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1. 明 喻SIMILE 1定义 英语的明喻是英语中最常用、最简便的修辞格之一,在文学作品中尤其如此。它根据人们的联想,利用不同事物之间的相似点,借助比喻词(如like,as等)起连接作用,清楚地说明甲事物在某方面像乙事物 Rhetoric In Practice (英文实用修辞学)一书这样来解释明喻: “A simile is an expressed 1ikeness.The simplest and most direct way of connoting an idea with something else is by means of using similesSimile is the neuter singular of the Latin adjective similis, meaning like.”Simile(明喻)运用广泛,可借以状物、写景、抒情、喻理,使表达生动形象,明白易懂,新鲜有趣。 关于英语Simile,有两点须加以说明: 一、Simile(明喻)通常由三部分构成,即本体(tenor或subject)、 喻体(vehicle或reference)和比喻词(comparative word或indicator of resemblance)。可图示如下:Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, (tenor) (comparative word) (vehicle)and those within want to get out. ( P. M. Quitard) 二、本体与喻体一般为两个不同事物(如属同类也应具不同性质或特征),比喻方可成立。例如: Peter is as tall as his father. Peter is as tall as a Maypole. 稍加分析可以看出,例不算明喻,只是一个比较句,因为Peter及其father同属人类;而例才是比喻句,因为Peter与Maypole分属人与物。2. 引导明喻的比喻词(comparative words)( 1 ) 介词as,like,of等。 As Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last( Bacon: Of Studies ) 美者犹如夏日蔬果,易腐难存 Overhead the hollow stretch of whitish cloud shutting out the sky was as a tent which had the who1e earth as its floor。 ( Thomas Hardy ) 头顶上方,夺据了天际上无尽空荡的白云,宛如高悬的帐篷一般,把整个荒原做了它的地面。 Out of the sleeves came strong bony wrists and hands gnarled knotted and hard as peach branches. ( John Steinbeck ) 从袖子里伸出一双瘦骨嶙峋的大手,像桃树枝一样,瘤节盘错,坚硬粗壮。 I wandered lonely as a cloud. ( W. Wordsworth: The Daffodils ) 我像一朵浮云独自漫游。 They are as like as two peas. 他们两个长得一模一样。 His young daughter looks as red as a rose. 他的小女儿面庞红得象朵玫瑰花。 I passed and repassed the house, and stopped and listened at the door; all was dark and silent as the grave. ( BShaw) 我在那房子前面走了几趟,并在门口停下来听了听;一片漆黑,沉寂得像座坟墓。 Love goes towards love, as schoolboys from their books; but love from love, towards school with heavy looks ( William Shakespeare) 赴情人的约会,像学童抛开书一样; 和情人分别,像学童板着脸上学堂。 英语里有不少含有明喻的成语,其结构为as+形容词+as+名词。例如:as firm as a rock 坚如磐石as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛as close as an oyster 守口如瓶as mute as a fish 噤若寒蝉as strong as a horse 强壮如牛as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若as sober as a judge 十分清醒as sure as a gun 千真万确LikeParis is a morgue without you; before I knew you, it was Paris, and I thought it heavens; but now it is a vast desert of desolation and loneliness. It is like the face of a clock, bereft of its hands. ( Sarah Bernhardt to Victorian Sardou ) 没有你,巴黎成了一座陈尸所;我认识你之前,巴黎就是巴黎。我把它看成天堂;然而现在它变成了一片荒凉而寂寞的沙漠。它像一个没有时针、分针和秒针的钟面。All that I had to show, as a man of letters, were these few tales and essays, which had blossomed out like flowers in the calm summer of my heart and mind. ( Hawthoren: The Old Manse ) 作为一个作家,我所能贡献出来的只有这么几篇故事和散文,它们像我心头温和的夏天灿烂开放的花朵。 He works 1ike a horsebeaverTrojanblack. 他辛辛苦苦地干活。 They spent money like water. 他们挥金如土。He talks like a book. 他老是文绉绉地说话。 He eats like a horse. 他吃得很多。 He smokes 1ike a chimney. 他抽烟很厉害。 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. ( John Ruskin ) 生活没有目标犹如航行没有指南针。 He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen from him to crow. ( George Eliot ) 他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。 Records fell like ripe apples on a windy day. ( E. B. White )被打破的记录有如刮风天成熟的苹果纷纷坠落。 The staff member folded like an accordian. 这个工作人员就像合拢起来的手风琴似地不吭声了。 My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is on a watered shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me. ( Rossetti ) 我的心像只善歌的小鸟, 小巢建在轻拂水面的嫩枝上; 我的心像棵苹果树, 沉甸的果实把树梢压弯; 我的心像天边彩虹,它轻拂着平静的海面; 我的心比这些更喜悦, 由于我爱人将来我身边。Of: He has a heart of stone.他有一副铁石心肠。 He has the heart of a 1ion, but he does everything in a down-to-earth way. 他有狮子般的勇气,他办事十分认真。 He is sometimes bad-tempered but really hes got a heart of gold.有时候他似乎脾气不好,但他的心眼可好了。( 2 ) 连词as (犹如),what (犹如),as if, as though, than, and, the way 等。 His heart shivered as a ship shivers at the mountainous crash of the waters. 他的心颤动,好像一艘船在海浪搏击中震荡一样。 Air is to man as water is to fish. 人离不开空气,犹如鱼离不开水。 Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark: and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other. ( Francis Bacon ) 犹如儿童恐惧黑暗,人对于死亡的恐惧,也由于听信太多的鬼怪传说而增大。 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Sir Richard Steel )读书对于思想,好比运动对于身体一样重要。 Parks are to the city what lungs are to the body.公园对于都市正如肺对于人的身体一样重要。Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers ( Bovee ) 明智的表扬对于孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用。 I felt as if the ground were slipping beneath my feet.我感到好像大地在脚下滑动。 A crowd of people were around him, touching his body, feeling his legs, and bidding for him as if he had been a horse.一大堆人固在他身边,摸着他的身体和大腿,出价买他,好像他是一匹马似的。 The first time I read an excellent book, it is to me just as if I had gained a new friend.我头一回读到一本好书,对我来说我好像交了一位新朋友。 They stood upon a bleak and desert moor, whose monstrous masses of stone were cast about as though it were the burial place of giants.他们站在荒无人烟的旷野上,那里满地都是硕大无朋的岩石,宛如巨人的墓地。 He was a beautiful horse that looked as though he had come out of a painting by Velasques( E. Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls )这匹马真雄俊,看起来仿佛是从一幅维拉斯奎茨的油画里跑出来的一样。 Our village is no less beautiful than this picture.我们乡村同这幅图画一样美。 A student can no more obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without plowing.学生不学习获不到知识,犹如农民不耕作就不能得到收获一样。A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.鲸不是鱼,正如马也不是鱼一样。 Love and cough can not be hid.爱情像咳嗽一样是掩盖不了的。 A world and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 说出的话犹如抛出的石,是收不回的。 Truth and oil are ever above. 真理跟油一样,总要升到上面来。 A womans mind and a glass are ever in danger. 女人易毁,玻璃易碎。 I should smell it the way a cat smells a mouse. 我可以像猫嗅老鼠那样闻出它的气味来o The best work is done the way ants do thingsby tiny, tireless and regular additions. 最好的作品是像蚂蚁干活那样完成的通过点滴、不懈、经常不断的增补而成。( 3 ) 动词seem,resemble (名词resemblance),treathonourregardconsiderrespect as,compare to,liken to,pass(胜过),remind of,be similar to,等。 Look at the moon. How strange the moon seems: She is like a woman rising from a tomb. She is like a dead woman. ( O Wilde ) 瞧一瞧那轮明月。她看起来多奇怪:像从墓中起身的妇女,像死妇叫样惨白。 So she shows she seems the budding rose. Yet sweeter far than is earthly flower ( R. Greene: Pandosto ) 当她出现,看来犹似含苞的玫瑰,但却远比尘世的花儿馥郁 Her face resembled a silver moon. Her face bore the resemblance of a moon. 她的脸长得像一轮银月。 He treats his child as the apple in the eye. 他把他的孩子当成掌上明珠。 Samuel Johnson regarded a dictionary as a watch. 塞缪尔约翰逊把词典看成钟表。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage( Wood ) 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。 You can 1iken your eye to a camera. ( Neal ) 你可以把你的眼睛比作照相机。 Thus fair SamelaPass fair Venus in her bravest hue ( R. Greene: Samela ) 因而美丽的,莎米娜 胜过衣着最华丽的维纳斯His nose was particularly white and his large nostrils, correspondingly dark, reminded me of an oboe when they dilated.他鼻子特别白,而他那对发黑的大鼻孔在张大时使我想起双簧管。 His strength is similar to a horse. 他强壮如牛。( 4 ) 词组maymight as well(as)(做就好像做),no morelessthannot any morethan(如同一样) ,so speakas it were (可以说,可以比喻地说)。He never listensyou might as well talk to a brick (as talk to him).他根本不听一同他讲话就好像同一堵墙讲话一样。He woke them both up getting to bed,but when they tried to wake him up afterwards they might as well have tried to wake the dead. 他去睡觉的时候把他们两个都弄醒了,但是后来他们想唤醒他时,简直就像唤死人一样。You might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to move me.你不能动摇我的决心,正如你不能使河水倒流一样。Our village is no less beautiful than this picture.我们的乡村同这幅图画一样美。A student can no more obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without plowing.学生不学习获不到知识,犹如农民不耕作就不能得到收获一样。A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is. 鲸不是鱼,正如马也不是鱼一样。A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.没有爱的家庭无异于一个没有灵魂的躯体。 The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height. ( V. Hugo )一个民族的伟大并不取决于人口的多少,正如一个人的伟大不能取决于他的身高一 样。He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 可以说,他是一本活词典 The traffic manager has in the hollow of his hand, so to speak, the traffic of the whole system.在某种程度上,运输经理把整个系统的运输情况,全掌握在自己手心里。2. 隐 喻METAPHOR1 定义 关于隐喻,Websters New World Dictionary说 “a figure of speech containing an implied comparison,in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another” 。这个解释十分简明,意思是说,隐喻是一种隐含着比喻的修辞格,它的通常和基本的用法是,表述某一事物的词或者词组被用来比喻另外的一种事物。由于它的比喻是隐藏着的,那么它的主体与喻体的关系就显得十分的紧密。关于这一点,辞海说得好:隐喻是“比喻的一种。本体和喻体的关系,比之明喻更为紧切。明喻在形式上只是相类的关系,隐喻在形式上却是相合的关系。本体和喻体两个成分之间一般要用是、也等比喻词。如:儿童是祖国的花朵。”基于此,人们常称隐喻为“浓缩的明喻”(a compressed or condensed simile)。看来,隐喻与明喻的关系确实十分紧密,就是说定义也常常把它们一起提起。譬如A Dictionary Of Literary Terms就说,隐喻是 “A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit.”再次指出,隐喻的比喻是隐含着的,而明喻的比喻是明显的。综上所述,我们就可以得出这样一个概念,隐喻(metaphor)是相对于明喻(simile)而言的,运用隐喻这一修辞方法的人,一般在句中不明确告诉读者A像B或B像A,而是简捷地说A是B或B就是A。2 比较:隐喻与明喻 戈恩教授在他著的Rhetoric in Practice一书中用对比手法将明喻与隐喻作了比较: 例: Similes Metaphors 1. Life is like an isthmus between two eternities. 1. Life is an isthmus between two eternities. 生活像永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。2. Happiness is like sunshine: it is made up of 2. The sunshine of life is made up of very littlevery little beams. beams. 幸福像阳光,它由非常细小的光束构成。 生活的阳光由非常细小的光束构成。 3. Habit may be likened to a cable; every day 3. Habit is a cable; every day we weave a we weave a thread, and soon we cannot break thread, and soon we cannot break it. it. 习惯像缆索,每天我们编上一条线, 习惯是缆索,每天我们编上一条线, 不久我们便扯不断了。 不久我们便扯不断了。3 隐喻的表达形式 ( 1 ) 名词型 ( noun metaphors ) All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. ( William Shakespeare ) 整个世界是座舞台,男男女女,演员而已。 Education is the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ( William B. Yeats ) 教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。 Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned ( Kozlay ) 金钱是无底的海洋,荣誉、良心和真理都可以淹没在其中。 Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly. ( Langston Hughes ) 紧紧抓住梦想吧, 如果梦想死亡, 生命就像折翼的鸟儿, 再也不能飞翔。 She was a lady born, a jewel though probably she could do no more than just read and write.虽然她文化不高,她生来就是披金挂银的太太。 He went west by a stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Navadas Washoe region.他乘车西行,到了内华达州的瓦舒地区,卷入丁淘金热。Time is money.时间是金钱。Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;Duty, faith, love are roots, and ever green. ( George Peele ) 美貌、体力、青春,就像花朵,终将衰尽; 义务、信念、爱情,就像树根,万古长青。 Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose. ( Beverley Nichols ) 婚姻,是一本第一章以诗写成,其余各章则以散文写就的书。 A silver plate (=The moon) is rising up in the sky. 一个银盘在天边升起。The human tide was rolling westward. ( Dickens ) 人流向西涌去。The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. ( Shakespeare )我们的生活是吉凶交织而成的网。 He is a walking dictionaryencyclopedia. 他是一本活词典(百科全书) 。Life is a journey.人生是一次旅行。 He is a bag of wind. 他只说不干。 He is an old woman.他是个婆婆妈妈的人。Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验是智慧之母。He is an al1-purpose basket.他是一个多面手。 We had been singing all night in the tavern. Next morning I had a frog in the throat. 我们在酒馆里唱了一整夜的歌,第二天早晨我的嗓子就嘶哑了。 He 1ives in a palace of a house. 他住在宫殿一般的房子里, The boat disappeared in a mountain of a wave. 船在一般如山高的大浪中消失了。 She was an angel of a wife. 她是天仙般的妻子。 Ive got the devil of a toothache. 我牙痛不堪。( 2 ) 动词型 ( verb metaphors ) The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it. 那男孩儿一抓到食物便狼吞虎咽般地吃了下去。 The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U. S. history. 这个案子像滚雪球似地,最终成了美国历史上最著名的审判之一。He could not get rid of his stick now. His shriek sounded faintly, dulled by the billowing snow.他现在仍然丢不下拐仗,他的尖叫声听起来模糊,枚纷纷扬扬的大雪压低了。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.有些书是要品尝的,有的是要吞吃的,还有少数要细嚼慢咽,进行消化。The boy is shooting up fast.这个小孩长得特快。For eight months he flirted with the colossal wealth available to the lucky and the persistent, and was rebuffed. ( Noel Grove )蕴藏的巨大财富,只有那些幸运者和孜孜不倦的追求者才能得到。而他八个月来蜻蜒点水,一无所获,被拒之门外。 He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself for every man has need to be forgiven. ( Fuller ) 不能原谅别人的人,等于毁掉了他自己必须经过的桥,因为每个人都有需要别人原谅的时候。 All day long, whilst the women were praying ten miles away, the lines of the dauntless English infantry were receiving and repelling the furious charges of the French horsemen. Guns which were heard at Brussels were ploughing up their ranks,and comrades falling, and the resolute survivors closing in. ( W. H. Thackeray: Vanity Fair ) 整整一天,当妇女们在10英里以外祈祷的时候,英勇的英国步兵队伍一直在经受并且击退法国骑兵的猛烈进攻。在布鲁塞尔都能听见的炮击,犁田般地打得英军队伍人仰马翻;弟兄们倒下了,活着的又坚强地集结起来。 Waves thundered against the rocks. 水浪猛烈地拍打着岩岸。 The corridor was flooded with boys and girls. 走廊里挤满了男女小孩。She melted dissolved into tears.她感动得流下眼泪。Dont monkey with the new radio.不要乱动新收音机。Misfortune dogged him at every turn灾难老是折磨着他。 The long faced hijacker barked his orders. 那个长脸的劫机者狂吠般地发号施令。 I have been wrestling with this problem for half ah hour. 我钻研这个问题已经半小时了。 Everything was bathed in the golden sunlight. 万物沐浴在金色的阳光下。 The train steamed into the station. 火车吐着气开进了车站。He tailed her into the cave.他尾随着她走进洞穴。He needled his way through the crowd.他穿过人群。( 3 )形容词型 ( adjective metaphors ) It is a thorny problemissuesubject. 这是个棘手的问题(题目) 。 The girl is a dead shot. 这位姑娘是神枪手! He loves a rosy cheek. 他喜欢玫瑰色面颊。 After the failure of his last novel his reputation stands on slippery grounds. 自从他的上部小说失败之后,他的名誉一落千丈。His speech touched off a stormy protest. 他的演讲引起了强烈的抗议。 We regard it as a burning shame to have lagged behind. 我们把落后看成是奇耻大辱。 He has a golden opportunity.他有着极好的机会。 She has a photographic memory for detail.她对细节有照相机般的记忆力。 Ive got one of my Sahara thirsts on tonight. ( O. Henry: The Clarion Call ) 今天晚上我又发作了一次撒哈拉大沙漠式的口渴。 He has the microwave smile that warms another person without heat. ( Time, October 29,1979 ) 他有一种微波微笑,能不加热而使别人温暖。 By this hour the volcanic fires of his nature had burnt down, and having drunk no great quantity as yet he was inclined to acquiesce. ( Thomas Hardy ) 到这时候,他天性中那种暴烈的火焰已经燃烧殆尽,酒还喝得不多,他就打算加以默认了。其他形容词作喻体的有: the golden age黄金时代 stormy applause雷鸣般的掌声 iron will钢铁般的意志 a silver tongue流利的口才 a biting north wind刺骨的北风等。 注:某些复合形容词也含有喻体,例如:dog-tired (=very tired); pitch-darkblack (=very darkblack); coal-black (=very black); snow-white (=very white)等。( 4 ) 副词型 ( adverbial metaphors )He flatly refused us.他坚决拒绝我们。 They 1ived from hand to mouth. 他们收入仅够糊口。He was almost at the end of his tether (牵绳) when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty他在山穷水尽之际找到了解决困难的办法。People who 1ived in the glass house should not throw stones.处于脆弱地位的人不应攻击他人;正人先正已。She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.她生于富贵人家。Time passed at a nails pace.时间过得很慢。They escaped by a hairs breath. 他们死里逃生。( 5 )谚语型 (proverbs serving as metaphors ) To many cooks spoil the broth. 人多坏事。 Do not put the cart before the horse. 勿将本末倒置。Do not wash your dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬。 Give him an inch and he will make a mile. 得寸进尺。Look before you leap. 三思而后行。趁热打铁。Strike the iron while it is hot. You can not make an omelet without breaking eggs. 做事不可畏首畏尾。 Tomorrow is another (a new) day. 重振旗鼓,东山再起。 A little pot is soon hot. 小人易怒,小锅易沸。 Fish sticks at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪。A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushwood. 双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。Every dog has itshis day. 人人皆有得意时。 Still waters run deep. 水静流深,人静心深。上述谚语都以隐喻的手法,生动形象地表达了一些社会现象和真理,语言简明,喻义深刻,值得学习、借鉴和运用。3. 借 代METONYMY 1.
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