从句和简单句翻译PART A1 他从不取笑那些处于困境中的人。He never laughs at people who are in trouble.2 西班牙语是不是南美洲使用最广的语言?Is Spanish the most widely used language in South America?3 我老师比我所想的要年轻得多。My teacher is much younger than I thought.4 不管礼仪怎样不同,全世界人民都认为好的礼仪意味着友好。No matter how different the manners are, people all over the world agree that good manners mean kindness.5 不懂装懂的人总有一天会受到惩罚的。Those who pretend to know what they dont know will be punished one day.6 我永远不会忘记我进入高中的那一天。Ill never forget the day when I entered the senior high school.7 这是我出生的地方。This is the place where I was born.8 昨天使大家发笑的译员叫什么名字?What is the name of the interpreter who made everyone laugh yesterday?9 他迟到的原因尚不清楚。The reason why he was late is not clear.10 他不知道她为什么在练习中有这么多的错误。He wondered why she had made so many mistakes in the exercise.11 我们很早出发,以便赶上第一趟火车。We left early so that we could catch the first train.12 你越是用功,你的功课就显得越容易。The more diligent you are, the easier your lessons will seem to you.13 美国人烹调食物的方式和我们不一样。The way Americans cook their food is different from ours.14 除非你更加努力用功,否则你将永远不能考及格。Unless you work harder, youll never pass the exam.15 你们能做的,我们也能做到。We can accomplish whatever you can do.16 按照这篇课文,早起的人常被叫做“早起的鸟”。According to the text, a person who gets up early is often called an early bird.17 你读完全书后就能清楚地知道这个故事了。After reading the whole book, youll get a clear picture of the story.18 纽扣可能被误认为糖果,应该放在孩子们拿不到的地方。Buttons may be mistaken for sweets and should be kept where children cannot find them.19 为别人带来幸福的人是最幸福的人。Those who bring happiness to others are the happiest people.20 她付钱之前犹豫了好久,因为她不知道质量好坏。She hesitated for a long time before she paid the money, as she was not sure whether the quality was good or not.21 延续了八年的战争终于结束了。The war that lasted eight years ended at last.22 我们不明白他们怎么能在短期内有如此大的改进。We dont know how they could make such great improvements in such a short time.23 她满意与否对我而言并不重要。It doesnt matter whether she is pleased or not.24.他在会上说的话使大家很受鼓舞 What he said on the meeting encouraged us greatly.25.我会跟任何对我忠诚的人交朋友I will make friends with anyone who is loyal to me.26.我不知道他会不会同意这个计划 I am not sure whether he will agree with this plan or not.27.这个城市不再是十年前的样子This city is not the same as ten years ago. 28.我们不信任他的理由是他经常撒谎 The reason why we do not believe him is that he always lies.29.这所房子什么时候能盖完要看材料供应情况 When the building will be finished depends on the material supplying.30.他们的生意为什么做的这么好,这是很容易理解的 It is easy to know why they do their business very well.31.他们何时出发还没有确定下来They have not decided when to set off.PART B一、比较级1这个电影比那个电影更让我喜欢。2我们将尽快地把技术资料寄给你们。3在这三本字典中,我认为第一本对我们最适用。4他的翻译水平并不是像我们想象的那样好。5对任何事情来说,有准备都比没有准备好。1. I like this film much better than that one.2. We will send the technical data to you as soon as possible.3. Of the three dictionaries, I think the first one is the most suitable for us.4. His ability in translation is not so strong as we thought.5. It is better to be prepared than unprepared for everything.二、不定式1学习科学的最好方法之一是做实验。2下月在我校召开的国际会议一定会成功。3人们认识到如何使自己适应周围环境变得越来越重要了。4中国是世界上第一个造纸的国家。5将这些货物包装在结实的箱子内是必要的。1. One of the best ways to study science is to do experiments.2. The international conference to be held in our university next month is bound to be a success.3. It is becoming increasingly important for people to know how to adjust themselves to their surroundings.4. China is the first country in the world to make paper.5. It is necessary to pack the goods in strong boxes.三、定语从句1他说的一切似乎都有道理。2附近有什么地方我们可以买到邮票吗?3任何了解我国经济情况的人都知道发展农业的重要性。4这本小说是我曾经读过的最引人入胜的一本,而且是同类书中最长的一本。5我们对他解决问题的方法很感兴趣。1. Everything he said seems reasonable.2. Is there any place around where we can buy some stamps?3. Anyone who understands the economic conditions in our country knows the importance of the development of agriculture.4. This novel is the most fascinating one I have ever read and the longest of its kind.5. We are interested in the way by which he solved the problems.四、名词性从句1谁第一个被面试还没有确定。2我们何时开工并无关系。最重要的是我们必须做好准备。3计算机是如何工作的将在下一次课上做详细说明。4这家工厂只能供应我们所需要的30%。5她说的使我想起了自己的童年。1. Who will be the first to be interviewed has not been decided yet.2. When we start doesnt matter. The most important thing is that we should make good preparations for it.3. How a computer works will be explained in detail at the next lecture.4. This factory can only supply thirty percent of what we need.5. What she said makes me think of my own childhood.五、状语从句1在老师再解释一遍后,同学们才听懂这个句子的意思。2因为我们住在海滨,所以能够享受到有益健康的气候。3尽管我们两家公司在商业上是竞争对手,但在许多方面存在共同利益。4他们对问题进行详细讨论后,达成了一致的意见。5他的讲演这样的精彩,因此人人都称赞他。1. Only after the teacher explained it a second time did the students understand the meaning of the sentence.2. Since we live near the sea, we enjoy a healthy climate.3. Although both our companies are business competitors, we share common interests in many areas.4. After they discussed the matter in detail, they came to an understanding.5. He made such a wonderful speech that everyone spoke highly of him.六、分词1采用这个办法,我们提高了学习英语的效率。2由于英语考试只得了60分,她显得很失望。3在实践中取得的经验将对我们的工作很有好处。4从今年上半年看,经济增长较快,形势令人鼓舞。5我们必须使我们的思想适应变化了的情况。1. Adopting this method, we have improved our efficiency in English learning.2. She looked rather disappointed because she got only 60 points in the English test.3. The experience gained in practice will be of great value to our work.4. In the first half year, economy has increased rapidly, and the situation is encouraging.5. We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions.七、被动语态1过去的10年中,经过共同努力,在我国的研究生教育方面取得了很大的进步。2大量的统计资料
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