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高中英语必修一Unit 1 Friendship教学设计1. 教学目标及基本要求Objectives:Students will be able to: a) grasp the mail idea (never delay expressing your true feelings to afriend) and structure of the text (developing a story around a letter);b) appreciate that spoken English is much more informal than writtenEnglish;c) master key language points and grammatical structures in the text;d) conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. 教学内容及学时分配:Time allotment:1st period: pre-reading; text organization; text analysis2nd period: while-reading3rd period: Post-Reading Activities4th period: Reading5th period: Speaking6th period: Writing3. 教学重点及难点:Important language points in the text: 4. 教学内容的深化及拓宽:Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.5. 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction. More encouragement and guidance will be given to the students in their extracurricular study.1st PeriodPre-reading Tasks: 1) Introduction (10 minutes)Students listen to the recording and then answer the questions on page 32.2) Warm-up Questions: (15 minutes)a) Do you have any friends?b) Why do you think we need friends?c) What kind of people can be regarded as our true friends?d) How do you understand friendship?3) The text can be divided into 3 parts. Students skim the text and try to find out the main idea for each part (10 minutes)4) Students scan the text and then answer the questions on page 38. (10 minutes)2nd PeriodThe teacher explains the following language points to the students (45minutes)Be lost in / lose oneself in; available; or something; estimate; not much of a; correspondence; kind of / sort of; come up; urge; postpone; reference; hang out; mostly; awful; choke up; skip ; keep in/ get in / lose / be in touch with sb. practically3rd Period1) Sentence Translation: (15 minutes)Students are required to translate the following sentences into English.a) 请注意,这种车票仅在发售当天有效。Attention, please. These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only.b) 这道甜食我还是不吃了吧。I might as well give the sweet course a miss.c) 艰难的重担;可怕的冒险an awful burden; an awful risk.d) 他住在一所旧房子里。He hangs out in an old house.e) 商店把投诉转交给制造商。The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers.f) 我们把比赛从3月5日推迟到3月19日举行。We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th.g) 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。She spoke to me as if she knew me.h) 敌人空袭后通信中断了。The correspondence dropped after the enemys air-raid.i) 疯子把他自己的孩子掐死了。The madman choked his own child to death.j) 当我的老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时,我实在熬不住了。When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.2) Translation: Students are required to translate the useful expressions in the CD-ROM. (15 minutes)3) Dictation: Students do the dictation exercise in the CD-ROM. (15 minutes)4th Period Reading PracticeReading:1) The teacher explains the important reading skills to the students. (30 minutes)This part will introduce you several reading skills which will prove to be helpful in your English reading if you master them skillfully and use them creatively.Now lets see what these magic shills are.The first skill named main idea, by main idea, we mean what ones idea about one topic, as a further step, to know ones idea about one topic, we also need to know what kinds of details are used to support ones idea.For example, if ones say “Beckham is always in the center of admiration, he is a handsome guy, and scores or helps others to score in every match”(example 1 below). Then his topic is Beckham, and the main idea is Beckham is in the center of admiration, and the details here used to support that main idea is “he is a handsome guy, and scores or helps others to score in every match”So a very simple definition of main idea, topic and detail can be given as follow: Main idea is the comment or thought one made about something. Topic is the thing one makes comments. Details are some factual events one used to support ones main idea.But attention should be given to the fact that sometimes, people make comments without giving any support, for example: “A friend in need is a friend indeed” (example 2). Its topic is about friend, it main idea is “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, while no details are given to support this main idea. In other cases, the main idea is not so obvious, you must make some effort to draw a conclusion, or try to infer what the author is intended to say, for example, here is Socrates joke about marriage “By all means marry, if you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.” (example 3).Here you must draw a conclusion from these details by yourself; a possible main idea is that “marriage is a good thing”. Of course, topic can sometimes be another problem; it may also not be so clear what a paragraph is talking about after reading it. This will be clear when you proceed with this course.Another trick in finding the main idea of a passage is that in a paragraph, the most possible places for main idea are the beginning, or the end and less likely, in the middle of a paragraph.To give you an overall picture of main idea, topic and detail, a longer example taken from the text is given below (example 4)Example 1Beckham is always in the center of admiration, he is a handsome guy, and scores or helps others to score in every match.Example 2A friend in need is a friend indeed.Example 3“By all means marry, if you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.”Example 4 As we begin to separate ourselves and grow away from our families in adolescence, friendships become even more important to us as sources of support. However, in late adolescence and early adulthood, friendship can take a back seat to romantic relationships. Marriage can disrupt friendships: our interests change, and we begin to form relationship with other couples. In the same way divorce can disrupt the friendships we formed as couples Can you tell the topic and main idea and identify the details that are used to support the idea in the above paragraph. Lets do it together, firstly, we should tell what the topic is, it seems stupid to ask such a question, because it is obvious that the topic is friendship. While that may seem to be true superficially, when we give it another thought, we will find this obvious answer is somewhat odd, because the whole text is about friendship, not just this paragraph. A closer look will lead us to the fact that there are several different time indicators, that is “adolescence”,late adolescence, and early adulthood, marriage and divorce. In this different time of life, friendship is different , so we may well say that the topic is “ change of friendship in different time of life”, and the corresponding main idea is “on different stages of life, friendship may have different form.” And the detail used to support the main idea is “in adolescence, friendships become even more important to us” “ in late adolescence and early adulthood, friendship can take a back seat (后退) to romantic relationships.” “marriage and divorce(离婚) can disrupt the friendships we formed as couples”2) Exercise: Students do the following exercises individually. (15 minutes)Now maybe you are eager to have a try on this reading skill by yourself, so do the following exercise: try to find the topic, main idea, and supporting details of the following paragraphs.a) What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. The changes have been mostly in terms of crafts ship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present is amazing. In Egypt, the America, China, Japan and among the arctic( 北极的)peoples, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dollars, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles. b) A young college student is constantly discouraged, irritable( 烦躁),and unable to sleep. Frequent crying spell have ended, but she is still very unhappy. A middle-aged man has become increasingly indecisive in business affairs. He has strong feelings of worthlessness and guilt, and has lost interest in everything. An elderly complains of pain and lack of appetite. Her weight has been dropping steadily. Three different problems? Not really. These people-and millions like them- suffer from the most common problem: depression.5th period Speaking: Expressing Likes and Dislikes1) Students practice the following sentence structures with their partner. (10 minutes) Its fantastic. Its terrific.Or Its OK Its all right. Its not bad. Or I hate it. I cant stand it. I dont like it.Agreeing with someones likes A- Im crazy about baseball. B- Are you? I am, too. Really? So am I.Agreeing with someones dislikes A- I dont like hamburgers very much. B- Neither do I I dont either.Disagreeing with someones likes A- I really love Jay. B- Do you? I dont like him at all.Disagreeing with someones dislikes A- I dont like Jay very much. B- You dont? I like him a lot I sort of like him. I think hes OK.What kind of_ do you like? A- What kind of music do you like? Sort of Type of B- All kinds, but especially jazz.Preferences A- Do you like going to concerts? B- Sure, its all right, but I like listening to records better.Favorites A- Whats your favorite city? B- I like Chongqing best. I especially like Chongqing. My favorite is Chongqing.2) Task One: Choose some things that you really like (sports, music, movies,etc.). Make a list. Starting from the first item on your list, ask your partner if he/she likes it too. If he/she does, ask about his/her favorites. If he/she doesnt, go on to the next item until you find something you both like. (15 minutes)3) Task TwoFirst look at the lists below. Then ask your partner about the kinds of music, books, movies, etc. that he/she likes. (20 minutes) MusicBooksMoviesJazzmysteriesscience fiction moviesbluesromanceshorror moviescountryscience fictionaction pictureswesternwesternsrock & rolllove storiesclassicalnon-fictionmusicals6th Period: Writing1) Students read the following sample letters and then answer the questions. (10 minutes)Read the following letter, and decide weather it is a business letter or a personal one. Why?Sample One All Weather Products 9274 194th


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