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学士学位论文题 目 the special meaning of color words in western and chinese culture学 生 指导教师 年 级 专 业 系 别 学 院 contentsabstracts4key words41. introduction52. color and culture53. different meanings of the same color in different cultures63.1 the special meaning of color words63.1.1 red63.1.2white83.1.3 black93.1.4yellow103.1.5blue103.1.6 green113.1.7 other colors124. reflection on the develop and change of certain color words135. conclusion14reference16中文摘要17prefacebecause of the geographical distance, the natural phenomena, history background, and aesthetic interest etc. are different between china and western countries, thus, peoples feeling and expression toward color may be also different, and the special meaning of the color phrase will give rise to numerous differences. by contrasting chinese culture and western culture, this paper analyzes and investigates the special meaning of the color phrase in each race.the purpose of writing this paper is to avoid culture shock, promote cross-cultural communication, and advance the world cultural mixture. to study the special meaning of the color words has great significance which not only making us to understand the chinese and western culture more deeply ,but also still strengthening us to master the special meaning of color phrase rightly in learning english process, and enhancing the ability of english vocabulary usage, stimulating the students interest of study.studying the special meaning of color words may form some obstacles to comprehend context rightly, so exact and flexible master the special meaning of color words is conducive to better comprehend the english short composition and western culture. improving the ability of english context comprehension is the best way to learn special meaning of color words.前 言由于我国与西文国家相隔万里,地理位置,自然现象,历史背景,审美心理等千差万别,人们对于颜色的感受和表达不尽相同。这样,颜色词的特殊含义在中西文化之间自然又产生很大的差异。学习中西文化颜色词的特殊含义具有重要意义,不仅可以避免中西文化冲突,促进跨国际文化交流,加强世界文化的融洽,还可以让我们对中西文化有了更深入的了解。本文试图从中西文化对比的角度,去分析,探究颜色词的特殊含义。所以正确,灵活地掌握中西文化颜色词的特殊含义对理解英语短文以及了解西方文化,加强英语词汇运用能力,促进学生的学习兴趣都是很有帮助的。通过撰写这篇论文,我自身有了很大的收获,同时希望这篇文章可以对英语爱好者学习英语有所帮助,更希望这篇文章可以起到抛砖引玉的作用,引发更多人关注“英语颜色词的特殊含义”这个课题,激起更多人对它研究,使用的兴趣。the special meaning of color words in western and chinese cultureabstracts: the colors we see are light waves absorbed or reflected by everything around us which is a kind of basic characteristic of eyes sense of vision. both chinese and western vocabulary are abound with color words. we not only need to notice their basic meaning, but also pay attention to their special meaning, because their special meaning usually has different characteristics in the different language. color is closely related to our life and it is a very important field for human beings to recognize the world. colors may convey different messages to people of different cultures, which have a close relationship with national culture, the geography position, history backgrounds and aesthetic interests and so on are always influence local peoples modes of thinking. for the differences of the national cultures, peoples natural feeling of the color and the methods to define the color words will also be different .even the same color, chinese and western people will think of it and feel it differently. this paper has discussed color words in two different cultural backgrounds,and also the special meaning in special context.key words: color words; special meaning; culture; context1. introductionfrom the definition of science, the colors we see are light waves absorbed or reflected by everything around us which is a kind of basic characteristic of eyes sense of vision. the color of an object depends on how it absorbs or reflects light. color is closely related to our life and it is a very important field for human being to recognize the world. the color in our life is rich in cultural connotations. it represents one of the few areas of study that is well defined as an area of multidisciplinary investigation, and is also a relevant domain of psychological inquiry across human culture. therefore, research on the special meaning of color words is particularly important to the study of culture and cross-cultural comparison. nowadays, with the development of cross-cultural communications, the meanings of many color words have changed greatly. from this special meaning of color words, we can find therere many things worth us thinking.2. color and culturewe are living in the colors, which may convey different messages to people of different cultures. on many occasions, it is not the basic meaning of the color that functions, but the profound cultural associations related to the color that functions. chinese have experienced thousand years feudal society and its development in education and technique is relatively backward. in chinese culture, colors appearance has strong mysteriousness, its development has been influenced by chinese social culture deeply, so the meaning of chinese words remains fixed. chinese is featured in standard, rigor and preciseness in choosing the words.but western society from the start of civilization relatively has been paying attention to the reasonable education and scientific finding. they hold reality attitude towards objective world and objective understanding. therefore, in western culture colors symbolize the meaning directly, so english words are characterized by flexibility. one word is likely to have different meanings in different contexts (meng jiangang). lets take the word “green” for example. green gains a certain new meaning when associated with the phrase green revolution and when it is used alone, it still carries that meaning. however, green in chinese loses the meaning unless it is combined with revolution or other words in similarity. the color words have a close relationship with national culture; different customs, traditions and cultural background etc. are always influence local peoples modes of thinking. for the differences of the national cultures, peoples natural feeling of the color and the methods to define the color words will also be different .even the same color, chinese and western people will think of it and feel it differently. lets take a sentence for example: mr. smith is a very white (loyal) man. he was looking rather green (feel not good) the other day. he has been feeling blue (gloomy) today. when i saw him, he was in a brown mood (worried). he made a mistake then. before i asked him, he had been red with embarrassment. i hope hell soon be in the pink (recover) again. what does “white man” mean? if he is in a brown mood, what kind of mood is he in? is he happy or sad? obviously, white and brown do not mean just the color. each has additional meanings that are hidden behind the color words. color words can produce various associations of ideas, which greatly influence a persons emotion and mood. so we can say that color words as a part of language is a product of culture. they have a close relationship with their mother cultures, and always influence peoples thinking.if we dont understand these words and the social customs and culture background of it, it is even harder for us to communicate with each other. therefore, it is significantly important for us to comprehend and grasp the color words in both western and chinese culture.3. different meanings of the same color in different cultures for the differences of the national cultures, peoples natural feeling of the color and the methods to define the color words will also be different. just because the cultural backgrounds, social customs, living environments, religious histories and aesthetic interests between chinese and western nations are different, so even the same color, chinese and english people will think of it and feel it differently (xuyanhong, 2000:46-48). the following part will discuss the special meaning of these color words.3.1 the special meaning of color words 3.1.1 red red is a basic promoting color in our nation culture, which embodies the chinese spirit and material pursue. it uses to express happiness, success, luck and prosperous etc. in china, red is a color that always appears in festive circumstances. for example, people use red paper to write spring festival scrolls. at red letter day hold wedding, the bride is often covered with a red veil on her head. and a red “喜字”(large chinese character, double happiness on a red piece of paper) is always put where it must strike the eyes on a young couples wedding. also red powder is always used to make up pretty girls in chinese. and those dressed up girls are always called “红装”or “红妆” (clothed in red) by ancient chinese people. in china, red is also a symbol of revolution and progress, it is the most political colorful phrase in the contemporary chinese language. for example, during the culture revolution, every one should keep one or two books about chairman mao. it was also called “red treasured book”. but in the western culture red is a color of the blood and fire, “blood” in westerners minds is “in human bodys liquid of the life”. once the blood bleeds down, the flower of life also fades. so the red color makes westerners associate to extremeness, danger, indignation, and exigency which produces a kind of color taboo. the america financial institution encloses the poor area with a red line and refuses to provide loan for this area, which made the area poorer. this was called “red lining”. during the america civil war, the british soldiers wore scarlet uniforms. they were called redcoat. red brigade is an italian terror organization. and red is also related to dissolution. for example, (1) “a red light district” 花街柳巷(红灯区), (2) “a red waste of his youth” 他那因放荡而浪费的青春. it symbols violence and bloodshed, for example,(1)the red rules of tooth and claw残杀和暴力统治(2)red revenge血腥复仇(3)a red battle血战;it also symbols radical、violent revolution,for example,(1)red hot political campaign激烈的政治运动(2)a red revolution赤色革命(3)red activities左派激进活动;it also symbols danger and nervous,如(1)red alert空袭报警,(2)a red adventure story一个令人紧张的冒险故事,(3)a red flag危险信号旗;some sentences about special meaning of red: (1) the president was treated to the red-carpet in rome. 总统在罗马受到了隆重的接待。 (2)it was a red-letter day in the history of chinese revolution. 这是中国历史上值得纪念的日子。(3)a thief was caught red-handed in the act of breaking open lock. 一个窃贼在砸开锁时被当场抓获。(4)you said that i am very good. is my face red? 你说我很好,真使我难为情了。 (5)when he started criticizing my work, i really saw red. 当他批评我的工作时,我就冒火发脾气。 (6)there is too much red-tape in obtaining an identity card. 领身份证的手续实在太繁琐了。(7)they had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the red. 因为经营这家公司几年来一直亏损,所以他们只好把它卖掉。(8)well soon be out of the red. 我们很快就会扭亏为盈。(9)every time he comes to new york, he wants to paint the town red. 每次来纽约,他都要痛饮一 番。3.1.2whitewhite is contrary to red in the chinese culture, which embodies the chinese discarding and disgusting in material and spirit and it is a basic taboo phrase. in chinese culture, the white color symbols dry up and has no bloody, lifeless, bad ominous and bereavement, so people who lost relatives use white paper, and wear white clothes and white caps. thats said “白事”. in ancient china, white also refers to decadent, reactionary, backward etc ,so people who have no power were called “白布” or “白丁”. because white always makes people have the feeling of humbleness and poor.now in china, white is still commonly used for condolences to the death. and in tradition chinese brides wear red instead of white. but many young people have changed their views nowadays. many traditional activities can no longer be seen at a chinese wedding. on the contrary, most brides in china wearing a white wedding dress appear in their wedding. this is a typical example of the culture mixture between china and western.but in western, people love white very much. they mainly emphasize white color on itself basic color, such as lately-snow, fresh milk and lilys color. they think the white represents elegant and pure, so white is a basic promoting color in western culture .they also believe white make one think of immaculacy. such as, “a white soul” 纯洁的心灵, “white spirit”正直的精神 “white war ”没有硝烟的战争 “a white lie”无害的谎言, “white men” 高尚、有教养的人. in the wedding, the brides wearing white skirt, and express their happiness life pursuit. with chinese open policy, various things have rushed into our country. facing the totally new culture, some people regard western value and the manner of behavior as higher ones. so they follow the steps to imitate the activity of the western people. some sentences about special meaning of white: (1)they treated us white. 他们公正地对待我们。(2)my children have bled me white. 我的一切都为孩子花光了。(3)he said he didnt want to have a white-collar job and sit in an office all day. 他说他不愿意做文职工作,整天坐在办公室里。(4)although they got a lot of nice wedding presents, they also got one or two white elephants. 虽然他们收到许多很好的结婚礼品,但也得到几件昂贵而无用的东西。 (5)dont show the white-feather fight for your beliefs. 不要怯懦,要为你的信念而战。(6)he is the white-headed boy of the new generation. 他是新一代中的宠儿。(7)sometimes we are forced to tell white lies. 有时,我们被迫要讲些无恶意的谎言。 (8) dont fire until you see the whites of their eyes.等他们非常靠近时再射击。 (9)in his youth he was treated as the white hope of the american theater. 他在青年时期就被认为是能为美国戏剧界带来荣誉的人。3.1.3 blackin china ancient times black is “tianxuan”(天玄) ,which only has heavy mysterious feeling in the chinese culture and is a kind of solemn and strict color. now its symbol meaning because of under the influence of the west culture seem to be more complicated. one hand, black gives people a feeling of justice and strict, so in chinese opera “包公”has a black face. on the other hand, because of its blackness gives people a feeling of insidious, cruel and terrible, it is always related to “bad, evil and wicked”. in western culture, black is an evil word, and just like white in chinese. it is also related to “bad, evil, and wicked”. black embodies the westerns discarding and disgusting in material and spirit and it is a basic taboo phrase. in english we also have the phrase “black friday”. in religion, black means grief, despair and death. friday refers to the friday before easter day. jesus was suffering at that day. based on the nations culture background and traditional custom, people in english countries use black friday to symbolize the disaster.in most western countries black is the color of mourning. among young people, black is often seen as a color of rebellion. black is both positive and negative.it symbols die, bad ominous and disaster , for example,(1)black mass安灵弥撒,(2)black words不吉利的话,(3)a black letter day凶日;it also symbols evil and commit crime, for example,(1)black man邪恶的恶魔,(2)a black deed极其恶劣的行为,(3)black guard恶棍、流氓,(4)blackmail敲诈、勒索;it is related to disgrace and losing face, for example,(1)a black mark污点,(2)black sheep败家子,(3)a black eye丢脸、坏名声,it symbols depressing and angry , for example,(1)black dog沮丧情绪,(2)the future looks black前途暗淡,(3)he gave me a black look。他怒气冲冲地看着我。some sentences about special meaning of black: (1)the black dog is over him. 他意气消沉。(2)tom is the black sheep of his family. 汤姆是个败家子。(3)next time l see him, ill give him a black eye. 下次我见到他一定打他一顿。(4)she gives me a black look. 她对我怒目而视。(5)he blacked out the words he didnt want. 他涂掉不想要的词。(6)he came out of the fight black and blue. 打架之后,他遍体鳞伤。(7)he gave me assurance in black and white. 他给我做出了书面保证。3.1.4yellowyellow is a color of sun. in ancient china the emperor always wear yellow clothes. it has been a long time that the yellow is thought to be respectful. so at that time, except the emperor no one was allowed to use the color of “yellow”. yellow has the meaning of elevation, dignity and power. in nature, yellow is also a color of autumn. it is a symbol of golden season and good crop. people always think that yellow is a color full of happiness and vitality. it is always related to blessedness.as we know, yellow is the color of emperor in ancient china as i have mentioned. but today, china has increased its contact with people around world. china has no more been a feudal society. now everyone can wear yellow clothes. and yellow has been nothing to do with dignity and power. but most chinese people would associate the word “yellow” with chinese expressions as “黄色书刊”. both in english and chinese, there is yellow page. that is a book with the telephone number of different shapes, business, organizations, etc, arranged in order of different categories. yellow page is a very useful handbook whose pages are yellow, but the content is not yellow in the chinese sense.in western culture, yellow usually has meaning of anxious, ailing, discarding and timidity. yellow always makes people think of something to do with filthy, obscene or vulgar, so yellow is a low-down color in believers eyes. it means abjection, cowardice and suspicion. for example,(1) “yellow press” 黄色报刊, (2) “i dislike tom for he is a yellow dog.” 我讨厌汤姆,他是个卑鄙小人(3) “he has a yellow streak in him.”他很胆怯, (4)he is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太胆怯,不敢奋起战斗。(5)we cant afford to have anyone in this enterprise who is likely to turn yellow when the testing-time comes. 我们的企业不能雇用在考验关头可能畏缩不前的人。and in english we have the phrase “yellow journalism” (黄色办报作风), which lays too much emphasis on scandals or exaggerates the ordinary news to a sensational degree, sometime even with distortion.3.1.5blueblue almost has no symbol meaning in the chinese culture, in chinese blue is seldom used for expressing peoples mood. but blue is a favorable word to chin
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