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首字母填空1 Why do so many people learn English? Its d_ to answer the question. Boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their s_. Many people learn it because it is veryu_ in their work. With the help of English, they can r_ lots of books which are written in English. They can e_ watching foreign films and TV plays. Or they can communicate withforeigners freely.答案Keys:1. difficult Its difficult to do .做是不容易的2.subjects 要注意用复数哦3.useful 有用的4.read 提示词“book”你发现了吗5.enjoy enjoy+doing 享受首字母填空2.It is Saturday. The Browns are at h_. Mrs Brown is in the k_. Shes making apple pies. The pies shemakes are very d_. Doyouwant to have a taste?Mr Brown isnt in the living room. He isoutside. He is w_ his car. The car is n_ and very b_. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the g_. He is playing f_ with some other boys. Where is his sister,Sue?Shesin her bedroom with her f_, Ann.They arew_ TV.答案1、home 2、delicious3、washing 4、new5、 beautiful 6、garden7、football 8、friend9、watching首字母填空3 Kate is a new s 1 . She is twelve. She is from A_2_.She can speak English very well and she can speak a l_3_ Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her p4 are doctors. Kate is studying in a school n_5_ her home. She has classes from M 6 to F 7 . On Saturday and Sunday, she often p 8games with her Chinese friends. She l9 China and her Chinese f_10_ .答案1 student 2 American 3 little 4 parents5 near 6 Monday 7 Friday 8 plays 9 likes 10 friends首字母填空4 We had a good time this summer holiday.You know i went to Nanjing to 1.v_our relatives with my parents.The 2.w_in Nanjing is hotter than that in Shanghai.My fathers parents 3.l_ there.They are both over sixty years old,but they look very well.My grandmother 4.c_ nice food for us.My uncle has a 5.s_.My aunt is in Nanjing,too. She has a 6.d_. My father likes his niece very much. When I was in Nanjing,I played 7.w_ my two 8.c_happily. On the last day there,all of us 9.w_ to the park and had dinner 10.t_.Look at this photograph.We all have smiling faces. Guess how many of us!Eleven答案1. visit2. weather3. live 4.cooked5. son6. daughter 7.with8. cousins 9. went10. together首字母填空5In China if you are seven,you have to go to school,At school you learn different1.s_. 2.S_is one of them.We have three science classes a 3.w_.They are on 4.T_, 5.W _and Friday. We can learn a 6.l_in science classes.Mr.Jin is our science teacher.he wasnt born here. He is from another big 7. c_named HaiKou.He is a 8.b_ teacher before.he knows much about plants.For 9.e_,when is the besttimeto water flowers.He is very strict(严厉的)with us .After science classes,we are so 10.t_.答案1.subjects 2.Science 3.week 4.Tuesday5.Wednesday 6. lot 7.city 8. biology 9. Example 10.tired首字母填空6Dear Dad: How are you? Im very1. h_ to hear that you will come to see me next Tuesday. I miss you and Mum very2. m_.I wish you could come today. Next Tuesday I will have many classes. Im sorry I have no time to 3.m_ you at the railway station. Now Ill tell you the 4. w_ to our school. After you come out of the station, walk along the street in 5.f_ of you, and turn left at the second 6.c_ . You will 7.s_ the third lights. Walk across the street, 8.t_ _ left again and walk on, You will see a white, tall building 9.o_ your right.Thats our school. I must stop here. Its 10.t_ for class.My pupils are waiting for me to have Friday evening class. See you then. Yours Jimmy答案:1.happy 2. much3. meet4.way5. front6. crossing 7.see8.turn 9.on 10. Time首字母填空7 Look at this blue planet. This is our home. 1.T_ are plains, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans on our planet. There are all 2.k_ of tree, flowers and grass on our planet. There are all kinds of wild 3.a_ living together with us. Dont you want to 4.k_ our planet beautiful? But sometimes we do bad things to it. We 5.w_ too much water. We cut down too many 6.t_. We hunt too 7.m_


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