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1 UnitUnit 5 5 综合水平测试综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:JimJim hashas a a baseballbaseball bat.bat. ( A A )1.A. B. C. 听力材料:TheThe soccersoccer ballball isis yellowyellow andand white.white. ( A A )2.A. B. C. 听力材料:I I alwaysalways playplay basketballbasketball afterafter school.school. ( A A )3.A. B. C. 听力材料:WatchingWatching TVTV isis relaxing.relaxing. ( B B )4.A. B. C. 听力材料:ThisThis isis mymy fathersfathers puter. ( C C )5.A. B. C. 二、听句子,选择正确的答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:DoesDoes youryour grandfathergrandfather havehave a a TV?TV? ( C C )6.A.Yes,it is. BNo,she doesnt. CYes,he does. 听力材料:DoDo youyou playplay tennistennis atat school?school? ( A A )7.A.Yes,I do. BNo,Im not. CYes,I am. 听力材料:WhatWhat colorcolor isis youryour volleyball?volleyball? ( C C )8.A.No,I dont. BVolleyball. CIts yellow. 听力材料:LetsLets playplay basketballbasketball afterafter class!class! ( C C )9.A.Thank you. BNo,I dont. COK! 听力材料:WheresWheres mymy pingpongpingpong bat?bat? ( B B )10.A.He is in the classroom. BIts on the desk. CThey are under the chair. 三、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:M M:DoDo youyou havehave a a rulerruler,Lucy?Lucy? W W:NoNo,I I dont.Lindadont.Linda hashas one.one. 2 ( B B )11.Who has a ruler? ALucy. BLinda. CCindy. 听力材料:W W:DoDo youyou playplay volleyball?volleyball? M M:NoNo,itsits boring.Iboring.I playplay pingpingpong.pong. ( C C )12.What does the boy play? AVolleyball. BBasketball. CPingpong. 听力材料:M M:AnnaAnna,isis youryour volleyballvolleyball onon thethe sofa?sofa? W W:NoNo,itsits underunder thethe desk.desk. ( A A )13.Wheres Annas volleyball? AUnder the desk. BUnder the bed. COn the sofa. 听力材料:M M:KateKate,I I alwaysalways playplay computercomputer gamesgames withwith mymy cousin.Whatcousin.What aboutabout you?you? W W:I I alwaysalways playplay sportssports withwith mymy brother.brother. ( C C )14.Kate always play sports with her _. Acousin Bfather Cbrother 听力材料:W W:LookLook,JackJack!ThoseThose twotwo volleyballsvolleyballs areare mine.mine. M M:I I dontdont havehave volleyballsvolleyballs,butbut I I havehave threethree basketballs.basketballs. ( B B )15.Jack has _ basketballs. Atwo Bthree Cfour 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: ImIm Paul.HePaul.He isis mymy brotherbrother Tom.HeTom.He likeslikes blue.Heblue.He likeslikes playingplaying sports.Hesports.He alwaysalways playsplays basketballbasketball afterafter school.Heschool.He thinksthinks itit isis interesting.Heinteresting.He hashas fourfour basketballs.Theybasketballs.They areare underunder thethe bed.Butbed.But hehe doesntdoesnt playplay soccer.Hesoccer.He thinksthinks itit isis boring.boring. ( C C )16.Who is Tom? APauls friend. BPauls cousin. CPauls brother. ( B B )17.What does Tom like playing? AVolleyball. BBasketball. CSoccer. ( A A )18.Tom has _ basketballs. Afour Btwo Cthree ( B B )19.Where are the basketballs? AIn the box. BUnder the bed. COn the sofa. ( A A )20.Tom thinks playing soccer is _. Aboring Binteresting Crelaxing 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) ( D D )21.Linda has _ baseball and she likes to play _ baseball.(易错 题) Aa;the Bthe;the Cthe;/ Da;/ ( A A )22.Sally thinks English is difficult _ her. Afor Bin Cwith Dof ( C C )23.Lucy is my uncles daughter._ are cousins. AI BShe CWe DThey ( A A )24.I dont like this game.Its _. 3 Aboring Bfun Cgood Drelaxing ( C C )25.Jane,lets _ Tom for two CDs. OK. Ato ask Basks Cask Dasking ( D D )26.Does your brother _ a tape player? Yes,he _ two.(易错题) Ahas;have Bhave;have Chas;has Dhave;has ( D D )27.What _ do you like? Tennis. Aclass Bcolor Cnumber Dsport ( D D )28.Bill is in China,_ his brothers _.(易错题) Aand;dont Bbut;dont Cand;arent Dbut;arent ( A A )29.Does John love sports? _.He thinks theyre interesting. AYes,he does BYes,he loves CNo,he doesnt DNo,he doesnt love ( D D )30.Lets watch TV. _ I love it. AOh,no! BIt sounds boring! CThank you! DThat sounds good! 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) TheThe boysboys namename isis David.HeDavid.He _3131_ twotwo friendsfriends _3232_ school.Theyschool.They areare JennyJenny andand Paul.TheyPaul.They threethree areare goodgood _3333_TheyThey allall likelike _3434_ sports.sports. JennyJenny likeslikes tennistennis veryvery much.Shemuch.She thinksthinks itit isis _3535_SheShe oftenoften playsplays tennistennis _3636_ thethe twotwo boysboys afterafter school.Andschool.And sheshe cancan playplay itit veryvery _3737_ BasketballBasketball isis PaulsPauls favoritefavorite sport.Hesport.He thinksthinks itit isis fun.Hefun.He _3838_ likelike playingplaying tennistennis andand hehe thinksthinks itit isis boring.boring. DavidDavid likeslikes playingplaying tennistennis _3939_ basketball.Hebasketball.He playsplays _4040_ everyevery day.Theyday.They areare relaxingrelaxing forfor him.him. ( B B )31.A.have Bhas Cam Dare ( A A )32.A.at Bon Cfrom Dto ( A A )33.A.friends Bcousins Cboys Dgirls ( B B )34.A.plays Bplaying Cplay Dto playing ( A A )35.A.interesting Bboring Chappy Ddifficult ( C C )36.A.for Babout Cwith Dto ( A A )37.A.well Bgood Cfine DOK ( B B )38.A.dont Bdoesnt Cisnt Dcant ( C C )39.A.so Bor Cand Dbut ( A A )40.A.them Bthey Cit Dtheir 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 20 分) A A Gina,Frank and Mary are good friends.Ginas favorite sport is baseball.She has 4 five baseballs. What is Franks favorite sport?Is it soccer?No,he likes basketball best.He thinks it is fun.He is in a basketball club (俱乐部)Lin Shuhao is his favorite player. Does Mary like volleyball?No,she doesnt.She thinks it is boring.Her favorite sport is tennis.She likes the tennis player Li Na very much. ( B B )41.Whats Ginas favorite sport? ABasketball. BBaseball. CVolleyball. DTennis. ( A A )42.Gina has _ baseballs. Afive Bsix Cseven Deight ( B B )43.Frank thinks basketball is _. Adifficult Bfun Cboring Drelaxing ( C C )44.Mary likes _. ALi Ning BLin Shuhao CLi Na DLi Yang ( D D )45.Gina,Mary and Frank all like _. Abooks Bdogs Cwatches Dsports B B Dear Bill, How is everything going? Heres a photo of my father and my uncle Andrew.This is my father,Carol Smith.Hes in a green jacket.He likes sports and his favorite sport is basketball.But pingpong is difficult for him.The one next to my father is Andrew.He is my fathers brother.He likes sports,too.He can play baseball and basketball very well.He likes watching sports games on TV.He always plays sports with my father and me.Its relaxing for us to play sports.But he only has one basketball. Yours, Han ( B B )46.What is Andrews last name? AWhite. BSmith. CBrown. DDean. ( D D )47.What is Hans fathers favorite sport? ASoccer. BPingpong. CBaseball. DBasketball. ( C C )48.Andrew plays _ very well. Abasketball and soccer Bvolleyball and basketball Cbaseball and basketball Dvolleyball and pingpong ( D D )49.Han always plays basketball with _. Ahis friends Bhis cousins Chis classmates Dhis family ( D D )50.We can know that _. AAndrew doesnt like watching TV BHan always plays sports in the afternoon CAndrew is in green in the photo DAndrew has one basketball 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 5 A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成下列单词。 5151I I onlyonly (只) have one pingpong ball. 52Let me getget (去取) a dictionary for you. 53Some ballsballs (球) are under the bed. 54Its latelateLets go now! 55I always play basketball withwith my friends after school. B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 interesting,great,relaxing,they,classmate 56Li Na is a greatgreat tennis player. 57Lets ask themthem for help. 58My grandma tells me an interestinginteresting story every day. 59Are the two boys your classmates?classmates? 60It is relaxingrelaxing for my family to watch TV. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 20 分) A A)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 6161你有棒球拍吗? DoDo you havehave a baseball bat? 62我非常爱我的妈妈。 I lovelove mymy mother very much. 63我经常在课后打网球。 I often play tennis afterafter classclass 64山姆总是上学迟到。 Sam isis often latelate for school. 65莉莉和珍妮在同一个班。 Lily and Jenny are inin thethe samesame classclass B)按要求完成下列句子。 66They have three nice pictures.(改为一般疑问句) DoDo they havehave three nice pictures? 67Does she play sports?(作否定回答) NoNo,sheshe doesntdoesnt 68His friends have a soccer ball.(改为否定句) His friends dontdont havehave a soccer ball. 69Four_volleyballs are under the chair.(对画线部分提问) WhatWhat areare under the chair? 70I dont like volleyball.Jane likes volleyball.(用 but 合并为一句) I dont like volleyball butbut Jane doesdoes 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A A:HelloHello,Mike.Mike.71.71._C C_ B:Yes,I do.I have a nice pingpong bat. A:Do you have pingpong balls? B:72._E E_ But my brother Bill has three pingpong balls. A:73._A A_ B:He is in the library. 6 A:74._D D_ B:His pingpong balls are on the white table. A:Lets get the pingpong balls,find Bill and play pingpong! B:75._B B_ Lets go! AWhere is Bill? BSounds great! CDo you have a pingpong bat? DWhere are his pingpong balls? ENo,I dont. 十一、短文填词。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式补全短文。 playplay,hehe,goodgood,mothermother,sportsport,tootoo,twotwo,onon,ballball,alwaysalways MyMy namename isis Sally.NickSally.Nick isis mymy father.father.76.76.HeHe likes sports.He has four tennis 77.ballsballsBob is his 78.goodgood friend.He likes 79.sportssports,too.They 80.alwaysalways play tennis in the afternoo
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