



Unit11.continue to do sth继续做某事2.consider doing sth 考虑作某事3.raise flag 升旗4.nothing but 仅仅5.over and over 反复,一次次的6.offer sb sth提供给某人某物7.produce sth 生产某物8.not at all 一点也不9.all of yourself/herself/himself你/她/他自己全部10.the best of yourselves/ourselves/themselves你们/我们/他们自己的最好的11.come to an end 结束12.think of doing sth=consider doing sth考虑做某事13.have to 必需,不得不14.Its no business of mine.没我什么事。15.bloom into盛开16.live for 为而活17.in a little while 不久以后Unit 21.the same as和一样2.asas和一样3.be different from与不同4.because of因为5.instead of代替、而不是、不要6.seem to be看起来像7.at the same time同时8.at times有时9. in the same situation在同样情况下10.be good/better/best at善长于/更/最善长于11. something/anything wrong 一些错的东西someting/anything sweet 一些甜的东西12.I hope to be我希望成为13. I hope I will be我希望我将成为14.I want to be我想成为15.I wish I were我但愿我是16.let sb do sth让某人做某事17.tooto 太而不能18.one of the biggest cities最大的城市之一19. be careful with sth 对某事认真Unit 3 (短语&语法)1.at the top of 在的顶端2.at the end of 在的末端3.at the gun 在枪响下4.at the starting line在起跑线上5.catch up with追上6. come to an end 接近结尾7. come on 加油8. faster and faster 越来越快9. have a great time have a good time 玩得开心 enjoy oneself10. keep doing sth 继续做某事11. make sb do sth 使某人做某事12 put away 收拾,把放好13. stop doing sth 停止做某事14. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事15. so far 到目前为止16. begin to do sth 开始做某事17. take the first prize/place 得到第一名18. tooto 太而不能19. what do you think of你认为.怎么样?20.in the field event 在田赛中21.in the shot-put event 在铅球项目中22.call for attention 提醒注意23.take part in 参加24.start to sth 开始做某事25.both A and B A和B都 both of them 他们两个都Unit 4 No Smoking!(短语)1. used to do sth过去常常做某事2. be used to doing sth习惯于做某事3. make sb do sth 使某人做某事4. come to do sth渐渐开始做某事5. hear/see sb do /doing sth 听见/看见某人做了/正做某事6. hate to do sth/doing sth讨厌去做/做了某事7. why not do sth为什么不做某事8. be bad for=harm对有害9. notany more 再也不10. asas/not soas和一样/不如11. have a try 试一试12. according to 根据13. give up doing sth 放弃做某事14. throw away扔掉15. one pack a day 一包一天16. all sorts of ways各种各样的方法17.It is said that据说18. one out of five 五个中的一个 twenty percent 百分之二十 one fifths 五分之一19. side by side 肩并肩20. be caught doing sth 被抓到正在做某事Unit5 短语1 .call sb sth 称某人为call sb adj 称某人怎么样2.in order to为了3.make sth adj 使某人怎么样4.teach sb (not)to do sth教某人(不)做某事5.see sb do/doing sth看见某人做了/正在做某事6.sothat如此以至于7.lay the foundation for.为奠定基础8.in the 20th century在20世纪9.be born in出生在10.takeout of把从带出来11.make money赚钱12.at the age of=at age在.岁的时候13.of ones own某人自己的14.not long after在之后不久15.in front of在前面16.jump off从跳下来17.learnby oneself 自学18.on ones way to在的路上19.make sure务必20.turn off关掉 21.leave for动身去Unit61. be made of 由制成2. be made from由制成3. be made up of由组成4. be made into被制成5. be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事6. used to do sth 过去常常做某事7. help do sth 帮助做某事8. 20 miles thick 20英里厚9. protec sth from保护某物避免10. a litter harder 有点困难11. have bad effect on对有坏的影响12. in order to do sth 为了做某事Unit 81. sound great 听起来不错2. sound like him 听起来像他3. never mind 没关系4. call back 打回来5. as soon as 一就.6. pick up 捡起,接7. bring sb sth 带给某人某物8. be eager to do sth 渴望做某事9. go on doing sth 继续做某事10. hang up the phone 挂断电话11. how come? 怎么会?12. promise to do sth 承诺做某事13. go out for a walk 出去散步14. take a massage 捎口信Unit 91. on the way home 在某人回家的路上 2. around the corner 在拐角处3. hand sb sth 递给某人某物4. pray for sth为某事祈祷5. in that case 那种情况下6. agree to do sth 同意做某事7. afford sth 买得起某物8. cost five dollars 值五美元9. think of sth 考虑某物10. head for 向去3Unit 101. over 100 years 超过100年 2. make him President 是他成为总统3. pass a law通过一项法律 4. book a ticket订一张票5. reserve a room 订一个房间 6. take a trip去旅行7. put through接通 8. worry about sth为某事担心9. set out to do sth开始做某事 10. hold to sth坚持做某事11. work hard at sth 努力做某事 12. have several days off 放几天假13. prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事Unit111. hand in 上交 2. main idea 主要观点3. look forward to doing sth渴望做某事 4. be thankful for sth对某事感谢5. be thankful to sb对某人感谢 6. provid sb with sth为某人提供某物7. oneanther一个另一个 8.bend over 弯腰9. in a weak voice以微弱的声音 10. in whatever small way以无论什么小的方式11. for a long time 很长时间 12. notbut不是而是13. ask sb not to do sth要求某人不要做某事Unit121. seem relieved 看起来欣慰 2. warn sb about sth警告某人关于某事3. no matter what/how/who/which= whatever/however/whoever/whichever无论什么/怎样/谁/哪一个 4. have(got) a cold/fever/caugh感冒/发烧/咳嗽5. by far到目前为止 6. notanymore不再7. waite for sb等待某人 8. rush out把放出来9. feel relieved at对感到安慰 10. in the local paper在当地报纸上Unit131. except him 除了他 2. explain sth 解释某事3. expect sth 期望某事 4. let sb do sth 让某人做某事5. take care of sth


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