2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) 英语备课大师全免费_第1页
2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) 英语备课大师全免费_第2页
2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) 英语备课大师全免费_第3页
2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) 英语备课大师全免费_第4页
2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月课件专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 模拟演练(三) 英语备课大师全免费_第5页
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五套模拟 实战演练 专题五 短文改错 满分方略 第三步 A (2017湖北黄冈新联考) Of all the sports,I like basketball better.It is an interesting sport, that many people like to play in our spare time.So did I.What a fun it is! 模拟演练(三) 解析12345678910 答案 best theirdowhich Playing basketball not only makes us strong and health,but also helps us keep in good shape and grow taller. But I hope that I will be tall in the future.Besides,it could help us learn how to get along with others.I usually play basketball with my friends on weekend.It is really exciting. So,I hope more and more people can take part playing basketball. 答案 解析12345678910 healthy And can weekends in 1.答案 betterbest 解析 考查最高级。句意为:在所有的运动中,我最喜欢篮球。 根据前面的Of all可知,这里是应用最高级,故把better改为best。 返回 解析12345678910 2.答案 thatwhich 解析 考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是非限制 性定语从句,先行词是sport,在定语从句中作动词play的宾语,故 把that改为which。 返回 解析12345678910 3.答案 ourtheir 解析 考查代词。此句主语是many people,这里表示“在他们的空闲 时间”,故把our改为their。 返回 解析12345678910 4.答案 diddo 解析 考查动词的时态。根据语境可知,“我”喜欢打篮球描述的是 现在的事实,用一般现在时,故把did改为do。 返回 解析12345678910 5.答案 删除a 解析 考查名词。句意为:多么有趣啊!fun是不可数名词,故删除 what和fun之间的a。 返回 解析12345678910 6.答案 healthhealthy 解析 考查形容词。这里与前面的strong并列,都用形容词,故把 health改为healthy。 返回 解析12345678910 7.答案 ButAnd 解析 考查连词。句意为:我希望将来自己会长高。前后句之间是 并列关系,不是转折关系,故把But改为And。 返回 解析12345678910 8.答案 couldcan 解析 考查动词的时态。文章通篇用了一般现在时,而且描述是客观 事实,故这里要用一般现在时,故把could改为can。 返回 解析12345678910 9.答案 weekendweekends 解析 考查固定短语。句意为:我周末经常和朋友们打篮球。 on weekends在周末,每逢周末。故把weekend改为weekends。 返回 解析12345678910 10.答案 part后加in 解析 考查固定短语。句意为:我希望越来越多的人加入到打篮球的 队伍中。take part in 参加,加入。故把part后加in。 返回 解析12345678910 On my way to the cinema,I noticed a foreigner talk to a policeman who seemed able to understand what the foreigner was saying.They two looked very worriedly.So I went up to see what I could do help them.I told the policeman the foreigner had lost his wallet or camera. 答案 B (2017四川广元统考) Now I want to tell you something what happened last weekend. 或Now I want to tell you what happened last weekend. 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 that talkingunable worried to and Finally the foreigner got back his belonging with the help of the policeman. All of them thanked me.By the time I arrived at the cinema ,the film have been over.Although I missed the film,but I was very happy because I had helped others with my efforts. 或Although I missed the film,but I was very happy because I had helped others with my efforts. 答案 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 belongings Both had yet 11.答案 whatthat或删除something 解析 考查定语从句或宾语从句。something后跟定语从句,关系词用 that。也可删除something,what引导宾语从句。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 12.答案 talktalking 解析 考查非谓语动词。此处强调看到某人正在做某事,用notice sb.doing sth.,故把talk改为talking。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 13.答案 ableunable 解析 考查形容词。此处表达警察看起来理解不了外国人说的话。 故把able改为unable。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 14.答案 worriedlyworried 解析 考查形容词。look是系动词,后面应该用形容词作表语,故把 worriedly改为worried。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 15.答案 help前加to 解析 考查非谓语动词。句意为:因此我上前去看看我能帮什么 忙。此处表示目的,故在help前加to。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 16.答案 orand 解析 考查连词。此处表达丢了钱包和相机,而不是两者中的一个。 故把or改为and。 返回 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 17.答案 belongingbelongings 解析 考查名词单复数。这里财物不止一个,belonging表“财物” 是可数名词,故改为复数形式belongings。 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 返回 18.答案 AllBoth 解析 考查代词。此处表达“警察和外国人都”,是两个人, 而all表示三者以上,故要改为Both。 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 返回 19.答案 havehad 解析 考查时态。电影结束在我到达电影院之前,故主句应该用过去 完成时。故把have改为had。 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 返回 20.答案 删除but或butyet 解析 考查连词。although与but不能连用,但可以与yet连用,故删除 but或把but改为yet。 解析1112 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 返回 答案 C (2017辽宁鞍山一中四模) A man requested on a wise man to help his son quit his bad habits.The wise man took the boy for walk in a garden.Stopping sudden he asked the boy to pull out a tiny plant.The boy held the plant between his thumb and forefingers and pulled it out.The man then asked him to pull out another plant which was slightly big. 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 suddenly a forefinger bigger The boy pulled hard and the plant came up.“Now pull out that one,” said the man point to a bush.The boy tried his best but couldnt pull them out.“So it is with bad habits,” said the wise man.“When they are young,it is easy to pull them out,though when they take hold, they can be uprooted.” 或they can be uprooted.” 答案 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 out pointing but it not cant 21.答案 删除on 解析 考查固定搭配。request是及物动词,常用request sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事,所以把requested后的on删除。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 22.答案 walk前加a 解析 考查冠词。walk作名词时是可数名词,常用a walk表示一次散 步。所以在walk前加a。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 23.答案 suddensuddenly 解析 考查副词。副词修饰动词,故把sudden改为suddenly。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 24.答案 forefingersforefinger 解析 考查名词单复数。forefinger是食指,指一根手指,所以应该 用单数。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 25.答案 bigbigger 解析 考查形容词比较级。此处与前面提到的植物进行比较,所以用比 较级。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 26.答案 upout 解析 考查固定短语。此处表示把植物拔出来,所以用come out“ 出来”。come up出现,发生。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 27.答案 pointpointing 解析 考查非谓语动词。这句话中已经有谓语动词said,point to a bush这个动作是作伴随状语,point与主语之间是主动关系,所以用 pointing。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 28.答案 themit 解析 考查代词。结合上句可知,此处指的是前面提到的“a bush” ,为单数形式,故应用it指代。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 29.答案 thoughbut 解析 考查连词。此处表示转折,所以把though改为but。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 30.答案 cancant或can后加not 解析 考查语境理解。当它们扎根后,就不能被连根拔起了。所以将 can改为cant或can后加not。 返回 解析2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 答案 D (2017广东深圳一模) During the winter vacation,I worked as volunteer in Xinhua Bookstore,I work 8 hours every day for more than 20 days.There,I mainly did some cleaning,put the books with order and introduced much books to customers.I helped the shop assistants sell more than 3,000 copies of books.Through the activity,Ive come to fully understood that it is not easily to work. 解析3132 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 a worked inmany understand easy Meanwhile,I have also learned how to communicate with different customer ,which has built up your confidence.This great activity has not only been enriched my social life,and inspired me to study harder and realize my future dreams. 答案 customers 解析3132 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 my but 31.答案 volunteer前加a 解析 考查冠词。此处volunteer为可数名词,表示单数,故其前加a 。 返回 解析3132 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 32.答案 workworked 解析 考查动词的时态。根据前文的提示可知此处为过去时,故用 worked。 返回 解析3132 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 33.答案 within 解析 考查固定搭配。put.in order把摆放整齐。 返回 解析31


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