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1.把激光射束射向地球Laser beams are emitted at the moon 2.这个模型描述了原子的情况This model is descriptive of the behavior of an atom3.那位教授将做有关移动通讯方面的讲座That professor will deliver a lecture on mobile communication 4.她给本科生上C+程序设计语言课She gives undergraduates lessons in the C+programming language5.这些学生在做物理实验These students are making an experiment in physics6.他们在做电学实验They are doing an experiment on electricity7.该教授对沃氏函数的研究起了重要作用The professor has played an important role in the research on the Walsh Functions8.无线电波朝四面八方传播Radio waves travel in all directions9.为此,我们必须在负载两端接一个电容器For this purpose,we must connect a capacitor across the load10.在这个温度上该金属就会融化At this temperature the metai will melt11.该专家将在会议上宣读一篇重要的学术论文The expert will read an important academic paper at the conference12.速度等于距离与时间之比Speed is the ratio of distance to time13.太阳离地球的距离是很远的The distance of the sun from the earth is very great14.温度对金属导电率的影响是很小的The effect of temperature on conductivity of metals is small15.本节论述晶体管与电子管相比的优点This section deals with the advantages of transistors over electron tubes16.重力加速度随纬度的变化,部分原因是由于地球的自转The variation of g with latitude is due in part to the earths rotation17.Y对x的依从关系用y=f(x)表示The dependence of y on x is expressed by y=f(x)18.人们用椭圆来描述行星绕太阳的运行情况Ellipses are used to describe the motions of the planets around the sun19.我们讨论了电流通过酸碱盐溶液的情况We have discussed the passage of an electric current through liquid solutions of acids,bases,and salts20.物体对净力F的影响就是正比于F的加速度a The response of a body to a net force F is an acceleration a proportional to F21.把式(4)与式(6)相比较,我们就能的得到一下几个关系式A comparison of Eq.(4)with Eq.(6)Leads to the following relations22.我们可以把一个力分解成x和y分量The resolution force into x and y components is possible23.应避免使人体接触有潜在毒性的物质Exposure of the body to potentially toxic substances should be avoided24.这些特殊问题是有把原子能用作为能源而产生的These special problems arise from the use of atomic energy as a source of power25.把电流定义为电荷的运动对我们大家都是熟悉的The definition of an electric current as the flow of electric charge is familiar to all of us26.哥伦布发现美洲是在哪一天What is the date of the discovery of America by Columbus27.爱因斯坦确立了相对论是20世纪最重要的事件之一The formation of the theory of relativity by Einstein is one of the most significant events of the 20th century28.门捷列夫于1869年发现了周期表使人们有了计算原子质量的另一种方法The discovery of the periodic table by Mendeleev in 1869 suggested another way of estimating atomic masses 29.这个工厂和那个一样大The factory is as large as that one 30.铜的导电能力几乎和银一样好Copper conducts electricity almost as well as silver31.这台计算机的体积是一台打印机的3倍The size of this computer is there times as large as that of a typewriter32.那根导线长达100米That wire is as long as 100meters33.这根导线不如那根长This wire is not as long as that one(is)34.这台计算机的性能不如那台好This computer dose not work so well as that one35.导线越长,电阻越大The longer the wire ,the greater the resistance36.电压越大,电流就越大The greater the voltage,the larger the current37.电流越大,在导线中产生的热量就越多The larger the current,the more heat will be produced in the wire38.你学习越努力,你的进步就会越大The harder you study ,the greater progress you will make39.在无线电接收机中,一部分功率转变成了声波In a radio receiver,some power is converted to song waves 40.绝缘体可以被用在导体之间来防止电流在他们之间流动Insulators may be used between conductors in order to prevent the flow of electric current between them41.把理论应用于实践是非常重要的To apply theory to practice is very important42.制作这样的电感器需要许多这样的线匝和铁芯To construct such inductors requires many turns of wire and iron cores43.现在能够把太阳光直接转变成电It is now possible to convert sunlight directly into electricity44.我们似乎能求出这个电流It seems possible to find out this current45.操作这台机器并不是件容易的事It is not an easy job to operate this machine46.做实验是极为重要的It is of great importance to make experiments47.解这个方程将要花费我们许多时间It will take us a lot of time to solve this equation48.我们发现用弧度而不是用度数表示角度是比较方便的It is found convenient to express angles in radians rather than in degrees49.当电流流过电路时,要损耗掉一部分能量Flowing through a circuit,the current will lose part of its energy 50.若已知电流和电阻,我们就能求出电压Given current and resistance,we can find out voltage51.由于铜具有大量的自由电子,所以它是良导体Having a large number of free electrons,copper is a good conductor52.若用公式表示的话,电路中的电压,电流,电阻之间的关系可写成V=IR Expressed in a formula,the relationship between voltage,current and resistance in a circuit can be written as V=IR53.由于铜是电的良导体,所以被广泛的用在电工技术中Being a good conductor of electricity,copper is widely used in electrical engineering54.银是最好的导体,其次是铜Silver is the best conductor,followed by copper55.是希腊字母“西格玛”,它的意思是“.之和” is the Greek letter sigma,meaning“the sum of”56.当机车拉着火车跑时,它就会做功A locomotive does work while pulling a moving train57.将物体置于水中,就会感觉到他比较轻When placed in water,everything will be found lighter58.这一设备,如果设计得当就可以用无线电控制This device,properly designed,can be controlled by radio59.当把雷达信号发向月球时,由于月球是固体,所以能反射信号When radar signals are sent to the moon,the moon,being solid,reflects them60.若该电流发生变化,磁场也将变化This current changing,the magnetic field will change as well61.若其他情况相同,电阻将正比于导体的长度Other things being equal,the resistance is directly proportional to the length of the conductor62.当阳光照在光电电池上时,该设备就会自动工作起来The sunlight falling upon photo-electric cells,the device will automatically go into operation63.由于原子很小,所以我们看不见它们Atoms being extremely small,we cannot see them64.几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银为最好Almost all metals are good conductors,silver being the best65.每当导体内的电流发生变化时就会在到体内感应出一个电动势,因而这种电动势就成为自感电动势Whenever there is a change of current in a conductor,an emf is induced in the conductor,thus this kind of emf being called a self-induced emf66.银在金属中电阻率最低,而铜的电阻率比他高不了很多Silver has the smallest resistivity of any metal,with that of copper not much greater67.若电路中没有电阻,电流就会无限增大With no resistance in the circuit,the current would increase forever68.我们周围的一切东西均是物质这一事实是大家都知道的The fact that everything around us is matter is known to all P(127) 69.在这种情况下,该函数必须存在这一条件并没有满足In this case ,the condition that the function must exist is not satisfied70.等式只是某个量等于另一个量的一种陈述An equation is simply a statement that a certain quantity ia equal to another one71.欧姆观察到这一事实:如果电压保持不变,则电阻越大,电流就越小Ohm observed the fact that if the voltage remains the same,the greater the resistance,the smaller the current72.质子和电子之间所观察到的作用力,就导致了大家所熟悉的说法;同种电荷相互排斥,一中电荷相互吸引The observed forces between protons and electrons then lead to the familiar statement that like charges repel one another,unlike charges attract one another73.这些实验用来证实吉尔伯特的结论:电荷有两种There experiments serve to confirm Gilberts conclusion that there are two kinds of electric charge74.电子学的诞生,是从发现了真空二极管中的电流,可以通过引入第三个电极来加以控制这个时候算起的The advent of electronics is reckoned from the discovery that the current in a vacuum diode can be controlled by introducing a third electrode75.十九世纪科学上最显著的成就之一是人们认识到了光是由电磁波构成的Among the most noteworthy achievements of 19th century science was the realization that light consist of electromagnetic waves76.现在人们越来越认识到这些技术在诸如控制系统和仪表测量这样的领域中也是很有价值的There is a growing awareness that these techniques are also of value in such areas as system control and instrumentation77.这两个带电球之间的斥力表明具有同种电荷的物体相互排斥The repulsion between these two charged balls is evidence that bodies having like charges repel each other78.由图2可以看出这一现象与反射有关That this phenomenon has connection with reflection may be seen from Fig.2 P(137) 79.每个电路的工作原理在这一章进行了详细的讨论How each circuit works is discussed in detail in this chapter80.我们用哪个式子,将取决于在题目中给出了那些数据Which equation we want to use will depend on what data we have been given in a problem81.我们可以用计算机解决这些复杂的题目It is possible that we use a computer to solve these complicated problems82.有趣的是,每个函数均可用一些简单函数来近似It is interesting that every function can be approximated by simply functions83.那个问题是如何解决的还是个谜It is a mystery how the problem was solved84.众所周知我们周围的一切东西均为物质It is known that everything around us is matter85.在很久以前人们就发现电流的方向与电子的方向相反It was found long ago that the direction of the current is just opposite to that of the electron flow86.我们已经知道接收到的信号一般是很微弱的,其通常的功率约为几皮瓦It has been known that the signal received is generally quite weak,powers of the order of picowatts being common87.尚不了解有那些因素决定这种灯丝的尺寸It is not yet understood which factors determine the size of filaments of this kind88.我们无法预言这种现象何时发生It cannot be predicted when this phenomenon will take place89.朝哪个方向运用NPN晶体管基本上是没什么区别的It does not basically make any difference in which direction an NPN transistor is operated 90.我们知道磁场能对电流施加一个力We have known that a magnetic field is able to exert a force on an electric current91.我们可以说物体的能量就是物体做功的能力One may say that the energy of a body is the ability of that body to do work92.我们往往想要知道这一误差是否可以忽略不计We often want to know whether this error may be neglected93.事实是无线电波的传播速度和光速一样The fact is that radio waves travel as fast as light dose94.其结果将是在导线两端之间将会存在这种电位差The result will be that this potential difference will exist between the ends of the conductor95.温度是与物体的体积无关的一种物质性质Temperature is a property of the body not concerned with how large the body is 96.上面所讲的就是欧姆定律What has been described is Ohms law97.我们能够学会我们原来不懂的东西We can learn what we did not know98.计算机能够做人们告诉它要做的事A computer can do what it has been told to do99.发电机的功能是把机械能转换成电能What a generator dose is convert mechanical energy into electrical energy100.作用在载流导线上的磁力就是使电机工作的力The magnetic force on current-carrying wires is what makes electric motors work101.我们想要获得对于A、B两点之间所发生的情况的详细描述We wish a detailed picture of what happens between points A and B102.所得到的是同样的那些表达式What result are the same expressions103.这个能量就是给自感电动势供能的能量This energy is what powers the self-induced emf104.众所周知(的是)光是一种电磁波What is well know is that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave105.这就是我们通常所说的力This is what we call a force106.电子计算机能懂得所谓的机器语言The electronic computer is able to understand what is known as the machine language107.电流随所谓的电阻变化Current changes with what is described as resistance108.反射回来的那部分电流形成了所谓的回波信号The reflected portion of waves forms what is referred to as the echo signal109.存在有许多自由电子的物质被称为导体The substance in which there are many free electrons is called a conductor110.电流流过的闭合通道被称为电路The close path though which current flows is referred to as the electric circuit111.电动机是把电能转换成机械能的一种机器An electric motor is a machine by which electric energy is chang into mechanical energy112.存储电荷的器件称为电容器The devices on which charges are stored are called capacitors113.光传播的速度是极快的The spend at which light travels is extremely great114.用来把热能转换成功的任何机械装置均称为热机Any mechanical device by means of which heat is converted into work is called a heat engine115.惯性是物质的一种特性,由于这种特性,要使物体加速就必须对该物体施加一个力Inertia is that property because of which a force must be exerted on a body in order to accelerate it116.正如标题所示本章论述数字计算机的原理As the title indicates,this chapter deals with the principles of digital computers117.我们知道,电子是微小的负电荷Electrons,as one knows,are minute negative charges of electricity118.我们已讲过晶体管是电流控制器件As has been described,transistors are current-control devices119.晶体管体积小效率高这是大家所熟知的Transistors are small & efficient,as is well known to us120.顾名思义流体是一种容易流动的物质Fluid,as the name shows,is a substance that flows readily121.一根导线可用作为天线A wire can serve as an antenna 122.作为通讯工具,卫星是最先进的As a means of communication,a satellite is the most advanced123.能量被定义为物体做功的能力Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do work124.我们把g这个量定义为重力加速度We refer to the quantity g as gravity125.一个常数无论有多大,均不可能称为无穷大A constant number,no matter how large it may be,is never spoken of as infinite126.把能量定义为物体做功的能力是合理的The definition of energy as the ability of a body to do work is reasonable127.当电流流动时电池的能量就给电阻消耗了As the current flows,energy from the battery goes to the resistance128.两物体间的万有引力,随他们之间的距离的增加而减弱The force of gravitational attraction between two bodies decreases as the distance between them increases129.由于空气有重量所以它对处于其中的任何物体均要施加一个力As air has weight,it exerts force on any object immersed in it130.电子绕原子核旋转,就像行星绕太阳运行一样Electrons move round the nucleus just as the planets moves round the sun131.这台计算机与那台一样重This computer is as heavy as that one(is)132.原子虽小,却是由一些更小的单元组成Small as they are,atoms are made up of still smaller units133.正如早已证明的那样,若使负的各项变为正,该级数就发散If the negative terms are made positive the series becomes divergent,as has been shown already134.我们必须记住用以表示化学元素的那些符号We must remember such symbols as are used to represent chemical elements135.我们也可以用计算机解这道题A computer can be used as well to solve this problem136.我们能求出流过这个电阻的电流及两端的电压It is possible to find out the current through this resistor as well as the voltage across it137. 这台计算机的工作性能与那台一样好This computer works as well as that one dose138.数学是一种非常有用的工具,因此它广泛用在工程的各个领域之中Mathematics is a very useful tool.As a result,it is widely used in various fields of engineering139.只要外加电压保持不变在电路中流动的电流与该电路中的电阻成反比The current flowing in a circuit is inversely proportional to the resistance in the circuit as long as the applied voltage remains constant140.若地面没有摩擦,就不可能停止任何物体的运动Were there no friction on the ground,it would be impossible to stop the motion of any body141.若电压不那么高的话,那台仪器也就不会被烧坏了That instrument would not have been damaged had the voltage not been so high142.如果在导线中有很强的电流,那么只要用一匝大号导线就可以制成磁性很强的电磁铁A powerful electromagnet can be made with only one turn of a large-sized wire,should a very large current flow in the wire143.若没有地球的引力,地球上的一切东西都要失重Everything on the earth will lose its weight provided there be no gravity144.若没有半导体,就不可能有卫星通讯这类事情Some things,like satellite communications,would be impossible without semiconductors145.要不是二进制,电子计算机可能要比现在复杂得多But for the binary system,the electronic computer might have been much more complicated146.我们本来可以用定理(6)来导出式(5)We could also have used Theorem(6)to derive equation(5)147.为了使电流在电路中流动,必须保持一个电位差It is necessary that potential difference be maintained for current to flow in a circuit148.数字电路设计人员必须很熟悉布尔代数的实用知识It is essential that the digital designers should have a good working knowledge of Boolean algebra149.我们希望机器都不要有能量消耗It is desired that any machine have no energy loss150.有人建议在太空制造药物It is suggested that drugs be made in space151.我们建议读者最好用袖珍计算器来做基础电子学中的所需的数学计算It is recommended that the reader use a pocket calculator to do mathematical work required in basic electronics152.经济方面要求电力以高压传送Economy demands that electric power be transmitted at high voltage153.实验要求测量应精确Experiments require that accurate measurements be made154.我们建议把这一点接地Our suggestion is that this point be grounded155.这是由于输出必须稳定的原因This comes from the necessary that the output be stable156.这根传输线的作用就好像它是开路似的This transmission line acts as though it were open-circuit157.在这种情况下金质叶片就会散离开来,就好像它们由通过接触而起电的物体而带电一样Under this condition the gold leaves will diverge just as if they had been charged from a body electrified by contact158.电位差使电流在电路中流动The potential different causes an electric current to flow in the circuit159.正是电位差使得电流在电路中流动It is the potential difference that causes as electric current to flow in the circuit160.物体的惯性质量与重力质量是成正比的,这是一个极为重要的实验事实It is very significant empirical fact that the inertial and gravitational masses of a body are proportional to each other161.是硬件在很大程度上确定了该系统的能力It is the hardware which determines to a large degree the capabilities of the system162.正是这些优点使阿拉伯数字为全世界人们所接受It is these strong p
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