



英语教师网 9A Unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1现场直播cover live被现场直播be covered live2考虑有关.;回想.think about.考虑, 想起, 想象, 有.的看法,think of.3赢得一个大奖win a great prize4无事可做have nothing to do5小睡一会have a little sleep6一个电视台a TV station7一份电视节目表a TV guide8即将来临的这个星期六this coming Saturday9(通过无线电或电视)发送节目send out programmes (on radio or TV)10体育世界Sports World11两千个歌迷two thousand fans12在线为.投票vote online for13发送文本信息到1396send text messages to 139614自杀kill oneself15解谜;揭开谜底solve mysteries16(容易)受惊吓get scared (easily)17一个小时长的纪录片a one-hour documentary18近距离地看一看take a close look at19整个早晨the whole morning = all the morning20准备某事prepare sth.为某事做准备prepare for sth.准备做某事prepare to do sth.21为某事做好准备get ready for sth.准备做某事get ready to do sth.22公众the public23介意(某人)做某事mind (sb./sbs) doing sth.24自然生活环境(栖息地)natural habitat25如此有趣的故事such interesting stories如此令人兴奋的一天such an exciting day=so exciting a day26从.到.from . to .在.和.两者之间between . and .27电视系列片;电视连续剧drama series 28(在电视上)播放/放映be on (TV)29走过walk past30天气预报weather report一周新闻综述a weekly (news) round-up31把.收起来/放好(代词放中间)put away32在赛跑中in the race33晚上的剩余时间the rest of the evening34与.玩;玩弄.play with35观看电视的习惯television viewing habits36.的一个成员a member of37一直all the time38陈先生一家人the Chen family = the Chens39关于某事与某人争吵argue with sb. about sth.40关于某事与某人意见不一致disagree with sb. about sth.41一个双胞胎女儿和一个双胞胎儿子a twin daughter and a twin son42生某人的气be/get angry with sb.43把 .扔到.上面throw onto44掉到.上上fall onto45打乒乓球play table tennis46写一封感谢信给某人write a thank-you letter to sb.47洗淋浴have/take a shower48最新信息up-to-date information49制订计划work on the plan50.在网站上on the website51例如such as 后面跟几个并列的例子for example 后面跟一个例子52充满恐怖和神私密be full of horror and mysteries二、重点句子及句型:1.Im far too busy to go shopping. 我太忙了而不能去购物。( far= much表示程度)2.Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme.3.You might find this weeks programme a bit boring.你可能发现这个星期的节目有点令人讨厌的。4.This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.5.The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday.6.Two thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos.7.Murder in a Country House is a horror film (directed by Cindy Clark).8.A doctor is found dead in his house.9.This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger.10.After you watch this programme,you will realize how much danger these tigers face.11.If you are an animal lover, you might find this programme a bit disturbing.12.They think the actors act the worst and the story goes more slowly than they expected. 他们认为那些演员演得最差,而且故事情节进展比期待得要慢。13.My classmates like the story of Friendship better than that of Spacemen on Earth.14.They think the actors act better than those in Spacemen on Earth.15.He finds programmes about sports boring.16.The two children disagree about everything and always argue.17.They started to argue about what TV prgrammes to watch.18.Victor threw the remote control onto the table and it fell onto Nancys foot.19.While/As I was getting ready to watch it, the phone rang.20.It is you (who made our story so perfect.) 使我们的故事如此完美的人就是你。三、语法: 1、掌握fr


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