毕业设计外文资料翻译外文出处:TapasNandy,SunitaShastry,P.P.Pathe,S.N.KaulinWater,Air,andSoilPollution(2003)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文2.外文原文题目混凝深度处理城市污水厂初步设计院 (系)化工与环境工程学院专业环境工程班级环境09-1学号09014030137学生肖健群指导教师廖艳(副教授)2013年 05月03日附件1:外文资料翻译译文通过混凝工艺对货币印刷油墨废水的预处理摘 要:使用混凝絮凝工艺去企图研究来自印度货币印刷机油墨废水的可处理性。对混凝剂,即,硫酸亚铁、氯化铁、硫酸铝和聚合氯化铝进行研究,然后选择最合适的混凝剂进行有效的治疗,以达到最佳混凝剂浓度。阳离子polyeletrolyte和最有效的促凝剂的结合也是用来进行研究,以评估其影响絮凝沉降性。聚合氯化铝(PAC)被发现是最高效的混凝剂,可以去除色彩,悬浮物(SS)、生化需氧量和化学需氧量(COD)的95.9 -96.5%,96.5 -97.0%,61.3 -65.8%和54.8 -61.8%,分别在一个最佳浓度的1500 mg / L其他凝聚剂,即是,硫酸亚铁、氯化铁和硫酸铝没有表现出实质性的色彩褪色,BOD and COD、除了悬浮物与PAC的性能的比较。阳离子ploylectrolyte和PAC在一个最佳浓度的1500 mg / L的PAC和1.0 mg / L的聚电解质的结合进一步提高了研究的各种参数的去除效率,除了改善絮凝沉降速度,减少污泥生成的数量。在絮凝中表现为平均时间速度梯度(G)和混合时间(t)的快速混合强度的效应也被研究了。以一个300 rpm的叶轮转速(n)和60秒的混合时间(t) 的快速混合显示良好的絮凝,因此实现了821s的速度梯度,这被发现是一个优化组合。 这还能通过上清液中的相对较高的污泥沉降速度和低残余色彩表明。然而, 超出5分钟的, 且通过了最初的最佳快速混合的缓慢混合,表明这对絮凝的影响很小。关键词:混凝剂、混凝、货币出版社、絮凝,凹版印刷、混合时间、油墨废水、沉降、速度梯度、废水处理1前言干胶印和凹印过程是在印度被用于货币印刷。雕刻的墨可能是干燥油型或溶剂的类型,它们是用一个合适的溶剂与树脂制成的。溶剂油墨是由溶解树脂制造的,即,硝基、马来树脂、醋酸乙烯树脂、天然沥青,或天然树脂,也就是,二甲苯,甲苯,高沸点的矿物稀释剂。通常, 使用的油墨相当僵硬的,它能在纸上位于合适的位置。通常,印刷的油墨是一个复杂的、多成分的组合,主要是由染料和颜料、树脂、粘合剂、溶剂和可选的添加剂组成的。显然, 印刷过程产生的废水是高度有色的,且受到有机矿物质的污染,由于之前提到的化合物。因此, 来自于这样的印刷设备的废水不能直接排入接收的溪流或未经任何处理的土地,这不仅由于其有害影响人类健康和环境,也因于在美感上,颜色的可见度,甚至在低集中时。文献没有提供很多关于从凹版印刷过程中产生的废水的特点的参考资料,也没有提供其处理方法。然而,最常见的对从各种废水中的色彩和有机物质去除(BOD和COD)的预处理,从主要包括物理化学方法, 吸附和先进的化学氧化过程。然而,吸附和先进的氧化过程并不是作为预处理选择的技术和经济可行的,它更适合作为三级处理被采用。物化处理是在处理废水作为一个基本的步骤。然而, 作为一个完整的处理系统,它的广泛使用,与生物治疗相比是有限的,主要是由于处理和搬运大量因为化学混凝剂的添加而产生的污泥。因此,本研究主要针对,通过混凝絮凝过程印刷钞票产生的油墨废水的预处理。不同浓度的不同混凝剂对絮凝研究的影响是通过大量的悬浮物体分离试验来确定的,最有效的凝结剂及其最佳浓度的确定是从色彩,SS和有机接头的立场(BOD和COD)删除处理。此外,助凝剂的影响在沉降的絮体也有记录。实验室研究进一步进行了絮凝模型与涡轮叶轮的快速混合,其次是缓慢的搅拌和混合絮凝沉降调查效果,沉降速度上的絮状物颗粒在文档中也有标记。4. 结论 基于混凝过程的详细实验,已经证明这种处理模式是一个适当的预处理选项,如处理货币印刷机中的油墨废水。它提供高效的色度去除清液。此外,由于其具有性能稳定,可以很好的去除有机物BOD和COD,因此它的悬浮物去除率也很高。 在混凝剂试验,PAC将作为最有效的絮凝剂。阳离子聚电解质与PAC结合,加强了污泥絮体分离从而增加了沉降速度,于是进一步提高了处理的效率。混凝剂的最佳浓度测定是通过以消耗最少混凝剂达到最高的加工效率而划定的。 影响迅速混合的最佳GT值的测定是通过絮状沉淀研究来评估的。研究表明,缓慢混合多久都不能提高系统的性能,而流程效率上的显著效果是通过初期的快速混合达到的。 因此,混凝的处理模式,绝对可以作为一个兼容的高强度彩色印刷机的油墨废水预处理选项。附件2:外文原文PRE-TREATMENT OF CURRENCY PRINTING INK WASTE WAT- ER THROUGH COAGULATION- FLOCCU LATION PROCESSTAPAS NANDY, SUNITA SHASTRY, P. P. PATHE and S. N. KAULNational Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur, India(Received 27 March 2002; accepted 1 April 2003)Abstract:Attempt has been made to study the treatability of printing ink wastewater generatedfrom an Indian currency printing press using coagulation-occulation process. Coagulant agents,viz. ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride, aluminium sulphate and polyaluminium chloride were studied to select the most suitable coagulant for effective treatment, and attain the optimum coagulant concentration. Cationic polyeletrolyte in conjunction with the most effective coagulant was also studied to assess its effect on oc settleability. Polyaluminium chloride (PAC) was found to be the most efcient coagulant, achieving removals of colour, suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 95.996.5%, 96.597.0%, 61.365.8% and 54.861.8%, respectively at an optimum concentration of 1500 mg /L Other coagulants, viz. ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride and aluminium sulphate did not show substantial removals of colour, BODand COD, except suspended solids in comparison to the performance of PAC. Cationic ploylectrolyte in combination with PAC at an optimum concentration of 1500 mg /L of PAC and 1.0 mg /L of polyelectrolyte further improved the removal efciency of various parameters studied, in addition to improving the oc settling rate, and reduction in quantity of sludge generation. Effect of rapid mixing intensity expressed as mean temporal velocity gradient (G), and mixing time (t) on occulation was also investigated. Rapid mixing at an impeller rotational speed (n) of 300 rpm and mixing time (t) of 60 sec indicated good oc formation, which resulted in achieving velocity gradient of 821 s , and was found to be an optimum combination. This was also indicated by relatively high settling velocity of sludge formed and low residual colour in the supernatant. However, slow mixing beyond 5 min,adopted after initial optimum rapid mixing, indicated negligible effect on occulation.Keywords: coagulants, coagulation, currency press, occulation, intaglio printing, mixing time,printing ink wastewater, sedimentation, velocity gradient, wastewater treatment1. IntroductionDry offset and intaglio printing processes are adopted for currency printing in India.The inks for engraving may be of drying oil type or of solvent type formulated with a resin and suitable solvents. Solvent inks are made by dissolving resins,viz. nitrocellulose, maleic resins,vinyl acetate resin, gilsonite, or natural resins insolvents, viz. xylol, toluol, and high-boiling mineral thinners. Generally, the inks used are quite stiff enabling to hold in place on the paper.Typically, printing ink is a complex, multi-component compound composedprincipally of dyes and pigments, resins, binders, solvents and optional additives. Obviously, the wastewater generated from the printing process is highly coloured,and contaminated with organic minerals because of the afore-referred compounds.Hence, the wastewater from such printing installation cannot be directly dischargedinto receiving streams or on to land without any treatment, not only due to itsdeleterious effect on human health and the environment, but also aesthetically due to visibility of colour even at low concentration.The literature did not provide much reference on the characteristics of wastewater generated from intaglio printing process, and its treatment. However, the most common pre-treatment for colour and organic substances removal (BOD and COD)from various wastewaters mainly comprises of physico-chemical methods, adsorp-tion and advanced chemical oxidation processes .However, adsorption and advanced oxidation processes are not techno-economically viable as pre-treatment option, and are more appropriate for adoption as tertiary treatment. Physico-chemical treatment is used as a basic step in the treatment of wastewaters. However, its widespread use as a complete treatment system is limited as compared to biological treatment, mainly due to handling and disposal of large quantities of sludge generated as a result of addition of chemical coagulants.Therefore, this study basically aimed at, pre-treatment of printing ink wastewater generated from printing of currency notes through coagulation-occulation process. The effect of various concentrations of different coagulant agents on occulation investigated through extensive jar test studies to determine the most efcientcoagulant, and its optimum concentration in terms of colour, SS and organic sub-stances (BOD and COD) removal are addressed. In addition, effect of coagulantaid on settling of ocs is also reported. Laboratory studies further performed using a occulation model with turbine impeller involving rapid mixing followed by slow mixing and settling to investigate the effect of mixing on occulation and settling velocity of oc particles is also addressed in the paper.4. ConclusionsBased on detailed experimentation on coagulation-occulation process, this modeof treatment has proved to be an appropriate pre-treatment option for printing ink wastewater such as from currency printing press. It provides efcient colour removal producing clear supernatant. Moreover, suspended solids removal is also very high with stable performance achieved for removal of organic substances in terms of BOD and COD.Among the coagulants experimented, PAC performed as th
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