



罿膀螈蚃芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆肆芆蒂虿羂芅薄羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂芃葿螆羈莂薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃羀腿荿薅螂肅荿蚇肈羁莈螀袁艿莇葿蚃膅莆薂衿肁蒅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀节蒃蚈羆膈蒂螁螈肄蒁蒀羄羀蒀薃螇艿葿蚅羂膄薈螇螅肀薇蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃螁聿芁膂蒁袂膇膁薃肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀螈蚃芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆肆芆蒂虿羂芅薄羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂芃葿螆羈莂薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃羀腿荿薅螂肅荿蚇肈羁莈螀袁艿莇葿蚃膅莆薂衿肁蒅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀节蒃蚈羆膈蒂螁螈肄蒁蒀羄羀蒀薃螇艿葿蚅羂膄薈螇螅肀薇蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃螁聿芁膂蒁袂膇膁薃肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀螈蚃芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆肆芆蒂虿羂芅薄羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂芃葿螆羈莂薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃羀腿荿薅螂肅荿蚇肈羁莈螀袁艿莇葿蚃膅莆薂衿肁蒅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀节蒃蚈羆膈蒂螁螈肄蒁蒀羄羀蒀薃螇艿葿蚅羂膄薈螇螅肀薇蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃螁聿芁膂蒁袂膇膁薃肇肃膁蚆袀罿膀螈蚃芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆肆芆蒂虿羂芅薄羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂芃葿螆羈莂薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃羀腿荿薅螂肅荿蚇肈羁莈螀袁艿莇葿蚃膅莆薂衿肁蒅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀节蒃蚈羆膈蒂螁螈肄蒁蒀羄羀蒀薃螇艿葿蚅羂膄薈螇螅肀薇蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃螁 外贸经纪人佣金合同(中、英)甲方:(生产厂家_ 乙方:(中间人)_ 根据中华人民共和国合同法和有关法律法规的规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品寻找海外客商,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。 第一条:委托事项: 甲方委托乙方寻找海外客商为甲方推销其产品: 第二条:委托事项的具体要求: (1) 甲方应保证所生产产品的合法性及保证产品质量。 (2) 甲方与海外客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与海外客商双方协商约定。(或者甲乙双方协商约定) (3) 乙方不对甲方与海外客商的交易提供任何信用担保,以及甲方在以后的合同履约时和海外客户发生的一切纠纷,乙方概不承担连带和赔偿责任。甲方应严格按国家的“FOB C&F或 CIF条款”执行与海外客商所签定的合同。 (4)乙方不能将甲方营业范围内的海外客户关系泄露给第三方,否则甲方会按盗窃公司机密对乙方提起公诉。第三条:佣金的计算、给付方式、给付时间: (1) 甲方同意按每笔合同成交总额(扣除税金,运费和货代的费用)的_支付佣金给乙方。 (2) 给付方式及时间: 在甲方执行完合同后7天内一次性付给乙方。第四条:违约责任: (1) 甲方若不按本合同第三条的(2)执行,逾期一天应支付乙方滞纳金,滞纳金系数为:总佣金的5/天。 (2) 甲方同意凡乙方所介绍的海外客商,其将来与甲方发生的每笔业务,甲方都将按本合同的第三条支付佣金给乙方,否则,甲方愿接受合同成交额的30%罚款支付给乙方。 第五条:争议解决方式 对违约行为若双方协商不成,可凭此合同向人民法院提出 诉讼。 第六条:本合同未尽事宜双方协商解决。本合同一式肆 份双方各执贰份具有同等法律效用。本合同双方签字盖章 即为有效.Commission agents of foreign trade contractsParty A: (manufacturer _Party B: (intermediary )_According to Peoples Republic of China Contract Law and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to accept the commission, in order to search for overseas businessmen Party products, by consensus the two sides signed the contract.The first: to entrust matters:Party A Party B commissioned to find overseas customers for the Party to promote their products:Article II: a matter entrusted to the specific requirements:(1) Party A shall ensure the legality of the products and ensure product quality.(2) Party A transactions with overseas customers specific pricing, delivery methods, such as payment by the Party and overseas businessmen to negotiate an agreement. (Or agreed through mutual consultation and B)(3) Party A Party B does not deal with overseas customers to provide any credit guarantee, as well as the Party in the future performance of the contract took place when and overseas customers, all disputes, Party B shall not bear the joint and several liability. State Party shall be in strict accordance with the FOB C & F or CIF terms with overseas customers by the implementation of contracts.(4) Party A Party B can not be within the scope of business relations between the disclosure of overseas customers to a third party, or Party A will be theft of company secrets B prosecuted.Article III: commission calculation, payment methods, payment time:(1) Party A agreed that the total turnover of each contract (net of taxes, the cost of shipping and freight forwarding) to the payment of commission B _.(2) the mode and time of payment:End of the Party to implement the contract within seven days after the one-time payments to Party B.Article IV: Liability:(1) Party A does not in accordance with Article III of this contract (2), Party B shall pay the overdue fine day, fine coefficient as follows: the total commission of 5 / day.(2) Party A Party B agree that where overseas businessmen introduced, its future and the occurrence of each Party business, Party A will have a third of this contract to Party B the payment of commission, otherwise, Party A is willing to accept the contracts traded 30% of the amount of fines paid to the B.Article V: Dispute ResolutionAgainst default, if no mutual agreement can be made to the peoples court by virtue of the contractLitigation.Article VI: This contract negotiations to resolve outstanding issues. This contract a type IVTwo copies of both sides were armed with the same legal effect. The two sides of this contract signed and sealedIs effective.外贸经纪人佣金合同(日文、韩文)日语: 対外贸易委员会代理店契约甲: (_乙: (中间)_中华人民共和国契约法関连法令规定、党乙、海外検索制品、双方合意契约缔结、委员会承认。最初:委托事项:党党B、制品促进海外顾客见委托:资料 :问题、特定要件委托:( 1 )、制品合法性确保、制品品质保证。( 2 )党海外顾客取引、特定価格、党海外支払配信方法、契约交渉。 (、相互协议B)合意( 3 )甲乙海外顾客、党、契约将来业绩信用保证提供対応、海外顾客、纷争、乙、连帯责任负开催。国家党厳密従、 本船渡条件CIF C F条件海外顾客契约実施。( 4 )甲乙第三者、A海外顾客间関系开示范囲内企业秘密盗用B起诉。资料 :手数料计算、支払方法、支払时间:( 1 )、各契约総売上高(税纯合意、委员会B支払出荷货物输送) _ 。( 2 )支払时期:党终、 7日以内1回B支払后、契约実装第4条:责任:( 1 )第三党、契约( 2 ) 、 B応、延滞晴日、次微系数:支払5 全委员会/日。( 2 )甲乙、甲、契约取引承认、海外、将来、各当事者事业発生、AB、契约党委员会、以外支払3分1导入賛成罚金、 B金额30 V记事:纷争解决、相互合意、国民裁判所契约行反対诉讼。六条:残问题解决契约交渉。契约、 IV型両侧2同法的効果武装。契约书署名、捺印二辺効果的。 韩文: : ( _ B : ( )_ , B , , . : : B , : 2 : :(1) .(2) , , . ( B ) (3) B , , , B . C & F CIF .(4) B 3 , B . 3 : , , :(1) ( , B ) _.(2) : 7 - B 4 : :(1) III (2), B , : 5 / .(2) B , , B , 3 1 the B 30 % : , . 6 : . 4 . . 羂膅肆莅螅肀膅蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃蚂薆芁膂蒁螂膇膁薃蚄肃膁蚆袀罿膀莅蚃袅腿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆羆芆莂虿袂芅薄羅袈芅蚇螈膆芄莆羃肂芃葿螆羈节薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃薇聿荿蒅螂肅荿蚇薅羁莈莇袁袇莇葿蚄膅莆薂衿肁莅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀膂蒃薈袆膈蒂螁蚈肄蒁蒀羄羀肇薃螇袆肇蚅羂膅肆莅螅肀膅蒇羀羆膄蕿螃袂膃蚂薆芁膂蒁螂膇膁薃蚄肃膁蚆袀罿膀莅蚃袅腿蒈袈膄芈薀蚁肀芇蚂袆羆芆莂虿袂芅薄羅袈芅蚇螈膆芄莆羃肂芃葿螆羈节薁羁袄莁蚃螄膃莀莃薇聿荿蒅螂肅荿蚇薅羁莈莇袁袇莇葿蚄膅莆薂衿肁莅蚄蚂羇蒄莄袇袃蒃蒆蚀膂蒃薈袆膈蒂


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