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Section Using Language, Summing Up & Learning Tip一、用所给单词或短语的正确形式完成下列句子sentencecome to powerrewardopinioneducatebegescape 1In my ,you should go there with your brother.答案opinion2The murderer has to death.答案been sentenced3My sister is being in Beijing University.答案educated4No one can from the prison.答案escape5I your pardon.答案beg6The leader in 2015 and he is popular among the people now.答案came to power7If you can find my pet dog,you will receive the .答案reward二、单句改错1A new company set up two months ago.答案在company后加was解析company与set up之间为被动关系。2In opinion of the girl,we should put off our meeting.答案在In后加the解析in the opinion of sb=in sbs opinion,其含义是“在某人看来”。3We will offer reward of ten thousand dollars.答案在offer后加a解析reward是可数名词。4His uncle managed to escape the enemys prison.答案在escape后加from解析escape from表示“从逃出”。5How long has the man come to power?答案come tobeen in解析come to power表示“上台,执政”,表示短暂的动作;此处应该用表示状态的be in power。三、完成句子1我们很幸运,没有受罚。 We were lucky to .答案escape being punished2我们应该对青少年进行吸烟有害的教育。We should teenagers the dangers of smoking. 答案educate;on/about3我的弟弟请求和我们一起来。My younger brother come with us. 答案begged to4那个英明的人何时执政的?When did that wise man ? 答案come to power5他的成功就是对辛苦工作的奖赏。His hard work was his success.答案rewarded with6他为什么被判处死刑?Why he death?答案was;sentenced to四、根据课文内容填空1It was a prison no one escaped.答案from which2We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find (make)candles to see the words.答案to make3He said they should not be stopped (study)for their degrees.答案from studying4Luckily Mr Mandela remembered me and gave me a job (take)tourists around my old prison on Robben Island.答案taking5Since I was better educated,I got a job (work) in an office.答案working五、阅读理解Katharine Graham,once described as “the most powerful woman in America”,was the owner and publisher of The Washington Post newspaper.Under her leadership,it became one of the most important newspapers in the country.Katharine Graham was born in New York in 1917.Graduating from the University of Chicago in 1938,Katharine got a job as a reporter for a newspaper in San Francisco,California.In 1933,Katharines father bought a failing newspaper,The Washington Post.It was the least successful of five newspapers in Washington.Soon Katharine returned to Washington and got a job editing letters to the editor of her fathers newspaper.In 1946,her husband Philip Graham became publisher of The Washington Post.When she was 46,her husband died,leaving Katharine Graham four children to raise and a newspaper to operate.At first,she was concerned only with finding a way to keep control of The Washington Post until her sons were old enough to lead it.She had no training in business or experience in operating a large company and decided to learn.She hired excellent reporters and editors.In 1969,she became publisher as well as president of The Washington Post company.In the 1970s,The Washington Post became famous around the world.Katharine Graham also played an important role in supporting women by employing more of them.When she was eighty years old,Katharine Graham wrote a very popular book called Personal History about her life,which won a Pulitzer Prize for biography in 1998.Friends of Katharine Graham said she used her intelligence and bravery to improve the American media.1Katharine Graham first worked as .A.a reporterB.an editorC.a publisherD.a manager答案A解析细节理解题。由第二段第二句可知,凯瑟琳格雷厄姆的第一份工作是报社记者。2When Katharines father bought The Washington Post,.A.it had been in business for a short timeB.it was one of the largest newspapers in the USC.it was in a difficult situationD.it had enjoyed great success and fame答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段第三句可知,当凯瑟琳的父亲购买华盛顿邮报时,它的处境十分艰难。3The most difficult time for Katharine came when .A.her father diedB.her husband diedC.she took control of The Washington PostD.she returned home to raise her four kids答案B解析推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可推知,凯瑟琳最艰难的时候是她的丈夫死后,她既要管好报社,又要抚养孩子。4What can we infer from the passage?A.The newspaper was failing under Katharines control.B.There were more women editors than men editors in The Washington Post.C.Katharine probably had a difficult time operating the newspaper at first.D.Katharine was best known for her book Personal History.答案C解析推理判断题。由最后一段可知,凯瑟琳没有经商和管理经验,由此推断出她一开始管理报社时一定非常艰难。六、完形填空During a recent holiday I visited Dusseldorf,a city in the west of Germany.The nine-day trip left a deep impression 1 me.I arrived at Dusseldorf airport at 7 pm.It was already 2 outside.The first thing I needed to do was to find a place to 3.I decided to telephone the Youth Hotel.But to use the phone I needed some 4;I asked a lady for help.To my 5 she gave me three coins to use.But all the phones in the 6 needed phone cards.And phone cards could only be bought at post offices during the 7.I was 8 I would not be able to call the hotel.An old gentleman helped me.He couldnt speak English 9 understand that I needed to 10 a phone call.He showed me where the phone was and inserted 11 phone card.I called the Youth Hotel and found a place to stay that night.The 12 of the German people made me feel that I was not 13my hometown.My first day in Germany wasnt as 14 as I expected.Whenever I went,I asked people for 15.It surprised me that 16 every young German could speak English fluently.Older Germans couldnt 17 English very well,but they would try to help me whenever they could.One middle-aged man I asked for directions even 18 me to the place I was looking for.My 19 in Germany totally changed my impression of Germans.Now I think the people couldnt be more 20.1A.onB.forC.toD.about 答案A解析leave a deep impression on sb 意为“给某人留下了深刻的印象”。2A.lateB.darkC.lightD.early 答案B解析前面提到 at 7 pm,那么肯定是在说天黑了。3A.visitB.eatC.stayD.keep 答案C解析根据语境是想找个旅馆住下来。4A.cardsB.informationC.moneyD.coins 答案D解析从下文可知打电话需要硬币。5A.joyB.disappointmentC.emotionD.surprise 答案D解析没想到这位女士会给他三个硬币,这使他很吃惊。6A.hotelB.airportC.cityD.pavement 答案B解析刚下飞机当然是在飞机场。7A.nightB.daytimeC.tripD.rush hour 答案B解析因为现在是晚上,此处是指在白天可以在邮局买到。8A.afraidB.sureC.gladD.eager 答案A解析根据语境可推知他恐怕不能给旅馆打电话了。9A.orB.butC.andD.so 答案B解析虽然不会说英语,但明白“我”需要打电话。10A.makeB.haveC.doD.answer 答案A解析make a phone call “打电话”。11A.anotherB.otherC.myD.his 答案D解析根据上下文,老人插进了他的电话卡。12A.useB.successC.careD.kindness 答案D解析从上文可知是这个德国人的好意。13A.reallyB.nearly out ofC.far fromD.close to 答案C解析承接上文感觉不是远离家乡,far from “远离”。14A.interestingB.goodC.badD.busy答案C解析句意:我在德国的第一天不像想象得那么坏。15A.directionsB.distanceC.travelD.service答案A解析ask sb for direction “问路”。16A.almostB.evenC.onlyD.already 答案A解析几乎每个德国青年都能说流利的英语。17A.speakB.tellC.talkD.say答案A解析指说某种语言时用speak。18A.droveB.reachedC.movedD.came 答案A解析甚至开车把“我”送到“我”要找的地方。19A.experienceB.victoryC.visitD.memory 答案A解析指此次去德国的经历。20A.friendlyB.unfriendlyC.cold-heartedD.valuable 答案A解析指德国人非常友好。七、语篇填空(导学号59720024)Thanks for 1.(send)me the snow globe of the monster.I love it.In fact I think its 2.(real)my favorite.Ive been collecting snow globes for seven years.And now I have 226 of 3.(they).My mom says I cant collect them anymore,because we have run 4. of room to store them.Theyre all around our apartment.I even store them in boxes under my bed.The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my 5.(seven)birthday.I 6.(particular)love globes with cute animals.I have a big one with bears in it and 7. one with penguins.8. you know anyone else who collects them,please tell me.Id like 9.(start)a snow globe 10.(collect)club.By t


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