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Unit 1 Profile of Foreign Universities Task 1 Guessing Meaning from Context Check your understanding of vocabulary from the context. Read the definitions below and write down the words or expressions that best fit these definitions. The letter in parentheses indicates in which paragraph the word or expression can be found. Task Unit 1 Part II Main Reading 1. the management of money by governments, large organizations etc. (A) = 2. extremely clever or skillful (B) = 3. having a particular position in the past (B) = 4. all the teachers in a university (C) = Model: the former students of a school, college etc. (C) = alumni finance_ brilliant_ former_ faculty_ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading 5. to officially give someone something such as a prize or money to reward them for something they have done (C) = 6. to accept or admit that something is true (D) = 7. the buildings of a university or college and the land around them (D) = 8. to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation (E) = 9. to read or hear a large amount of new information and understand it (E) = 10. a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned (E) = award_ recognize_ campus_ adapt_ absorb_ instinct_ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading 11. affecting or covering the whole world (F) = 12. a student at college or university, who is working for their first degree (F) = 13. a law or rule says you must do it or have it (F) = 14. the main subject that a student studies at college or university (G)= 15. to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way (G) = 16. to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right (G)= global_ undergraduate_ require_ major_ argue_ admit_ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading 17. too many to be counted (G)= 18. to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something (I) = 19. to officially join a school, university, or course, or to arrange for someone else to do this (I) = 20. something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting (I) = countless_ apply_ enroll_ challenge _ Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details in the Text Task 1. Answer the following questions with information from the passage. 1) Why does the author think Columbia University has played an important role in the US history? 2) Which university has more Nobel Prize winners, Columbia University, or Harvard? Because it has educated many important American leaders. _ _ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading Columbia University. It has produced 64 Nobel Prize winners, while Harvard has 40 Nobel Prize winners. _ _ 3) What are the three things that make Columbia different from any other school? 4) How did the author feel when he first came to New York? 5) According to Columbia graduates or professors, what is the heart of Columbia education? The three things that make Columbia different from any other school are the location of the university, its dedication to the core curriculum, and its attitude towards people with different social status. _ _ _ _ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading He felt frightened and confused._ It is what they learn in countless arguments, debates, and discussions with professors and students late at night when classes are out. _ _ _ Unit 1 Part II Main Reading 2. Write a brief summary of the text based on your answers to the above questions. Columbia is one of the eight oldest universities in the US, which has played an important role in the US history and educated many important American leaders. And it is also the school that produced the greatest number of Nobel Prize winners. There are three things that make Columbia different from any other school. They are the location of the university, its dedication to the core curriculum, and its attitude towards people with different social status. Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases from context. The letter in parentheses refers to the paragraph in which the word or phrase can be found. Choose which meaning best fits the word. Task 1 Guessing Meaning from Context Task Unit 1 Part II Related Reading Nouns f threat (B)a) a point of view 1. competitor (C) b) a quality that makes people like something or someone 2. appeal (C) c) the most basic and important quality of something h _ b _ 3. creativity (C)d) drops of salty liquid that come out through your skin when you are hot, frightened, ill, or doing exercise 4. essence (D)e) something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts 5. sweat (G)f) the possibility that something very bad will happen 6. perspective (I)g) the ability to use your imagination to produce new ideas, or things, etc. 7. achievement (N)h) a person, team, company etc. that is competing with another Unit 1 Part II Main Reading g_ c_ d_ a _ e_ Verbs b commoditize (J)a) to provide the things you are expected to 1. gain (C)b) to transform goods or services into a commodity 2. remain (D)c) to obtain or achieve something you want or need 3. deliver (M)d) to continue to be in the same state or condition Unit 1 Part II Main Reading c _ d _ a _ Adjectives d academic (L)a) consisting of or including many different kinds of things or people 1. ambitious (C)b) having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job 2. varied (D)c) unusually good 3. tough (I)d) relating to education, especially at college or university level 4. intense (L)e) determined to be successful, rich, powerful 5. qualified (L)f) having a very strong effect or feeling very strongly 6. exceptional (L)g) difficult to do or deal with Unit 1 Part II Main Reading e _ a _ g _ f _ b _ c _ Adverbs d amazingly (I)a) all the time, or very often 1. brutally (L)b) unusually well, incomparably 2. constantly (J)c) very cruelly and violently 3. extremely (L)d) to an amazing degree, surprisingly 4. uniquely (M)e) to a very great degree Unit 1 Part II Main Reading c _ a _ e _ b _ Phrases e in demand (C)a) available to be bought 1. be based on (C)b) be caused by 2. for sale (J)c) having the qualities or ability needed to do something 3. be filled with (K)d) to come together and form a group 4. result from (L)e) wanted by a lot of people 5. gather together (L)f) be founded on 6. be capable of (L)g) be full of Unit 1 Part II Main Reading f _ a _ g _ b _ d _ c _ Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details of the Text. Task 1. Answer the following questions with information from the passage. Unit 1 Part II Related Reading 1) What is the passage mainly about? 2) What are the new threats that HBS faces in a fast- changing global economy? The passage is mainly about what has made Harvard Business School so successful. _ _ The new threats that HBS faces are the new direct competitors, such as Beijing University, and corporations that offer faster, better training. _ _ _ Unit 1 Part II Related Reading 3) Why is the experience at HBS extremely hard to copy? 4) What is one of the best lessons we can learn from HBS? 5) What do you learn form the passage? Because it results from the elite nature of the place and its brutally competitive system. And this model works only if the students and faculty remain exceptional. _ _ _ _ One of the best lessons the rest of us can learn form Harvard Business School is that it has kept a self- reinforcing cycle going. _ _ _ Open _ 2. Choose the best answer to the following questions. Unit 1 Part II Related Reading 1) When being asked the most valuable thing they learned at HBS, the alumnis answers are . A. different B. the same C. both different and the same D. None of the above 2) The most valuable thing Jeffrey Immelt learnt at HBS is . A. Socratic method B. making full use of time C. the experience working with smart people D. how to think Unit 1 Part II Related Reading 3) What HBS alumni remember about the school is . A. the experience caused them to realize for themselves B. friends they made in school C. the knowledge they were taught in school D. the beautiful campus 4) We can infer from the passage that . A. HBS alumni never forgot what they learnt in school B. we can buy HBS cases but it is hard to copy HBS experience C. we need to attend the class if we want to learn the content of the classes at HBS D. lecture notes can help students how to think 5) According to the passage, HBSs only product is . A. businessman B. Nobel Prize winners C. social elite D. thought Part III Integrated TasksPart III Integrated Tasks Task 1Task 1 Task 2Task 2 1. Read the words and expressions in the pool until you can pronounce them correctly, spell them correctly, and use them correctly in communication. Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 2. Fill in the blanks with words/phrases from the Main Reading given below. Change the form where necessary. 1) This advertisement is a example of their marketing strategy. 2) Many believe that poverty is a direct of overpopulation. 3) You by law to wear a seat belt. 4) The guests included, , Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson. among othersinsistrecognizechallengea series of typicalrequirebe concerned withabsorbconsequence typical_ consequence_ are required_ among others_ Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 5) Martin now faces the biggest of his career. 6) This autumn the BBC will be showing French films. 7) Every leader present interests of his own country. 8) I keep the lesson simple because small kids cant that much. 9) It is important to how little we know about this disease. 10) His friends he had no connection with drugs. challenge_ a series of_ is concerned with_ absorb_ recognize_ insisted_ Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 3. Fill in the blanks with words/phrases from the Related Reading in the vocabulary pool. Change the form where necessary. 1) Global warming poses a serious (威胁) for the future. 2) You can (得到) nothing by merely dreaming. 3) This house is (待售). 4) His doctors say his condition (保持) the same. 5) An increase (需求) results in higher prices. 6) Earthquakes are (极其) difficult to predict. thereat_ gain_ for sale_ remains_ in demand_ extremely_ Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 7) They read about his (成就) in the press, and were filled with pride. 8) The author gave a detailed description (基于) his personal observation of nature. 9) You have been a (合格的) teacher and even better friend. 10) When it comes to natural footballing ability, Gascoigne is (非凡的). achievements_ based on_ qualified_ exceptional_ Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 4. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in brackets. 1) (最近的报道说,手机和其他物品),including liquids in containers bigger than 100 milliliters, umbrellas, horns, and drums will be banned from Olympic venues. 2) English as an international language (在展览会 的交流中起着非常重要的作用). Recent reports say mobile phones, along with other items _ will play an important role in communication during the Exposition _ _ Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 Unit 1 Part IV Task 1 3) (如果你对比一下伦敦和纽约的房租), youll find they are about the same. 4) We are still dealing with (因为过去的错误导致的问题). 5) Please try to find someone who knows how to talk friendly to others and (一个会烹调的人). If you compare rents in London with those in New York, _ problems resulting from errors made in the past _ _ who is capable of cooking _ Task 2 Practicing Sentence Patterns Sentence Pattern Pool From Main Reading 1. Although most Columbians recognize that in some ways Columbia is very typical of any of the worlds great universities, we always insist that there are three things that make Columbia different from any other school. (Paragraph D) 2. Columbia students may at first be intimated by the citys strong reputation, but most very quickly learn to adapt to and absorb the intellectual excitement of the city. (Paragraph E) Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Sentence Pattern Pool From Main Reading 3. For me it was the fact that Columbia was the great school at the center of New York that attracted me so strongly, even when I was young and even though I had never lived in a big city before. (Paragraph E) 4. Almost any Columbia graduate or professor will admit that the heart of Columbia education is not what students learn in class but what they learn in the countless arguments, debates, and discussions. (Paragraph G) 5. This variety, combined with its intellectual traditions, has always made it a center of radical thought in America. (Paragraph H) Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Sentence Pattern Pool From Related Reading 6. What they remember is not the information they were taught but the experience that caused them to realize for themselves. (Paragraph H) 7. It makes sense that the content of the classes isnt what its all about. (Paragraph J) 8. But the model works only if the students and faculty remain exceptional. (Paragraph L) Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 1. Study the sentence patterns in the pool until you can memorize them and use them properly in communication. Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Simulated Reproduction: For me it was the fact that Ocean University of China was a great school located in a beautiful coastal city that attracted me so strongly. Simulated Translation: 对我来说,这个工作给我提供了一个出国的机会,正是这一点强烈 地吸引了我。 2. Translate the following Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. Model 1: For me it was the fact that Columbia was the great school at the center of New York that attracted me so strongly. Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 For me it was the fact that this job offered me a chance to go aboard that attracted me so strongly. _ _ Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Simulated Reproduction: This beautiful scenery, combined with its favorable climate, has always made it a popular tourist destination. Simulated Translation: 他的天赋和他的勤奋结合在一起,使他一直是世界上最棒的足 球运动员之一。 Model 2: This variety, combined with its intellectual traditions, has always made it a center of radical thought in America. His talent, combined with his hardworking, has always made him one of the greatest football players in the world. _ _ Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Simulated Reproduction: What disappointed his teacher was not his failure in the contest but his lack of self-confidence. Simulated Translation: 给我留下最深印象的不是她的美貌而是她坚强的性格。 Model 3: What they remember is not the information they were taught but what the experience caused them to realize for themselves. What impressed me most was not her beauty but her strong personality. _ _ Simulated Reproduction: Seat belts are effective only if they are correctly adjusted. Simulated Translation: 只有你不告诉任何人的情况下我才告诉你。 Model 4: But the model works only if the students and faculty remain exceptional. Ill tell you only if you dont tell anyone else. _ Unit 1 Part IV Task 2 Part V Writing StrategyPart V Writing Strategy Writing Varied Sent


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