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高中英语人教版 精品系列课件 module 4 new words wordsn.v.adj. producer educate agricultur e original produceproductive education/ educator agricultural educational/ educative originate production/ product original graduate relativity explosion wordsn.v.adj. graduation/ graduate relaterelative explodeexplosive prefix bio- bio- : connected with living things or human life 生物的,人生的 biochemistry biology biodiversity bioengineering biodegrade biological clock biography 生物化学 生物学 生物多样性 生物工程 生物降解 生物钟 传记 suffix ology 学科 生态学 地质学 宇宙论 社会学 动物学 考古学 心理学 犯罪学 ecology geology cosmology sociology zoology archeology psychology criminology ii. key words for b. in search; for c. searched; for d. in search; of they went to australia _ search _ gold. a. of; in b. in; of c. to; for d. b and c 5. come to power 掌权,上台/ be in power when did napoleon_? the present regime _ for two years. it is not_. 我爱莫能助。 it has been five years since this party _. many people wonder whether it will stay on. a. has come to power b. came to power c. has been in power d. in power come to power has been in power within my power 6.earn ones / a living 谋生 =gain / make ones living she _by teaching . 她以教书为生。 what does he do for _? a. a life b. a living c. life d. living earns her / a living breakthrough n. 突破 他的父母正盼望着他在学上取 得惊人步。 his parents are looking forward to great breakthrough in his learning. breakthrough n. 突破 科学家在防h1n7方面取得 了一重大突破。 the scientists have made an important breakthrough in preventing h1n7. 脱离 摆脱 机器故障,身体垮掉,分解 爆发 break away from break down break out break in break into break up 闯入,打断 破门而入 打碎,分手 she _under the pressure . i was still sleeping when the fire_. broke down broke out you must _from those bad habits. nowadays many teens want to _their parents and live a free life. the thief was caught _a house. break away from break away from breaking into support will you support me in attending the oral english contest? the bridge is strong enough to support heavy lorries. he has a large family to support. the boy went to support the old man. 支持 v. 支撑 供养,养活 搀扶 replace nothing can replace a mothers love. the coach decided to replace player no. 8 with no. 3. he replaced the book in the shelf. all the old computers need replacing. 替代 用替换,以接替 a with/by b 把放回原处 更换,更新 =take the place of take ones place quantity n量,数量 mathematics is the science of pure quantity. 精讲拓展: a large quantity of 多,大量 in quantity大批,大量 large quantities of多,大量 注意:“large quantities of名词”做主语时 , 用复数。似的有supplies of, amounts of。但“lots of名”作主 , 的复数取决于名的可数 或不可数。 your work has improved in quantity and quality this term. quantities of arms were discovered hidden in the trucks. convert v转变;改变信仰;使改恶从善;兑换; 占用 n皈依宗教者,改变信仰者 britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. conversion n , convert into 改装成 convert sb. from.to把某人由改 a firm convert to the belief that决信仰的 人 活学巧练: (1)i want to_(兑换)some hong kong dollars into american dollars. (2)at what rate do dollars_(兑换成 )pounds? (3)john has_(改变信仰)buddhism. convert convert into converted to (4)natural gas can be used to power cars by_their engines. aconverting bconvicting ctransferring dtransmitting 答案与解析:a 通过改变发动机。 take place take the place of in place of 发生 替换 代替,取代 =instead of ill attend the meeting in place of him.prep. clear clear 消散,使变清洁,清除 the sky is clearing. she cleared the leftovers from the tables. clear away clear off clear up 把清除掉 摆脱负担,清偿债 务 放晴,面露喜色, 整理收拾 iii. exercise: 1. - how do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? - the key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. a. to solving; made b. to solving; making c. to solve; making d. to solve; made 3. the old lady came in,_herself with a walking stick. alifting braising csupporting drising 4. at the sight of her mother, the surprise in her face was _ by joy. a. taken place b. replaced c. in place of d. instead of 2. i have passed the exam. ! you are really good. a. good luck b. i have known c. well done d. good news 5.up to now,large quantities of food _to africa to save the starving people. ais sent bhas been sent chave been sent dare sent did your father deal with you? we were lucky to _ being punished. a. admit to b. escape c. escape from d. stop 7. in the end, the _ prisoner was caught in the desert. a. escape b. escaping c. escaped d. escapes 8.-your job _open for your return. -thanks. a. will be kept b. will keep c. had kept d. had been kept 9. the moment the 28th olympic games_ open ,the whole world cheered. a. declared b. have been declared c. have declared d. were declared 10. customers are asked to make sure that they _ the right change before leaving the shop. a. will give b. have been given c. have given d. will be given 11. he insisted on _to work where conditions were poor. a. sending b. being sent c. to sent d. to be sent 12. -how can i switch the radio on? - _. a. by pressing th


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