



翻译句子潍坊题型专练用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子译成英语。1九年级的学生都正盼望着上高中。(look forward to) 2生活总是充满意外。(full) 3这座城市以其美丽的园林而出名。(be famous for) 4不管你是谁,作为学生,你必须遵守学校规定。(no matter) 5它是古时候用来喝酒的。(be used for) 6他够认真,对所有事三思而后行。(think twice) 7你能猜猜我叔叔买这个机器人多久了吗?(guess) 8我妈妈离开家的时候忘记关灯了。(forget) 9从广州飞到悉尼需要多长时间?(take) 10沿着这条路走,你就会看到银行在你的左边。(walk along) 11你要有空,咱们去喝杯咖啡吧。(if) 12你知道火车是什么时候发明的吗?(when) 13过去我们学校周围有许多树。(used to be) 14据我所知,汤姆已离开两周了。(as. as) 15你能告诉我他怎么了吗?(Can/Could you.) 16旅途中,请保管好自己的物品。(take care of) 17这周的英文报纸你看了吗?(have) 18这位法国医生已经在中国工作十多年了。(more than) 19很多野生动物处于极度危险中。(in danger) 20二十年后的生活会是什么样?(what. like) 21公共场合不允许大声喧哗。(allow) 22长城是世界上最古老的建筑之一。(one of) 23我们为中国传统文化感到自豪。(proud of) 24迄今为止,我们的家乡已经发生了很大的变化。(so far) 25他不仅英语说得正确,还说得流利。(not only. but also.) 参考答案1Students in Grade 9 are all looking forward to going to high middle school.2Life is always full of the unexpected. 3This city is famous for its beautiful gardens. 4No matter who you are, you have to stick to the rules of your school as a student. 5It was used for drinking wine in ancient times. 6He is serious enough to think twice about everything. 7Can you guess how long my uncle has had the robot? 8My mother forgot to turn off the lights when she left home. 9How long does it take to fly from Guangzhou to Sydney? 10Walk along this road, and youll see the bank on your left. 11Lets go to have a cup of coffee if you are free. 12Do you know when the train was invented? 13There used to be many trees around our school. 14As far as I know, Tom has been away for two weeks. 15Can/Could you tell me what the matter is with him? 16Please take good care of your own things when you are travelling. 17Have you read this weeks English newspapers? 18The French doctor has worked in China for more than ten years. 19Many wild animals are in great danger. 20What will the life be like in twenty years?21We are not allowed to speak loudly in public.22The Great Wall is one of the oldest buildings in the world.23We are proud of Chinese traditional culture.24So far, great changes have


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