高三英语一轮复习 考点强化练26 unit 1 art 新人教版选修_第1页
高三英语一轮复习 考点强化练26 unit 1 art 新人教版选修_第2页
高三英语一轮复习 考点强化练26 unit 1 art 新人教版选修_第3页
高三英语一轮复习 考点强化练26 unit 1 art 新人教版选修_第4页
高三英语一轮复习 考点强化练26 unit 1 art 新人教版选修_第5页
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我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 1 Art .阅读理解AZhang Liansheng,a 72-year-old man from the Kaifeng city of Henan province,is a folk artist devoted to creating New Year wood-block paintings.He started to learn and practice his technique from the early age of eight,and has,so far,created more than 1,800 pieces of wood-block paintings.Zhang,who runs a workshop in Zhuxian town of Kaifeng,is the fifth generation to inherit (继承) and carry on work at the workshop.New Year wood-block paintings in Zhuxian town is the originator in the painting category,and is within the first batch(首批) of national intangible(无形的) cultural heritage.The practice is favored by many kinds of people,due to its bold (大胆的) style and rich vitality.Zhang,who has more than 20 apprentices (学徒) at his workshop,plans to pass on the craft to the younger generation in his family,and also to others willing to learn.One of the most critical,and difficult part in making a New Year wood-block painting is the process of carving.A creator needs to have a steady hand,as an image is usually carved with a knife on pearwood.Before this process can be done,however,the wood needs to be soaked in cold water,then boiled in hot water and dipped in oil.New Year wood-block paintings,made by Zhang,are also some of the finest pieces money can buy,and have been exported to a range of buyers across the nation and overseas.【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了河南开封的民间艺术家张连生把毕生的精力都用在了木板雕刻年画上。1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?A.Zhang is a famous artist in Beijing Painting Association.B.Zhang has run a lot of workshops.C.Zhang has run some workshops in Canada.D.Zhang has worked on New Year wood-block paintings for 64 years.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第一段“Zhang Liansheng,a 72-year-old man.”和“.and practice his technique from the early age of eight”可知张连生从事木板雕刻年画已经有64年了。2.Why do many people like New Year wood-block paintings?A.Because the paintings are cheap.B.Because the paintings own fearless style and life force.C.Because Zhuxian town is the originator in the painting category.D.Because the paintings are the first of national intangible cultural heritage.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段“The practice is favored by many kinds of people,due to its bold(大胆的) style and rich vitality.”可知人们喜欢这些画的理由。3.What can we infer from the third paragraph?A.If you study New Year wood-block paintings hard,you can learn them well.B.If you want to learn New Year wood-block paintings,Zhang likes to teach you.C.If you want to learn New Year wood-block paintings,apprentices like to teach you.D.The younger generation will carry on techniques of New Year wood-block paintings.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第三段“.plans to pass on the craft to the younger generation in his family,and also to others willing to learn.”我们可推出,只要你想学习这门艺术,张老先生是愿意教你的。4.What is the most important in the process of carving?A.Pearwood should be used.B.The wood is boiled in hot water.C.A creators hands should be steady.D.The wood should be dipped in oil.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第四段“A creator needs to have a steady hand”可知在雕刻过程中,最重要的是雕刻者的手要稳。导学号29402121BJosh Ferrin picked up the keys to their new house in Salt Lake City earlier this week.He was excited to finally have a place his family could call their own.As he walked into the garage,a box caught his eye.“I felt very surprised and called my wife.She wouldnt believe what I had found,” said Ferrin,who was working as an artist for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.Then he found seven more boxes,all full of cash.Ferrin quickly took the boxes to his parents house to count.Along with his wife,they put thousands of bills on a table.They stopped counting at $40,000,but thought there was at least $5,000 more on the table.Ferrin thought about how so much money could buy things he never thought he could afford.“I wish I could say there was never any doubt in my mind,” Ferrin said.“But the money wasnt ours and I dont believe you get a chance very often to do something honest and that is a lesson I hope to teach my children.”He then thought about the homes previous owner,Arnold Bangerter,who died in November and left the house to his son.So Ferrin called Bangerters son with the news.Paul Bangerter knew his father hid money away because he once found a roll of cash taped under a drawer in their home,but he never considered his dad had hidden so much over the years.“He grew up in hard times and people that survived that time didnt have anything when they came out of it unless they saved it themselves,” said Paul Bangerter.“He was a saver,not a spender.”“Im a father,and I worry about the future for my kids,” Ferrin said.“I can see him putting that money away for a rainy day.”【语篇导读】Ferrin搬进新家后偶然发现了先前的房主积攒的几箱子钱,他联系到房主的儿子,将这笔钱还给了他。5.Seeing so much cash,Ferrins first thought was to .A.ask his parents to hide itB.put it back where it wasC.return it to its ownerD.buy what he couldnt afford before答案D解析细节理解题。根据第四段中“Ferrin thought about how so much money could buy things he never thought he could afford.I wish I could say there was never any doubt in my mind,Ferrin said”可知,Ferrin首先想到的是要用这些钱购买以前买不起的东西。6.How did Bangerters son know his father had hidden away money?A.He once stole money from the place where his father put money secretly.B.He once found some cash under a drawer in their home.C.He once happened to see some money hidden in his fathers bed.D.He once heard his father mentioned he had hidden away all his money in a hole.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句话可知。7.What does the underlined part “a rainy day” refer to? A.Difficult times.B.Lucky days.C.A day when it is rainy.D.A day when he dies.答案A解析词义猜测题。根据画线部分所在句子上文“Im a father,and I worry about the future for my kids”可知,Ferrin理解Arnold Bangerter作为父亲担心孩子的将来,所以总会把钱攒起来以备不时之需的做法。导学号29402122.七选五Television is everywhere around us.Yet it is great for learning English.The pictures make it easier to understand than radio,because you can see whos talking,and get a better idea of what people mean.Just watch their “body language”!Watch programs that you find enjoyable and entertaining.1.Heres the guide to learning as much as possible while watching English television:2.Learning English should be funnot something that you have to force yourself to do.If you have a passion for football,watch matches or the sports news.Keep a notebook near to your television.3.This is especially useful.You can look for programs with sub-titles in your own language.Try to watch English television regularly.Even if you can only watch 15 minutes a day,youll be amazed at how much you learn.Dont worry if you dont understand everything.English television is normally aimed at native English speakers.4.If the programs that youre watching are full of unknown words,just concentrate on understanding the general meaning.Keep a note of television programs and presenters that you find easy to understand and try to watch them regularly.5.Soon you will impress your friends with your English skills.A.Dont watch the programs too easy for you.B.Better watch programs that you find interesting.C.Programs often include many difficult words.D.English learning has little to do with watching TV.E.Whatever you watch will help you improve your English.F.Doing this will increase your confidence in learning English.G.You can take down any new words or expressions that you hear.答案与解析【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。看英文电视节目有助于学好英语。那么,在看英文电视节目时,应该注意些什么呢?本文就此提出了一些建议。1.E根据上文可知,你可以看一些自己认为有趣和喜欢的节目,接着下文提到通过看英文电视节目来学习英语的一些指南。因此空格处应起到承上启下的作用。E项意为“无论你看什么内容,都会帮助你提高英语”,符合语境,能够总结上文内容并引出下文。故选E项。2.B此处为该段主题句。根据本段内容尤其是最后一句可知,如果你对足球有热情,那么你就看比赛或者体育新闻,即学习英语应该是一个有趣的过程。B项意为“最好看你感兴趣的节目”,能够概括该段主旨,符合语境。故选B项。3.G根据上下文内容可知,本段主要讲述在电视机旁放一个笔记本,目的是你可以记下你听到的内容,这是相当有用的。G项与上下文话题衔接密切,符合语境。故选G项。4.C根据上下文内容可知,本段主要阐述如果没有完全理解所有意思也不要着急。英语电视节目往往是播放给自己国家的人看的,节目中常常会有很多你不认识的词。C项意为“节目中通常含有一些难懂的词”,与本段内容呼应,且与上下文话题衔接紧密,符合语境。故选C项。5.F根据上文内容并结合语境可知,记住你认为容易理解的电视节目和主持人,并尽可能定期收看。故F项“这样做可以使你在学习英语方面增加自信”承接上文话题,对上文进行合理的解释,符合语境。故选F项。导学号29402123.语法填空What defines a healthy city?Is it a place with a lot of open spaces 1. people can exercise and enjoy the fresh air?A place with little or no pollution?A place in which people can 2.(free) socialize and express their ideas?Perhaps,its all that plus more.Other considerations are the availability of health and fitness facilities,an excellent healthcare program and sincere efforts by 3. local government to actively promote health and wellness among its citizens.Of all the cities in the world,4. of the top six healthiest cities is Copenhagen,Denmark.Copenhageners love to walk.Foot traffic accounts 5. 80% of all traffic in the Copenhagen city center.Some people can also bike.It is estimated that more than a third of all work trips in Copenhagen 6.(carry) out on a bike.As for the climate here,the city does not have the blessing of pleasant weather all year round.7. every


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