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语言文学系2011届毕业论文模板(格式严格按照此文撰写,包括段落字体间距,点击右键查看)详细撰写规范请参考 “本科毕业论文撰写规范” Wuhan Polytechnic University Industrial &Commercial College 本科毕业论文(设计)论文题目:如何提高英语专业学生的口语能力字体 四号 加黑 居中 How to Develop English Speaking Competence for English Majors姓名:张 三学号:063009010000班级:英语0702班年级:2007级专业:英语系部:语言文学系指导教师:李 四 副教授完成时间:2010年 5 月13日1武汉工业学院工商学院毕业论文(设计)专用稿纸作者声明本毕业论文(设计)是在导师的指导下由本人独立撰写完成的,没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反道德、学术规范和其他侵权行为。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文(设计)引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。毕业论文(设计)成果归武汉工业学院工商学院所有。特此声明作者专业:英语作者学号:063009010000作者签名:(手写有效 作者签名和时间 打印后全部手写有效)2010年 月 日(手填时间)如何提高英语专业学生的口语能力段前空8行 段后空1行 黑体 二号 加粗 居中张 三段前空1行 三号 宋体 不加粗 How to Develop English Speaking Competence for English Majors段前空1行 Times New Roman 二号 斜体 加粗 Zhang, SanTime New Roman 三号 不加粗2010年 5 月13日段后空2行 宋体 三号 加粗 居中Abstract段前、段后各空一行 Times New Roman 小二号 加粗 English as an important international language has gained increasing attention from Chinese educational institutions of different levels over two decades. Every Chinese college graduate has at least ten years of English language learning experience. Many of them perform very well in various English examinations. However, their language ability in real communication does not seem to conform to the score they have achieved in the exams. This article touches upon how to develop the students English speaking competence and is mainly centered around the following three viewpoints: The role location of both teachers and students in spoken English teaching; the relationship between English listening, speaking, reading and writing, etc; some points to which enough attention should be paid during the process of developing the ability of spoken English. Among them the third viewpoint can be divided: diverse manners of practicing spoken English could be adopted, for example, story paraphrase, picture description and self-talk; effective use of communicative strategy, for example, active response to the partner or opposite English talker, roundabout and avoiding strategy, resort to body language, getting hold of as many common process formulas as possible, to minimize the effect of negative affective filter, etc.Times New Roman 小四 间距1.25 字数不少于Key words:Times New Roman 小三 加粗 空一格English majors; spoken English competence; spoken English techniques; strategies in spoken English摘 要段前段后各空一行,宋体 小二 加粗 居中 英语作为一种国际化的语言已受到中国不同层次教育机构愈来愈多的关注,每个中国在校大学生至少有十年学习英语的经历。他们当中有许多能在各种考试中取得优异的成绩,然而,他们在真实交流语境中运用英语的能力似乎与他们在各种考试中所获得的成绩不相吻合。本文论述了如何提高英语专业学生的口语能力,主要围绕以下三个角度来展开:课内课外老师和学生的角色定位、英语学习中听说读写间的关系和口语练习过程中需要注意的几点。其中第三个角度又主要包括口语练习应采用多种方式,比如复述故事、描述图片、自我对话;有效使用交际策略,比如积极回应对方、迂回回避策略、借助身体语言、尽可能多地掌握程序套语和减少情感过滤对练习口语的负面影响。段前段后各空1行 宋体 小四 间距1.25 关键词: 段前空1行 空两格 宋体 小二字 加粗英语专业学生;英语口语能力;英语口语方法;英语口语交际策略- 1 -Contents段前 段后各1行, Times New Roman 小二 加粗Abstracti摘要iiIntroduction11. Cultivation of English Speaking Competence for English Majors in Classroom Teaching21.1 Teachers Preparation before Class21.2 Students Active Participation, Job Dividing and Cooperation in Class21.3 Interaction between Teachers and Students21.4 Performance Assessment and Feedback from Teachers to Students and Groups after Class 32. Integrated Practice of Oral English Ability Connected with English Listening, Reading and Writing42.1 The Relationship between English Speaking and Listening42.2 The Relationship between English Speaking and Reading52.3 The Relationship between English Speaking and Writing63. Manners and Strategies to Improve Oral English Ability73.1 Diverse Manners of Practicing Spoken English73.2 Effective Use of Communicative Strategies8Conclusion11Bibliography12 间距1.25 三级标题不出现 注意对齐 页码要和正文页码一致 最好跟踪链接IntroductionEnglish, as an important international language, has increasingly gained attention from Chinese educational institutions of different levels over two decades. Every Chinese college graduate has at least ten years of English language learning experience. Many of them perform very well in various English examinations. However, their language ability in real communication does not seem to conform to the score they have achieved in the exams. Especially as a student in English major, to speak English fluently should not be regarded as a trouble as what students from other majors think. However, the fact is not like that. Some students hold the opinion that they are in English major, so definitely they have a bigger say on how to learn English well. To the best of their knowledge, absolutely they can speak more authentic English compared with their counterparts in non-English majors. But nowadays, in every university and college across the country, English itself not only exists as an exclusively basic course for English major, but as a generally public course for nearly each student in spite of their majors at least for two years as well. Under such a backdrop, graduates English basic level has been gaining not a little headway since. Its not rare to find a student talking in English freely and fluently with the foreign teacher in the English corner. And its very common to hear that some students from some school but often non-English major gained the championship in the CCTV speaking competition. It seems to be that students of English major are dwarfed when compared with those from other majors. Yet is that true? If not how can we explain such a situation? Here are some tips and suggestions especially tailed for (of course also for non-English majors) English majors. This article is divided into three parts: the first part is about cultivation of English speaking competence for English majors in classroom teaching; the second part is about the integrated practice of oral English ability connected with English listening, reading and writing; the third part is the improvements of spoken English ability through helpful manners and strategies.1. Cultivation of English Speaking Competence for English Majorsin Classroom Teaching1.1 Teachers Preparation before ClassIts generally known that in our college only English majors can enjoy the privilege and predilection of having both foreign and Chinese teachers in the classroom teaching. So absolutely there is a need to emphasize the importance and efficiency of English language for the teaching in class. Firstly, before class, teachers should do their preparation job carefully and fully, such as selecting a certain topic to talk, planning a game to play and taking some tools needed, and asking students to finish their tasks which must be handed in before the official beginning of next class, etc. Carefully designed teaching plan before class can give a general direction of how to make the class run so as to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of class interruption or incoherence as much as possible. Teachers could jot down some key points of the procedures of advancing the class and try to control the steer and return to right track when unnecessary information or content are too much involved in the originally arranged class.1.2 Students Active Participation, Job Dividing and Cooperation in ClassIts not enough that only teachers do their part to ensure the success of a class. Besides finishing and handing in what teachers ask them to do after class, more importantly, the students, who if really want to sharpen their spoken English skills, should proactively and passionately take part in the various activities in the classroom. For instance, usually the teacher will give a topic and divide the students into several groups and within time limit its the students who are commanded to cooperate and converse with other group members or partners and come up with some ideas or devices and plans, followed by each group picking out a spokesman or spokeswoman to state clearly their common proposal. During this process, students can get excellent exercise in terms of not just speaking English itself, but also nourishing and developing the teamwork spirit.1.3 Interaction between Teachers and StudentsA point must be clarified and corrected. Often in the section of discussion, some teachers allow students to write their thoughts on the paper with a pen instead of talking and exchanging with a pal. After all, this is a spoken class rather than a writing one. And the time limit given to the students should be controlled restrictedly and scientifically. Neither it should be too long, nor too short. When the represents on behalf are speaking out their insights, teachers should not interrupt as often as possible, for which may disrupt his or her expressing clues and diminish his or her expressing courage. After one group finishes their statement, teachers could ask questions when puzzles exist and write down some key points on the blackboard. During the whole class, teachers should take every chance to add some flavor to the otherwise sometimes seemingly dull class without doing such. For example, after a short break between the classes, the students could be allowed to perform their expertise and show their latent talents. However, firstly a kind of atmosphere that indicating of showing yourself to the public is welcomed among the students has to be established. That could ease the students shyness, make them feel comfortable and build up their confidence through displaying themselves to others. Of course here interaction between teachers and students is emphasized. So whats best is that teachers could also involve themselves with these activities. Teachers can behave like students to ask questions to the teachers played by the students. And for instance, if in a mimic interview, teachers and students could just equally voice their opinions and share their ideas.1.4 Performance Assessment and Feedback from Teachers to Students and Groups after Class After a discussion, talk show or anything like that, on one hand, there would be a performance assessment and feedback for the achievements of each group. And the best group deserves the praise and compliment from teachers. Teachers could hand out some small presents like a pen or notebook to the students or the group for the encouragement. But be vigilant of not overdoing it. On the other hand, some flaws and demerits could be directly pointed out and give some specific reasons so that the students are disposed to be persuaded to accept and adopt. Its best next time the same mistakes could be avoided. Yes, thats a general process for a complete discussion yet not a consummate class. Before the bell rings, some schoolwork should in time be arranged to the students.2. Integrated Practice of Oral English Ability Connected with English Listening, Reading and Writing2.1 The Relationship between English Speaking and ListeningNobody could deny the close relationship between English speaking and listening. Even there exists a voice saying that what we are talking come from what we have heard. It seems a little absolute and doubtful, yet indeed it conveys a message to us English learners, in particular to those aspiring to be a master on spoken English. Then what on earth is it? That is the more you hear, the better you speak. While issues with regard to what materials and tools we should select, on which we could not fail to spend a little bit more time, can not be too much emphasized. VOA and BBC are two authoritative means we can resort to at hand. However, some points need to be remarked and remembered. It should not be strange for students to hear the fact that VOA could be further divided into VOA Standard English and VOA slow English. Its not suggested for a beginner to adopt the Standard English which even to teachers is never a piece of cake. Limited by the article length, more detailed features and information about the VOA and BBC can easily be found through the Internet.Here I want to add two other medium tools that may sound more familiar and intimate for us Chinese English language learners. They are CCTV9 TV station and CRI radio station. It may be hard for some to nod their heads easily on these choices. It can be understood in some sense since in the past not only once we have been reminded of by teachers and students around avoiding “Chinglish” as often as possible. Therefore probably many of us just stereotype and misunderstand the stations. In fact, if you are a regular audience and listener of the two foregoing media even if just for a short time, you can find the situation is not as what you are informed of. Many programs are anchored by announcers with oriental faces but nearly native pronunciation. And its not rare to hear or see some occidental voices and faces. In addition, the program is various and colorful. For example, “Dialogue”, a member on CCTV9 program list, could be regarded as a very insightful and incisive program, in which more often more figures from abroad can be seen from the screen. Guests are scholars and specialists and even celebrities from different fields. With the host being Chinese, the guests and the host get the ball kicked between them on some very smart and important issues and topics. Insofar as I am concerned, often enjoying such a feast can help us with fortifying our spoken English ability no less than we hear purely what foreign natives are talking, especially when we are not familiar with the background and lack of relative information on the wide and profound issues or topics. Through the thought exchange and collision between Chinese and westerners, we can deeply feel the difference of thinking mode and the nuance of two distinctive cultures, which is more important but is not easily available when hearing singly completely native BBC and VOA program. Whats more, Almost all topics can be involved with China, (The mission of the CCTV and CRI is to open a window to let the world to learn China and Chinese) which facilitates us greatly for the familiarity. Therefore, CRI and CCTV are also good platforms for us English major students and even in a sense are excellent ones.2.2 The Relationship between English Speaking and ListeningAs one of the best accesses of absorbing language materials (listening and reading can be seen two generally-known and excellent means for us who learn English as a foreign language), reading in reality plays a big role in improving our spoken English. We can speak out what we have read just as we can do to what we have heard. In this sense, some similarities are allowed to exist on the functions of both listening and reading to the improvement of spoken English. Through assiduously reading a great number of language materials, we can enrich our brain storehouse of which the content gets more, the quicker we are able to mobile them and deal with the situation where we are asked to talk in English. Since reading is beneficial to us, then what should we choose to read? Actually this is an open issue. We can make concrete decisions according to our individual need. In order to talk in English about what we are fond of, for example literature, just may as well read certain literary classics. If we are interested in current news in English, its not bad to read some news scripts so that we can become familiar with the writing style, key words and grammatical structure of English news before we wear headphone to listen to the first-hand live report from the VOA, BBC and CRI. In fact, listening and reading are of extreme importance to our spoken English. Just as the foregoing goes, both of them have much in common as a means on learning spoken English. Nevertheless, unless we can learn a little bit about their differences or their features each other, many unexpected convenience and joy of sharpening spoken English will not happen on us. Usually people talk in not so long sentences in our daily life as they meet when reading books. Therefore for students in English major, in particular for those who want themselves sound more like a expert on linguistic so that cut a clear line between them and non-English major students, wed better read more literary classics, master more usage of complex words and long sentences. It seemed a little fun, while there is no gainsaying that to read more, especially more classics, we can set us to become more thoughtful, insightful and judicious. If we are prone to taking in language essences by our ears, and are crazy in imitating the host or hostess to talk in English, visual and audio media can satisfy our needs. Of course, students with not very ideal pronunciation can resort to such a tool, too.2.3 The Relationship between English Speaking and WritingPure listening and reading without appropriate writing sometimes can issue in a result that we can lose or can not entirely remember some very important information in the items or articles. To shoot out such troubles, taking some notes is suggestible. When doing intensive (opposed to extensive) listening and reading, writing some principal points and beautiful phrases and sentences seemed highly indispensible. Besides preventing key information from leaving behind or not being picked up, writing essays can also make our expressing ability more logical and accurate, which is just the same important as the fluency, another embodiment of excellent spoken English. During the process of writing English compositions or essays, we are compelled to use the latest words and expression stored in our brain, which otherwise more or less become blurred for lacing of timely revision and use.So if we liken listening and reading as a bridge between the possessive amount of information and the expressive output of information, then writing can be regarded as loyal traffic policeman of this bridge, who are in charge of regularly ensuring


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