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语法专题(六)形容词和副词语法综合演练.单项选择1.2018淮安 The fish you bought yesterday smells . Youd better throw it away.A.goodB.badC.wellD.badly2.2018莱芜 Tina is very. Her face often turns red while answering questions in class.A.shyB.active C.smart D.outgoing3.2018葫芦岛 My father thinks writing is as as reading.A.interesting B.interested C.more interestingD.more interested4.2018连云港 Harry, you should mind your manners. It is to push in before others.Sorry, Mom. I wont do it next time.A.politeB.rudeC.activeD.careless5.2018抚顺 Your advice is veryto me. Im sure our activity will be more meaningful. A.terribleB.comfortableC.impossibleD.valuable6.2018沈阳改编 I had a trip to Qinhuangdao last year. Its a nice city to visit.A.wonderfulB.terribleC.dangerousD.delicious7.2018云南 Dont play games on the computer all day. Its to your eyes.A.harmfulB.usefulC.helpfulD.thankful8.2018本溪 What news! Weve never had such a long vacation before.A.missingB.boringC.worryingD.exciting9.2018兰州 The Nile is one of the rivers in the world.A.longB.longerC.longestD.most longest10.2017温州 Robert is so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends.A.busyB.smartC.seriousD.pleased11.2017安徽 What do you think of the movie?Great! I have never seen a one.A.goodB.badC.betterD.worse12.2017宿迁 Daniel is his twin brother. They are both 1.75 meters tall.A.taller thanB.shorter thanC.as tall asD.so tall as13.2017德州 As soon as I heard the news that I passed the driving test, I felt at once.A.angryB.relaxedC.afraidD.nervous14.2018莱芜 Nowadays some parents spend more time on mobile phones so that they care for their kids.A.oftenB.seldomC.usuallyD.sometimes15.2018包头 He was once killed in a car accident several years ago.A.completelyB.sadlyC.exactlyD.nearly16.2018江西 Could I speak to Paul? I phoned. Sorry, he is still in his meeting. A.lateB.earlierC.earliest D.later17.2018安徽 Yuan Longping is regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting.A.suddenlyB.patientlyC.hardlyD.generally18.2018徐州 As an engineer, you cant be careful. You should pay attention to every detail.A.veryB.too C.soD.quite19.2018本溪 There are smiles everywhere, on the faces of children.A.nearlyB.especiallyC.finallyD.luckily20.2018辽阳 The gift from my friend is getting old , but I still like it very much.A.usuallyB.suddenlyC.slowlyD.exactly21.2018乌鲁木齐 Cathy checked her paperso that she could get good grades this time.A.careful enoughB.enough carefulC.enough carefullyD.carefully enough22.2018青岛 Allen always behaves , so many people like him.A.easilyB.politelyC.friendlyD.lively23.2018黔南 you practice, you will be at math.A.The more; the betterB.The more; the bestC.The most; the betterD.The most; the best24.2017温州 Seeing a bird resting by the window, the boy moved to have a look at it.A.politelyB.quietlyC.easilyD.safely25.2017广东 We can collect rainwater when it rains , and use it to water plants.A.softlyB.heavily C.noisilyD.quietly26.2017泰州 Last Saturday, I got to the station late because of the heavy traffic, but the train was still there.A.exactlyB.mostlyC.luckilyD.slowly27.2017泰安 What do you think of Wilsons speaking?No one does in our school.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best28.2017莱芜 To our surprise, the computer won the chess game against the human player.A.certainlyB.usually C.finallyD.mostly29.After traveling a long journey, Mr. and Mrs. Green arrived home .A.safelyB.hardly C.strangelyD.suddenly30.I hope our school life will be more than before.A.tiringB.moving C.interestingD.surprising31.2018保定一模 Miss Zhang, Im very for all your help.A.thankfulB.carefulC.useful D.helpful32.2018唐山路南区二模 They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news.A.sadly B.happily C.carefully D.angrily 33.2018秦皇岛海港区一模 To my surprise, my brother can speak English . A.livelyB.friendly C.kindlyD.perfectly 34.The price of iPhone X is too for me. I cant afford it.A.expensiveB.cheapC.highD.low35.The teacher felt very when she heard that her student fell ill.A.worriedB.excitedC.angryD.wrong36.Dad, would you please drive ?No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off.A.more slowly B.higherC.more carefully D.faster37.The math problem isnt difficult, and most of the students can work it out .A.hardlyB.easilyC.simplyD.impossibly38.I cant hear you . Please speak a little louder.A.lovelyB.clearlyC.widelyD.friendly39.This kind of watch is much today. Would you like to have one?Really? Ill take one.A.the most expensiveB.the cheapestC.more expensiveD.cheaper40.How was your interview yesterday?Oh, I couldnt feel . I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.A.easierB.worseC.betterD.happier.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.2018淮安 On (rain) days, the traffic is heavier than usual.2.2018淮安 Robinson Crusoe(鲁滨孙漂流记) by Daniel Defoe is (wide) read by teenagers in our city.3.2018莱芜 The second-hand car is much (cheap) than the new one.4.2018扬州 Cells are the (small) and most basic units of living matter. 5.2018长春 It is (polite) to talk loudly in public places like a library.6.2018龙东 He is always ready to help others and he thinks (much) of others than himself.7.2018贵阳 To achieve our dreams, we must take every life choice (serious).8.2018贵阳 Mark is very (help). He often fixes up peoples broken bikes for free.9.2018北部湾 Everyone was(surprise) to see her at the party last night.10.2018武威 The days of spring are (wind) and bright.参考答案.1.B下文“You d better throw it away.”可知,用形容词bad“坏的”作系动词smell的表语,符合句意。故选B。2.Ashy意为“害羞的”;active意为“积极的;活跃的”;smart意为“聪明的”;outgoing意为“外向的”。根据“her face often turns red”可知,她性格腼腆,在公共场合会害羞。故选A。3.Aasas意为“和一样”,其中第一个as为副词,后跟形容词或副词原形。故选A。4.Bpolite意为“有礼貌的”;rude意为“粗鲁的”;active意为“积极的”;careless意为“粗心的”。根据下文“我下次不这样了”可推知在别人面前推搡是鲁莽的,故选B。5.Dterrible意为“可怕的”; comfortable意为“舒服的”; impossible意为“不可能的”; valuable意为“有价值的”。根据下文“我有把握我们的活动将更有意义。”可知建议非常有价值。故选D。6.A7.A根据前句“不要整天在电脑上玩游戏”可推知,整天玩电脑游戏对眼睛有害。故选A。8.D根据后句句意可知,空白处应用exciting表示“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”,故选D。9.C在英语中,“one of+the+形容词(副词)最高级+复数名词”表示“之中最之一”,且long是单音节单词,其最高级直接在其后面加-est即可,故选“longest”。10.A11.C12


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