



综合听力模拟训练三I. 每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。(每个对话读一遍)II. 听下列5个对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话读一遍)( )6. A. Because he fell off the bike. B. Because his leg is broken. C. A and B.( )7. A. Subjects. B. Math. C. English.( )8. A. The man has not listened to Jacksons songs. B. The man doesnt like Jacksons songs. C. The man needs some CDs.( )9. A. Yellow. B. Purple. C. Orange.( )10. A. She was with her father. B. She gave her friend a ring. C. She visited her fathers friend.III. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)( )11. Who called? A. A nurse. B. A friend of the womans. C. The boys mother.( )12. Who is the woman calling? A. Ambulance. B. Her son. C. The baby.( )13. Why did the woman call? A. She was injured. B. Her baby had an accident. C. She saw an accident.( )14. Who was helping her? A. No one. B. Her husband. C. A doctor.( )15. Where did the accident happen? A. In the street. B. At the womans home. C. In the hospital.IV. 听短文和短文后的问题,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)( )16. What can we know about one person from his clothes in Britain today? A. Health. B. Background. C. Nothing.( )17. What clothes do the upper classes like to wear better? A. In red. B. In dark colors. C. In bright colors.( )18. Who likes to spend lots of money on clothes? A. The lower working class people. B. The upper class people. C. Young people from all social classes.( )19. Why do the lower working people like clothes in bright colors? A. Because they want to look different and feel important. B. Because they want to be healthier. C. Because they are rich.( )20. Which of the following statements is true? A. Today in Britain the upper classes and the lower working classes are still different. B. Today the upper class people spend less money on clothes. C. Today the lower working class people prefer expensive clothes.V. 听短文,补全句子。(短文读两遍)21. Who is Christine? She is Pauls _.22. She went to New York when she finished _. 23. She hasnt married, but shes got a _ of strange pets.24. Shes hoping to go to _ first next year.25. Shes visited her _ regularly this year.听力原文:I. 每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。(每个对话读一遍)1. M: Did you go fishing with your friends yesterday? W: Yes, I did. We got a lot of fish.2. M: What are you going to be when you grow up? W: A computer engineer.3. M: How does your father go to work, by bus or by train? W: He thinks its good to take more exercise, so he usually walks to work if it doesnt rain.4. M: Do you know what time the accident happened yesterday? W: Im not sure. Maybe at two thirty, then I was in the library.5. M: Why is he in such a hurry?W: He has to look after his sick daughter and has only a little time to catch the first train to Beijing.II. 听下列5个对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话读一遍)6. M: Charles is in hospital. Do you know whats wrong with him? W: He fell off his bike and his leg broke. Question: Why is Charles in hospital?7. M: Which is more difficult to learn, Chinese or English? W: Math is the most difficult to learn for me. Question: What are they talking about?8. M: I dont think Jacksons songs are beautiful. W: You should not say so when you have never listened to any. Question: What does the woman mean?9. Mi Which lady is Ms Brown? W: The one in an orange coat. Question: What color is Ms Browns coat?10. M: I called you yesterday, but you werent in. W: Oh, I called on a friend of my fathers. Question: Where was the woman yesterday?III. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)M: Ambulance. Whats the trouble?W: Oh, my son fell off the table and hurt himself. Hes losing lots of blood. Please help me quickly!M: Is there anyone else to help you present?W: No, only myself. What shall I do?M: Dont move the baby. He may have internal injuries. Try to stop the bleeding. Keep him warm, but dont give him anything to eat or drink. OK?W: Oh, yes. But hurry, please.M: Dont worry. The ambulance is on the way now. Can you give me your name and address?W: Nicky Logan. Im at home, No. 233 Center Street.Questions: 11. Who called? 12. Who is the woman calling? 13. Why did the woman call? 14. Who was helping her? 15. Where did the accident happen?IV. 听短文和短文后的问题,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)In Britain a hundred years ago the working class very often looked unhealthy, small and were either too thin or too fat. Today everything is different, but its still not difficult to tell a persons class just by looking at him. The clothes really can tell us something about the wearers background. Expensive clothes look expensive and show the wearer has money. The upper classes seem to be interested in fashions and good quality clothes in non-bright colors. Young people from all social classes spend a lot of money on clothes. The lower working people prefer clothes in bright colors. Maybe because they want to look different and feel important. They want people to look at them. Questions: 16. What can we know about one person from his clothes in Britain today? 17. What clothes do the upper classes like to wear better? 18. Who likes to spend lots of money on clothes? 19. Why do the lower working people like clothes in bright colors? 20. Which of the following statements is true?V. 听短文,补全句子。(短文读两遍) Pauls younger sister, Christine, has lived in New York for a long time. She went there when she finished university. Shes had the same job and has lived in the same flat all the time. She hasnt married, but shes got a family of strange pets. Shes gone all over the world on her motorcycle. But she hasnt been to Pauls island. Shes hoping to visit him next year, but she hasnt been to India, so shes going there first. Shes climbed mountains, but she hasnt been to the Himalayas. Shed like a snowman as a pet! Shes visited her parents every month this year. They have asked her to live at home, but she has become a New Yorker.听力答案:I. 1. C 细节辨认。注意关键词go fishing和句子We got a lot of fish。 2. C 细节判断。注意关键词A computer engineer。 3. B 细节判断。注意关键句he usually walks to work if it doesnt rain。 4. B 细节辨认。注意关键词two thirty。 5. A 细节推理。注意问句Why is he in such a hurry?中的关键词in such a hurry。II. 6. C 7. A细节推理。对话中出现的关键词Chinese, English, math都是科目。 8. A 细节推理。关键词have never listened any。 9. C 细节判断。注意答语中的关键词orange。 10. C 细节辨认。注意答语I called on a friend of my fathers。III. 11. C细节推理。对话开头部分这位女士说my son fell off the table and hurt himself,注意关键词my son,由此可推断出打电话的是孩子的妈妈。12. A 细节判断。文中第一句为Ambulance。 13. B细节推理。对话开头部分这位女士说My son fell off the table and hurt himself. Hes losing lots of blood。14. A 细节辨认。注意关键词Only myself。15. B 细节判断。根据上下文内容和关键句Im a


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