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.常考句型【句型1】in other words,.to put it differently,.“换言之,”仿写:换言之,我会尽最大的努力实现目标。in other words,i will try my best to gain my goal.to put it differently,i will try my best to gain my goal.【句型2】ever since then,i have found that.“从此以后,我已发现”仿写:从此以后,我已发现微笑是快乐的最好方式。ever since then,i have found that smile is the best way to make us happy.【句型3】in this light,if.,there can surely be no doubt that.“这样说来,假如,当然毫无疑问地。”仿写:这样说来,假如我们能善用时间的话,毫无疑问我们会成功。in this light,if we can make good use of time,there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.阅读理解a体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率应用文旅游experience6分钟/5we were very disappointed with the almond smugglers cove resort(度假胜地)as soon as we arrived,no one told us anything about the allinclusive package or where anything was located.when we arrived at our room,there were ants everywhere in the bathroom.there were four different restaurants to choose from.however,if you didnt make a reservation ahead of one hour,you were sure to be screwed because there was no other choice of eating.plus,food stopped being served at 9 pm.,so if you got hungry after that you were out of luck.the food wasnt the best quality but the highest price.there were only two choices of beer,and you could not get soda at any of the restaurants.the service at all the restaurants was horrible.we waited over an hour multiple times for our meals.the evening activities were pretty much a house band,and that was it.there was no dancing or any other organized activities.also,there was only one bar open after 11 pm.the population statistics of the resort was mostly elderly and families,so they seemed to meet those groups more.there were no organized activities during the day around the pool,either.we were at the resort for four days,and three of those days there were no water activities going on (which is the main reason we booked here)this may have not been the resorts fault.on our last day when there were activities,we signed up.however,when we got there to do the activity,they had overbooked so we couldnt do it.by then we had to leave to go home.also,their web site did not mention that the hotel is one and a half hours from the international airport.it is a horrible drive with the place.this was,by far,the worst hotel experience i have had.the service was horrible and guest service was always crowded with people complaining.we were expecting a lot more from an allinclusive package and our price!【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。杏仁斯马格勒斯湾度假村,位于加勒比海边,该酒店交通、娱乐、美食、住宿全包。但是,作者到此一游,对这里的娱乐、美食等有很多不满。1the purpose of the author is .ato share his happy experience in the resortbto show his discontent about the resortcto warn tourists not to go to the resortdto damage the resorts reputation解析主旨大意题。作者在文章中对该旅游胜地的住宿、服务、餐饮、娱乐表示不满,并没有想毁坏它的名声或给他人提出警告,故选b。答案b2the underlined part “to be screwed” in the passage means .ato be charged too muchbto be starved to deathcto be waiting a long timedto be taken good care of解析词义猜测题。由该词后面的句子可知,在这里吃饭你别无选择,食品质量不好,但价格最高,由此推断你如果没有提前预约,肯定就会挨宰的。答案a3from the second paragraph we can know that .aonly two kinds of beer are produced therebone hour is a rule to wait before a mealcsoda is not sold in the restaurantsdthe four restaurants are of the same kind解析细节理解题。根据第二段的倒数第三句可知,这里的餐馆只提供两种啤酒,并且我们在任何一个餐馆都买不到苏打水,由此排除a项,选择c项。答案c4why were there no other organized activities?abecause this is an ancient city.bbecause loud noise was forbidden at night.cbecause a house band took control of the activity.dbecause the number of the aged takes a big part.解析细节理解题。第三段谈到了这里活动稀少是因为这里人口趋于老龄化,为了迎合老人们的需求,所以夜间活动较少。答案d5on the last day of his stay at the resort, .ahe disliked taking an activity at the poolbhe regretted signing up later than otherscthere were too many people at the pooldthere was still nothing interesting to attract him 解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一、二句可知,当我们赶到那里时,已经是人满为患,我们只好不参与了。答案c【温馨提示】allinclusive adj.包括一切的soda n汽水,苏打horrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的。【长难句解读】原文however,if you didnt make a reservation ahead of one hour,you were sure to be screwed because there was no other choice of eating.译文然而,如果不提前一小时预订的话,你肯定就会挨宰的,因为你吃饭没有别的选择。分析该句的however是承接上文,if 在此引导条件状语从句,make a reservation“预订”,而主句部分则包含有because引导的原因状语从句,句子结构紧凑,条件、原因等环环相扣。b体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率夹叙夹议人际关系mousetrap5分钟/5a mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.he was sad to discover it was a mousetrap.so the mouse proclaimed,“there is a mousetrap in the house!”the chicken came up and raised her head and said,“mr.mouse,i can tell this is a grave concerning to you,but it is of no consequence to me.” the mouse turned to the pig and told him,“there is a mousetrap in the house!” the pig said,“i am so sorry,mr.mouse,but there is nothing i can do about it but pray.” the mouse turned to the cow and said so.the cow said,“wow,mr.mouse.im sorry for you,but its no skin off my nose.” so,the mouse returned to the house,head down,to face the farmers mousetrap alone. that very night a sound was heard throughout the houselike the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.the farmers wife rushed to see what was caught.in the darkness,she did not see it was a poisonous snake whose tail was caught.the snake bit the farmers wife.the farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.everyone knows to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup,so the farmer took a knife to the chicken.but his wifes sickness continued,so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.to feed them,the farmer butchered the pig.the farmers wife did not get well;she died.so many people came for her funeral,the farmer had the cow killed to provide enough meat for all of them.the mouse looked upon it all from his hole in the wall with great sadness.so,the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesnt concern you,remember we are all at risk.we must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。老鼠发现了农夫夫妇安装了老鼠夹子之后,他把这个消息告诉了很多动物,但是这些动物对此不以为然,觉得和自己无关。后来,因为老鼠夹子,这些动物都遭到灭顶之灾,为什么呢?1the author wrote this passage .ato tell people how clever the mouse isbto remind people to encourage one anothercto warn people against the hidden dangerdto show the coldness among people解析主旨大意题。作者用老鼠的故事教育人们在苦难面前,要相互鼓励,相互支持,这一点在文章的尾句有明显的体现。答案b2the underlined word “proclaimed” in the first paragraph means .adeclared bsuggested cwhispered dintroduced解析词义猜测题。在文章第二段,老鼠多次告诉其他动物房间有老鼠夹子,所以在这里是指老鼠告诉其他动物,故该词表示“宣布,声明”,因此答案选a。答案a3why did the cow say “its no skin off my nose”?abecause she didnt care for the mouse at all.bbecause she thought the mousetrap wouldnt hurt her nose.cbecause she believed the mousetrap was specially prepared for the mouse.dbecause she had a bad relationship with the mouse.解析推理判断题。根据第二段鸡、牛、猪的回答,可知他们认为老鼠夹子与他们没有任何关系,由此推断出他们认为老鼠夹子是主人专为老鼠准备的。答案c4what happened to the farmers wife one night?ashe heard a loud noise outside.bshe knew a mouse was caught.cshe found a snake lyin


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