初二上期中复习单元课件和复习学案Unit 10 Review 新(张如).ppt_第1页
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Unit 9复习学案答案 I. 1-5 BCCCB II. planning, to invite, to bring, drinks, know III. 1. What day 2. would like to, available 3. Who will, invite 4. cant, until 5. Thanks, inviting IV. 1. looks forward to becoming 2. heard from 3. so that, improve 4. look after 5. help out with Unit 10 Review Read Unit 10 Section A : 1a 1c 2c 2d grammar focus 3a Section B: 1a 1c 1d 2b 2d 2e Self-check 1 2 Words experience organize chocolate upset advice advises travelling normal teenagers certainly careless mistakes solving careful Phrases too lazy to cook give him some advice travel around the world go to college get an education keep to oneself make careless mistakes run away from try to solve problems the first step 太懒而不做饭 给他一些建议 环游世界 上大学 受教育 保守秘密 犯粗心的错误 逃避 尽量去解决问题 第一步 Phrases cut in half be halfway to doing ask her to be more careful advise students about common problems have more experience in the future 把一分为二 完成了事情的一半 让她更加细心 给学生关于常见问题 的建议 有更多经验 未来 Sentences 如果他们今天举办派对会发生什么? What will happen if they have the party today? 我们应该要求人们带食物来吗? Should we ask people to bring food? 他们在功课方面有困难。 They have problems with their schoolwork. 如果我们不对别人倾诉的话,我们一定会感觉更糟 糕。 Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. 问题和担心在生活中是常有的。 Problems and worries are normal in life. 最好不要逃避我们的问题。 Its best not to run away from our problems. 第一步就是找你信任的人倾诉。 The first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. 分享一个问题就像是把它分成两半。 Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 你只要跟别人聊聊,你就已经解决了问题的一半。 Youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it. 最糟糕的是什么都不做。 The worst thing is to do nothing. Exercises 1. Dont be afraid _mistakes in learning English. A. make B. making C. makes D. to make 2. Your dream will come true _ you give it up(放弃) halfway. A. ifB. unless C. althoughD. because 3. He often makes _ mistakes, because he doesnt read _. A. careful; carefully B. careless; careful C. careless; carefully D. careful; carelessly 4. We will go to Shanghai in two days. (划线 提问) _ _ you _ in two days? 5. Alice will send me a beautiful postcard. She will tra


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