



Casting铸造Sand Casting砂型铸造 Investment Casting熔模铸造Centrifugal Casting 离心铸造Inspection of Casting铸件检验Forging and Die铸造与模具Open-die Forging开式模锻或自由锻Impression-die and Closed-die Forging 模锻和闭式锻Precision Forging 精密锻Die Manufacturing Method模具制造方法Conventional Machining Processes常规机械加工工艺milling铣削 Drilling and Drill Press钻削和钻床Nontraditional Machining Processes特种加工工艺Electrochemical Machining (ECM) 电化学加工Machining(CM)化学加工Electrical Discharge Machining(EDM)电火花加工(EDM) Chemical Laser Beam Machining (LBM) 激光加工Ultrasonic Machining (USM) 超声波加工Tolerances and Fits公差与配合Size: 大小、尺寸 Allowance: 允差Fit:配合 Nominal size(basic size): 公称尺寸Limit size: 极限尺寸Actual size: 实际尺寸Deviations:偏差Allowance:允差Bilateral Tolerances: 双边公差Unilateral Tolerances: 单边公差Clearance fit间隙配合Interference fit过盈配合limit size极限尺寸Transition fit过渡配合Polymers 聚合物 gear 齿轮 composites 复合材料 ferrous metals 黑色金属nonferrous metals 有色金属 engineering materials 工程材料 manufacturing 制造 engineering materials 工程材料 Ferrous Metals and Alloys 黑色金属与合金composite materials 复合材料Ceramics陶瓷Oxide Ceramics氧化物陶瓷Carbides 碳化物 Nitrides 氮化物Cermets 金属陶瓷 Bioceramics生物陶瓷forging 锻造 welding 焊接 machining机加工net-shape manufacturing technologies成形制造技术 mold cavity模腔Sand Casting A sprue 直注口Expendable-pattern Casting 发泡模铸造dimensional accuracy 尺寸精度heat treatment热处理net-shape净成型near-net shape近净成型machining 精加工operations工艺步骤 lathes车床turning车削grinding磨削residual stresses残余应力wire erosion线切割tool feed刀具进给boring钻孔internal turning内圆车削facing端面车削parting分断车削threading车螺纹frictional摩擦engine lathes 普通车床 vertical lathes立式车床universal lathes万能车床special-purpose专业车床Face Milling端面铣削(平铣) engineering drawing工程图纸Dimensional deviations尺寸偏差Shape deviations形状偏差Position deviations位置偏差Surface roughness deviations表面粗糙度偏差For industrial purpose, materials can be divided into engineering materials and non-engineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacturing and will become parts of products through definite processing. In generally, engineering materials may be further subdivided into metals, ceramics, composites and polymers. 工业生产上,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。工程材料指的是被用于制造且通过一定的工艺将成为产品一部分的这类材料。一般来讲,工程材料可以继续细分为金属、陶瓷、复合材料和聚合物。 The traditional methods of casting metals is in sand molds and has been used for millennia. Simple stated, sand casting consist of (1) placing a pattern having the shape of the desired casting in sand to make an imprint, (2) incorporating a gating system, (3) filling the resulting cavity with molten metal, (4) allowing the metal to cool until it solidifies, (5) breaking away the sand mold, and (6) removing the casting.传统的铸造金属的方法是在砂模中进行的,且已经被应用了几千年。简单来讲,砂型铸造包括(1)将一个具有想要铸造的形状的母模置于砂中来制造出痕迹;(2)包含一内浇口;(3)将熔融金属充满腔体;(4)冷却金属直到凝固;(5)打开砂模;(6)移出铸件。 Several different methods, such as casting, forging, welding and machining are available to shape metals into useful products. Customarily, casting, forging, welding etc. are refer to as forming processes which generally use molds, dies or other tooling to force the molten metal or metal blanks shaped into final parts. Machining (including turning, milling, shaping, grinding and drilling, etc.), however, means remove the unwanted material from the blank surface in the form of chips with cutting tools or other physical and chemical means 许多不同的方法,例如铸造、锻造、焊接以及机加工,都可以用来将金属塑造为有用的产品。人们习惯将铸、锻、焊称为成形加工。这种工艺通常要采用模具和某些工艺装备迫使熔融金属或者毛坯成形为最终零件。而机加工(包括车、铣、刨、磨、钻等)是采用刀具或其他物理、化学手段将毛坯表面不需要的部分以切削的形式去除掉。Traditional or conventional machining, such as turning, milling, and grinding etc., uses mechanical energy to shear against another substance to create holes or remove material. Nontraditional machining processes are defined as a group of processes that remove excess material by various techniques involving mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical energy or combinations of these energies but do not use sharp cutting tool as it is used in traditional manufacturing processes. 传统或常规机械加工,比如车削、铣削及磨削等,用机械能剪切另一种物质来创建孔或去除材料。特种加工工艺是这样一种工艺,它不像传统的制造工艺中使用锋利的刀具,而是以各种机械能、热能、电或化学能或这些能量组合来去除额外的材料。 Forging is a process in which the workpiece is shaped by compressive forces applied through various dies and tools. It is one of the oldest metalworking operations, dating back at least to 4000B.C.-perhaps as far back as 8000B.C. Forging was first used to make jewelry, coins, and various implements by hammering metal with tools made of stone锻造是这样一种工艺,通过各种模具和工具对工件施加压力,使工件成形。它是最古老的金属加工操作中的一种,至少可以追溯到公元前4000年,或许甚至追溯到公元前8000年。锻造最初是用石头做的工具敲打金属,来制造珠宝、硬币和各种器具。 Tolerance is the total amount that a specific dimension is permitted to vary. It is the difference between the maximum and the minimum limits for the dimension. To understand tolerance, we should understand some


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