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一 2012年伦敦奥运会会徽设计理念2012年伦敦奥运会会徽 北京时间6月4日,伦敦奥组委在伦敦正式公布了2012年奥运会会徽。和以往奥运会不同的是,2012奥运会会徽颜色一共有四种,分别是粉色、橙色、蓝色和绿色,将根据不同场合的需要选择不同颜色的会徽。表示举办年份的“2012”通过变体形式成了会徽的主体,表示举办地点的“london”和代表奥运的五环标志则被嵌在第一个“2” 和“0”。二 2012年伦敦奥运会吉祥物设计理念伦敦奥运会文洛克(左)和残奥会吉祥物曼德维尔(右) 北京时间5月20日凌晨(英国当地时间5月19日晚),2012伦敦奥组委公布了伦敦夏季奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物。精灵文洛克成为奥运会的吉祥物,而残奥会的吉祥物名为曼德维尔。在BBC(英国广播公司)的节目中,伦敦奥组委通过一个动画短片揭开了吉祥物的神秘面纱。工人们正在炼钢厂为奥运会场馆的建设努力工作,在钢柱出炉的刹那,两滴钢水落在地面。老工人将两个冷却凝固的钢块捡回家,并且雕琢成了两个长着一只大眼睛的精灵,伦敦奥运会吉祥物就此诞生。 奥运会的吉祥物文洛克的名字来自于马齐文洛克的施罗普希尔村。在那里,曾经举办过文洛克奥伦匹克运动会。而这项古老的赛事正是现代奥运之父顾拜旦创造现代奥林匹克运动会的灵感来源地之一。为了纪念文洛克奥林匹克运动会,伦敦奥运会决定将吉祥物命名为“文洛克”。 伦敦残奥会吉祥物的名字曼德维尔则是受到了白金汉郡斯托克曼德维尔的启发。在上世纪的40年代,古特曼医生在斯托克曼德维尔医院建立了脊髓科,帮助所有受到脊髓疾病伤害的退役军人。在当时,并没有很好的医疗手段,所以古特曼医生鼓励他们通过参加体育运动达到康复的目的。随后,这样的体育运动演变成为斯托克曼德维尔运动会,而这项赛事也被认为是现代残奥会的先行者。 值得注意的是,在吉祥物的头上还有黄灯标志。据称,这是来自于伦敦的标志性出租车。而文洛克手上戴有奥运友谊手环,曼德维尔则有秒表。他们的大眼睛事实上还有照相功能,目的是见证他们每一个去过的地方和见过的人。三 2012年伦敦奥运会纪念币设计理念 伦敦奥运纪念币英国皇家铸币厂2010年10月13日天公布了2012年伦敦奥运会及残奥会纪念币设计图案,这29枚面值为50便士的新硬币设计图案都是经公开征选获胜的。 这是皇家铸币厂成立1100年以来首次开放由民众设计钱币图案,并获得伊莉莎白二世女王及财政部的批准,别具意义。 这些图案的设计者分别来自英格兰和威尔士。他们的设计从将近3万名参赛者的作品中脱颖而出。这些设计者分别来自不同领域,包括来自曼彻斯特的警察,来自雷丁的快递公司的司机,还有来自布里斯托尔的女孩。自1941年前皇家铸币厂推出50便士硬币以来,只用过16种不同的设计。8700万枚2012伦敦奥运纪念硬币将于今年及明年上市,是皇家铸币厂有史以来的创举。 四2012年伦敦奥运会核心理念可持续发展 城市中心对于2012年伦敦奥运会来说,“可持续发展”远远不仅仅是“绿色”。可持续发展的理念已植入思想从规划、建设、工作和购买的方式,到比赛、社交和旅行的方式,直到最后所做的一切。根据可持续发展指导方针,奥林匹克公园周边地区正在进行改造。从一开始就规划可持续发展的奥运会可持续发展一直渗透在2012年奥运会申办过程中。伦敦奥组委一直致力于:在可能的情况下,利用英国现有的比赛场地;仅仅建造奥运会之后可以长期利用的永久性建筑物;任何其他方面的建造都作短期之用。面向同一个星球的2012年奥运会“可持续发展计划”重点关注五个关键主题:1.气候变化:减少温室气体排放量,确保遗留设施能够应对气候变化带来的影响;2 .废物:尽量减少每一项目阶段的废弃物,确保在奥运会期间没有废物填埋,鼓励在东伦敦地区发展新的废物处理基础设施;3 .生物多样性:尽量减少奥运会对比赛场馆内和附近野生动植物及其栖息地的影响,尽可能留下环境得到改善的栖息地,如奥林匹克公园等;4 包容性:促进所有人的接触机会,宣传伦敦和英国的多元化,创造新的就业、培训和商业机会;5.健康生活:鼓励全国民众参与体育运动,发展积极、健康和可持续的生活方式。开展可持续发展活动我们期望按照“英国可持续发展活动标准”(BS8901)主办2012年奥运会和残奥会。作为这一倡议的一部分,我们必须确保我们在奥运会前举行的所有活动尽可能保持可持续性发展。我们已经出版了“企业和公共活动可持续发展指南”来为我们提供指导。我们指南的一个关键方面,事实上我们筹备奥运会的所有方面,其目的都是为了确保我们仅使用或租用我们所需要的。A London 2012 Olympic Games emblem design conceptThe London 2012 Olympic Games emblemBeijing time on June 4, the London organizing committee formally announced in London in 2012 Olympic Games emblem.And before the Olympic Games different is, 2012 Olympic Games emblem color there are 4, respectively is pink, orange, blue and green, according to the needs of different occasions will choose different color of the emblem. Said the year held 2012 through the variant forms of the emblem became the main body, said the venue London and represent the Olympic rings logo is embedded in the first 2 and 0.Two of the London 2012 Olympics mascot design conceptThe London wen Locke (left) and paralympic games mascots mandelas (right)Beijing time May 20 at (local time Britain May 19 late), 2012 London organizing committee announced the London summer Olympic Games and the paralympics games mascot. The elves wen Locke be the mascot, and paralympic games mascots mandelas name.In the BBC (BBC) program, the London organizing committee through a short animated film unveiled the mystery. The workers are steelmaking plant of the construction of the Olympic venues for hard work, in steel column at the moment of out two drops of the molten steel in the ground fall. Old worker will two cooling solidification of steel pieces, and carve became home to pick up two long with a big eyes of the elves, London Olympic mascot birth.The mascot of the rock name from the MaJi wen rock hill village ShiLuoPu. There, once held the houran Locke horse g games. And the old event is the father of the modern Olympic Games coubertin create the modern Olympic Games were inspired one of the source. In honor of the Olympic Games, the Londons decision will mascot named the rock.London mascot was the name of the paralympic games mandela is by buckinghamshire stoke mandelas inspiration. In the s last century, gutman doctor in stoke mandelas hospital has established a spinal cord families, to help all spinal cord damage by disease of veterans. At the time, and not a very good medical means, so gutman doctors encouraging them to participate in sports through to the purpose of the recovery. Then, the sports evolution into stoke mandela, and the event was games is also believed to be the forerunner of the modern paralympics.Note that in the head and sign the yellow light. It is said that this is from London of the symbol of a taxi. And put on the rock are the Olympic friendship hand ring, Wells are a stopwatch. Mandela Their big eyes in fact and photographic function, the purpose is witness they each places to go and see.Three of the London 2012 Olympics commemorative COINS design conceptThe London Olympics commemorative COINSThe royal feng xiaoquan on October 13, 2010 days announced the London 2012 Olympic and paralympic games, the design on the face value of the 50 p coin 29 of the new COINS design design is all for winning the public choose. This is the royal feng xiaoquan was established in 1100 by the public for the first time since opening design pattern, and COINS for queen Elizabeth ii of the ministry of finance and the approval, is very meaningful.The pattern of the designers were from England and wales. Their design from nearly 30000 participants work the crowd. These designers were from different areas, including the police from Manchester, from reading express company driver, and from Bristol girl.Since the 1941 years ago out 50 p coin royal feng xiaoquan, its only been used for since sixteen different design. 87 million pieces of 2012 Olympic commemorate COINS will be in London this year and next year, is listed in the world. The royal feng xiaoquanFour of the London 2012 Olympics core idea-sustainable development the city centerFor the 2012 Olympics in London, it is sustainable development is not only the green. The concept of sustainable development have been implanted thought-from the planning, construction, work and the way to buy, game, social and travel way, until finally done everything.According to sustainable development guidelines, the Olympic park surrounding area is being transformed.From the beginning of the sustainable development of planning Olympic GamesSustainable development has been penetration in the 2012 Olympics bid process. The London organizing committee has been committed to: where possible, use of Britains existing venues; only after the Olympic Games can build long-term use of the permanent buildings; any other aspects of the building were short-term use.Facing the same planet of the 2012 Olympic GamesSustainable development plan focus on five key theme:1. Climate change: reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ensure that legacy facilities can deal with the effects of climate change;2. Waste: to reduce as far as possible each project phase of the waste, ensure no waste landfill during the Olympic Games, to encourage the east London regions in the development of the new waste infrastructure;3. Biodiversity: try to reduce the Olympic Games the near field contrast and wild plants and animals and the influence of the habitat, as far as possible the habitat of the improved left environment, such as the Olympic park, etc.;4 comprehensiveness: promote all contact, propaganda and the diversification of Br
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