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翻译杂谈翻译杂谈 2012/2/21 Outline I. Culture-Consciousness II. Translating Strategies III. Translating Methods V. The Difference in Sentential Structure of English and Chinese Languages I. Culture-Consciousness 1. What is culture? 文化是一个复合的整体,其中包括知识、信仰、 艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获 得的其他的能力与习惯。 - 爱德华泰勒原始文化(1871) 2.examples: (1) 望子成龙 - dragon to expect ones son to become an outstanding personage (2) 怡红公子 the Happy Red Prince (杨) - Green Boy (Hawks) (3) cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头卖狗肉 英华大词典 王佐良语录 语言学家、文体学家、文化史家、社会思想家 、比较文学家都不能忽视翻译。这不仅是因为翻译 者的辛勤劳动才使得一国的文化遗产能为全世界的 人所利用,还因为译者所做的文化比较比一般人细 致、深入。他处理的是个别的词,他面对的则是两 大片文化。 翻译:思考与试笔 翻译中的文化比较 II. Translating Strategies In an 1813 lecture on the different methods of translation, Friedrich Schleiermacher * argued that “there are only two. Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him.” * German theologian and philosopher Admitting that translation can never be completely adequate to the foreign text, Schleiermacher allowed the translator to choose between a domesticating method, an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target language cultural values, bringing the author back home, and a foreignizing method, an ethnodeviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad. (Lawrence Venuti, 1995: 20) 动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它归化, 还是尽量保存洋气呢? 只求易懂,不如创作,或者 改作。将事改为中国事,人也化为中国人。如果还是翻 译,那么,首先的目的,就在博览外国的作品,不但移 情,也要益智,至少是知道何地何时,有这等事,和旅 行外国,是很相像的:它必须有异国情调,就是所谓洋 气。其实世界上也不会有完全归化的译文,倘有,就是 貌合神离,从严辨别起来,它算不得翻译。凡是翻译, 必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作 的丰姿,但这保存,却又常常和易懂相矛盾,看不惯了 。不过它原是洋鬼子,当然谁也看不惯,为比较的顺眼 起见,只能改换它的衣裳,却不该削低他的鼻子,剜掉 他的眼睛。我是不主张削鼻剜眼的,所以有些地方,仍 然宁可译得不顺口。 鲁迅,且介亭杂文二集(1937) III. Translating Methods 1. 直译 2. 意译 3. 直译加注 4. 套译 5. 音译 w 1. 直译 (literal translation) *一般认为,译文形式与内容都与原文一致谓之直译;即 以原文形式为标准,依样画葫芦。 * 优点:在吸收外来有益的新因素、反映异国客观存在 的事物和情调上,直译比意译能避免主观因素的干扰。 当在表达形式上无须另辟蹊径即可达到忠实于原文内容 的时候,译者自然采用直译。 e.g. For my father knew and I know that if you only dig enough a pasture can be made here. 因为我父亲知道,我也知道,只要挖到一定程度,早晚 总可以在这里辟出个牧场的。 【因为我父亲知道,我也知道,功到自然成。】 w 2. 意译(free translation) * 译文内容与原文一致而形式不同谓之意译,即以原文的 内容为标准,译文在表达形式上另辟蹊径。 * 当译者经过曲微探幽,需要改变形式才能忠实地再现原 文的内容时,则采用意译。 e.g. I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave her (my wife) my old age. 我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候, 已经是白发苍苍了。 【我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我 的妻子。 】 3. 直译加注 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master mind. 我们的古人林黛玉讲, Lin Tai-yu, a character in a classical Chinese novel, said (by 程镇球) “Bao Chai” literally means “Precious Hairpin” in Chinese. Hairpin is usually used to symbolize departure between lovers in ancient Chinese poems. As this novel says in Chapter 62, this name is taken from Li Shangyins (Tang dynasty) poem Withered Flower, which depicts a gloomy atmosphere of the heroine of the poem as withered flowers. (by 杨宪益 and the very old men some in their brushed Confederate uniforms on the porch and the lawn, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps, confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, (to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, ins


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