七年级英语下册 module 11 body language unit 3 language in use导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语下册 module 11 body language unit 3 language in use导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语下册 module 11 body language unit 3 language in use导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语下册 module 11 body language unit 3 language in use导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第4页




我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Module 11 Body languageUnit3 Language in use一、学习目标: 1. 正确使用祈使句,让他人准确理解所表达的意思。2. 能通过身势语了解世界不同地方的风俗习惯。二、重点及难点: 1.能用正确的祈使句给出书面指示语和建议。2.能运用所学的知识和通过查找资料,运用恰当的语言向他人介绍中国常用的身势语。三、要点探究: bring v.(brought) 带来 1)bring作动词用,意为“带来”,其过去式为brought,常构成短语:bring sb. sth.= bring sth. to sb. 意为“给某人带来某物”;bring up 意为 “养育”。 2)bring,take,carry与get的用法辨析:词汇用法bring表示从别处把某人或某物“带来”或“拿来”。take指把某人或某物“带走”或“拿走”(到别处)carry指“搬运”,不具体说明来去的方向,有时含有沉重或麻烦之意get指到别处把某物取来,相当于go and bring 3)学以致用 a) What did he _ here?A. take B.carry C.get D.bring b) He brought us some fruit. (改为同义句)He _ some fruit _us.一、 达标测验: a)单项选择1. Connie arrived_the village _a snowy night. A. at on B. at in C. in at D. in on 2. At this moment , in different places of the world people are doing different_ . A. things B. thing C. anything D. nothing 3. Do you know _ Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet? A. which B. What C. Who D. When 4. My brother spent two days_ the novel. A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading 5. The visitors_ our water city at 3:00 am. A. arrived B. got C. arrives D. reached 6. When he was young, he wanted_ a popular actor. A. to be B. being C. is D. became 7. _ isnt polite to look at people when you talk.A. That B. It C. This D. There 8. Lets _ goodbye to our classmates. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell 9. All of us enjoyed _ music. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to 10. _speak _in _. A. Russian Russia Russian B. Russians Russian Russia C. Russian Russia Russia D. Russian Russia Russia 11. Here are some ways _ English . A. learn B. to learn C. at learning D. in learning 12. Chinese girls often walk _ friends. A. far from B. arm to arm with C. arm in arm with D. arm and arm with 13. In China when you talk to people, you shouldnt look _. A. else somewhere B. somewhere other C. other somewhere D. somewhere else 14. Its quite different _each other in different countries. A. greet B. to greet C. greeted D. greets b)补全对话。A. What do you think of the differences? B. What should I call people there? C. Im going to England.D. Its not polite to ask personal questions. E. Youre welcome.F. How long will you stay there? G. Can you tell me some? A. Hi, Li Xing. Where are you going for your summer holiday? B. Hi, Kate. _1_ .A. Really ? I think youd better know some rules and customs in England. They are different from those in China. B. But I dont know. _2_.A. Sure. The first rule is that you must drive on the left of the road. B. Whats the next rule?A.And you mustnt ride your bike on the pavement(人行道). B.What else? A._3_.For example, ”How old are you?”B._4_.A.You can call them Mr, Mrs, or Ms before their family names. B.Thanks a lot A._5_.c)书面表达请你写一篇80个词左右的文章介绍中国的一些习俗(customs),包括下列内容:greeting: shake hands, smile eating with others: dont point at others with your chopsticksgoing to a party: be on time or a few minutes late others: dont send a clock, choose a lucky numb


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