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A组20162014年各省市高考题(改编)1(2016全国,阅读A)When Sandra Day OConnor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School in 1952, she _not find work at a law firm because she was a woman.2(2016全国,短文改错)We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip._3(2016全国,短文改错)Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby._4(2016北京,31)I love the weekend, because I_get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.5(2016浙江,17)George _(go) too far .His coffee is still warm.6(2015北京,29)Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late.I really _ go now.My daughter is home alone.7(2015浙江,4)It was so noisy that we _ not hear ourselves speak.8(2015重庆,12)You _ be Carol.You havent changed a bit after all these years.9(2015陕西,21)You _feel all the training a waste of time,but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.10(2015四川,2)You _ be careful with the camera.It costs!11(2015福建,27)Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again.Oh, its too bad.You _ have made full preparations.12(2015天津,7)I _have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.13(2014北京,27)_ I have a word with you? It wont take long.14(2014湖南,25)Ive prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.Do you mean we_ (not)bring anything with us?15(2014江苏,31)It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,_bring me food.16(2014江西,30)Life is unpredictable;even the poorest _become the richest.用所给动词的适当形式填空1(2015北京,34)If I _(see)it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.2(2015重庆,7)Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway _(write)his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.3(2015陕西,23)Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I _(dance)as well as her.4(2015天津,13)I wish I _(be)at my sisters wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.5(2015安徽,32)It is lucky we booked a room, or we _(have)nowhere to stay now.6(2014北京,34)We _(be) back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.7(2014湖南,22)If Mr.Dewey_(be) present,he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there.8(2014陕西,23)We would rather our daughter_(stay) at home with us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer.B组20162015模拟精选题1(2016安徽蚌埠市期中)Everyone in my class passed the exam.Oh, really?It_difficult.2(2016西安质检)Did you tell Rose you have passed the exam?Oh, I forgot.I_call her now.3(2016青岛模拟)What do you think of Betty?Lovely, though she_be naughty sometimes.4(2016江南十校检测)My cousin insisted that she_(send)to Australia for further study.But the company refused her application.5(2016福建泉州三月质检)I feel it necessary that everything_(ready) by the time our manager arrives.Yes, to make sure the conference is held on schedule.6(2016广州六校联考)Lisa,what do you think of the job of being a nurse?In my opinion,it _ be difficult sometimes though it seems easy.7(2016陕西临潼华清中学模拟)But for those interruptions,the meeting _(finish) half an hour ago.8(2016浙江瑞安八校联考)Had they known what was coming next,they _(have) second thoughts.9(2015兰州一月调研)Im Captain John Blanchard.You _ be Miss Hollis.I am glad to meet you here.10(2015西安六校)He walked in as if he _(buy) the school,and the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.11(2015合肥高三质检)I recommend that you _(try) B.12(2015河北衡水中学月考)Its a pity you were late,otherwise you _ (see) the film star Rain from Korea.13(2015山西康杰中学月考)All the students _ put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with flu virus.14(2015内蒙古师大附中月考)Had the government limited the sales of cars much earlier,traffic jam and pollution _ not be so serious now.15(2015辽宁省实验中学月考)If you will stay here longer,you may.But you _ leave before this weekend.16(2015吉林延边二中月考)He commanded that all the gates _ (shut) when it was getting dark in case thieves came in.17(2015黑龙江哈九中月考)Tom:Did you visit the famous cultural relics last month?Mary:No,we _(visit) it,but we spent too much time shopping.18(2015海南中学月考)It has been suggested the sports meeting _(put) off till the smog is not so severe.19(2015河南开封市冲刺模拟)And a similar number of students believe that a good university _ produce graduates who are particularly sought after by employers.参考答案A组20162014年各省市高考题(改编)I.1could根据句意:当桑德拉在法律学习毕业之后,因为她是女人,没能在法律公司找到工作。2chosechoose考查动词原形。根据语法知识可知,情态动词can后要用动词原形。3去掉can或canshould考查固定表达。suggest表示“建议”,后面的宾语从句要用should do形式,should可以省略,故答案有两种改法。4neednt考查情态动词。句意:我喜欢周末,因为每逢周六、周日我不需要早起。5cant have gone考查情态动词。句意:乔治不可能已经走得太远。他的咖啡温乎。cant have done表示对过去否定的推测,意为“不可能做了”。6.must句意:你不能再多待一会儿吗?天要黑了,我真的现在必须走了,我的女儿独自呆在家里。must必须。7could句意:太吵闹了,我们连自己说的话都听不到。can/could表示“能力,能够”。根据前面的was可知,此处要用过去时could。8must句意:你一定是Carol,这些年以来你一点都没变。must一定,表示推测,符合句意。9may句意:你也许会认为所有的培训都是浪费时间,但是我百分之百的保证你以后会感激你所做的事情。考查情态动词。根据后文的描述可以看出此处培训还没有结束,是一种不肯定的推测语气。10must考查情态动词。句意:你一定要非常小心对待照相机,它很昂贵。此处表示命令语气。11should句意:很抱歉,妈妈,我的面试又失败了。噢,真是太糟糕了,你本应该做好充分准备的。考查情态动词have done的意义。根据上句的面试又失败了,可知是对过去事实的虚拟。should have done本应该做但是没有做。12neednt句意:在来到新学校前我本不必担心,因为在新学校我的同班同学对我很友好。考查情态动词。neednt have done.本不必做的事做了。13Can14.neednt15.should16.might.1.hadnt seen句意:如果不是亲眼看到,我就不会相信这件事。由主句中的谓语动词wouldnt have believed 可知是对过去情况的虚拟,虚拟条件句的谓语动词用过去完成时。2wouldnt have written句意:要是没有战争经历的话,海明威就不会写出他著名的小说永别了,武器。根据句中的without his wartime experiences可知描述的是过去的事情,对过去的假设主句部分用would/could/should/mighthave done。根据句意要用否定形式,故答案为wouldnt have written。3danced句意:艾伦是一位出色的舞者,我希望我能像他跳的那么好。考查虚拟语气。wish后跟宾语从句时,从句中需要用虚拟语气,从句中用did表示对现在事实的虚拟。4had been句意:我希望上个星期二我出席了姐姐的婚礼,但那时我正在纽约出差中。考查虚拟语气。wish后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,对过去发生过的事情的虚拟要用过去完成时。5would have句意:很幸运我们订了一个房间,否则我们现在将无处可住。考查虚拟语气。引导含蓄虚拟条件句,or后面是主句,相当于if we hadnt booked a room, we would have nowhere to stay now,根据“now”可知,是对现在进行虚拟,因此用would动词原形。6would be7.had been8.stayedB组20162015模拟精选题1cant have been考查情态动词。句意:班上每个人都通过了考试。哦,真的吗?那考试肯定不难。根据前文每个人都通过了考试可以得知,下文表示推测的应该是考试题目并不会很难。表示否定推测可能性时,只能用cant,对过去事实的否定猜测,用cant have done。2will考查情态动词。句意:你告诉Rose关于考试的事了吗?哦,我忘了,我现在就打电话给她。这里用will表示临时决定,故填will。3can考查情态动词。你认为贝蒂如何?很可爱,尽管她有时候会很调皮。can“有时候可能会”的意思。4be sent由insist引导的宾语从句,从句使用虚拟语气should do sth,而且should可以省略。句意:我的表姐坚持她要被送去澳大利亚深造。但这个公司拒绝了她的申请。根根据句意,可知应该用被动语态。5be ready考查虚拟语气。本题考查虚拟语气在It is surprising/important/strange/necessary/natural.that.中的用法,在这些从句中,虚拟语气的结构为:should动词原形,且should可以省略。6an考查情态动词。句意:莉莎,你认为护士这个工作怎么样?在我看来,这个工作虽然看起来简单,但有时候也可能会很困难。can有时候可能会。7would have finished句意:要不是那些干扰,这个会议半小时前就结束了。But for“要不是”,But for those interruptions,if it had not been for those interruptions,是和过去相反的虚拟语气,所以主句用would have done。8might have had考查虚拟语气。根据句首的倒装句中把had提前,可以看出此处考查的if条件虚拟句的和过去事实相反的情况,主句用could/might/shouldhave done形式,再根据句意:如果他们知道接下来要发生什么,他们也许就会重新考虑了。表示不肯定的猜测,用might have had是最佳答案。9must考查情态动词。你一定是Hollis女士。根据语境可知此处要用must表示肯定推测。10had bought考查虚拟语气。在人称代词he后,显然是作谓语;又因他不可能是买下了这个学校,故应用虚拟


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