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超越外语高考复习语法知识汇总材料第一章 名 词l 名词的数一、 可数名词和不可数名词的区别1. 定义:可数名词:普通名词中的个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,有单复数之分不可数名词:没有单复数之分,物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词2. 可数名词和不可数名词的主要区别:1) 可数名词可以被a/an修饰,且有复数形式,而不可数名词不可以被a/an修饰,且没有复数形式2) 有些限定词只能修饰可数名词,某些则只能修饰不可数名词,而某些则既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词 只能修饰可数名词的有:few, many= a number of, a great/good many, a great many of等 只能修饰不可数名词的有:much, little, a large amount of, a great deal of 即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有:some, any, plenty of, a lot of, a large quantity of 只能修饰可数名词单数的有: many a, more than one3) 有些不可数名词有相应的名词表其个体:Bread- a loaf, work- a job, clothing- a garment, poetry- a poem, traffic- a vehicle, jewellery- a jewel4) 有些不可数名词加s,含义发生变化。如:Time时间- times时代;paper纸-papers文件,报纸,论文,卷纸;manner方式- manners礼貌, water水- waters水域 二、 可数名词复数的构成规则如下:1. 大部分名词构成复数时,在词尾加s,如:Cup cups, truck-trucks2. 以因素s z td,结尾的名词构成复数时,在词尾加- es,如,Bus- buses, box-boxes, bridge bridges, watch- watches3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s,如:City- cities, party- parties, body- bodies4. 以元音字母加y结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s,如:Boy- boys, play- plays, day- days, key- keys5. 以辅音字母加o结尾的名词构成复数时,通常在词尾加es,也有特殊情况,如:1) Hero- heroes, potato- potatoes, tomato- tomatoes, negro- negroes, mango- mangoes, buffalo- buffaloes, echo(回声)-echoes, tornado(龙卷风)- tornadoes, torpedo(鱼雷)- torpedoes, domino(多米诺骨牌)- dominoes, veto(否决,否决权)- vetoes, mosquito(蚊子)- mosquitoes 2) 一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,在词尾加s,如:Piano- pianos, solo(独唱,独奏)- solos, concerto(协奏曲)- concertos, tobacco- tobaccos, motto(座右铭)-mottos, cello(大提琴)- cellos3) 一些缩写词和专有名词,在词尾加s,如:Kilo( kilogram)-kilos, photo( photograph)- photos, memo(memorandum)- memos6. 以元音字母加o的名词构成复数时,直接加s,如:Video- videos, radio- radios, studio- studios, folio(对开纸)- folios, oratorio(清唱剧)- oratorios, embryo(胚胎)- embryos, zoo- zoos, bamboo(竹子)- bamboos, kangaroo- kangaroos, taboo(戒律)- taboos 注:有些以O结尾的单词,即可加s也可加es,如: volcano7. 一些以f, fe结尾的名词构成复数时,把f, fe变成v, 再加es,如:Half- halves, leaf- leaves, knife- knives, thief- thieves,self-selves, life- lives, wife- wives, shelf- shelves, loaf- loaves, wolf- wolves口诀:为了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿着刀子和一片树叶站在架子上,把狼劈成了两半8. 一些以f, fe结尾的名词构成复数时,直接加s,如:Gulf(鸿沟)-gulfs, serf(农奴)-serfs, belief- beliefs, chief(酋长)- chiefs, cliff(悬崖)- cliffs, proof- proofs, roof- roofs口诀:海湾农奴信酋长,悬崖证据上房顶注:以上两种情况均可的Wharf(码头), dwarf(侏儒), scarf(围巾), handkerchief(手绢), 9. 名词变复数不规则变化大体有以下变化1) 单复数形不同,如Man men, woman- women, foot- feet, tooth- teeth, mouse- mice, child- children, emphasis( 强调)- emphases注:以man构成的合成词,是man变成men如:Englishman- Englishmen, Frenchman- Frenchmen, dustman- dustmen但German- Gemans, human- humans因为他们不是合成词2) 单复数词形相同,如Deer, sheep, fish, works,(工厂) means( 方式、途径), Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, bellows( 风箱), series, crossroad, horsepower及由汉语拼音拼出的计量单位,如: yuan, li, jin,英语中原有的计量单位不在此列,如:dollar- dollars, pound- pounds, metre-metres除上述情况外,关于名词数的问题还应注意以下几个方面有些名词只有复数形式,一般不直接受数词或a(an)修饰,如果要表示数量用相应的起量词作用的名词。Clothes, glasses, trousers, compasses, scissors( 剪刀)等A pair of glasses, two suits of clothes注意:此时谓语动词和前面的量词保持一致。如A pair of glasses is on the tableTwo pairs of glasses are on the table3) 有些名词只有复数,没有单数Police, people, cattle4) 有些集合名词即可做单数,指整体;又可作复数,指该集体的成员,指整体时,谓语用单数;指成员时,谓语用复数。常用的名词有:Family, class, group, team, party, public等。比较下列句子The team is made up of 12 membersThe team are having a bath nowMy family is going to move to ParisMy family usually watch TV after supper5) 合成名词的复数形式,通常将其中所包含的中心词变为复数,如passer-by变成 passers-by, grown-up变成 growns-up, father in law 变成fathers -in law, boy student- boy students6) 以s 结尾的专用名词,如: the New York Times, the United Nations, the United States等,表示事物的整体,谓语用单数,但有些表示群岛,山脉的专有名词,谓语常用复数。如:The United States is a highly developed countryThe Alps are in Europe7) 字母、数字、引语或缩略(词)语的复数形式是在其后加s或s, 如There are two fs in the word ”office” Many VIPs are coming to our city 8) 名词作定语,通常用单数形式,即使在意义上是复数的(如shoes)或总用作复数的名词(如trousers)也是如此如:There are twenty boy students in our classThey are his girl friendsTrouser pockets注意:a) 当sports, customs, arms, clothes, sales 和accounts做定语时,不能变成单数修饰名词,如A sports car一辆赛车,a customs officer一个海关官员,arms production武器的生产,a clothes shop一家服装店,a salesgirl一个女售货员, an accounts department一个会计部门b) 但当 man, woman作定语时,如果被修饰的名词是复数,man和woman也要变成复数。如:A woman doctor, two women doctors; a man teacher, two men teachers三、 不可数名词的数不可数名词一般情况下没有复数变化。物质名词需要计数时,通常用起量词作用的名词词组来表示,如A piece of advice/ work/ news/ meat/ coal/ musicA cup of tea/ coffee/ water/, two bottles of milk, a bag of riceA set of furniture, two drops of water注意:1. 有些不可数名词是以s结尾,不要误以为是可数名词,如News, maths, physics, politics等,它们如作主语,谓语用单数2. 在有些情况下,名词作定语,和of作定语,含义不同,如A cup of coffee一杯咖啡, a coffee cup 咖啡杯l 名词的格现代英语名词有两个格,通格和所有格。当名词在句中做主语,宾语或补语时,名词无词性变化,称之为通格,当一个名词去修饰句中另一个名词时,有时用通格,有时用s属格,或of 属格1. 所有格的构成在名词后加s,如 Marys books, the boys girl friend1) 如果名词以s结尾,变复数时再词尾的s右上方加The students desks, these girls mother2) 如果名词复数是不规则名词,所有格的构成是加s, 如The Childrens Palace, womens clothes3) 当and连接两个或几个并列名词时,如果所有格后的名词为两人或几人共同所有,只将最后一个名词变成所有格,如:Tom and Marys books; Jean and my sisters books4) 如果所有格后的名词为两个或几个分别所有,则在每个名词后都加s,如:Toms and Marys mother;Johns and Jeans photos5) 表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等所有格后的名词可省略,尤其当后面的名词是表示处所的名词 At the doctors, at the tailors, at the teachers, at the barbers 2. s属格与of属格的通用和区别1) 一般来说,s属格多用于有生命的名词,而of属格则主要用于无生命的名词(但在现代英语中,这一界限已被打破,如:Newtons laws, 也可以说成 the laws of Newton; the rules of the game, 也可以说成the games rules)注:a) 有生命的名词也可用of所有格形式,如:a photo of the babyb) 但当s属格表示“类别”属性,不可用Of属格,如:A doctors degree博士学位,a teachers book教师用书2) 如果s属格表示的是具体名词“个别”的属性,可用of属格,如:The doctors arrival= the arrival of the doctor注:a doctors degree, a teachers book表示的是“泛指类别”,没有具体指哪个人,而the doctor s arrival表示的是“具体的特征”,译成“那位医生的到来”,可以换成 the arrival of the doctor3) 名词通格作定语和s属格作定语的差别。名词通格作定语表示泛指的类别,s属格作定语表示具体的特指。如:Car engines are made in this factory(轿车发动机,不是其他类别的发动机)That cars engine needs repairing(那台轿车的发动机,具体特指)They are having afternoon tea(他们在喝午茶)Yesterdays afternoon tea has gone bad(昨天的午茶坏了)4) 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以在词尾加s或构成所有格如:用于时间 an hours ride用于度量 thirteen tons weight用于价值 a hundred yuans order用于天体 the earths satellite用于国家 Belgiums capital用于城市 Changchuns agriculture注:当today, yesterday, tomorrow分别表示“现在,过去,将来”时,只能用of属格,如:地点加s作定语,表示的关系是“所属”和范围,相应形容词作定语,说明的是属性和性质。如:Chinas resources(资源世界各国都有,Chinas resources指在中国范围内,属于中国的资源)Chinas agriculture, Chinas industry, Beijings streetsChinese history(世界各国都有本国的历史, Chinas resources是阐述中国的历史,说明历史的属性)Chinas food, Chinese food二、 双重所属格1. 构成A /two/this/that/these/those+名词+of+所有格/名词性物主代词。如:That invention of his will greatly benefit the whole worldI dont like that daughter of yours.He is a friend of my fathers.2. 双重所有格与所有格的区别He is my fathers friend. 他是我父亲的朋友(说明一件事实)He is a friend of my fathers. 他是我父亲的一个朋友(强调数量,相当于He is one of my fathers friends)His invention will greatly benefit the whole world(说明事实)That invention of his will greatly benefit the whole world。(带有赞扬的感情色彩)注:有些名词,在of后面有所属格和普通格,含义不同。常用的这类名词有opinion(意见)/portrait/ picture/ photo/ criticism(批评)。比较:An opinion of the teacher对教师的意见An opinion of the teachers教师的意见A portrait of my father,我父亲的肖像A portrait of my fathers我父亲收藏的肖像A photo of him一张他的照片A photo of his 他所拥有的一张照片A criticism of the headmaster对校长的批评A criticism of the headmasters校长的批评单项选择3. It is known to all that an ant has _. ( )A. a stomach B. two stomach C. two stomaches D two stomachs4. _ like eating_ . ( )A. Heroes, potatos B. Negroes, potatoes C. Heros, potatos D. Negros, potatoes5. The housewives cooked two _ and she asked us to help ourselves to some_. ( )A. chicken, chickens B. chickens, chickens C. chickens, chicken D. chicken, chicken6. I saw _ lying on the ground. ( )A. a ten- pound note B. a ten- pounds note C. ten-pound note D. ten- pounds notes7. These _ are playing with these _. ( ) A. babys, monkeys B. babies, monkeis C. babies, monkeys D. babys, monkies8. Long live the friendship between _ of China and Japan! ( )A. two people B. the two people C. the two peoples D. two peoples9. We had many _ taken on the Great Wall. ( )A. photos B. a photo C. photo D. pieces of photos10. Some _ lay eggs in the water, others produce living young. ( )A. fish B. fishes C. fishs D. kind of fish11. Mr. Smith goes to church on _. ( )A. a Sunday B. Sundays C. the Sunday D. the Sundays12. Ill give you _ to finish the work. ( )A. two weeks time B. two weeks time C. a two- week time D. two weeks time13. We must find _ to reach himA. way B. a means C. a mean D. meaning14. Father bought _ for us the other dayA
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