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,setting objectives 设定目标,identify needs 确认需求,design the programme 设计课程,set objectives 设立目标,select methods of measurement 选定评估方法,measure the change in performance 评估行为 / 表现上的改变,run the programme 硒俴諺最,the training cycle 训练循环图,knowledge, skills and attitudes 知识,技巧及态度,requirements for learning & subsequent change in behaviour back on the job 针对训练後的学习及改变工作行为的要求,head - knowledge 头 - 知识 participants need to know and understand the topic 参加者必需知道并了解主题 hands - skills 手 - 技巧 participants need to have practised the skills in a hands-on way in a protected environment 参加者必需实际地练习技巧 heart - attitudes 心 - 态度 participants need to want to do something different and to feel confident in their hearts that it will be worthwhile 参加者必需有心想要改变,并对它的价值深具信心.,common & problematic attitudes 共通及有问题的态度,junkie: training is my birthright - thats one of the reasons i joined o&m so far you have let me down - you havent given me enoughand by the way never can junkie: 训练是我的权利 那也是我进入奥美的其中一个原囚,到现在为止, 你们己经让我失望.你们给我的根本不够. 以这种方式看来, 永远不可能足够 escapist:training is fun and gets me away from the daily grind. what goes on in the training session bears no relation to the real world back at the office escapist: 训练很有趣,而且可以让我远离我的日常工作, 但训练的内容和我的日常工作似乎都没有关连性. what can we do about these? 我们该怎麽办呢?,if you hit a cynic the competencies story usually disarms 如果你遇到一个愤世嫉俗的人 通常先化解敌意,i dont know why im here because i am much more experienced/smarter than everyone else 我不知道为什麽我会在这里,因为我比别人都聪明而且 我的经验也比别人都来的丰富,we have to assume our people are already highly competent. 我们必需假设我们的员工已经有很好的能力,competence 有能力 incompetence 没有能力,but to learn they need to be in a state of conscious competence 但为了要学习, 他们必需身处在一个有意识有能力的状态下,unconscious 无意识 conscious 有意识 conscious 有意识 unconscious 无意识,competence 有能力 incompetence 没有能力,improved performance on the job 改善工作表现,competencies 能力,when planning a programme, write down what you want participants, at the end of the session to 在计划一个节目时, 写下你希望参加者在课程结束後 knowing their heads 在他们的脑袋中学到了什麽 have practised with their hands 身体力行了些什麽 feel in their hearts 用心体会了些什麽 ksa build to competencies on the job 知识/技巧/态度建立了工作的能力 the application of competencies delivers a result 运用自己的能力才能达成结果,ksa example: adopt a country,k1. know the region & omap better 2. know their adopted country & o&m in that country in considerable depth 3. understand the dimensions of working across the region with people from different cultures s4. have practised listening, inquiring, influencing and relationship building in non home town/country environment. 5. have practised driving to solutions on major client/agency projects in cross country teams a6. feel they are part of a network of like minded people 7. feel a bit elite and recognised for their potential 8. want to stay and build their careers with o&m 9. feel encouraged to spread their wings and contribute more,ksas example: selling,k1. know that selling is a key part of their jobs and career progression 2. understand how to recognise, nurture & protect great ideas 3. know how their clients buy ideas & act accordingly s 4. have practised different buying situations in roleplays 5. presenting work, in particular bringing theatre, drama & flair 6. protecting work by overcoming obstacles and resolving conflict a7. feel passion, courage & conviction for the cause of selling great work 8. have the tenacity of bulldogs when it matters,ksa exercise ksa 练习,think about a training session you have just conducted or are due to conduct and write down the ksa you must deliver for success improved performance back on the job 试著回想一个你刚参与或正要参与过的训练,并写下 成功必备的知识,技巧及态度 在回到工作岗位後改善工作表现,types of trainers 训练者的种类,key dimensions 主要条件 k * k knowledge and experience of subject 对主题的知识及经验 s * s teaching skills 传授技巧 a * a attitude - concern for needs for learners 态度 - 关心学习者的需要,k types : low knowledge & experience of subject k 型态: 较少的知识及经验,high 高,low 低,concern 关心,low 低,high 高,skills 技巧,the endearing bumbler k.s.a.,the persuader k.s.a.,the arrogant charlatan k.s.a.,the incompetent k.s.a.,k types : low knowledge & experience of subject k 型态: 较少的知识及经验,high 高,low 低,concern 关心,low 低,high 高,skills 技巧,assumption 假设,our trainers have an appropriate knowledge and experience of their subject matter - they are all 对於训练的主题,我们的训练者有足够的知识及经验 k or if they dont when first asked, they do their homework! 或者,如果在他们第一次被问及时不知道的话, 他们便会回家作功课!,the humble expert 谦卑的讲师 k.s.a.,the ogilvy trainer 奥美的讲师 k.s.a.,the directive instructor 命令式的讲师 k.s.a.,the boring lecturer 无趣的讲师 k.s.a.,k types: high knowledge & experience of subject k型态: 较多的知识及经验,high 高,low 低,concern 关心,low 低,high 高,skills 技巧,the boring lecturer k.s.a. 无趣的讲师,often a highly placed expert 通常是身经百战的专家 likes to be seen as supporting training 希望被视为支援性的训练 its part of our culture 这是我们文化的一部份 lacks skills. tends to use notes rather than overheads 缺乏技巧.多半是使用讲义而非投影片 often apprehensive and nervous inside 内心通常焦虑,恐惧的,participants often fall asleep 参加者通常会睡著,the boring lecturer k.s.a. (contd) 无趣的讲师 (续),doesnt have the time or inclination to prepare 没有时间或意愿来准备 these people are here to learn from me and here is my message from on high 这些人是来这里向我学习的,而这正是我想要传 达的,sticks to his material or training procedure rigidly 一成不变的顺著他的教材或训练方式 rarely allows any variation in either content, structure or timing. or much participation 对於他的内容,架构或时间很少有变化.也不是参与式的 often has big decks of acetates which participants see with horror 通常带着一大叠投影片,被参与者认为畏途 called brian 叫作 “brian”,participants can get frustrated and angry 参加者通常会感到沮丧及生气,the directive instructor k.s.a. 命令式的讲师,b briefing (简介) r resources (资源) i instructions (指引) a application (运用) n notes (作笔记),a activity (活动) l learning (学习) i involvement (参与) c consultation (谘询) e evaluation (评估),the humble expert k.s.a. 谦卑的讲师,recognised expert 公认的专家 so concerned about the group and their learning requirements that he is self-effacing and can easily go off on tangents 关心学习者及他们的需求,是个行动主义者, 可以很容易的突发奇想,participants have to work very hard to extract the learning 参与者必需非常努力的粹取学习的精华,the humble expert k.s.a. (contd) 谦卑的讲师 (续),lack of teaching skills makes him appear apologetic, long winded, disorganised and repetitive 缺乏教学的经验使他变得谦卑,冗长,较无组织,


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