



壹学英语 No.1 English 君子壹教,凝子壹学,亟成。 1 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 一、重点短语一、重点短语 1.go out for dinner 2.stay out late 3.go to the movies 4.get a ride 5.work on sth. 6.finish doing sth. 7.clean and tidy 8.do the dishes 9.take out the rubbish 10. fold your/the clothes 11. sweep the floor 12. make your/the bed 13. clean the living room 14. No problem 15. welcome sb. 16. come home from school/ work 17. throw down 18. throw away 19. come over (to+地点) 20. take sb. for a walk 21. all the time 22. all day/evening 23. do housework 24. shout back 大声回应 25. walk away 26. share the housework 27. a comfortable home 28. (do sth.) in surprise 惊讶 地(做) 29. get something to drink 30. watch one show 31. hang out 32. pass sb. sth. 33. lend sb. sth. 34. get sth. wet 35. hate + (to do/ doing) sth. 36. do chores 37. help sb.(to)do /with sth 38. bring a tent 39. buy some snacks 40. go to the store 41. invite sb. to a party 42. make sb. do sth. 43. enough stress 44. waste of time 45. in order to 为了 46. get good grades 47. mind doing sth. 48. depend on 49. develop children s independence 50. look after/take care of 51. do one s part in (doing ) sth.做某人分内的事 三、单元知识点三、单元知识点 1. Could you please +动词原形动词原形? 你能你能吗?吗? Could 在句子开头,不表示过去时态而表示请求不表示过去时态而表示请求,以表示礼貌、委婉或不确定的语气,而 can 则 不具备这些语气,这种情况下不能把 could 看作 can 的过去式。肯定回答可以用 Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./ Go ahead, please.或 Thats OK/all right.,也可以用“主语+can”不能用不能用“主语主语+could” 。 否定回答用“Sorry, +理由” , “主语+cant/ mustnt.” ,不用不用“主语主语+couldnt” 。 表请求的结构还有:Would you please+V 原? Would you mind+V-ing? 2.take out 带出去;取出,拿出 take the rubbish out take out 100yuan take your tickets out 3. make the/ ones bed 整理床铺 4. Could I at least finish watching this show? finish 完成,做好;finish doing sth. 5. (at) any minute (now)很快,马上 Mother will be back any minute now. Hurry up! The train is leaving at any minute. 6. mess 【名词】不整洁,杂乱(不堪) be in a mess 乱七八糟,杂乱不堪 7. sweep【动词】打扫,扫;过去式为 swept,sweep the floor 9. The minute I sat in front of the TV, my mother came over. The minute (that)引导时间状 语从句,意为“一一/刚刚就就” ,相当于 as soon as,I promise to reply to your letter the minute I get home. 10. reply 回答,回复【不及物动词】reply to sb./sth. ,reply to your letter reply in writing 11. asas 像一样,否定形式为 not so/asas A(be) as+形容词+as B. A 实意动词 as+副词 as B. 12. neither did I.是“Neither +be 动词/助动词助动词/情态动词+主语.”结构,表示前者的否定情况也适用 壹学英语 No.1 English 君子壹教,凝子壹学,亟成。 2 于后者。 I dont agree with their plan. Neither do I. They cant swim across the river. Neither can we. Neither 还表示“两者的否定” ,即可以看成是 both“两者都”的完全否定。 Both of my parents are mountain climbers. 意为 ;“我父母都不是登山者”是下 面那个句子? Neither of my parents is a mountain climber. Both of my parents are not mountain climbers. 13. pass sb. sth.= pass sth. to sb.把某物递给/传给某人,请把盐递给我。 = 14. borrow 借,借进,借他人的物品来用,常用于 borrow sth. from sb. /borrow sbs sth lend 借给,借出,把自己的物品借出去,常用于 lend sth. to sb. /lend sb. sth, 15. while 当时候;在期间,引导时间状语从句,表“一段时间” ,从句的谓语动词用延 续性动词,且常用进行时态,如 The telephone rang while father was reading a newspaper. Could you please look after the kid while I do shopping? When 引导时间状语从句是,可以表示“一段时间”和“某一时刻” ,所以从句的谓语动词延续 性动词和短暂性动词皆可。When I arrive in Beijing, its raining heavily. 16. hate vt. “不喜欢,讨厌、恨”,没有进行时。hate 后可接 to do 也可接 doing,意义无大差别, 只是 to do 更多表示具体的一次性的动作,而 doing 更多表示习惯性,经常的一般的动作;同 like 后接 to do 或 doing 的用法。 17.【复习】invite sb. to do sth. invitation 【名词】 invite sb. to sth. / invite sb. for sth. He invited us for the concert. I want to invite my friends to a party. 19. waste【名词】浪费;滥用 a waste of time【动词】浪费 waste time/waste money 20. in order to+V 原形,意为“为了/目的是” ,In order to improve his English, he practices speaking everyday. in order that+从句,意思也是“为了/目的是” 21. provide【动词】提供;供应,常用结构 provide sth. (for sb.)=provide sb. with sth. The hotel provides free breakfast (for travelers). = 22.【复习】It is +adj. (for sb.) to do sth.意为 24. depend on sb./ sth.依靠,信赖,决定于;His high grade depends on his hard training. When we grow up, we must depend on ourselves. 27. the+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级意为“越,就越” The harder you study the better grade you can get. 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一一、英汉互译。 1. play with _2. have a test _ 3. do chores _4. take out _ 5. make the bed _6. sweep the floor _ 7. 从借_8. 喂狗_ 9. 生气_10. 照顾_ 11. 邀请某人到_12. 忙于/从事_ 13. 洗餐具_14. 做饭_ 二、根据要求答题。 1. Could you help me clean the living room? (作肯定回答) _, 壹学英语 No.1 English 君子壹教,凝子壹学,亟成。 3 _. 2. Thanks for taking care of my dog. (变同义句) _ for _ my dog. 3. Remember to clean the bed. (改为同义句) _ _ to clean the door. 4. Can you lend your pen to me? (改为同义句) Can _ _ your pen? 5. I like to wash the plates because its relaxing. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ to wash the plates? 三、用 could, can, may, must, neednt 填空。 1. A: _ you answer the question in English? B: Sorry, I _. _ I answer it in English? A: No, you _. You _ answer it in Chinese. 2. A: _ I ask a question? B: Yes, you _. But you _ wait, a minute. 3. A: _ I use your eraser, Bill? B: Sorry. I dont have one. Ask Mary. She _ have one. 4. A: _ you help me do the shopping. B: OK, Sure. 5. A: _ you sweep the floor? B: But I _ finish my homework first. Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 学学案案 1 1词词组组 talk to sb. 与某人交谈 _太多 get enough sleep _ _ 允许某人做某事 hang out with sb. _ afterschool classes 课外活动课 get into a fight with sb._ write sb. a letter 给某人写信 call sb up_ look through_ _生某人的气 a big deal_ work out 成功地发展 ,解决 _和睦相处,关系良好 hang over 笼罩 _。拒绝做某事 _主动提出做某事 _ 以便 all the time_ in future_ worry about sth.担心某事 _ ones homework 抄袭某人的作业 be oneself 做自己 family members家庭成员 spend time alone 独自消磨时光 give sb. pressure 给某人施压 _与某人吵架 _.与某人竞争 free time activities_ get better grades 取得更好的成绩 give ones opinion 提出某人的观点 learn exam skills 学习应试技巧 practice sports 体育训练 _删除 comparewith_ cause stress 造成压力 二语法 1.提建议向别人发出邀请,请求,建议,或征求某人的意见的其他表达方式 How /what about doing sth.?(about 是个介词,可跟名词或动名词)“怎么样? ” Y o u d better (not) do something.“你最好(不)做某事 ” 壹学英语 No.1 English 君子壹教,凝子壹学,亟成。 4 Would you like sth ? : “你想要某物 What should I do ? ( should 表示请求、征询对方 意见) 学会谈论问题和学会用 why dont you 提建议向别人 发出邀请,请求,建议,或征求某人的意见的表达 方式: (1),Why dont you do something? =_你为什么不做某事呢? 来表示请求、征询对方意见 2.allow 常见用法如下: (1)allow sb to do sth. “允许某人做某事 ” (2)My parents allow me _ _ _( go out) at night. 3.argue 争吵,争论争吵,争论 argue with sb 与某人争论,其中 argue有“争辩,争论 ”的意思,常指根据一定的理由想要说服他人。 I _ _my best friend.yesterday. 4【辨析辨析】 instead 与 instead of instead 副词 指舍去前面的成分而取后面的成分,可单独使用,位于句首或句尾。 instead of 介 词 ( 短 语 ) 指 舍去后面的成分而取前面的成分,不能单独使用 He didnt answer instead ,he asked his father. We eat noodles instead of rice sometimes. 5.continue 作及物动词, “继续(做某事)”+名词、代词、不定式、动名词 The meeting will be continued after a break. The young man continued his study after his father died. 6.notuntil 直直到到。 。 。才


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