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从命题看广东高考备考,试题结构,题干(输入):文本(词、句、篇)、图画、音频、视频等 | | 语言层面:词、句、篇 考点(过程):语言知识:词汇知识、语法知识、语篇知识 | 认知策略:识别、理解、推理、概括、产出 | 答案(输出): 干扰项的设置方法: 基于答案的干扰项(根据正确答案编写干扰项) 基于原文的干扰项(干扰项源自原文) 基于学生的干扰项(根据学生可能的答案) 基于经验的干扰项(根据命题老师的经验),命题的基本过程,选材 设置考点 设置干扰项,21. tom: mike, our team will play against the rockets this weekend. im sure we will win. mike: _! a. congratulations b. cheers c. best wishes d. good luck,题干,考点,干扰项,答案,阅读理解:考点分类,信息量 单句信息 句组信息 全文信息 信息理解 意义理解 字面意义 解释意义 语境意义 隐含意义 推理意义 概括意义 语言理解 词义猜测 篇章结构 超篇章信息 作者态度 写作目的,考点设置的基本原则: 信息块 考点明确 分布合理,试题分析,阅读理解:干扰项,基本原则: a. 干扰信息来源于原文 b. 干扰信息要集中 c. 不要互相干扰信息组合,试题分析,完形填空:考点分类,词:词语搭配 句:结构和意义 篇:衔接和连贯,考点设置的基本原则: 关联性 考点明确 分布合理,试题分析,完形填空:命题原则,考点词语 选择考试词语的原则是:它必须可以根据篇章结构、意义连贯或其它上下文信息进行推导的词语。 线索词语 线索词语或结构主要来源于词语搭配、句子结构、篇章衔接和意义连贯等信息。 干扰项 完形填空的干扰项主要从搭配、结构、意义或连贯四个层面对答案进行干扰。,试题分析,该题的考点设置,1.主题的熟悉度 2.认知的复杂度 3.语言的难易度,写作/口语:命题原则,试题分析,试题分析,听力,语法,完形填空,阅读,写作,07试题,08试题2,08试题,题材多样化,口头语特征明显,理解层面逐年提高,强调应用,培养学生结构与意义融合意识,通过考查实义词的用法,强化学生的篇章连贯意识,选材多样性,提高学生多种体裁的理解能力,主题生活化,语言产出个性化,语言思维培养,语言知识,语言思维,示例,实例分析,tristan da cunha, a 38-square-mile island, is the farthest inhabited island in the world, according to the guinness book of records. it is 1,510 miles southwest of its nearest neighbor, st. helena, and 1,950 miles west of africa. discovered by the portuguese admiral (葡萄牙海军上将)of the same name in 1506, and settled in 1810, the island belongs to great britain and has a population of a few hundred. coming in a close second - and often wrongly mentioned as the most distant land - is easter island, which lies 1,26o miles east of its nearest neighbor, pitcairn island, and 2,300 miles west of south america. the mountainous 64-square-mile island was settled around the 5th century, supposedly by people who were lost at sea. they had no connection with the outside world for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time to build more than 1,000 huge stone figures, called moai, for which the island is most famous. on easter sunday, 1722, however, settlers from holland moved in and gave the island its name. today, 2,000 people live on the chilean territory (智利领土). they share one street, a small airport, and a few hours of television per day.,语法结构,词性判断,实义词,功能词,限定词,非限定词,成分结构,非成分结构,并列结构,非并列结构,autumn is the season that falls between31 summer and winter. there are many changes whinch/that32 begin in this fascinating season. days become shorter33 (short). leaves of trees turn from green to vibrant red, yellow and orange. trees need sunlight to keep 34their leaves lively green. 35by sunlight leaves turn colors. the grass is no longer blanketed with dew 36 but with frost, almost every morning, 37when temperatures reach the 38 freezing (freeze) point. animals start storing up a food supply 39to last (last) the long winter months. 40 many changes occur as we adjust from the heat of the summer to the chill of the winter.,词形变化,冠词、物主代词、指示代词,代词,连词,介词,句子意义的逻辑性,词语搭配 意义关系,修饰搭配,并列搭配,主谓搭配,固定搭配,top officials in city, state and federal governments are 21 to office by the people. they run for office every two or four years and elections are held the first week of november. people who 22 elections are called politicians (政客). many of them are lawyers. 23 politicians are often famous and important people in their communities. 21 a. invited b. elected c. chosen d. decided 22 a. take over b. run for c. go on with d. keep up 23 a. powerful b. experienced c. successful d. popular,篇章衔接手段,before elections, political candidates are very busy. they have frequent meetings with their 24 . but most of their time is 25 campaigning, shaking hands and making speeches to the 26 . there are different groups of voters from whom politicians try to win 27 . most large cities have black and spanish speaking communities who elect powerful 28 . some politicians appeal to businessmen while others appeal to laborers. many politicians run for office by taking sides on important issues, such as balancing government budget, getting 29 rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities. 24 a. candidates b. politicians c. supporters d. officials 25 a. taken b. wasted c. delivered d. spent 26 a. candidates b. people c. public d. communities 27 a. support b. vote c. candidates d. campaign 28 a. candidates b. politicians c. officials d. supporters 29 a. extra b. particular c. different d. equal,词汇重复,同现关系,上下义词,示例,篇章连贯性,意义关系,因果关系,例证关系,解释关系,示例,篇章主题,二、基础写作评分说明 基础写作主要考查考生的语言结构的应用能力:能够应用正确、规范的语言表达特定的内容。 本试题要求考生根据所提供的信息,使用5个句子表达写作内容所提供的全部内容。命题思想是要求考生在表达这些内容时能够: 正确使用被动语态,比如:the contest was cancelled/ none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 games/ women were first allowed to compete in olympic shooting in 1968等。 表达并列、转折等关系,比如:and, but等。 在评分时,应注意以下几个方面: 1按照评分标准,实行分析法评分:按语言、内容和连贯三项标准分别给分; 2在语言方面,重点评判句子的语法结构是否正确、用词是否规范;考生是否使用了合适的句型结构; 3在内容方面,重点评判考生是否表达所提供的全部信息;如果考生在表达完整的内容时,适当添加一些内容,不扣分; 4在连贯方面,重点评判5个句子是否构成一篇连贯的短文。,写作内容 假设你就是信中的ari, 父亲在你出生的时候写了这封信。今天是父亲50岁的生日,你准备以写信的方式,祝贺他的生日。以下是信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好): 1、以约30个词概括父亲在他信中对你的期望; 2、以约120个词表达你对父


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