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Unit two Time Management,New words,1.Management 管理,经营,1. The failure was caused by bad management. 失败是由经营不善所致。 2. He introduced better methods of management in this company. 他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。,2. Skill 技能,技艺,技巧,Skill in/at sth. Skill in/at doing sth. 1. She dealt with the problem with consummate skill. 她以巧妙的方式处理了这个问题。 2. What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment. 他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。,3. Activity 所做的事情,活动,工作。,1. Her activities include tennis and painting. 她的活动包括打网球和绘画。 2. Sailing is an activity I enjoy very much. 帆船运动是我非常喜爱的活动。,4. Following N.下述,下列,如下 adj. 下述的,1. The following is a brief summary of events. 下面是重大事件的摘要。 2. The following have been chosen to take part in. 已选定下列人员参加。 3. Answer the following questions. 回答下列的问题。 4. The six steps are described in the following sections. 在下面小节中我们来看看这6个步骤。,5.Provide 向某人提供某事物, 供给,供应。,Provide sb. With sth. Provide sth. For sb. 1. The management will provide food and drink for those refugees. 管理部门将为那些难民供应饮食。 2. Please put your litter in the bin provided. 请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。 3. The firm have provided me with a car. 公司供给我一辆汽车。,6. Foundation 基本原则,地基,房基。,1. Economic crisis shook the nation to its foundation. 经济危机从根本上动摇了这个国家。 2. The conclusions must have some solid foundation in reality. 这些结论一定有些牢固的现实基础。 3. The huge lorries shook the foundation of the house. 大卡车驶过时,连房基都震动了。,7. Strategy 策略,谋略;战略;政策,对策。,1. to develop a strategy for dealing with unemployment 制定解决失业问题的对策 2. The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略 3. He is an expert in military strategy. 他是军事战略专家 4.I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制定出一项行动计划,用来应付这种情况,8. Effective 有效的;产生预期结果的,1. The law is no longer effective. 该法令已失效 2. Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion. 做广告往往是最有效的推销方法,9. Structure 结构;构造,1. The two halves of the structure didnt marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好 2. We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。,10. Schedule 时间表;进度表;预定计划表;课程表;学生上课计划表,1. The fog disrupted airline schedules. 这场大雾扰乱了航空公司的时刻表。 2. His busy schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students. 他的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。 3. a factory production schedule 工厂生产进度表 4. He was bidden to finish the work on schedule. 他被要求按时完成工作 5. The first lesson on the schedule for Monday morning is history. 星期一上午课程表安排的第一节课是历史。,Schedule 安排;为安排时间;,Schedule sth for sth. 1. The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. 会议安排在星期五下午。 2. Well be stopping here for longer than scheduled. 我们在这里停留的时间将超出原先的安排。,11. Mental 思想的,精神的,智力的。,1. the mental process of remembering 记忆的心理过程 2. Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like? 在你的脑子里它会是什么样子? 3. This experience caused him much mental suffering. 这一经历给他的精神造成了极大的痛苦。,12. Concentration 集中,1.a need for greater concentration on environmental issues. 更加关注环境问题的必要性 2. The tennis players need total concentration during play. 网球运动员在比赛中需要全神贯注。 3. He is a boy with little power of concentration. 他是个注意力不易集中的男孩。,13. Balance 平衡,平稳,1. Riders need a good sense of balance. 骑车的人必须善于保持平衡。 2.His wifes sudden death upset the balance of his mind. 他的妻子突然去世使他感到六神无主。 3.Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 争取在工作和娱乐间取得更好的平衡。 4. This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 这家报纸刊登不同意见,始终做到不偏不倚。,Balance v. 使。保持平衡,1. He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge. 他在狭窄的窗台很难保持平衡。 2. How long can you balance on one foot? 你能单脚站立多久?,14. Specially 特意地;专门地。,1. I came here specially to see you. 我是专程来看你的。 2. I made this specially for your birthday. 这是我特意为你生日做的。,15. Pronounced 非常明显的,1. He walked with a pronounced limp. 他走路明显跛足。 2. Elevational and latitudinal trends were not pronounced. 海拔和纬度的变化趋势不明显。,16. Selective 选择的,选择性的。,1. selective strike action 有选择的罢工行动 2. the selective training of recruits 对新成员有选择性的培训,17. Prioritize 按重要性排列;划分优先次序。,1. With this knowledge, we can prioritize functions with great clarity. 了解了这些,我们能够非常清晰地对这些功能进行优先级排序。 2. Another way to prioritize your schoolwork is to ask yourself some questions. Which final comes first? 另一个决定作业先后顺序的方法是向自己提出一些问题;期末先考哪一门? 3. The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。,18. Attempt v. 尝试,努力,试图,Attempt to do sth. 1. Dont attempt the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事 2. They are attempting to climb the steepest part of the mountain. 他们正努力攀爬这座山最陡的部分。 3. She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录。,Attempt n. 试图,企图,尝试。,Make an attempt to do sth./ at doing sth. 1. They made no attempt to escape/ at escaping. 他们并未图谋逃跑。 2. My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible. 我首次试做的巧克力蛋糕难吃死了。,19. Excessive 过分的,过度的,极度的。,1. He has had excessive water. 他喝了过量的水。 2. Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。,20. Stress 压力,1. I cant bear the stresses and strains of modern life. 我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。 2. Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examination. 苏珊被考试的压力压垮了。,21. Pressure 压力,Under pressure; put pressure on sb. 1. The council brought pressure to the landlord to improve his property. 市政会向房主施加压力,促使其改善房子的居住条件。 2. She is constantly under pressure and it is affecting her health. 她总是处在压力之下,因而影响了健康。 3. I dont want to put pressure on you to make a decision, but we havent much time left. 我并不想催你做出决定,只是我们剩下的时间已经不多了。,22. Reject 拒绝接受,1. The plan was rejected. 该计划遭拒绝。 2. The board rejected all our ideas. 董事会拒绝了我们的所有想法。 3. The prisoners plea for pardon was rejected. 罪犯的豁免请求被驳回了。,23. Detail 细节,详情,Details determine success or failure. 细节决定成败。,24. Deal with,1. He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations. 2. She has a lot of correspondence to deal with.,25. Based on,1. He concluded based on his own personal experience. 2. His arguments sound convincing but theyre based on delusion.,26. Focus on,1. Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point. 2. The discussion focused on three main problems.,27. Add sth to sth.,1. He added his signature to the petition. 2. I have nothing to add to my earlier statement.,28. Experiment with,1. How can they know what they can do with a tool unless they experiment with it? 2. He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis.,29. At the same time,1. He may be very rude sometimes but at the sa


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