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第23练 文化习俗类高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:adventure ancient awkward cautioncivilized concern custom particularremind remove silent traditiontypical fascinate cooperation anniversaryrestrict religion casual expand短语扫描:add to增添as a whole总体来说be of great value很有价值come into being形成;产生;出现end up with 以告终in memory of为了纪念pass down from generation to generation一代一代传下来date back to/date from 追溯到follow a custom 遵循习俗crowd into涌入 跟踪训练.语境填词1Keep your office space looking good,_(particular) your desk.2_(typical),she couldnt find her keys.3Madagascar is the most _(fascinate) place I have ever been to.4People in these countries demand equal treatment for all,regardless of race,_(religious) or sex.5Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to _(cooperation) with others.单项填空6It is possible that one day we will _ disability,so we shouldnt look down upon the disabled.Aend up with Bput up withCcome up with Dcatch up with7The traditional friendship between our two peoples _ ancient times.Ais dated back to Bdates atCdates back to Dis dated from8_ not to miss the flight at 15:20,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.AReminding BRemindedCTo remind DHaving reminded9At the ancient Olympics,all men,_ had to compete wearing no clothes;while single women took part in their own separate competition,a festival _ Hera,the wife of Zeus.(2016江苏考前冲刺卷)Ain tradition;in favor ofBby principle;in celebration ofCby tradition;in honor ofDin order;in memory of10That is the very coin I need to _ my collection.Aadd up Badd inCadd on Dadd to阅读能力专练阅读理解A(2016天津市十二区县一模)Amy Chua is the author of “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”In the book,Chua,also a professor at Yale Law School,states her childbringingup method learned from her parents moving here from China years ago:no sleepovers,no television,no grades lower than an A.“We guessed her book would cause much disagreement,” Wang Feifei,editor at CITIC Publishing House,told the reporter.“We dont take it as a traditional parenting book,largely because it involves crosscultural conflict.” The book has been available online since MidJanuary and ranked No.80 in sales on J,a Chinese version of Amazon.It is to receive wider distribution(发行) at bookstores after the Feb.3 Chinese New Year holiday.The book has struck a nerve with Americans,especially American mothers.An article published earlier this month in the Wall Street Journal,called Why Chinese Mothers are Better,lit a strong reaction(The article now has close to 8,000 comments and most of them are critical,many of them completely unfriendly)And thats just what she did on Tuesday nights show “The Colbert Report”The host Stephen Colbert put Chua on the spot.“People have accused you of saying that the Chinese way of raising a child is better to what Western mothers do.True or false?” he asked.“Uh.false,” Chua replied,her voice uncertain.Colbert seized the opportunity to point out Chuas inconsistency(不一致)“So you raised your children in a worse way?” Chua made a set of defensive talking points,some of them more convincing than others.Her arguments in defense of strict parenting were “I think if you give a 5 or 8yearold free choice,I think thats going to be video games.” Chua thinks that anyone can be what she calls a “Chinese Mother”;all you have to do is to demand hard work,determination and discipline from your children.“I think they are fundamental American values.”1What is Amy Chuas method of bringing up her children like according to the passage?AVery open. BVery loose.CCompletely scientific. DVery strict.2What can we infer from the second paragraph?AThe book is on sale since midJanuary.BIn February more people will buy the book.CThe book is a traditional parenting book.DJ is a Chinese version of Amazon.3From the third paragraph,we will know _.AAmerican mothers admire Chinese MothersBChinese mothers are better than American mothersCmany Americans dislike Tiger mothers methodDAmerican parenting is completely different from Tiger mothers4What does the underlined word “they” mean in the last paragraph?AAmerican values.BFree choices for children.CHard work,determination and discipline.DParenting methods.5How did Chua defend herself when questioned by Stephen Colbert?AExplaining her parenting methods with American values.BTaking two childrens stories for example.CTalking about her own experience in raising children.DProving disadvantages of video games to children.B(2016天津市十二区县一模)Recently my friend invited me to her residential hall,which is an AfricanAmerican themed hall.They have lots of meetings and outings there.So I thought it would be fun.On this particular day they were having a pancake breakfast,just a time to mix.I was excited to be there,too.I walked in at a time when the miniparty was at its peak.I found my friend;excitedly,we hugged and she led me to a seat in the back.We sat there for some time.I sensed some sort of discrimination.I wondered,were we just isolating ourselves or were we facing discrimination?My friends breakfast came in first,and it was a plate full of colors.My mouth watered.I have always liked rainbow dished:they make me hungry.She let me pick pancakes and fruit;we ate and only then began to talk.The black American contemporary music was extremely loud.Some boys and girls were beating the tables and some guys on the stage were dancing in what looked like a kind of competition.We talked about various subjects:hair,boys,shoes and books.And then we got to it.“What do African Americans think of Africans?”We argued.I told her I thought African Americans were haughty.Why did they sideline us?When we met in a narrow passage and our eyes met,they quickly looked aside before we greeted.Why?Werent we all black?I mean,wasnt this exactly the reason why there was an AfricanAmerican themed house to begin with?Did they look down upon us because they grew up in America and we in SubSaharan Africa?Oh yes,I felt this was it!They believed that we were HIVpositive and that the giraffes were right behind our huts.My friend uttered,“No!” And then she continued:“I also thought so at one point but after living with these guys,I got to a different conclusion altogether.These guys are not from Africa.They were not born there and may have never been there.We cant expect them to naturally like us or bond.We are different.Skin color is the skin color.”6It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that the author _.Ais an African AmericanBis an American AfricanCwas late for the partyDwas crazy about parties7What does the author think of the breakfast?ADelicious. BJust soso.CA bit salty. DA little sweet.8The underlined word “haughty” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “_”Akindhearted BmodestCfashionable Dproud9What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?AThey had a good time at the party.BThey turned down the music for me.CSome of them broke the tables.DThey had a competition at the party.10Which statement is NOT true according to this text?AThe author was brought up in SubSaharan Africa.BThe friend had the same idea as the author before.CThe African Americans are born in America.DThe African Americans have nothing in common with Africans.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.particularly2.Typically3.fascinating4.religion 5cooperate.6.A句意为:将来有一天,我们也可能以残疾而告终,因此我们不应看不起残疾人。end up with以告终,符合句意。7Cdate back to/date from没有被动语态,作谓语动词时,常用一般现在时。8B分词作状语时,要根据其与本句的主语之间的逻辑关系来确定用现在分词形式还是过去分词形式。本句的主语the manager与remind之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。9C句意为:在古代的奥林匹克运动会上,按照风俗习惯,所有的男性运动员必须赤身进行竞赛;而单身女性运动员则单独参加为纪念宙斯妻子赫拉而举办的竞赛。by tradition按照风俗习惯;in honor of为了纪念。10D句意为:那就是我需要添加到我收集中的那枚硬币。add to添加,增加到。阅读能力专练1D细节理解题。由第一段最


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