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地下建筑照明与智能照明控制系统的性能摘要:和地上建筑相比,地下建筑的最大特点是没有被自然光所特殊化。地下建筑主要依赖于人造光(灯光)。很长一段时间内,地下建筑照明的设计原则遵循地上建筑,照明性能没被很好的利用,导致了工人工作效率降低,健康受到威胁,影响地面建筑的建造策略和经济效益的发挥。随着科技的进步,节能照明系统和增加社会发展需求的科学管理,地下照明变得越来越重要,我们必须认识到这个重要性。持续增长的电力照明资源,新能源的出现以及智能控制系统的诞生已经为解决上述问题打下了基础。关键词:地下建筑照明与智能照明控制系统。和地上建筑相比,地下建筑最大的区别是没有被自然光所特殊化,主要方式依赖于建筑照明,这样的话,地下建筑照明需要很长的时间和具有可靠性高的照明。潮湿对线路和灯具的影响很大。在很长一段时间内,地下建筑照明的设计遵循了地上建筑照明的标准,这样就不能让一个工作人员长期并且很好的在这样的环境中工作,那样不仅降低了效率,而且会产生视觉疲劳,使人感到昏眩等不良症状。很严重的影响了建筑的战略能力和经济的发展,因此,地下建筑照明必须做好照明这一块,必须深入的详细的学习。传统的建筑控制系统通常包括电脑网络,监听设备,自动火警安全和其他的二级系统,智能控制系统是随后发展起来的,随着科技的发展和节能照明系统的出现,科学管理的需要带动了社会的进步,能源消耗以地下照明资源消耗居多,照明变得越来越重要。在中国,能源消耗中的电能消耗占10%-12%,然而地上建筑照明在能源消耗中的比重偏高,根据我们的统计大约占35%,所以,地上建筑应该尽可能的把智能照明作为重要的部分来考虑。这是考虑到能源,灯具和照明控制执行来提高照明质量,能源节省的一个合理的选择。 1 探究地下建筑照明性能人造的灯具能够发出好的光,这既不困难也不会对眼睛造成伤害,让人舒适有效的分辨物体,参加适当的活动,能够确保人的身心健康和增加体能,提高产品质量,减少意外事故的发生。不同形状不同大小的灯具作用不同,灯的特点也可影响建筑的特征,使其和环境气候形成对比。1.1 在此行中做一份好的深入的工作,探寻灯光的设计以提供一个科学的依据。评价光的质量是非常复杂的,包括许多因素:很长一段时间内,灯光的设计基于透光程度、统一性、三维感光性、颜色指数和物体的颜色,例如:用于设计的物理参数和光效的经济标准。随着科技的发展和社会的进步,照明的设计不仅要让指示表的数字和要求相吻合,而且要考虑到人的视觉特点,舒适度,建筑和光能的节约以及其他因素。不同的人对亮度和颜色有着不同的视觉感受。不同的人,不同的时间,不同的地点,甚至人的思想遇到不同的明亮的颜色时有着不同的感觉。照明设计反映人和环境之间的关系。这是为了营造一个舒适的,明亮的,充满艺术的光明环境。到目前为止,对地下建筑照明的探究实际上是空的,科技和合理的照明标准的缺乏以及东方人眼中的环境模式和高水平设计师对照明的经验和所取得的成就相结合,也不能给予保证,甚至因为设计和应用导致了光污染,例如炫目的光,频闪闪光灯,光扭曲,有些人不需要热量,例如红外线和紫外线。时代的推进需要我们去开拓创新,与时俱进。如果一味的追随和抄袭我们祖先的结论或者仅作表面上的补充,只能让我们在现有的高度徘徊,加入照明研究,独立的进行设计练习,对地下建筑环境的大小,特征要求进行实际的研究,真诚的听取用户的感受和建议,自己对照明的实际感受可通过大量的测试,对象是不同的地下建筑,不同作用的单元和不同时间段相同位置,不同的人在这一时间段对交通照明水平的环境模型的感受。简而言之,把一个高身份的人的意识和东方人的思想加入这个科学的艺术的设计,反映出人和环境之间的关系,从而使员工感到高兴和有意识的维护环境,这有益于保护个人的身心健康和提高效率。1.2 充分利用新产品,新科技以便提高地下建筑上的环境。为了提高地下工作环境质量,提高照明效率,可采取以下措施:第一,通过新的采光方式和材料有效的利用自然光;第二,人造光是可被采取的高质量光源;第三,开展照明级连续调光控制,以减轻各种场景的变化。1.2.1 采用新的发光方式和材料,有效的利用自然光通常的自然光:(1)引导光纤的方法荧光管被植入阳光中收集阳光,然后传送到当地需要的地方(比如中国地下建筑自然光研究学会)来解决自然光问题。(2)多棱镜反射一小组光学棱镜会被放去收集阳光到需要的地方。澳大利亚用这种方式把光引入屋子10米深的地方;英国也用这种方法解决了地下建筑的照明和没窗户的建筑。1.2.2 高质量光的选择地下建筑传统上用白炽灯和荧光灯作为光源,有时也用高强度气体电灯,通过一代又一代人的努力,白炽灯的高效和人们的期望值都有显著的提高。照明需要的的代价也降低了。在1959年,发明了钨和卤素循环的白炽灯,既小又轻又能高效的保持高于95%的效率,在继续提高卤素的卫星进程构造之后,生活的期望值和通常用的白炽灯都有了很大的提高。20世纪40年代,归因于对能量保存的需要,荧光灯出现了。从80年代起,荧光灯完成了一系列的电能,高能量的进程。作更长远的打算,电砂囊和彩色的能发出荧光的有效节能的方式诞生了,彩色的透视图索引有了重大意义的提高,白炽灯在屋内代替了大部分的节能光源。荧光灯家族也有了阴极荧光灯,节能荧光灯和水银平底荧光灯,这些灯的发光效率,亮度,寿命和环保方面都不同,已经用于地下照明。在地下建筑照明范围内,节能经常运用于高轻度气体施放区,高压水银灯,高压钠灯和金属灯具这类光源,通常是陶瓷材料的陶瓷金属灯具,更高效了,灯的颜色更好了,更稳定了,更小了,更亮了,容易做光放音机。最近,许多的比传统光源更先进的新光源出现了,这类光源最典型的是半导体放射二极管。它具有高亮度,低能耗,反应快,寿命长的特点。它超越了传统,是21世纪最受欢迎的能源。改革是无止境的,我们不仅应该熟悉早期的传统照明资源的发展,而且应该往没有发展的照明资源,发达的和发展中的新能源投入精力,依照地下建筑的自然条件、大小、特点和要求,全面比较和经济预测不同的资源,选择高效的照明,运用高质量的环保照明,分配系统应最优化,最大限度的提高照明效率,尽量使用户满意。1.2.3 用各种各样的可调光灯具来减弱对不同等级的环境改变的控制。传统的照明需要开启,不需要关闭,模式和控制方法都要求严格,改变照明环境是非常困难的,用户哪怕不满意也不能怎么样,如果改变了将会导致资源亏损。随着信息时代的来临,智能照明系统诞生了,它完全控制了各种层面的情况,满足了当代不同用户的需求。开关和调光器是智能照明系统里面的两种控制方法,控制系统通过不同人的不同需求进行合理的时间管理或自动的调节照明以提高工作环境质量,节约能源,减少操作的花费。一些重要的区域通过可调光和环境(通过不同的黑灯的光效来进行光循环)的作用建立许多光效,营造不同的照明环境,给予一个完美的舒适的视觉享受。用户能够减少跑路的花费,从而使经济回笼,在短时间内使早期的投资恢复。2 地上建筑智能照明控制系统2.1 智能控制系统应具有智能控制的作用,包括:集中控制,在线控制,时间控制,电话控制,激发软件控制,情景控制,照明,开始,可调性,亮度,例如记忆。作者相信遇到的情况应该考虑考虑。2.1.1 集中控制和地上建筑相比,大多数地上建筑呈一个长轴型的分布的是照明的控制场所,这样的分布更多的分布着不同作用的单元,但这种分布不利于巡防,如果能集中控制的话,这个问题就解决了。中心控制房位于陈列中的分布图上的中心智能电脑监控处,想象的地图是和实际运用了照明设备的图层是相辅的。系统的运转通过与智能照明系统的分界面这个平台的运作,通过点鼠标来控制这个图。中心控制电脑有一个历史的记忆库,它能提供照明系统的准确时间,运转和打印出各种各样的报表,为设备维护提供一个基础。编程系统运用了一个编程软件,这个运作可以给系统编程,使它修改或继续编程。通过手动编程在分界面插入网络程序,你就可以修改照明条件的参数。2.1.2 基地控制通常在一些地方(比如会议室,主要的通道,办公室)用智能开关代替通常的机械开关,中心控制电脑坏了,我们也可以在此情况下控制照明。它包括230伏的直流电机,可作为一个普通的开关,而不是按钮开关。同时,有一个内置的接收器可接受遥远的控制信号或电缆探测信号,用遥控可以进行遥远的点控制。设置智能密码保护可以避免私人的相关的运作。2.1.3 各种各样控制的作用中心控制电脑和在线智能控制开关起各种各样的控制作用,包括满-满清除,持续缓慢变暗,情景转换,比如放松。满-满-空是为了确保员工离开了地下,那些控制智能控制系统的运作停止了工作,此项工作需要经常模拟许多工作环境。像全民空气防护,国家禁止的会议室,控制室的建立的运作来减少情景转换智能选择合适的情景按钮,就会自动的通过打开一个设置好的照明而提供环形的照明区域,这为开会,学习提供了一个好的环境。2.1.4 远控功能在正常情况下,尤其在地下建筑通道和地下道工程,长廊等多种通道时,有必要安装一个遥控设备,遥控或者无线电频率探测器可发出一个无线电波通过这个障碍,在接收器上已经有了一个智能开关,可接收无线电信号,还可以转换成点载波信号,然后发送到220伏的电线上。2.1.5人类的作用效应在会议室或者通道内安装开关或者红外线传感器来探测灯的作用,身体移动时LED灯自动发亮而做出检测,然后复位。同时,如果需要的话,用来提高传感器或者探测器的性能应该把开关固定。2.1.6 软启动照明,软关断地下建筑照明条件远不及地上建筑,尤其是眼睛的健康,在那些地方长时间工作的员工,灯光产生慢开始,慢关闭,打开灯,灯光逐渐的变亮,关闭慢慢的变黑,慢关闭也可以保护灯管寿命,节省开支,另外,灯的亮度能够刺激记忆功能,因此不能够反复设置。2.1.7 急诊中心消防照明依照地下的火势,会自动的刺激相应区域的应急灯,强行关闭普通的照明线路,灯火事件中心选择禁止用电脑控制的控制器和地点控制,也可选择之后控制。另外,控制系统有好的质量,开放性和电磁兼容性。智能照明控制系统是地下建筑的智能第二系统,能够通过一定水平和其他控制系统兼容到因特网上。为了控制电磁干扰,让系统具有更好的电磁兼容性,公共汽车传送距离可提供以下的建议:把电器附近的电磁干扰保持隔离,系统有效的屏蔽,提升时间或者把电压从额定电压增加5%至95%,时间比原来多200微秒。2.2 智能控制照明系统的效率和前景智能照明控制主要问题和受益情况:智能照明控制,持续照明,环境转移的灵活性,可观有效的能源节省,扩展了生命光源,提升了管理水平,减少了开支,因此,智能照明控制系统吸引了很多的注意,也有好的发展前景。未来,会继续向智能,微型,标准型发展,网络系统最优化,发挥更完美的作用。拓展更方便,更令人放心的保护,节能更有效。值得提及的是,最新的智能控制箱和智能控制者是分开工作的,生产,设计,运用和维持两者的不必要的麻烦。这两者在一个箱里导致智能照明控制一体化,过去仅连接一个额外的连接点,安装更方便的,运用前景的,更节能的材料和资源,用最高效的实验产生最大的经济效益。The performance of underground construction lighting and intelligent lighting control system Abstract: Compared with the ground construction, underground construction is characterized by the largest no natural lighting, the main dependence on artificial lighting. A long time, the underground construction of the lighting design follow the design standards of the ground construction, lighting performance has not been well used, resulting in decreased efficiency of staff, health at risk, affecting the function of the ground floor of building strategic and economic performance of the play. With the advancement of technology and social development of energy-saving lighting systems and scientific management of the ever-increasing demands, the underground architectural lighting is becoming more and more important, we must attach great importance. The continuous development of electric light sources, the emergence of new sources and intelligent lighting control system was born, in order to solve the above problem has laid a good foundation. Keywords: underground construction lighting and intelligent lighting control system Compared with the ground construction, underground construction is characterized by the largest no natural lighting, the main measures to rely on artificial lighting, so, the use of underground construction lighting need a long time and reliability requirements of high illuminance, wet has a great impact on lines and lamps. A long time, the underground construction of the lighting design follow the design standards of the ground construction, lighting, performance has not been very good use of long-term staff members work in such an environment, not noly decrease the efficiency, but also there will be visual fatigue, dizziness, symptoms of neurasthenia, a serious impact on the ground floor of building strategic capabilities and economic performance of the play, therefore, underground construction must be done the lighting performance-depth study of specific.Traditional building control systems generally include computer networks, equipment monitoring, automatic fire alarm, security and other subsystems, the development of intelligent lighting system is lagging behind. With the advancement of technology and social development of energy-saving lighting systems and scientific management of the ever-increasing demands. In particular, energy consumption is accounting for the underground architectural lighting power consumption than the major,lighting is becoming more and more important. In China, the power consumption of lighting energy consumption accounts for about 10 12%, while the ground floor of Building Lighting higher the proportion of energy consumption, according to my statistics, about 35%. As a result, the ground floor of buildings should be as intelligent system intelligent lighting important part to consider, a reasonable choice of light source, lamps and superior performance of the lighting control system to improve the lighting quality and energy saving effect. 1 Explore the performance of underground construction lightingArtificial lighting can create a good light, is neither difficult nor eye injury, comfortable and efficient to identify the object observed, to engage in appropriate activities and to ensure the physical and mental health and raise labor productivity, improve product quality, reduce types of accidents. The use of different forms, different sizes of lamps, the use of light and the level of the directional characteristics can also play up the architectural features, contrast the atmosphere of the environment. 1.1 Do a good job in the performance of in-depth and meticulous research, for the lighting design to provide a scientific basis Evaluation of the quality of lighting is a very complex, involving many factors. A long time, lighting design has been based according to the brightness, uniformity, three-dimensional sense of glare, color rendering index and color of objects, such as physical parameters for the design and evaluation standards for lighting effects.With the advancement of technology and social development, lighting design, not only in the number of indicators should meet the requirements of the standard, but also considering human visual characteristics, comfort, construction and energy-saving lighting and other factors arts. Brightness and color of different people with different visual experience, different people, different times, different places, and even human emotions are reflected in the different dark and bright colors of the different feelings, lighting design should reflect the relationship between people and the environment, to create a comfortable, bright and full of artistic charm of the lighting environment. So far, the performance of underground construction lighting research virtually empty, the lack of scientific and reasonable illumination standards and people-oriented model of the environment, coupled with the level designers, experience uneven lighting makes the achievement of performance can not be guaranteed, and even because of improper design and use, resulting in light pollution, such as glare, strobe, color distortion, some people do not need heat, such as infrared and ultraviolet. The development of the times requires us to open up innovation, advance with the times. If following the beaten track and copy the results of our predecessors, or just tinkering on the surface, as the level of awareness that we always remain at the current height, hesitant. Engaged in lighting research and design personnel to work in practice, the actual investigation of the nature of underground construction, size, characteristics and requirements, seriously listen to the users experience and recommendations, personal experience of the realization of the effectiveness of lighting, through a large number of tests, to have different underground construction, different functional units and the same location at different times, different people at the time of illumination standards for traffic and environmental models. In short, a high degree of awareness, and grasp the concept of people-oriented, take into account in the design of scientific and artistic, reflecting the relationship between people and the environment so that staff feel happy and consciously safeguard the environment is conducive to the protection of human physical and mental health and improve efficiency. 1.2 take full advantage of new products, new technologies to improve the underground environment To improve the underground working environment, improve the lighting efficiency of the following measures can be used, first, through new lighting methods and materials effective use of natural light; Second, artificial lighting in selected high-quality light source; The third is to carry out all types of lighting-class Continuous dimming control to ease the scene change. 1.2.1 the adoption of new lighting methods and materials effective use of natural lighting Common use of natural light by: (1) lead-ray-tube methodFluorescent tubes will be guided by the sun sets the collection of optical transmission of light to the interior lighting needs of the local, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the underground construction of natural lighting research method is to solve the problem of natural lighting. (2) multiple reflection prism Law Group Chuanguang with a group of optical prism will be set to collect sunlight to the needs of the site lighting. Australia in this way the light to the room 10m deep into the lighting parts; the United Kingdom in this way to solve the underground construction and lighting, windowless building. 1.2.2 Selection of high-quality lighting Underground construction in the traditional, commonly used incandescent and fluorescent lighting as a light source, high-intensity gas discharge lamp is also used.unremitting efforts, incandescent light efficiency and life expectancy has been significantly improved, and prices fell Of particular note is the use of ceramic materials for the inner tube of the ceramic metal halide lamp, light-efficient, light colors better, more stable, and small size, high brightness, easy to do light projector. Recently, there was more advanced than the traditional source of new light source, which is the most typical of semiconductor light-emitting diodes. It has a high-brightness, low power consumption, fast response, long life light source can not be more than the traditional and the characteristics of the 21st century is recognized as the most promising source. Innovation is the never-ending, we should not only familiar with the early development has been widely used in traditional light sources, but also should pay close attention to the improvement of traditional light sources, development and continuous emergence of new sources. In the design and construction, according to the nature of underground construction, size, characteristics and requirements, a comprehensive comparison of different sources of technical and economic indicators, selection of energy efficient lighting, using high-quality green lighting, lighting distribution system optimized to maximize the effectiveness of lighting to play, allowing users more satisfied. 1.2.3 To carry out various types of lamp dimming level for ease of scene change controlTraditional lighting are necessary to open, do not need toclose, mode and control methods for rigid, it is very difficult to change the illumination and the scene, the user, even if not satisfied, just can not do it, if modified, would result in duplication of investment. With the advent of the information age, intelligent lighting system came into being, its complete control features and a variety of preset scenes can be switched to meet the needs of different users. Switches and dimmers are two control methods of intelligent lighting control system . control system through the rational management of time according to different peoples different needs or automatic adjustment of illumination to improve the working environment and save energy and reduce operating costs. Some important regional approach through dimming and scene (by the lighting circuit with a different composition of the dark light of a lighting effects) functions set up a variety of lighting effects, create different lighting environment, and give a perfect and comfortable visual enjoyment . Users can reduce the running cost of economic returns, the early recovery in the short term investment in equipment. 2 Ground Floor, Building Intelligent Lighting Control System 2.1 Intelligent lighting control system should have the function Intelligent lighting control, including: centralized control, on-site control, remote control, time control, telephone control, visualization software control, scene settings, lighting, soft start, dimming, brightness, such as memory. The author believes that underground construction set the following features should be considered. 2.1.1 Centralized control Comparing with the ground construction, most of the ground floor of building long-axis, the more dispersed distribution of functional unit, are carried out at the scene control of lighting, very difficult to patrol. Set of centralized control, the issue will be solved. Central control room located in a central monitoring computer intelligent lighting in the computer simulation with graphics display lighting layout map, the image of the map to real-time dynamic visual display of the region the use of lighting equipment. The operator through the interface of the intelligent lighting system to monitor the operation of the state, according to the need to click with the mouse to control the graphics. Central monitoring computer has a history of data storage capacity, can provide real-time intelligent lighting systems, and generate and print a variety of statements, to provide a basis for equipment maintenance. Programming system uses a dedicated software, the operator can program the system to modify or programming. Through hand-held programmer to insert the networks programming interface, you can modify the parameters of the lighting condition. 2.1.2 Field Control Often work in some places (such as conference rooms, control room, the main channel, it is important to office space) to install the smart switch instead of ordinary mechanical switches, the central monitoring computer does not work, we could also control the lighting at the scene. It consists of 230V AC power supply directly, rather than pressing the button switch can be used as an ordinary use of the switch; At the same time, there is a built-in receiver can receive remote control or wireless probe signals, use the remote control can electronic control switch. Live smart switch password protection feature can be set to avoid irrelevant operate of personnel.2.1.3 a variety of control functions Central control computer and on-site intelligent switch can achieve a variety of control functions, including full-wide clearance, continuous stepless dimming, scene change, such as relaxation. Full-full-off feature to ensure that staff leaving the underground, those subject t
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