



国际贸易函电试 题 卷Complete the following sentences(每空1分,共15分)1. We are sorry that we are not _ a position to accept your counter-offer.2. We are making you our quotation for shoes _ follows.3. We have established an irrevocable letter of credit your favor with the Bank of China, Guangdong.4. Owing the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from September 10th to October 10th.5. There is a brisk demand these goods.6. We prefer continue buying from you, seeing that we have dealt with you so long.7. It is out question that we can get the necessary import license.8. To take Contract No.89 an example, the Milling Machine under the Contract was booked at 5000 while your competitors quoted us only 4500.9. We are glad go enter _ business relations with your corporation.10. If we had a sample hand, we should have been able to negotiate business without end-users now.11.Some complaints are the quantity delivered. Perhaps not enough goods were sent.12. To cover this shipment, we have drawn on you at 45 days draft for the full invoice_ of USD20 000 under covering credit, for which we ask your protection upon presentation.13. Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent cancellation of the order.14. We shall cancel the contract if you fail to open the relative L/C the end of this year. 15. Unfortunately we are unable to comply your wishes.Choose the correct word in following sentences(每题1分,共20分)1. As soon as we have _ your catalogue, we shall contact you by fax.a. studied b. inspected c. examined d. researched2. We take the pleasure of introducing ourselves_ an experienced importer_ line of daily products.a. of, on b. as, in c. for, by d. be, at223123B3. In view of your past efforts in pushing the sales of our products, we have decided to accept your proposal to _ you our agent in your area.a. entrust b. send c. act d. appoint4. Generally speaking, a growing demand can _ increased price. a. result b. result in c. result for d. result from5. We thank you for your letter dated March 18 _ our silk blouses of various styles.a. enquiring for b. enquiry for c. enquired for d. enquire for 6. _you make 10 reduction, we will have to decline your offer this time.a. When b. Except c. As d. Unless7. A comparison of your offer _ our regular suppliers show that their figures are more favorable. a. with that of b. with what of c. with which of d. with this of8. Can you make us a firm offer _ 3,000 metric tons _ tin foil sheets?a. for, of b. on, in c. of, for d. for, for9. _ we would like to close the business with you, we find your bid unacceptable. a. As much b. Much as c. Like much d. Much like10. As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of mens leather shoes, hoping you will find them _.a. satisfaction b. satisfactory c. satisfactorily d. satisfy11. As we will _ sending another order _ the month, could you please confirm that you agree _ the new terms of payment?a. is, for, with b. be, within, to c./,in with d. be, in, with 12. This offer is subject to your reply _ us before May 6.a. reaching b. is reaching c. reached d. reach 13. We have made it clear that the packing must be to withstand rough handling.a. enough strong b. enoughly strong c. strong enough d. strongly enough14. Please send us as soon as possible the following goods_in your current spring catalog.a. That listed b. which listed c. to be listed d. as listed 15. _we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments.a. As much as b. Much as c. Very much d. As16. As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable letter of credit in _ favor and shall hand over shipping documents _ acceptance of our draft.国际贸易函电a. youagainst b. yourfor c. ouragainst d. ourfor17. As requested, we have immediately arranged _ our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks _March 10.a. withup to b. withon c. foruntil d. for.to18. Please effect insurance _ War Risk in addition to All Risks _ the amount of 10,000 yuan _ our order No.505.a. for, for, on b. against, on, for c. against, for, on d. with, for, for19. the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, please establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.a. In fact b. As a matter of fact c. In contrast with d. In accordance with20. The exporting sewing machines in stout waterproof material, and in pairs in lightweight crates.a. being wrapped.are packed b. are wrappedpackedc. are wrappingpacking d. are wrappedbeing packedTranslate the following terms into Chinese(每题1分,共15分)1. for your reference 2.sales confirmation 3. forwarding agent 4.current assets 5. latest catalog 6.financial status 7. F.P.A 8.gross weight 9. D/A 10. Establishing Business Relation 11. Sales of Confirmation 12. inner packing 13. on the high side 14. fair average quality 15.valid groundTranslate following Chinese terms into English(每题2分,共10分)1.远期信用证 2. 另函 3. 付款条件 4. 虚盘 5.商务参赞处Translate the following sentences into English(每题4分,共20分)1. 我方与本地所有大的自行车经销商都有广泛的联系,并确信如果贵方提供优惠的价格,我方能向中国消费者卖出大量自行车。2. 我方的委托人是澳大利亚的一家很大的连锁商店,如果贵方的产品和价格令人满意,他们会下大额订单的。3. 除保险按发票值的110%投保一切险和战争险外,其他交易条款与往常一样。223223B4. 虽然目前市场价格略有上涨,但为了促进双方贸易,我方仍按以前的成交条件接受贵方此次订货。5. 如贵方查阅过该合同样本,就知道我们的一般付款条件是用以我方为受益人的、保兑的、不可撤消的信用证。Draw up an offer according the following information(20分)事件描述:江西粮油进出口(集团)公司于2014年5月31日收到有关查询大米和大豆新加坡成本加运费和保险费报价的函电。写作要求:假如你(李明)为该公司一名员工,请代公司发一份实盘,要点为:1. 精白米1500公吨,每公吨成本加运费新加坡到岸价为7650美元,于2014年7月或8月装运,该实价需2014年6月22日前回复确实。该报价为最优惠价,不能还价。2. 本公司正与客户洽售一批大豆交易,近来该类产品需求旺盛,使得价格上涨。若客户愿意报以适当买价,本公司乐意出售。中国公司资料如下:江西粮油进出口(集团)公司中国江西省南昌市高新区天祥大道29号 邮编:330099新加坡公司资料如下:John Simth有限公司新加坡东北区Fernhall大街166号,117574国际贸易函电参考答案及评分标准答 题 卷题号 题号总分统分人题分152015102020100得分Complete the following sentences(每空1分,共15分) 得分| |阅卷人| 1 in 2 as 3 in 4 to 5 for 6 to 7 of 8 as 9 into 10 in 11 about 12 value 13 to 14 by 15 with Choose the correct word in following sentences(每题1分,共20分) 得分| |阅卷人| 1-5 cbdba 6-10 daabb 11-15 bacdb 16-20 cacdb Translate the following terms into Chinese(每题1分,共15分) 得分| |阅卷人| 1 供贵方参考 2.销售确认书 3货运代理 4.流动资产 5 最新产品目录 6.财务状况 7平安险 8.毛重 9 承兑交单 10 建立商务关系 11确认销售 12 内包装 13 偏高 14 良好平均品质/大路货 15.正当理由Translate following Chinese terms into English(每题2分,共10分) 得分| |阅卷人| 1 usance L/C 2 under separate cover 3 Terms of Payment 4 Non-firm Offer 5 Commercial Counselors Office Translate the following sentences into English(每题4分,共20分) 得分| |阅卷人| 1. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of bicycles, and feel sure that we can sell large quantities of bicycles to Chinese consumers if we could get your offers at competitive prices. 2. Our principals are a large chain store in Australia and will probably place substantial orders if the quality and prices of your products are satisfactory.3. Other terms and conditions are the same as usual, with the exception of insurance which will cover All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the total invoice value.4. Although the current market price is a little bit higher, we accept the order on the same terms as before with a view to encouraging business.123123B5. If you have gone through the specimen contract you will see that our usual terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favor.223223ADraw up an offer according the following information(20分)得分| |阅卷人| Jiangxi Cereals, Oil and Foodstuffs Import & Export Group Corp.No.29 Tianxiang Road, High-tech. District Nanchang City, Jiangxi China (2分)31st May, 2014(1分)Messrs. John Simth Corp.166 Fernhall Drive, Northeast District, (2分)Singapore, 117574Dear Sirs,(1分)We thank you for your E-Mail of 31st May 2014, enquiring for rice and soybeans CFR Singapore. Based on your requirement, we are quoting as follows: (3分)1500 metric tons polished rice at US$7650 per metric ton, CIF Singapore, for shipment during July or August 2014. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 22nd June 2014. Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. (3分)With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is a p


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