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aron-luo 高中语法试题高中语法试题 语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气 1 1 语法复习二:定语从句语法复习二:定语从句语法复习二:定语从句语法复习二:定语从句 4 4 语法复习三:非谓语动词语法复习三:非谓语动词语法复习三:非谓语动词语法复习三:非谓语动词. .7 7 语法复习四:非谓语动词专练语法复习四:非谓语动词专练语法复习四:非谓语动词专练语法复习四:非谓语动词专练 1010 语法复习五:倒装句语法复习五:倒装句语法复习五:倒装句语法复习五:倒装句 1010 语法复习六:状语从句语法复习六:状语从句语法复习六:状语从句语法复习六:状语从句. .1414 语法复习七:强调句、语法复习七:强调句、语法复习七:强调句、语法复习七:强调句、itititit的用法、省略和插入语复习指导的用法、省略和插入语复习指导的用法、省略和插入语复习指导的用法、省略和插入语复习指导. .17 17 语法复习八:英语中的主谓一致及练习语法复习八:英语中的主谓一致及练习语法复习八:英语中的主谓一致及练习语法复习八:英语中的主谓一致及练习 2020 语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气语法复习一:动词的语气虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气 练习、虚拟语气练习、虚拟语气 1. ifi _ where he lived, i _ a noteto him. a.knew, wouldb. had known, would havesent c. know, would sendd. knew, would have sent 2. ifthey _ earlier than expected, they _ here now. a.had started,would beb. started, might be c. had started, would have beend. will start, might have been 3. ididnt knowhis telephonenumber. _ it, i _ then. a.had i known, would ring him upb. should i know, would haverung him up c. ifi knew; would ring him upd. had i known; would haverung him up 4. mary is ill today.if she _ , she _ absent fromschool. a.were not ill; wouldn t beb. had beenill; wouldnt havebeen c. had been ill;should have beend. hadnt beenill; could be 5.were ito do it, i _ it some otherway. a.will dob. would doc. would have doned. were to do 6. i _ him the answer _ possible, but i was so busy then. a.could tell;if it had beenb. must have told;were it c. should havetold; had it beend. should have told;should it be 7. without your help, we_ so much. a.won t achieveb. didn t achieve c. dont achieved. wouldnt haveachieved 8. you didnt take his advice._ his advice, you _ such a mistake. a.had you taken;wouldnt have madeb. ifyou had taken;would make c. wereyou lo take;shouldnt have maded.have youtaken; wont havemade 9. we wish we _ what you did when we were at high school. a.didb. could have donec. havedoned. should do 10. she wishes she _ to the theatre last night. a.wentb. would goc. had goned. were going 11. tomis very short now. his mother wishes that he _ be tall when he grows up. aron-luo a.couldb. shouldc. wouldd. wereable to 12. my sister advised me that i _ accept the invitation. a.couldb. mustc. shouldd. might 13. he asks that he _ an opportunity to explainwhy hes refused to go there. a.is givenb. must givec. should gived. be given 14. do you think of wang fangs suggestionthat he _ mr. li tothe party? a.will inviteb. have invitedc. is invitedd. invite 15.i insisted that he _ at once. a.be goneb. goc. would god. might go 16. li ming insisted that he _ anything at all. a.hadn t stolenb. shouldn t stealc. doesn t steald. steal 17. it is quite natural that my coming late again _ themvery angry. a.had madeb. would makec. makesd. make 18. he acted as if he _ everything in the world. a.knewb. knowsc. has knownd. wont know 19. read it aloud so thati_ you clearly. a.may hearb. will hearc. heard. have heard 20.they got up early in orderthat they _ they first train. a.caughtb. will catchc. might catchd. shall catch 21. i amsorry that he _ insuch poor health. a.areb. shall bec. wered. should be 22. that is a good book. you _ it yesterday. a.could buyb. should buyc. should haveboughtd. bought 23.it is high time we _ home. a.will gob. would goc. havegone d. went 24. i d rather that you _ home. a.wentb. havegonec. will god.had gone 25.if only i_ to the lecture! a.listenb. will listenc. am listeningd. had listened 26. - ifhe_, he _ that food.- luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. a.was warned; would not takeb. had beenwarned; would not havetaken c. would be warned; had not takend. would have beenwarned; had not taken 27.ididn t see your sister at the meeting. if she _, she would havemet my brother. a.has comeb. did comec. camed. had come 28. without electricity, human life _ quite different today. a.isb. will bec. would have beend. would be 29. he _ youmore help, eventhough he was very busy. a.might have givenb. might givec. may have givend. may give 30. if city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years fromnow. a.are not kept;will havetob. are not kept;haveto c. do not keep; will have tod. do not keep;haveto 31. mikesfather, as well as his mother,insisted that he _ home. a.stayedb. could stayc. has stayedd. stay 32.mr. smith insisted that he _ the workall. a.had doneb. havedonec. didd. so 33.jane would never have gone tothe party_ that mary would come to see her. a.has she knownb. had she knownc. if she knowd. if she has known 34. if you had enough money, what _ ? aron-luo a.will you buyb. would you buy c. would you haveboughtd. will you havebought 35. ifyou _ that filmlate last night, you wouldnt be so sleepy. a.didnt seeb. havent seenc. wouldnt have seend. hadnt seen 36. our monitor requested that _. a.all the class studied more carefully the problem b. the problem was morecarefully studied c. with great care the problem could be studied d. all the class study the problem more carefully 37. - would you have calledher up had it beenpossible? - yes, but i _. busy doing my homework a.wasb. werec. had beend. would be 38. his tired face suggested that he _ really tired after the long walk. a.had beenb. wasc. bed. should be 39. it is important that we _. a.shall close the window before we leaveb. will close the window before we leave c. must close the window beforewe leaved. close the window beforewe leave 40.i didnt knowhis telephone number, otherwise i _ him. a.had telephonedb. would telephone c. would have telephonedd. telephone 语法复习语法复习语法复习语法复习二:二:二:二:定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句 高中英语定语从句专项练习题 1. dont talkabout such things of_ you are not sure. a. whichb. whatc. asd. those 2. is this the factory _ you visited the other day? a. thatb. wherec. inwhichd. the one 3. is this factory_ some foreignfriends visited last friday? a. thatb. wherec. whichd. the one 4. is this the factory _ he worked tenyears ago? a. thatb. wherec. whichd. the one 5.the wolves hid themselves in the places_ couldnt be found. a. thatb. wherec. inwhichd. in that 6. the freezing point is the temperature _ water changes into ice. a. at whichb. on thatc. inwhichd. ofwhat 7. this book will showyou _ can be used in othercontexts a. howyou haveobservedb. what you haveobserved c. that you have observedd. howthat you have observed 8. the reasonis _ he is unable to operate the machine. a. becauseb. whyc. thatd. whether 9. ill tell you _ he told me last week. a. all whichb. thatc. all thatd. which 10. that tree, _ branches are almost bare, is very old. a. whoseb. ofwhichc. inwhichd. onwhich 11.i havebought the same dress _ she is wearing. a. asb. thatc. whichd. what 12. he failed in the examination, _ made his father veryangry. a. whichb. itc. thatd. what 13. were talking about the piano and the pianist _ were inthe concert we attended last night. a. whichb. whomc. whod. that aron-luo 14. the girl _ anenglish song in the next room is toms sister. a. who is singingb. is singingc. sangd. was singing 15.those _ not only from books but also through practice will succeed. a. learnb. whoc. that learnsd. who learn 16. anyone _ this opinion may speak out. a. that againstsb. that against c. who is againstd. who are against 17. didnt you see the man _? a. i nodded just nowb. whom i nodded just now c. i nodded to him just nowd. i nodded to just now 18. can you lend me the novel _ the other day? a. that you talkedb. you talked aboutit c. which you talked withd. you talked about 19. is thereanything _ to you? a. that is belongedb. that belongs c. that belongd. which belongs 20.- “how do you like the book?” - “its quite different from _ i read last month.” a. thatb. whichc. the oned. the one what 21. mr. zhang gavethe textbook to all the pupils except _ who had already takenthem. a. the onesb. onesc. somed. the others 22. the train_ she was travelling was late. a. whichb. wherec. onwhichd. in that 23.he has lostthe key to the drawer _ the papers arekept. a. whereb. inwhichc. under whichd. which 24. antarctic_ we knowvery littleis covered with thick iceall the year round. a. whichb. wherec. thatd. about which 25.its the third time _ late this month. a. that you arrivedb. when you arrived c. that youve arrivedd. when youve arrived 26. itwas in 1969 _ the americanastronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. a. thatb. whichc. whend. in which 27. may the fourth is the day _ we chinese peoplewill never forget. a. whichb. whenc. onwhichd. aboutwhich 28. we are going to spend the spring festival in guangzhou, _ live my grandparents and some relatives. a. whichb. thatc. whod. where 29. the hotel _ during our holidays stands by the seaside. a. we stayed atb. where we stayed at c. we stayedd. inthat we stayed 30.is it in that factory _ “red flag” cars are produced? a. inwhichb. wherec. whichd. that 31. itis the suezcanal _ separates asia _ africa. a. which, tob. where,fromc. that, fromd. that, with 32.under the bridge, however, almost directly below, _ was a small canoe, with a boy in it. a. thereb. wherec. itd. which 33.he is not _ a fool _. a. such,as he is lookedb. such, as he looks c. as, as he is lookedd. so, as he looks aron-luo 34. is that the reason _ you are in favour ofthe proposal? a. whichb. whatc. whyd. for that 35. he must be from africa, _ can be seenfromhis skin. a. thatb. asc. whod. what 36. he has two sons, _ work as chemists. a. two ofwhomb. both ofwhom c. both ofwhichd. all of whom 37. i,_ yourgood friend, will try my best tohelp you out. a. who isb. who amc. that isd. what is 38. he is a man ofgreat experience, _ much canbe learned. a. whob. thatc. from whichd. from whom 39. - do you knowthe town at all? - no, this is the firsttime i _ here. a.wasb. havebeenc. camed. am coming 40.i dont like _ you speak to her. a. the wayb. the way in thatc. the way whichd. the way of which 41. the two things _ they felt veryproud are jims gold watch anddellas hair. a. aboutwhichb. ofwhichc. in whichd. forwhich 42. the dinner was the most expensive meal we _. a. would haveb. have hadc. had neverhadd. had ever had 43. do you knowwhich hotel _? a. she is stayingb. she is staying in c. is she stayingd. is she staying in 44. thereis only one thing _ i cando. a. whatb. thatc. alld. which 45.who canthink of a situation_ this idiom canbe used? a. whichb. thatc. whered. in that 46. i have many books,some of_ are on chemistry. a. themb. thatc. whichd. those 47. they were interested _ youtold them. a. inwhichb. in thatc. all thatd. ineverything 48. the astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, _ much help forknowing space. a. which we think it isb. which we think are of c. of which we think isd. i think which is of 49. the great day we looked forward to_ at last. a. comeb. camec. comingd. comes 50. i likethe second football match _ was held last week. a. whichb. whoc. thatd. / 语法复习语法复习语法复习语法复习三三三三:非谓语动词:非谓语动词:非谓语动词:非谓语动词 非谓语动词专练 1._ more attention,the trees could havegrown better. a.to giveb.having givenc.givend.giving 2.thefirst textbooks _ for teaching english as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. a.to be writtenb.writtenc.being writtend.having written 3.themissing boys were last seen_ near the river. a.to playb.playc.tobe playingd.playing 4._ in thought,healmost raninto the car in front ofhim. aron-luo a.to loseb.lostc.having lostd.losing 5.whenpassing me he pretended _ me. a.to seeb.not having seenc.to have not seend.not to haveseen 6.thechildreninsisted _ there onfoot. a.they goingb.they would goc.ontheir goingd.going 7.he still remembers _ toshanghai when he was very young. a.takingb.being takenc.takend.having taken 8._ the railway station,we had a break,only _ the train had left. a.arriving at;to findb.coming to;discovering that c.on arriving at;finding outd.hurrying to;to havefound out 9.with the boy_ the way,we had no trouble_ the way _ to zhongshan park. a.leading;finding;leadingb.to lead;found;to lead c.led;finding;ledd.leading;found;led 10._ these pictures,i couldnt help thinking of those days when i was in being and _ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building,beijing looks more beautiful. a.seeing;seenb.seen;seeingc.seeing;seeingd.seen;seen 11.icanhardly imagine peter _ across the atlantic oceanin five days. a.to have sailedb.to sailc.sailingd.sail 12.if you wave your book infront ofyour face,you canfeel the air _ against your face. a.movedb.movingc.movesd.to move 13._ is knownto all,china will be an _ and powerful country in 20 or30 yearstime. a.that;advancingb.this;advancedc.as;advancedd.it;advancing 14.while shopping,people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont reallyneed. a.persuadeb.persuadingc.being persuadedd.be persuaded 15.therewas terriblenoise _ the sudden burstof light. a.followedb.followingc.to be followedd.being followed 16.please excusemy _ in without _ . a.come;permittedb.coming;permitted c.comimg;being permittedd.to come;being permitted 17._ his head high,the manager walked into the roomto attend the meeting _ then. a.holding;being heldb.held;holdingc.having held;heldd.held;to be held 18.did you hear her _ this pop song this time the other day? yes,and i heard this song _ in english. a.sing;singingb.sung;sungc.sung;singingd.singing;sung 19.thequestion_ nowat the meeting is not the question _ yesterday. a.discussed;discussedb.discussing;had discussed c.being discussed;discussedd.discussing;discussing 20.with the cooking _ ,i went on_ some sewing. a.done;to dob.being done;doingc.tobe done;doingd.to have done;doing 21.it is no use _ your past mistakes. a.regrettingb. regretc. to regretd. regretted 22.herhusband died in1980 and had nothing _ to her,only _ her five children. a.left;toleaveb.leaving;leavingc.leaving;leftd.left;leaving 23.iam verybusy.i havea verydifficult problem _ . a.to workb.towork outc.to be worked outd.to workit out 24.iwould appreciate _ backthis affernoon. a.you to callb.you callc.your callingd.youre calling 25.climbing mountains was _ ,so we all felt _ . a.tiring;tiredb.tired;tiringc.tiring;tiringd.tired;tired aron-luo 26.isaw some villagers _ onthe bench at the end of the room. a.seatingb.seatc.seatedd.seated themselves 27.she was glad to see her child well _ care of. a.takeb.to be takenc.takend.taking 28.itis one ofthe important problems _ tomorrow. a.to solveb.to be solvedc.solvedd.solving 29._ maps properly,you need a special pen. a.drawnb. drawingc.to drawd.be drawing 30.thereis a river _ around our school. a.to runb.runc.runningd.to be running 31.howabout the two ofus _ a walk downthe garden? a.to takeb.takec.takingd.to be taken 32.i was fortunate to pick up a wallet _ on the ground on the way back home, but unfortunately for me,i found my colour tvset. _ when i got home. a.lying;stolenb.laying;stealingc.lay;stolend.lying;stealing 33.whth the kindhearted boy _ me with my work,im sure ill be able to spare time _ with your work. a.to help;help you outb.helping;helping you c.helped;tohelp you outd.to help;to help you 34.greatly movedd by her words, _ . a.tears came tohis eyesb .he could hardly hold backhis tears c. tears could hardly be held backd. his eyes were filled with tears. 35.ihope the childrenwont touch the dog. ive warned them _ . a.notb.not toc.not touchd.not do 36.iwould love _ to the party last night but i had to workextra hours to finish a report. a.to gob.to havegonec.goingd.having gone 37.when _ why he walked in without permission,he just stared at us and said nothing. a.beenaskedb.askedc.askingd.to be asked 38.the man kept silent in the room unless _ . a.spokentob.spoke toc.spokend.to speak 39.he was oftenlistened _ inthe next room. a.singb.sungc.tosingd.to to sing 40.rather than_ ona crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle. a.ride;rideb.riding;ridec.ride;torided.to ride;riding 41.theboy wanted toride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _ . a.not tob.not to doc.notdo itd.do not to 42.whats troubling them is _ enough experienced workers. a.that they havetob.they have notc.theirnot havingd.not their having 43._ his telephone number,she had some difficultygetting in touch with bill. a.notknowingb.knowing notc.not having knownd.having not know 44.bamboois used _ houses in some places . a.to buildb.tobuildingc.tobe builtd.being built 45.go on_ the other exercise afteryou have finished this one. a.to dob.doingc.withd.to be doing 46.theday we looked forward to _ . a.comeb.comingc.has comed.have come 47.whom would you rather_ the work? a.to have to dob.to havedoc.have to dod.have do 48.do you think it any good _ with him again? aron-luo a.to talkb.talkingc.totalkingd.having talked 49.sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before _ . a.accepting fullyb.being fully acceptedc.fully acceptingd.fully being accepted 50.thegovernment forbids _ such bad books. a.publishedb.to publishc.publishd.publishing 语法复习语法复习语法复习语法复习四四四四:非谓语
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