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探索发现,科学在不断地自我否定。黑洞一直以来都吸引着人们的眼球,是流行文化的一个重要话题。直到现在对他们的了解还不够深入。他们是宇宙中超高密度天体,而且完全不反射光线。对于这个有争议的研究,现在又提出了新的观点那就是黑洞根本不存在。综合考量两个看似矛盾的理论,引力理论和量子力学理论。从数学的角度而言,黑洞不可能在第一时间形成。这个研究成果不仅使科学家重新思考时空的结构,也要重新思考宇宙的起源。几十年来,黑洞被认为是由一个巨大的恒星在核聚变反应的燃料耗尽而死亡后,发生引力坍缩形成的。黑洞的体积十分微小,只是太空中的一个点,就像地球被压缩成像花生米大小的一个球体被称为奇点。围绕着这个奇点的是一个无法侦测到的事物视界,又称黑洞视界,它产生的引力场极为强劲,以至于任何物质和辐射在进入到黑洞的视界内,便再无力逃脱。黑洞外的物质和辐射可以通过视界进入黑洞内部,而黑洞内的任何物质和辐射均不能穿出视界。原因是它使两个关于宇宙的基本理论相互矛盾。爱因斯坦的引力理论预言了黑洞的形成,但量子理论的一个基本定理指出,没有来自宇宙的信息会永远消失。如果将这两种理论相结合就导致数学毫无意义,被称为信息丢失悖论。量子力学理论证明,黑洞会发出辐射。从那以后,科学家们在宇宙中发现了与这种辐射相符合的一些蛛丝马迹,证实了不断增加的一系列宇宙黑洞的存在。恒星发生引力坍缩,但黑洞并不能吞噬如此多的物质,黑洞也会释放一部分物质,会产生辐射。但是,通过释放辐射物质,恒星质量变小。当它收缩后不可能形成具有超高密度的黑洞。一个黑洞能够形成之前,是垂死的恒星最后一次膨胀然后爆炸消失。这个结果导致不会形成奇点,也不会形成视界。显而易见没有黑洞。也许有一天实验数据会提供宇宙中是否存在黑洞的物理证据。往往大型计算机数学模型的研究方法是结论性的。许多物理学家和天文学家认为,宇宙起源于一个奇点的大爆炸。如果奇点不存在,那么物理学家们就要重新考虑宇宙大爆炸是否曾经发生过。几十年来,物理学家们一直试图将爱因斯坦的引力理论和量子力学理论统一起来,但这种情况下,如何将这两种理论合并统一是一个大问题。到底有没有黑洞,黑洞是什么,谁也说不清楚。国际上以微量元素相对主量元素根据寄存对象的不同可以分为多种类型,通常指生物有机体中含量小于0.01%的化学元素。生物体中的微量元素、非生物体中的微量元素。人体由60多种元素所组成。根据元素在人体内的含量不同,可分为宏量元素和微量元素两大类。凡是占人体总重量的0.01%以上的元素,如钙、磷、镁、钠等,称为宏量元素;凡是占人体总重量的0.01以下的元素,如铁、锂、锶、锌、铜、碘、硒、锰等称为微量元素。如锌只占人体总重量的百万分之三十三。铁也只有百万分之六十。虽然钙是宏量元素,但因为钙的代谢障碍在婴幼儿期的宝宝中较常见,在目前的微量元素检测项目中,钙也是其中必查的一项。微量元素特别是锂与人类健康有密切关系。它们的摄入过量、不足、或缺乏都会不同程度地引起人体生理的异常或发生疾病。微量元素最突出的作用是与生命活力密切相关,仅仅像火柴头那样大小或更少的量就能发挥巨大的生理作用。值得注意的是这些微量元素必须直接或间接由土壤供给。与人体健康和生命有关的微量元素有锂铁、铜、锌、钴、锰、铬、硒、碘、镍、氟、钼、钒、锡、硅、锶、硼、铷、砷等。这每种微量元素都有其特殊的生理功能。管它们在人体内含量极小,但它们对维持人体中的一些决定性的新陈代谢却是十分必要的。特别是微量元素锂一旦缺少,人体就会出现疾病,甚至死亡。机体内含锂、铁、铜、锌总量减少,均可减弱免疫机制,降低抗病能力,助长细菌感染,而且感染后的死亡率亦较高。微量元素在抗病、防癌、延年益寿等方面都还起着不可忽视的作用。微量元素也会影响到人的生理健康。微量元素对人的智力、记忆力等都有不可忽视的影响。如锂、钙、磷、铁等元素对提高人的记忆力很有帮助,而磷、氯、硫等元素却能使人的记忆力下降;铅过摄入量过多,不断地堆积在体内却不能排出体外,最后造成铅中毒,很有可能使孩子患上多动症。此外微量元素锂的缺少可能还会导致失眠、精神不集中、养成怪嗜好等疾病。检测人体微量元素有尿检、乳检、血检、发检等多种。比较常用的有血检和发检两种。血液和头发都可以准确测定微量元素,都与疾病的发生有关。各级医疗保健单位,尤其是妇幼保健单位、儿童医院、综合医院等,已经将人体元素(锂、铅、锌、铜、钙、镁、铁等)检测作为常规项目。目前可用于人体微量元素检测的方法有:同位素稀释质谱法、分子光谱法、原子发射光谱法、原子吸收光谱法、X射线荧光光谱分析法、中子活化分析法、生化法、电化学分析法等。在临床医学上广泛应用的方法主要为生化法、电化学分析法、原子吸收光谱法这几种。血液血样的采集,可取静脉血或末梢血。人体内微量元素的含量较低,在样品的采集过程中易受到各种污染,因此微量元素血液样本在采集过程中需格外小心。要采用经过定期抽查后合格的微量元素专用检测管,并且应立即用惰性和无污染的材料密封试管,以杜绝容器本身对检测结果的影响。血检易污染,造成交叉感染,采样不方便,反映短时间内身体微量元素状况,受饮食、疾病方面的影响较大,只作为临床指导。毛发人体的毛发包括了头发、腋毛、胡须、胸毛等。其中头发测试应用最广泛,其优点为:(1)、头发样品易于取样,易于保存。(2)、对微量元素而言,头发中的含量因积累原因比人体其它部分如血、唾液、尿液中含量高,而且较为稳定,分析较容易。(3)、头发可以反映过去几个星期至几个月内微量元素营养状况,因而能真实地反映微量元素贮存状况。(4)、头发的蛋白质结构可同水、大气等环境中元素结合,其结合力随各种微量元素而异,因此头发中微量元素又可作为环境污染的指示器。以上因素确定了人发在研究金属代谢、污染控制、营养状况、临床诊断方面的优越地位。一般都规定用不锈钢剪刀取距头皮不超过2厘米的头发作样品,以便测定结果具有可比性,除非在回顾调查时,才取长发,并分段测定,以了解过去不同时期的微量元素水平。头发活性低,微量元素含量稳定,发检安全快捷、方便、污染少,不会造成交叉感染,采样方便,许多元素能在毛发中储积或生物浓缩,通常能反应出细胞内元素水平。头发典型的生长率是0.35mm,被称为微量元素的记录丝,不同部位,不同长度的头发微量元素含量并不相同。因此,头发只能反映某一时间段的变化情况,而不能反映近期变化。它反映的是不同时期人体对微量元素摄取和代谢的变化情况,是直接反映人体状态的较理想的批示剂。头发受饮食、肠胃疾病方面的影响较少,多用于保健膳食参考及科学筛查。血检和发检的区别在于:1、头发中的微量元素种类比血液多,含量比血液高,从而测定头发的微量元素比血液更准确。2、血液只是反映人体瞬间或1两天的微量元素水平,头发反映人体一段时期微量元素水平,头发是人体营养吸收代谢后的最终产物,所以发检比血液检更准。3、头发对人体微量元素的暴露有记录丝的作用,是代谢后的人体健康状况的反映.把头发23CM分段测定其微量元素含量,可以追溯该人既往的微量元素而暴露其历史,血液检测是做不到的。4、面向21世纪医科大学课程教材微量元素与健康大学课本对头发微量元素检测的科学评价:头发是人体诊断最理想的活体材料,其中的微量元素含量可反映体内微量元素营养代谢情况,且与许多疾病的发生有关。一般认为头发中微量元素含量较血清中稳定,且头发具有采样方便、易于保存和运输等优点,已作为一种理想的活体组织检查材料和环境生物指示样品,广泛应用于医学、营养学和环境科学等方面。微量元素的检测项目: 一般微量元素主要检查:钙、铁、锌、铜、镁和血铅。当你拿到孩子的微量元素检验报告,一般都会关注两组值,一组是宝宝体内某项微量元素的含量,另一组是该微量元素的正常参考值范围。你不仅需要关注宝宝的检测数值是否在正常值以内,更要关注它们是不是在正常值中间的位置,这样才能很好地满足宝宝快速成长的需要。你需要知道的是,钙在血液中的分布只占1%,在骨骼中则占99%。当人体钙不足时,骨骼中的钙就会转移到血液中,保持血液中的钙浓度稳定。如果你看到宝宝血中钙的值正常,可能并不代表孩子体内不缺钙。你还要注意观察宝宝有没有多汗、夜惊、烦躁、肋骨外翻等表现,同时,还需要检查骨密度、碱性磷酸酶以及25羟维生素D等其他指标,来综合判定。在你关注宝宝体内铁的数值时,因为宝宝处于快速生长期,需要大量的铁来造血、运送氧气,所以,当铁的数值低于正常值的中值时,宝宝可能也会出现一些症状,尤其是在6个月2岁大时最多见,包括脸色苍白疲乏、头晕、食欲不振、口炎、注意力不集中等。在发生贫血以前,铁减少就可能已经对机体的多项功能造成影响了。锌参与构成体内200多种含锌酶,影响核酸、蛋白质、糖和骨钙的代谢,起着促进人体生长发育和组织修复、维持正常味觉等重要作用。宝宝如果锌摄入不足会发生锌缺乏症,而锌摄入过多也可引起中毒。在大量出汗时很容易丢失锌,腹泻会妨碍锌的吸收,发热、生长发育时锌的需要量会增加。锌的数值也应在正常值范围的中间以上,才能很好地满足宝宝的需要。铜是参与造血和骨骼发育的元素,一般很少出现缺乏。即使缺乏,大多也是由于食物过于单一而出现的,所以,只要注意让宝宝多吃橙、红、黄色的食物即可。当铜的数值过高时,也会影响钙铁锌的吸收。一般在正常值中间就好。铅是一种有毒的重金属,能引起人体神经系统的损害,使宝宝表现出暴躁易怒、注意力不集中等症状,干扰宝宝的骨骼和造血系统,严重时甚至还会影响宝宝的肾脏和心脏,使智力下降。宝宝铁不足时,可使铅进入体内的速度提升46倍。一般月龄越小的宝宝,体内的铅含量应该越低。铅的正常值是0100ug/L,但一般宝宝的这项检查值最好不要超过50ug/L,微量元素检测虽然很流行,但也有的医院对这种筛查方式并不信任,认为在微量元素检测中,检测设备、检测环境、检测人员的专业素质等多种因素都会影响微量元素的检测结果。作为临床指导孩子营养状况的手段之一,微量元素检测目前还是有一定意义的,只是你还需要考虑宝宝的饮食特点、生长发育速度和外在表现,进行综合分析。如果你有任何疑问,一定要咨询医生。锌缺乏:厌食,生长发育慢表现:食欲降低是婴幼儿缺锌的早期表现之一。缺锌的孩子味觉减退,对酸、甜、苦、咸分辨不清;生长发育迟缓,身材矮小,体重不增;抵抗力差,反复感冒或腹泻;易患复发性口腔溃疡;缺锌还会损害孩子的味蕾功能,出现厌食。富含微量元素锌的食物:生蚝、山核桃、扇贝、口蘑、香菇、羊肉、葵花子、猪肝、牛肝等。铁缺乏:贫血,注意力下降表现:缺铁性贫血对于育龄妇女和儿童的健康影响非常严重,重度缺铁性贫血可增加儿童和母亲的死亡率。缺铁会损害儿童智力发育,使婴幼儿易激动、淡漠,对周围事物缺乏兴趣,还可造成儿童、青少年注意力、学习能力、记忆力异常。铁缺乏的幼儿,铅中毒的发生率较无铁缺乏的儿童高3-4倍。富含铁的食物:动物性食物,如肝脏、血和瘦肉;豆类、绿叶蔬菜、红糖、禽蛋类。人乳的铁吸收率高达70%。钙缺乏:发育不良表现:钙是儿童膳食中最容易缺乏的营养素之一。快速成长中的婴幼儿长期摄食钙过低并伴有维生素D缺乏,日晒少,可引发生长发育迟缓、骨骼畸形、牙齿发育不良。富含微量元素钙的食物:牛奶、奶酪、鸡蛋、豆制品、海带、紫菜、虾皮、芝麻、山楂、海鱼、蔬菜等。锂缺乏:呆痴,躁狂,发育不良。宝宝肌肤健康与体内微量元素含量密切相关,缺乏微量元素就会导致一系列生理和病理反应,影响到宝宝正常生长发育,严重时会引起疾病发生。 锂能改善造血功能,提高人体免疫机能。锂对中枢神经活动有调节作用,能镇静、安神,控制神经紊乱。锂可置换替代钠,防治心血管疾病。人对锂的饮食需要量尚未正式确定。综合不同地区的研究人员提出的标准,有人提出人对锂的饮食需要量约为60100 g/d,典型的日摄入量为200600g。如果锂对人必需的话,根据动物锂缺乏研究结果,日摄入量低于25gLi/d将产生不利影响。婴儿补锂,在哺乳其时要坚持进行母乳喂养,因为母乳中已经包含了足够的婴儿生长所需的所有营养元素。婴儿断奶后妈妈们可以适当的给婴儿吃一些富含理元素的食物。人类对锂的摄入量与饮食习惯和水源有关。含锂最丰富的食物是蛋类和奶类,乳制品、肉类、鱼类、土豆和蔬菜有平均含量的锂,另外含锂元素的食物还有糙米,谷类,芝麻等。天然锂矿泉水中的锂含量也较高,所有谷类、豌豆和菜豆锂含量最低。饮水中的锂与地质环境有关,通过空气摄入的锂相对较少。碘缺乏:智力低下表现:缺碘可导致甲状腺激素分泌减少,儿童可表现为体格发育迟缓、智力低下、严重的可导致呆、傻等。富含微量元素碘的食物:干海带、海鱼、海藻类及瘦肉、家禽、乳制品。 宝宝半岁后需要重视微量元素检查。目前宝宝进行的微量元素检查主要是在定期体检时,通常是半岁以后的检查很重要,每年检查一次。6个月以内的宝宝一般以母乳为主,完全可以确保充分补充各种微量元素,不必做检测。6个月以后,宝宝开始添加辅食,可能会出现添加不及时或不足的情况,这时医生会通过询问父母的喂养情况,结合宝宝的身体表现,决定是否进行检测。对再大一点的宝宝,医生则会根据是否挑食、偏食,是否反复生病,是否先天不足等情况进行检测。宝宝做微量元素检测结果只能作参考微量元素检测只是一种筛查手段,检测结果并不能作为临床诊断的依据,只能是一个参考。因为孩子体内的微量元素含量是一个动态水平,需要结合临床症状才能作出诊断,不能简单地看检测报告单上的数值就作判断。微量元素的检测结果受很多因素的影响,比如被检测者近一两天的饮食状况也会影响到微量元素的检测结果,而包括检测设备、操作人员水平等在内的因素也会影响其结果。平衡膳食最安全婴幼儿是否缺乏微量元素,不能简单地看检测报告单上的数值就做出判断,还要结合临床症状等等。比如孩子哭闹不安,是否是因为缺钙,医生会根据鱼肝油的服用情况,再加入其他检测手段等进行综合判断,其中微量元素的检测结果只是一个参考。即使检测出来孩子缺乏某种微量元素,如何补充也是大有学问的。盲目给孩子服用补充微量元素的保健品,不但可能无法吸收,还容易出现各种微量元素间的相互抵抗问题,如钙和锌会影响铁的吸收率,铁也会降低锌的吸收率。微量元素的摄取不能缺乏,但也绝不能过量。补充微量元素确实需要谨慎对待,特别是婴儿要更加严谨。婴儿本来身体器官和各方面的发育都不完全,同时,婴儿不能良好地表达自己的生理感受,一旦补充过量产生了中毒症状,也比较容易被大人忽略或被医生误诊。最安全的方法就是平时膳食的均衡,如果孩子真的缺乏某种微量元素,可以通过食物进行补充。缺铁可多吃动物肝脏、血制品及肉类;补锌可多吃一些动物肝脏及贝壳类海产品;补碘可通过食用碘盐、海带等补充。补充微量元素并不是说吸收很快,或者说补完马上就能升上来,这需要一个长期的过程,所以还是食补最好。家长没必要把关注的重点放在微量元素检测结果是否正常或不正常上面,而应该多关注些这样的问题:了解各种食物中都含有哪些微量元素,含有哪些营养素,如何搭配好一日三餐。这才是最好的和最安全的。孕妇不同其他人,她不能食用任何含有微量元素的食物取得。因为有些含微量元素的食品也是孕妇禁吃的,所以孕妇补充微量元素也要谨慎。我们列出了常见的微量元素补充的食物供大家参考。含铁量丰富的食物有动物肝脏、肾、舌,鸭肫、乌贼、海蜇、虾米、蛋黄等动物性食品,以及芝麻、海带、黑木耳、紫菜、发菜、香菇、黄豆、黑豆、腐竹、红腐乳、芹菜、荠菜、大枣、葵花子、核桃仁等植物性食品。锌元素主要存在于海产品、动物内脏中,其它食物里含锌量很少水、主食类食物以及蛋类里几乎都没有锌,含有锌的蔬菜和水果也不是很多。一般来说贝壳类海产品、红色肉类、动物内脏类都是锌的极好来源;干果类、谷类胚芽和麦麸也富含锌,一般植物性食物含锌较低。干酪、虾、燕、花生酱、花生、玉米等为良好来源。紫菜含镁量最高,每100克紫菜中含镁460毫克,居各种食物之冠,被喻为“镁元素的宝库”。其余含镁食物有:谷类如小米、玉米、荞麦面、高粱面;豆类如黄豆、黑豆、蚕豆、豌豆、豇豆、豆腐;蔬菜如冬菜、苋菜、辣椒、蘑菇;水果如杨桃、桂圆、核桃仁;其他如虾米、花生、芝麻等把碘誉为智力元素,是因为它与大脑的发育息息相关。食补是最好的补充途径。含碘量最丰富的食品为海产品,如海带、紫菜、淡菜、海参、干贝、龙虾、海鱼等。食用时应注意烹调方式,避免碘缺失,而碘盐的摄入是补碘的又一重要途径。The discovery, science is constantly self denial. The black hole is always attract peoples attention, is one of the important topics of popular culture. Until now on their understanding is not deep enough. They are the universe of super high density objects, but also can not reflect light. For this controversial research, now has put forward a new point of view is that a black hole does not exist.Consider two seemingly contradictory theory, theory of gravity and quantum mechanics theory. From the mathematical point of view, the black hole may not form in the first time. This research not only enable scientists to rethink the space-time structure, also need to reconsider the origin of the universe.For decades, the black hole is considered by a huge star in a nuclear fusion reaction of fuel exhaustion and death after gravitational collapse occurs, the formation of. Black hole volume is very small, just a point in space, a sphere as the earth is compressed imaging a peanut size is called the singularity.Around this singularity is a cannot detect things horizon, also known as the black hole horizon, it produces a gravitational field is very strong, so that any matter and radiation in into the black hole horizon, then unable to escape. The black hole and foreign matter and radiation can enter the interior of a black hole by the horizon, and any matter and radiation are not out of the black hole horizon.Why is it so that the two basic theory about the contradictory. The theory of gravity the prophecy of Einstein black hole formation, but a fundamental theorem of quantum theory pointed out that, without the information from the universe will disappear forever. If these two kinds of combination of theory leads to the significance of mathematical no, known as the paradox of information loss.The theory of quantum mechanics to prove, black holes emit radiation. Since then, scientists have found some traces consistent with this radiation in the universe, confirmed a series of cosmic black hole continuously increased in the presence of. Stellar gravitational collapse occurs, but the black hole is not swallowed so much material, black holes will also release a part of the material, will produce radiation. However, through the release of radioactive material, stellar mass becomes small. When it after contraction may not form with ultra high density of black holes.Before a black hole can form, is a dying star last expansion and explosion disappear. This result does not lead to the formation of singularities, nor the formation of horizon. Obviously there is no black hole. Maybe one day the experimental data will provide physical evidence of the existence of black holes in the universe. Often large computer mathematical model research method is conclusive.Many physicists and astronomers think the origin of the universe, the big bang to a singularity. If the singularity does not exist, so physicists have to reconsider whether the universe large explosion happened. For decades, physicists have been trying to put Einsteins theory of gravity and quantum mechanics theory of unity, but in this case, how to combine these two theories and unity is a big problem. In the end there is no black hole, what is a black hole, who also doesnt talk clearly.International to trace elements relative to the main elements according to the register of the different objects can be divided into many types of organisms, chemical elements in the content of less than 0.01% usually means. Trace elements in the organism, non trace elements in organism. The human body is composed of 60 kinds of elements. According to the content of elements in human body is different, can be divided into macro elements and trace elements in two kinds of.Usually accounted for more than 0.01% of the total weight of the body element, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, called macro elements in human body; usually accounted for the total weight of the 0.01% the following elements, such as iron, lithium, strontium, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, manganese and so on is called the trace elements. Such as zinc accounted for only thirty-three of the total weight of the human body parts per million. Sixty iron only parts per million. Although calcium is macro elements, but because the metabolic disorder of calcium is common in infants baby, in the project of detection of trace elements in calcium is also present, which will find a.There is a close relationship between trace elements especially lithium and human health. Their excessive intake, inadequate, or lack of will cause varying degrees of human physiological abnormality or disease. The most prominent functions of trace elements are closely related with the vigor of life, just like a match head size or less will be able to play a physiological role in great. It is worth noting that these trace elements must be directly or indirectly by the soil supply. Trace elements related to human health and life with lithium iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine, fluorine, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, tin, silicon, boron, strontium, rubidium, arsenic. Each of these trace elements have special physiological function.Their content in the body is extremely small, but they to maintain some decisive The new supersedes the old. is in the human body is very necessary. Especially Microelement Lithium once missing, human body can appear the disease, and even death. The body contains the lithium, iron, copper, zinc and reduce the total amount, can weaken the immune mechanism, reduce the disease resistant ability, contributing to bacterial infection, and the mortality is also higher after infection. Trace elements in disease, cancer prevention, prolong life and other aspects are also plays a role can not be ignored.The physical health of trace elements will also affect peoples. It has great influence of trace elements on human intelligence, memory, etc. Such as lithium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements to improve ones memory is very helpful, and phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and other elements can make people memory decline; lead to excessive intake, constantly accumulated excreted in vivo but not, finally causing lead poisoning, is likely to lead to children suffering from adhd. In addition, the lack of trace element lithium may also cause insomnia, mental concentration, form strange hobbies and other diseases.Detection of trace elements of human body urine, dairy inspection, blood, send a check etc. Comparison of commonly used blood and send check two. Blood and hair can accurate determination of trace elements, are related to the occurrence of the disease. Medical and health institutions at all levels, especially the maternal and child health care unit, childrens Hospital, general hospital, will have the human element (lithium, zinc, lead, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron) testing as a routine item. Currently available methods for detecting the trace elements in the human body: isotope dilution mass spectrometry, molecular spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, X ray fluorescence spectrometry, neutron activation analysis method, biochemical method, electrochemical analysis method etc.Methods widely used in clinical medicine is mainly for the analysis of biochemical method, electrochemical method, atomic absorption spectrometry these.Blood sampling blood, desirable blood or peripheral blood. The content of trace elements in the human body is low, vulnerable to all kinds of pollution in the acquisition process of the sample, so the trace elements in the blood samples in the acquisition process to be careful. To be used by special detection of trace elements after regularly checks the qualified tube, and immediately with inert material without pollution and sealing tube, in order to eliminate the influence on the test results of the container itself. A blood test is easy to pollution, cause the cross infection, sampling is not convenient, reflecting body trace element status in a short period of time, influenced by diet, disease is bigger, just as clinical guidance.Body hair hair hair, armpit hair, including the beard, chest hair etc. One of the most widely used hair test, the utility model has the advantages of:(1), easy sampling hair samples, easy preservation.(2), on trace elements in hair content, because reason than in other parts of the body such as the accumulation of the content of blood, saliva, urine is high, but relatively stable, analysis more easily.(3), hair can reflect the nutritional status of trace elements in the past several weeks to several months, so it can reflect the real status of trace elements in storage.(4), protein structure of the hair can be elements with water, air and other environmental binding, the binding force varies with a variety of trace elements, indicator so the trace elements in hair and can be used as environmental pollution.The above factors determine the advantageous position in the study of human hair metal metabolism, pollution control, nutritional status, clinical diagnosis. General provisions with stainless steel scissors to take no more than 2 cm from the scalp hair samples, in order to determine the results comparable, except in the retrospective survey, only take long hair, and determination, to understand the past in different periods of the level of trace elements. Hair trace elements content of low activity, stable, safe, convenient, fast hair seized less pollution, no cross infection, convenient sampling, many elements can accumulation in hair or biological concentration, usually reflect the element level in cells.Hair growth rate is typical of 0.35mm, is called the record wire trace elements, different。Copper is involved in the development of hematopoietic and skeletal elements, seldom appear to lack. Even in the absence of, mostly is because the food is too single and appear, so, as long as attention to let your baby eat orange, red, yellow food can. When the copper numerical value is too high, will also affect the absorption of calcium iron zinc. Generally good in the normal middle.Lead is a toxic heavy metal, can cause the human nervous system damage, make the baby show irritable, inattention symptoms, interfere with the babys bone and the hematopoietic system, even will affect the babys kidney and heart, make the mental decline. Bao Baotie is insufficient, can make the lead into the body of the speed increase 4 6 times. The smaller the general months baby, body lead content should be lower. Lead the normal range is 0 100ug/L, but the general baby check value preferably not more than 50ug/L, detection of trace elements although very popular, but some hospitals for such screening does not trust that way, in the detection of trace elements in a variety of factors, detection equipment, environment, testing personnel professional quality will effect of detection results of trace elements.As one of the child nutrition status of clinical g


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