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advanced english,lesson 14 argentia bay,i. objectives of teaching:,1. to master the vocabulary, and some specific terms, making effective use of specific verbs 2. paraphrase the text and finish all exercises 3. to appreciate the style and rhetorical devices: transferred epithet 4. to grasp the skill of comment writing 5. group work: an interview with churchill/roosevelt,ii. pre-reading questions:,1. what was hopkins estimate of the situation on the eastern front? what did the soviet union need most? 2. what did churchill want from america? and what was roosevelts policy? 3. why did burne-wilk invite henry into his cabin? what was the request from the british? 4. whats american congress and peoples attitude during that time? 5. without the bombardment of the pearl harbor, would america join the 2nd war?,iii. introduction to the passage,1.type of literature: - a piece of objective description 2.the purpose of objective description: -to record and reproduce a true picture with opinions and emotions of the author excluded 3. ways of developing a piece of objective description:,introduction to the passage,-to begin with a brief general picture, divide the object into parts and organize the detailed description in order of space,iv. background information,1. herman wouk: american novelist, a pulitzer prize winner. famous works: the winds of war (1971) and war and remembrance (1977). 2. pulitzer prize:,iv. background information,pulitzer prize: founded by joseph pulitzer (1847-1911), american newspaper publisher who gave columbia university $2,000,000 in 1903 for the creation of the columbia school of journalism and also the prizes. today there are pulitzer prizes for distinguished works in american fiction, drama, history, biography and autobiography, nonfiction, poetry and music.,iv. background information,the winds of war: the story is a fiction with the main character, pug victor henry being a mid-rank officer who witnesses all the major events during world war ii. a novelty of this fiction is, with the ongoing of the story itself, a imaginary reminiscences by a german strategist was put in at intervals of chapters. every a couple of chapters into the novel, an episode of that reminiscences was quoted to provide an opposite-side view of the war situation, which enables the reader to view the historical events with an all-round angle.,v. detailed study of the text 1. argentia bay,gray peace pervaded the wilderness-ringed argentia bay in newfoundland, where the american ships anchored to await the arrival of winston churchill. figure of speech: 1. pervade: spread to and be perceived in every part of 翻译:他的歌充满怀旧感情。 - her song is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age.,v. detailed study of the text,2. wilderness: desolate expanse, waste, uninhabited land ring: (here) make a ring round or suround eg. ring the spelling mistakes with red ink. police ringed the building. an old house ringed (about) with tress. 3. await: less common than “wait”, can be followed by gerund. fill in the blaks: 1). i shall_ hearing from you. 2) i shall_ to hear from you.,v. detailed study of the text,haze and mist blended all into gray: gray water, gray sky, gray air, gray hills with a tint of green. (figure of speech:) 4. haze: thin mist fog, mist and haze are all clouds of water vapour at ground level and above. they indicate different degrees of thickness. - fog is the thickest and haze is the least thick. - smog is an unhealthy mixture of smoke and fog in the air of some industrial cities. - haze also occurs when it is very hot: 翻译:热天的薄雾 a heat-haze,v. detailed study of the text,5. tint: shade or variety of a color - tints of green in the sky at dawn an artist who excels at flesh tints, i.e. painting the colors of the human body - red with a bluish tint figure of speech of : gray water, gray sky, gray air, gray hills :,v. detailed study of the text,sailors and officers went about their chores as usual on these ships, amid pipings and loud-speaker squawks. 6. squawk: (esp. of birds) utter a loud harsh cry (e.g. when hurt or frightened),v. detailed study of the text,but a primeval hush lay heavy in argentia bay, just outside the range of the normal ships noises. 7. primeval: of the earliest period of the history of the world, very ancient - primeval forests, i.e. natural forests, where trees have never been cut down based on instinct rather than reason, as if from the earliest period of the human race - it aroused strange primeval yearnings in him.,v. detailed study of the text,8. hush: become silent, quieten - the government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 1) hush: n. stillness; silence - there was a sudden deathly hush. 2) hush-hush: adj. (infml.) very secret or confidential 翻译:贿赂(他人以让其保守秘密) 3) hush-money: n. money paid to prevent sth scandalous from becoming known publicly,v. detailed study of the text,three gray destroyers steamed into view, ahead of a battleship camouflaged in swirls of color like snakeskin. 9. camouflage: way of hiding or disguising soldiers, with paint, netting or leaves, so that they look like part of their surroundings; such a disguise - the polar bears white fur is a natural camouflage. 10. swirl: v. n. (cause air, water, etc to) move or flow with twists and turns and with varying speed; swirling movement; - dust swirling (around) in the streets,v. detailed study of the text,a brass band on its decks shattered the hush with “the star-spangled banner ” 11. shatter: cause sth to break suddenly and violently into small pieces - the pot shattered as it hit the floor. - the explosion shattered all the windows. 翻译:这事件粉碎了我原来所有的念头。 - this event shattered all my previous ideas.,v. detailed study of the text,12. spangle: n. tiny piece of shining metal or plastic used for decoration on a dress, etc, esp. in large numbers that spangles on the fairys dress in the pantomime (哑剧) v. sth (with sth): cover or decorate sth with spangles or small bright objects like spangles -a dress spangled with tiny silver sequins (small circular shiny disc sewn onto clothing as an ornament),v. detailed study of the text,quiet fell. the band on the quarter -deck of the augusta struck up “god save the king. “ 13. strike sth. up: (of a band, an orchestra, etc) begin to play (a piece of music) - he would often strike up conversations with complete strangers. 翻译:乐队奏响了华尔兹舞曲。 - the band struck up (a waltz).,v. detailed study of the text,pug henry stood near the president, under the awning rigged at number-one turret, with admirals, generals, and august civilians 14. rig: set up (a structure, etc) quickly and / or with makeshift materials - rig up a shelter for the night 15. august: inspiring feelings of respect and awe; majestic and imposing 翻译:德高望重的政界元老们 - an august body of elder statesmen,v. detailed study of the text,the president towered over everybody, stiff on braced legs, in a big brown suit, 16. brace: (device that clamps things together or holds and supports them in position) roosevelt had to wear steel braces on his legs, because an attack of polio in 1921 had paralyzed him from the waist. v. support (sth) with a brace,v. detailed study of the text,n. wire device worn inside the mouth (esp. by children) for straightening the teeth - my daughter has to wear a brace on her teeth. braces: (us suspenders) straps for holding trousers up, fastened to the waistband at the front and - the back and passing over the shoulders - a pair of braces,v. detailed study of the text,an air corps officer who strongly resembled him. roosevelts large pink face was self-consciously grave. 17. corps: pl. (a) military force made up of two or more divisions one of the technical branches of an army,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,admiral king beckoned to pug. “take my barge over to the prince of wales, . the president desires to talk with him before churchill comes to call, so expedite.“ 1. beckon: to call, order or signal with a movement of the head, hand, etc - i could see her beckon (to) me from the other side of the room. - he beckoned me with his finger and the child cam running.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,2. expedite: to make (a plan or arrangement) go faster - we appealed to the government to expedite the procedure for the release of the prisoners. 3. barge: - a large low flat-bottomed boat used mainly for carrying heavy goods on a canal or river - a motor boat carried by naval ships for the use of officers,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,went from america to england and from peace to war was a shocking jump. kings spick-and-span flagship belonged to a different world than the storm-whipped british vessel, ( figure of speech: ) metaphor 4. spick-and-span: (of a room, house, etc) completely clean and tidy again,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,5. differentthan: teachers prefer different from, but different to (bre) and different than (ame) are also commonly used. - different and various both mean “not the same“, but various is used about several things which are not the same. fill in the following blanks: - the minister gave _ reasons (= a number of different reasons) for the governments decision. - this time the minister gave _ reasons (= not the same as last time) for the governments decision.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,the accomodation ladder was salt-crusted,the camouflage paint was peeling, and even the main battery guns looked pitted and rusty. 6. crust: (a piece of) the hard usu. brown outer surface of baked break (learnt in the loons) - a hard outer covering, as of earth or snow 7. peel: to lose an outer covering or surface - wallpaper was peeling off the damp walls.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,to remove the outer covering from (a fruit, vegetable, etc.) - she peeled the skin off the banana. 8. pit: n. a hole in the ground. - they dug a pit to bury the rubbish. - to mark with pits. - the deeply / heavily pitted surface of the metal.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,pug was aghast to see cigarette butts and wastepaper in the scuppers, 9. aghast: suddenly filled with great surprise, fear, and shock syn: horrified, appalled, dumbfounded, overwhelmed, astounded,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,though droves of blue jackets were doing an animated scrub-down. (figure of apeech): transferred epithet 10. drove: a crowd of people moving together - droves of sightseers 翻译:旅游观光者大群的来了。 - the tourist came in droves.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,11. animate: (rather fml) to give life or excitement to, enliven (the loons) - laughter animated his face for a moment. - animated: full of spirit and excitement, lively 12. scrub: to rub hard at (something) in order to clean, eg. with a stiff brush - youll have to scrub hard to get that stain out,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,synonyms of “scrub”: in order to clean a room and its contents you can brush any surface at any level using a brush, usu. held in one hand. you can sweep the floor using a brush with a long handle. you can dust surfaces above floor level using a soft cloth. you can scrub any surface by rubbing it hard with a short, stiff brush using water. you can wipe any surface by rubbing it with a cloth, probably using some water.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,on the superstructure raw steel patches were welded here there - sticking plaster for wounds from the bismarcks salvos. figure of speech: metaphor the quartermaster军需官will escort you.“ 13. quartermaster: any army officer who provides, in charge of clothing, provisions and subsistence for a body of troops quarterback, quarterdeck, quarterfinal, quarterly,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,14. escort: n. a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection or as a courtesy, the man who goes on a date with a woman, to go with someone as an escort - the queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,hopkins had travelled to london and moscow in a blaze of worldwide newspaper attention. “am i riding over with you?“ 15. blaze: (the sudden sharp shooting up of) a bright flame - the fire burned slowly at first, but soon burst into a blaze. - in a blaze of anger she shouted: “you unspeakable blackguard! how dare you!“,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,a bent figure with a gray double-breasted suit flapping loosely on him. 16. flap: to wave (sth. large and soft) or move slowly up and down or backwards and forwards, usu., making a noise - the bird flapped its wings. - the sails flapped in the wind.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,“hes having the time of his life, sir.“ 17. the time of ones life: (colloquial) an experience of great pleasure for one have the time of ones life: to enjoy oneself greatly,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,sos churchill. churchills like a boy going on his first date. well, its quite a historic moment, at that.“ 18. at that: (coll.) 1)as well, besides (learnt in the loons) - “it might be quite nice for you, at that.“ my mother mused. (the loons) - i made a mistake, and a very bad mistake at that.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,2) following or as a result of that, then - she called him a liar, and at that he stormed out of the room. 3) possibly - he suggested we should bring the car, and its not a bad idea at that. (here, all things considered),v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,the russian will hold. but itll be a near thing. theyll need help.“ 19. near thing /close thing: a situation in which something dangerous/very unpleasant is only just avoided - that was a near thing - we almost hit that car! a game, election, risk taken, etc., which comes close to failing before it succeeds - we won, but it was a near thing.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,hitlers bitten oft a big bite this time.“ he was struggling with the clasps on his suitcase, figure of speech: metaphor 20. clasp: device for fastening things (eg the ends of a belt or a necklace) together - the clasp of my belt is broken clasp-knife: folding knife with a catch for holding the blade open,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,he and toppled into the arms of the coxswain, who said, “oops-a-daisy,sir.“ 22. topple: (over) be unsteady and fall - a crisis which threatens to topple the government (from power) 23. oops-a-daisy: a consolatory (comforting) cliche, rather than a catch phrase, uttered as one picks up a child that has fallen oops: interj. used typically to express mild apology, surprise, or dismay,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,“pug, ill never be a sailor,“ hopkins staggered inside, 24. stagger: walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall (from carrying sth. heavy, being weak or drunk, etc) - she staggered and fell. there are a number of verbs which describe abnormal ways of walking:,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,1) shuffle and shamble indicate moving without lifting the feet completely off the ground. shuffle suggests a slow, tired movement; shamble may be faster and more careless fill in the blanks: 1. the queue of prisoners _ towards the door. 2. the beggar _ past us. 2) stagger and stumble suggest unsteady or uncontrolled movement. 3. a person_ when carrying a heavy load or when drunk. 4. we _ when we hit our feet against unseen objects.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,3) waddle is used humorously to describe someone swaying from side to side like a duck because of fatness or while carrying heavy bags. 4) hobble and limp describe the uneven movement of someone whose legs are injured. limp is used especially when only one leg is damaged or stiff.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,i flopped on my face boarding the seaplane that flew me to the soviet union. 25. flop: move or fall clumsily, helplessly or loosely - her hair flopped (about) over her shoulders. - exhausted, he flopped (down) into the nearest chair - floppy disk:(计算机软盘) flexible disk for recording and storing data in a form that a computer can read.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,he glanced around at the flawlessly appointed barge. “well, well. america! peacetime! 26. flaw: crack or fault (in an object or in material); imperfection 翻译成英文:骄傲是他(性格中)最大的弱点。 pride was the greatest flaw in his personality. 翻译成中文:- a flawless performance,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,hopkins held out one wasted hand and ticked off points on skeletal fingers. 27. waste: cause (sb/sth) to become weaker and thinner - his body was wasted by long illness. - a wasting disease,v. detailed study of the text harry hopkins,28. skeleton: framework of bones supporting an animal or a human body; skeletal - the child was reduced to a skeleton, ie very thin because of hunger, illness, etc. 29. tick: light and regularly repeated sound, esp. that of a clock or watch; (infml) moment - just wait a tick! - ill be down in half a tick / in two ticks.,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,2) tick away: (of a clock, etc) make a series of ticks - my watch doesnt tick because its electric. - while we waited the taxis meter kept ticking away. 3) tick sth. off: put a tick beside (an item, etc) - tick off the names of those present,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,they know such a warning will shore it up. 30. shore sth. up: support sth. with a wooden beam, etc propped against it shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down - engineers are trying to shore up the leaning tower of pisa. - she used this evidence to shore up her argument. ,v. detailed study of the text 2. harry hopkins,if hitler pokes down there and closes the canal, the empire strangles. 31. poke: push sb. /


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