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长 句 练 习 翻译技巧: 增、减、换、调、分、合 破句重组 1The machine would have to be able to move about in a house designed for human beings and would therefore have to go through a normal door, open such a door and close it, and walk up and down stairs over irregularities on the floor. 这种机器(人)应当能够在供人居住的房子 里四处走动,因此,它或许就得通过普通的 门,会开门关门,会上楼下楼,甚至还得跨 过地板上的杂物。(词义慎选) 2In the western preoccupation with the self, one finds often a sense of encapsulation and isolation, not only in the form of an estrangement from God or from a system of stable values, but also from other persons. 在西方对于自我的先入之见中,往往可以 发现困顿感和疏离感,不仅表现为同上帝 或某种稳定价值系统的疏远,而且还表现 为同他人的疏远。(词义的引申) 3The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait, just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast.” 那位教授口若悬河讲得正起劲,突然受到 学生的干扰,满怀不悦,于是举起手来说 道:“稍等一下,诸位,我还有几粒珍珠要 投掷呢!”(成语典故) 文化意象 cultural image 文化意象,可以是植物,如汉语里的松、梅 、竹、菊、兰,西方语言中的玫瑰、郁金香 等 可以是飞禽或走兽,如汉语中的龙、凤、喜 鹊,西方语言中的狮、熊、猫头鹰等 可以是成语、谚语、典故或形象,如汉语中 的画蛇添足,三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,都有 固定的涵义。 甚至可以是某个数字,汉语中的3,表示众 多的意思,俄语中的7表示众多的意思。 不同的民族,由于各自不同的生活环 境、文化传统,往往会形成自己的不 同的、独特的文化意象。即便看到同 样的现象,不同的民族语言会给他染 上不同的颜色,添加上不同的意义。 在碰到这些“文化意象”的翻译时,请小 心翻译。 狗与dog 汉语文化中,狗是受到鄙视、诅咒的对象 ,与狗相关的词语都带有贬义,如:狗仗 人势、狗急跳墙、狗嘴里吐不出象牙。 西方文化中,dog是人类的“良友”,是忠诚 的标志。 I am too old dog to learn new tricks. Every dog has its day. 龙与 dragon 西风与 west wind 猫头鹰与 owl 水仙花与 daffodil 入乡随俗与 When in Rome, do as Romans do. 说曹操,曹操到与 Talk of devils. 如何翻译文化意象? 1. 译者不应满足于传达原文文化意象的一 般意义,而应把传达原文文化意象视为一 种职责。 2. 为了读者,译者应该相信读者随着民族 间的文化交流的日益频繁,读者有能力接 受更多的带有外来文化印记的文化意象。 The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand:“Wait, just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast.” 那位教授口若悬河讲得正起劲, 突然受到学生的干扰,满怀不悦, 于是举起手来说道:“稍等一下,诸 位,我还有几粒珍珠要投掷呢(琴曲 要弹奏)!” 陶渊明责子 Arthur Waley 译 What can I do but fill my cup? 子曰:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十 而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十 而从心所欲,不逾矩。 The Master said, “At fifteen I set my heart on learning; at thirty I took my stand; at forty I came to be free from doubts; at fifty I understood the Decree of Heaven; at sixty my ear was atuned; at seventy I followed my hearts desire without overstepping the line.” - translated by Arthur Waley Arthur Waley (1899 -1966) 英国汉学家,翻译过诗经、论语 、西游记、道德经等 The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday. 现译:整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地眨 着眼。天河那么清楚的显现出来,就好 像有人在过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的 。 1922年赵景深翻译契诃夫樊凯( 现译为万卡)此句的原译文: 天上闪耀着光明的亮星,牛奶路很 白,好像是礼拜日用雪擦洗过的一样 。 Milky Way 牛奶路 天河 30年代,鲁迅在风马牛一文中对赵 译“牛奶路”大加批评,自此“牛奶路”成 了译界的一个笑柄,甚至成为“胡译”的 典型例子。 可是,古希腊神话中,Milky Way 是众 神聚居的奥林匹斯山通向大地的“路”, 至于它如此璀璨闪亮,则与仙后赫拉洒 落的乳汁相关。这个“路”,能和牛郎织 女相隔的“天河、星河、银河”通约吗? 4Zhou came through to Kissinger as subtle, brilliant, and indirect, a politician of vision who refused to get bogged down in petty detail. 在基辛格眼里,周恩来敏锐、聪慧而含蓄 ,是一位目光远大,不斤斤于细节的政治 家。 5Any writer who deals with a fast- developing subject is faced with a dilemma in choosing a balance between history, present practice and future possibilities. 任何一位想论述一门飞速发展学科的作者 ,每逢他在以往的历史经验,现有的实际 情况以及将来的可能发展这三者间均衡地 取材时,都会感到左右为难。 (修辞的平衡) 6They were, in fact, very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humor when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited. 事实上,他们都是非常优雅的小姐;她们 并不是不会谈笑风生,问题是在要碰到她 们高兴的时候;她们也不是不会待人和颜 悦色,问题是在于她们是否乐意这样做; 可惜的是,她们一味骄傲自大。 (语气、韵味的翻译) 7Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical abilities of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other men. 科学探索,知识追求,使人获得了避免天 灾人祸的实力。(减缩) 8For students of composition, an awareness that rhetorical patterns differ from one culture to another can help them become more quickly proficient in a writing pattern that is not native to them. 学习写作的人,若能意识到各种文化在修 辞模式上的差别,则有助于他们迅速掌握 非母语的写作模式。(转换词性、语气) 9Life lasts the time a match flickers. How, then, can one afford not to make the most of it before it expires? 生命稍纵即逝,既然如此,一个人怎能再 起生命之火熄灭以前不加以充分利用呢? (归化) 生命之短暂犹如火柴之一划, (异化 ,贴近原文表达) 10All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it. 书中藏有历代的智慧格言和千百年来不断 激励人类的事实传说,人人皆可获得,且 方便经济,但我们必须懂得如何利用这些 宝藏,懂得如何从中受益。(变换主语) 11Light is made to change its normal straight-line course by being reflected off a mirror or some other special surface. 光从镜子或其他特制的表面反射出去 ,就改变其正常的光路。(被动的译 法) 1、沟通漏斗 一个人通常只能说出心 中所想的80%,但听者 听到的最多只能是60% ,听懂的却只有40%, 结果执行时,只有20% 了。 心中的想法也许很完美 ,但执行起来却差之千 里,这是由“沟通的漏 斗”造成的,因此必须 采取适当的方法,去克 服这种漏斗现象。 将沟通漏斗倒置 : 言有尽意无穷; 发散思维; 沟通无极限 一翻译的定义 (Definitions to translation) 金圣华:翻译就像一座桥,桥两端,气候悬殊,风 光迥异。两端之间,原隔险峻山谷,湍急溪流。两 旁的人,各忙各的,世代相传,分别发展出一套不 同的习俗风尚以及语言文化来。 有一天,这不同的文化习俗的人,忽然想要跟 对岸打个招呼。怎么办?要渡过峡谷,不得不起一 座桥 1Peter Newmark (P5): Translation is the rendering of meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 1998.12, 在香港浸会大学讲座 2Eugene Albert Nida: Translation is translating meaning. ( 1914 2011.8.25 ) Eugene Nida, the giant of Bible translation in the twentieth century, died in hospital in Brussels on August 25, 2011. He was 96. Conveying the news, his widow Elena said, “My adored husb
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