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汉译英主题词汇:8. 学校教育普及教育universal education 高等教育higher education 象牙塔ivory tower 正规院校regular universities and colleges 军校military academy 九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education 学前教育pre-school education 失学儿童dropout 文盲illiteracy; illiterate 受过良好教育的well-educated 入学率enrollment rate 适龄儿童入学率enrollment rate for children of school age 高考(university /college )entrance examination 考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 读研attend graduate school 毕业典礼commencement /graduation ceremony 毕业鉴定graduation appraisal 毕业论文a graduation dissertation /thesis /paper 毕业实习graduation field work ;go out on internships 授予学位confer an academic degree on sb. 博士学位doctors degree 硕士学位masters degree 学士学位bachelors degree 在职博士生on-job doctorate 研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma /graduate degrees diploma 中专生secondary specialized or technical school student 大学本科生undergraduate 中小学elementary /primary and middle /secondary schools (大学)扩招scale expansion 扩大招生人数enlarge school enrollment / recruits 走读生extern; non-resident student 住校生boarder 课外活动extracurricular activity 必修课required /compulsory course 选修课elective /optional course 基础课basic course 专业课specialized course 专业知识specialized knowledge 开设课程offer a course 课程表school schedule 教学大纲teaching program ;syllabus 学分制credit system 补考make-up examination 学年school year 师资力量teaching faculty 应试教育exam-oriented education (system)推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development 基本实现教育现代化basically modernize education 招生就业指导enrollment and vocation guidance 竞争激烈fierce competition 评价体系evaluation system 选拔官员/人才select officials /talents 海外留学生overseas student; international student 9. 旅游交通旅游景点tourist scenes; tourist spot 名胜古迹scenic and historical sites; places of interests 避暑胜地summer resort 森林公园forest park 自然保护区nature reserve 自然景观natural scenery 人文景观human landscape 壮丽河山magnificent scenery古典山水园林classical landscape garden 皇家园林royal garden 建筑architecture 钟楼bell tower 鼓楼drum tower 牌坊memorial archway 兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 天坛the Temple of Heaven 保存最完好的best-preserved 原址original site 国家博物馆national museum 中外游客tourists from home and abroad 游乐园amusement park 度假take a vacation ;go on holiday 门票(entrance )ticket 免费景区电子门票free sightseeing e-coupon星级酒店star-rated hotel 高峰期rush hour 人山人海,人满为患overcrowd ed ; be packed with overcrowded people 翻山越岭climb mountains and hills 受到。的热烈欢迎be warmly welcomed by .丰富知识enrich ones knowledge 开阔视野broaden ones horizon 扩大知识面enlarge the scope of knowledge 培养独立性cultivate independence 运输工具means of transportation 公共交通public transport 地铁站subway station 候车室waiting room 扣分处罚point penalty 酒驾drunk driving 终身禁驾lifetime ban from driving 护照passport 签证有效期validity of visa 散客individual visitor 团体游客group visitor 段落汉译英训练21. 数字文化吉利数字(auspicious number )在中国文化一直起着重要的作用。不少人认为数字6、8、9吉利,因为它们跟一些具有积极含义的汉字发音相同或相近。如8与“发”的发音相似,象征着繁荣和财富;9与“久”发音一样,意为“长长久久”。因此,很多人在选择手机号码和车牌号码(license plate number )时会不惜花钱去选取这些数字。相反,没有人会选4,因为4与“死”发音一致,是不吉利的数字(inauspicious number )。_22. 月饼月饼是我国各族人民喜爱的传统节日特色食品。中秋节那天,人们一边赏月,一边吃月饼。一个圆圆的月饼全家分着吃,代表着家人团圆。吃月饼的习俗始于唐代。当时,月饼作为皇家祭品于中秋节所食,至明清时期成为全民共同的饮食习俗。时至今日,月饼的品种繁多,风味也因地各异,其中广式月饼(Cantonese-style mooncake )和京式月饼广受欢迎。_23. 计划生育计划生育是中国的基本国策之一。它于1978年开始实施,30多年来,已取得了显著的效果。它不仅有效地控制了人口的过快增长,还提升了人口素质。此外,计划生育政策还提高了人们的生活水平、促进了社会的持续发展。然而,随着社会进一步发展,新问题不断出现,计划生育工作面临着许多新的挑战,所以中国政府对其进行了修改完善。_24. 中国离婚率上升在旧中国,几乎不用为婚姻和家庭生活担忧。中国的传统文化并不赞成离婚,离过婚的妇女也会被人瞧不起。然而,时代不断在变化,大众的观念也随之变化。人们不再为离婚感到羞耻。在今天的中国,每天大约有4500对夫妻分手,并且这个数字还在攀升。专家称,离婚率上升在医疗之中,因为中国正经历着剧烈的经济和社会变革。_25. 公租房面对高房价,作为城市“夹层人”(sandwich layer )的大学毕业生们生活得比较艰苦。最近,政府开始采取措施帮助低收入人群,特别是那些难以租到价格合适房屋的毕业生。政府将考虑年轻租房者的切身利益,建设更多的小户型公租房。申请公租房的程序也日趋简单。在深圳,符合条件的人只需提供身份证、学历证书及工作证明即可申办。_26. 评价奢侈品随着网购的进一步盛行,小型城市的消费者有了新的购物目标,从网店购买平价奢侈品(affordable luxury )。这些消费者年龄在25岁到40岁之间。借助网络,他们购买了很多昂贵的服装、手包和配饰(accessories )。不同于“冲动型”消费者(impulse shopper ),他们日趋变得理性、成熟。他们不去选择大牌子的产品,看重的是产品质量和风格。当然,价格便宜是促使他们网购奢侈品的首要原因。_27.风能风是一种潜力很大的新能源。风能既清洁又可再生,所以越来越受到世界各国的重视。我国的风力资源极为丰富,绝大多数地区的平均风速都在每秒3米以上。早在20世纪70年代,中国就开始了发展风力发电的努力。到2010年,中国风电装机容量(installed wind power capacity )超过美国,成为风力发电的第一大国。风力发电为保护环境做出了巨大的贡献。_28. 快递业随着电子商务的兴起和网购的流行,快递业(express delivery industry )应运而生。快递公司提供上门收件服务,收件后就会以尽可能快的速度送到顾客手上。然而,对快递延误的投诉却持续不断。为了提高投递服务质量,国家标准化管理委员会(the National Standardization Management Committee )实施了一套新标准。该标准规定,城际之间投递包裹的时间不得超过72小时,否则将被认定为延误,顾客即有权索赔。_29. 造纸术纸张发明之前,人们将文字刻在平整的竹片或木片上。由竹片或木片制成的书很笨重,不方便阅读和携带。东汉时期,蔡伦利用树皮、麻头(hemp) ,破布等来造纸,得名“蔡伦纸”。由于轻便价廉,这种纸很快得到推广并取代竹片和木片。随后,中国的造纸技术流传至世界各地。造纸术是中国的四大发明之一,是中华民族对世界文明的杰出贡献。_30. 赴美留学近年来,越来越多的中国学生赴美留学。去年,美国进行了一项针对高校留学生的调查研究。该调查表明,2011-2012学年间来自中国的高校留学生总人数超过了19万,这使得中国连续三年成为美国最大的留学生来源国。而在2002年,印度领先中国,是美国最大的留学生来源地。对于中国赴美留学生增长这一现象,不同的人从不同的角度予以关注-或褒或贬。_21. Auspicious numbers have long played an important part in Chinese culture. Many people consider numbers six, eight and nine as the auspicious ones because they have the same or similar sounds to the Chinese characters of positive meanings. For example, the pronunciation of the number “eight” is similar to the character “fa” symbolizing prosperity and wealth. The number “nine” has the same pronunciation with the character “jiu” which means “long lasting”. Therefore, many people are willing to pay out for these numbers to be included in their phone numbers and license plate numbers. On the contrary, no one will choose the number 4 because it bears the same pronunciation with the character “si”(die) and is considered to be inauspicious number.22. Loved by people of all nationalities in China, the mooncake is a traditional festival specialty. On Mid-autumn Festival, people eat mooncakes while they are enjoying the moon. A round mooncake is shared by the whole family, symbolizing the reunion of the family members. The custom of eating mooncakes can date back to the Tang Dynasty when the mooncakes were eaten as a royal sacrifice on the Mid-autumn Day. It became a diet custom for the whole nation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Now, mooncakes are of numerous kinds, with different flavors in various regions. Among them , mooncakes of Cantonese-style and Beijing-style are widely popular.23. Family planning is one of the basic national policies of China. Implemented in 1978, the family planning policy has produced remarkable effects over the past 30-odd years. Excessive population growth was effectively controlled, with the quality of people being improved. Furthermore, the family planning policy has helped in promoting living standards as well as sustainable social development. However, as the society further develops, new problems emerge continuously, bringing many new challenges to family planning. Therefore, the Chinese government has refined the policy.24. There was hardly any worry about marriage and family life in old China. Traditional Chinese culture frowned on divorce. The divorced women were looked down upon. But the public perceptions are changing along with the times. People dont feel it a shame to divorce any more. In todays China, about 4500 couples split up every day and the figure is still climbing. Experts say, the rise in divorce rate is expected because China has been experiencing dramatic economic and social changes.25. Facing the high housing prices, the college graduates, as the “sandwich layer” of the city, live quite a hard life. Recently, the government begins to take measures to help people on a low income, particularly those graduates who struggle to find affordable accommodation. The government will take the vital interests of the young renters into consideration and build more small apartments as public rental houses. The procedure of applying for a public rental house is becoming simple. In Shenzhen, a qualified person just needs to offer his/her identification card, education and working certificates. 26. As online shopping prevails further, the consumers in small cities have a new shopping target which is to buy affordable luxuries from online stores. These consumers age between 25 and 40. Via the Internet, they have bought many expensive clothes, handbags, and accessories. Different from impulse shoppers, they are getting more rational and mature. They dont choose a big brand product. Instead, they emphasize on the products quality and style. Of course, low price is the leading reason for them to purchase luxury products online. 27. Wind is a new energy with great potential. Clean and renewable, wind energy receives increasing attention from countries around the world. China boasts rich wind resources with the average wind speed faster than 3 meters a second in most of its region. Chinas installed wind power capacity exceeded that of the United States, making China the biggest giant in wind power. Wind poer has made great contribution to protecting the environment. 28. Express delivery industry emerged with the rise of electronic commerce and the popularity of online shopping. The pick-up service is available in express companies, and after getting the packages, theyll send them to customers as quickly as possible. However, consumers complaints towards delay of delivery continue. To improve the delivery services, the National Standardization Management Committee has put into place a new set of standards. According to them, the


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