrounded the castle with a high wall. 他用高墙把城堡围住。22.the sameasthe same as 和一样例1:He was about the same age as Philip.他和飞利普年龄差不多一样大。例2:She felt the same as he did.她和他的感觉一样。【相关链接】1)just the same 同样地,照样 例如:It wont make any difference to you. Ill pay for the lessons just the same.对你不会有所不同,我还是照付功课钱。2)the same to you 祝你也是如此例如:Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Thank you. The same to you! 谢谢!也祝你愉快!3)all the same 尽管如此,仍然例如:He gave us a lot of trouble, but I like him all the same.尽管他给我们惹了很多麻烦,可我还是喜欢他。4)at the same time 同时例如:I know he is untruthful. But, at the same time, I must admit he is a good worker.我知道他不诚实,但我同时必须承认他是个好工人。23.be famous for be famous for 因而著名例如:Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and is famous for its beautiful countryside.苏格兰有许多湖泊和山脉,并以其乡村美景著称。【相关链接】be famous as 作为而著名例如:She is famous as a writer.她作为作家而闻名。24.take possession of take possession of 夺取,占有,占领例如:The policeman took possession of the thiefs bag.警察夺过那个小偷的袋子。【相关链接】1)have possession of 占有,拥有例如:He has had possession of the adjoining land for ten years.他占有邻近的地已经十年了。2)in possession of 占有,拥有,持有例如:Who is in possession of the property?谁拥有这笔财产?3)in ones possession = in the possession of sb. 在某人手中,由某人掌管,为某人所拥有 例如:The keys are in his possession.钥匙归他管。25.refer to refer to 查阅,参阅;指而言;适用于;提到,谈到例1:A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of words.一个人要查字典找字意。例2:When I said some people were stupid I wasnt referring to you.我说有些人很傻,不是指你们。例3:This rule refers to everyone.这条规则适用于任何人。例4:The speaker referred to his past experiences.发言人提到了自己过去的经历。【相关链接】refer to 归功于例如:He referred his success to the good teaching hes had.他把成功归功于其受到的良好教育。27.in relation to in relation to 和联系起来;关于例1:Prices seem high in relation to wages.和工资比起来,价格似乎较高。例2:What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday?你对昨天发生的事有何高见?【相关链接】1)out of relation to 和不相称 例如:The effort and expense needed for this project were out of relation to the results.这项工程需要的精力和财力与结果不相称。2)with relation to 关于 例如:We must plan with relation to the future.我们必须计划将来。28.compare withcomparewith 把和进行比较例如:I compared the translation with the original.我把译文和原文对照了一遍。【相关链接】compare to 把比作例如:The students compare their teachers to candles.学生们把老师比作蜡烛。29.stand for stand for 代表;主张,提倡;(否定结构)容许,容忍例1:What does NB stand for?NB代表什么?例2:We like our school and all it stands for.我们爱学校以及它所倡导的一切。例3:The teacher wouldnt stand for such behavior.老师不会容忍这样的行为。【相关链接】1)stand up 起立 例如:Every student stood up when the teacher came in.老师进来时,每位学生都起立。2)stand by 站在一旁,袖手旁观 例1:Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing by.玛丽不能告诉珍妮那个秘密,因为她的小弟弟站在旁边。 例2:And did you just stand by and do nothing?你就袖手旁观吗?31.take placetake place 发生例如:Great changes have taken place in the last two years.最近两年发生了巨大的变化。【相关链接】1)take a/ones seat 坐下,就坐 例如:Come here and take a seat.过来,坐下。2)take it easy 别着急,别紧张 例如:We have time lift. Take it easy.我们还有时间,别紧张。3)take up 占用 例如:The box takes up too much room.这个盒子太占地方。4)take out 拿出 例如:He took out a photo and looked carefully.他拿出张照片细看起来。5)take away 拿走 例如:Im not using the dictionary now; you may take it away.我现在不用字典,你可以拿走。6)take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞 例1:Youd better take off your coat.你最好脱掉外套。 例2:The flight takes off at 9 oclock.这班飞机九点钟起飞。32.mark with mark with 用标记例如:Each stone was marked with a number.每块石头上都标上了数码。33.turn to turn to 查阅;求助于;变成;转向例1:They always turn to me when they are in trouble.他们一有困难就来找我。例2:I have turned to all the well-known reference books for help.我已经查阅了所有著名的参考书。例3:The snow soon turned to rain.雪很快变成了雨。例4:He turned to the study and practice of medicine.他转向医学研究和实践。【相关链接】1)turn out/off 关掉(电灯、煤气等) 例如:He turned out the light and followed his wife upstairs他关掉灯跟着妻子上楼去了。2)turn over 翻过来 例如:Turn over, or your back will get sunburnt.翻过来,否则会晒伤你的背。3)turn on 打开(开关等) 例如:He turned on his bath water.他打开洗澡水。4)turn down 把(声音)放低,关小 例如:He turned down the oil lamp.他把油灯弄暗。5)turn into 变成 例如:It turned into a fine day.天变晴了。34.plenty of plenty of 大量,很多例1:There was plenty of work for girls of her age.有很多她这个年龄的女孩能做的工作。例2:There are plenty of men out of work.有大量的男人失业。注意:plenty of 多用于肯定句。【相关链接】in plenty 充足地,富裕地例1:There was food in plenty.有很多食物。例2:Some people live in plenty, while others havent enough to eat.有些人的生活富裕,而其他人还不能达到温饱。35.prepare for prepare for 为做准备(= get ready for )例如:Will you help me prepare for the party?你能帮我准备晚会吗?语法精讲:Agreement (主谓一致)【概念】谓语受主语支配,须和主语在人称数上保持一致,这就是主谓一致。处理主谓一致问题可依据三项原则:语法上一致,意义上一致和就近一致。【用法】A、谓语动词用单数的情况:1以单数名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句作主语时eg. Whether he comes or not is of no matter. 2主语是单数,其后尽管有 as well as, with, along with, together with, like ( 介), including, but, except 等起连接作用的词语带其它名词时,谓语动词仍用单数(与主语一致)。eg. The teacher as well as the students likes this film. (All the family, except a new- born baby, were killed)3某些不定代词如 either, neither, each等作主语时。eg. Each of the girls has an orange.但在口语中,ether或neither +of+复数名词时,也可用复数。4. the number of +复数名词,谓语动词用单数,中心词是number。5表时间距离、价格、度量衡等的复数名词或短语作为一个整体看时,用单数(一段时间,一笔钱数,一段距离,一个) eg. Twenty miles is a long way to walk.Four hundred dollars is more than she can afford .6在四则算式中,谓语动词常用单数(但有时也可用复数)eg. Five plus five is ten. Ten times four makes forty.7由and连接的并列单数主语的边,如果分别有each, every, no, many a 时,谓语动词用单数。eg. Every boy and (every) girl in the class is clever.Each minute and (each) second is valuable to us Mary a student is coming.8. 由 and连接两个作主语的单数名词指同一人,同一物,同一概念时,其谓语动词用单数形式,这时and后面的名词没有冠词。eg. - In this hotel (the) bread and butter ( the bread with butter on it) is served for breakfast.-The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor.9书名、剧名、报纸名、国名等复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。eg. The Arabran Nights is a very interesting story book . The United States is a developed country.10 表数量one and a half + 复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。 eg. One and a half oranges is left on the table.B谓语动词用复数情况:1用and或both and连接并列主语时eg. -Fire and water do not agree. 水火不相容。-Both he and I are going to America.2一些只有复数形式的名词作主语时如: Clothes, trousers, glasses, shoes,等。eg. My trousers are being washed.但,如果成双的东西前有a pair of 来修饰时,谓语动词用单数。3表总称意义的名词 police, people, cattle 作主语。4以定冠词the + adj. (或分词形式的adj) 作主语时表一类人。eg. The rich are not always happy.5A number of +复数名词。6more than + 数词+复数名词作主语时。eg. More than two hundred people attended the concert.但 more than one + 名词常用单数More than one person is going toC 单、复数依情况而定1. a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of (quantities of), the test of, 分数,百分数+n 构成短语作主语时,就情况而定。2family, team, group, class, crowd 等作主语时。eg. My family is a big family.My family are watching TV.3sheep, deer, fish, means, works. D就近一致1在正式文体中用or, either.or, neither.nor, whether.or, not only . but also等连接并列主语时,not.not.eg. He didnt say whether some English novels or an English dictionary was wanted.2在倒装句中,谓语动词往往和后面的第一个主语一致。eg.


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